Ti - Ts

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List of Abbreviations for Titles

TG Tia-Huanaco (Peruv.). Most magnificent ruins of a pre-historic city in Peru.
TG Tiamat (Chald.). A female dragon personifying the ocean; the "great mother" or the living principle of chaos. Tiamat wanted to swallow Bel, but Bel sent a wind which entered her open mouth and killed Tiamat.
TG Tiaou (Eg.). A kind of Devachanic post mortem state.
TG Tien-Hoang (Chin.). The twelve hierarchies of Dhyanis.
TG Tien-Sin (Chin.). Lit., "the heaven of mind", or abstract, subjective, ideal heaven. A metaphysical term applied to the Absolute.

TG Tikkun (Chald.). Manifested Man or Adam Kadmon, the first ray from the manifested Logos.
FY Tikkun, Adam Kadmon, the ray from the Great Centre.

KT Timaeus (of Locris). A Pythagorean philosopher, born at Locris. He differed somewhat from his teacher in the doctrine of metempsychosis. He wrote a treatise on the Soul of the World and its nature and essence, which is in the Doric dialect and still extant.

On Time by H. P. Blavatsky

WG Time, kala, is divided by the Hindus as follows: 15 nimishas (twinklings of the eye) equal 1 kashta; 30 kashtas equal 1 kala; 30 kalas equal 1 kshana; 12 kshanas equal 1 muhurtta; 30 muhurttas equal 1 day and night.

IU [[Time Periods --]] To complete the list, we will now add that in the course of the following chapters, whenever we use the term Archaic, we mean before the time of Pythagoras; when Ancient, before the time of Mahomet; and when Mediaeval, the period between Mahomet and Martin Luther. It will only be necessary to infringe the rule when from time to time we may have to speak of nations of a pre-Pythagorean antiquity, and will adopt the common custom of calling them "ancient."

MO Ting, Thing [[Norse]] [costly articles, inventory] Parliament
TINGLEY, Katherine A. -- link to biography and books

TG Tiphereth (Heb.). Beauty; the sixth of the ten Sephiroth, a masculine active potency, corresponding to the Vau, V, of the Tetragrammaton IHVH; also called Melekh or King; and the Son. It is the central Sephira of the six which compose Zauir Anpin, the Microprosopus, or Lesser Countenance. It is translated "Beauty" and "Mildness".
WGa Tiphereth, (Heb.), beauty. The sixth of the ten Sephiroth of the Kabalah. A male potency.

TG Tirthakas, or Tirthika and Tirthyas (Sk.). "Heretical teachers." An epithet applied by the Buddhist ascetics to the Brahmans and certain Yogis of India.
VS Tirthikas, the unbelievers [[p. 28]] Brahman ascetics.
WG Tirthika, a pilgrim.
SKv Tirthika Tirthika literally means 'one belonging to a tirtha or holy place,' hence 'a worthy and holy man,' a Brahmana. Later when Brahmanism, Jainism, and Buddhism became antagonistic to one another, this word was applied to a follower or leader of a religion or philosophy other than one's own. For instance, the Buddhists called the Jainas, 'Tirthikas,' or ironically 'Brahmanical ascetics,' or 'unbelievers.' The Jainas, in their turn, called the Buddhists 'Tirthikas,' also implying 'infidels,' 'unbelievers.'

TG Tirthankara (Sk.). Jaina saints and chiefs, of which there are twenty-four. It is claimed that one of them was the spiritual Guru of Gautama Buddha. Tirthankara is a synonym of Jaina.
WG Tirthankara, (also Tirthankar), a Jaina term signifying nearly the same as Avatara; a Jaina Arhat. (Literally, "bathing in holy water.")

TG Tiryaksrota (Sk.). From tiryak "crooked", and syrotas (digestive) "canal". The name of the "creation" by Brahma of men or beings, whose stomachs were, on account of their erect position as bipeds, in a horizontal position. This is a Puranic invention, absent in Occultism.
TG Tishya (Sk.). The same as Kaliyuga, the Fourth Age.
TG Titans (Gr.). Giants of divine origin in Greek mythology who made war against the gods. Prometheus was one of them.

TG Titiksha (Sk.). Lit., "long-suffering, patience". Titiksha, daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma (divine law) is its personification.
VS Titiksha state (III 22) [[p. 64]] (22). Titiksha is the fifth state of Raja Yoga one of supreme indifference; submission, if necessary, to what is called "pleasures and pains for all," but deriving neither pleasure nor pain from such submission in short, the becoming physically, mentally, and morally indifferent and insensible to either pleasure or pain.
FY Titiksha, renunciation.
WG Titiksha, endurance, patience, resignation, forbearance.
SKv Titiksha Patience, resignation, and endurance; derived from the desiderative or wishing form of the verb-root tij -- to endure, to suffer. In The Voice of the Silence it is said:
Titiksha is the fifth state of Raja Yoga -- one of supreme indifference; submission, if necessary, to what is called "pleasures and pains for all," but deriving neither pleasure nor pain from such submission-in short, the becoming physically, mentally, and morally indifferent and insensible to either pleasure or pain. -- Fragment III, note 22

MO Tjalfe [[Norse]] (chal-veh) [speed] Son of Egil and servant of Thor
MO Tjasse [[Norse]] (chass-eh) A giant: an earlier life period
MO Tjodvitner [[Norse]] (chod-veet-ner) [tjod tether + vitner witness] Fenris; wolf that fishes for the souls of men
TG Tobo (Gnost.). In the Codex Nazaraeus, a mysterious being which bears the soul of Adam from Orcus to the place of life, and thence is called "the liberator of the soul of Adam".

TG Todas. A mysterious people of India found in the unexplored fastnesses of Nilgiri (Blue) Hills in the Madras Presidency, whose origin, language and religion are to this day unknown. They are entirely distinct, ethnically, philologically, and in every other way, from the Badagas and the Mulakurumbas, two other races found on the same hills.
FY Toda, a mysterious tribe in India that practise black magic.

VS "Secret Path" is unattainable this "day," it is within thy reach "to-morrow" (II 24) [[p. 34]] "To-morrow" means the following rebirth or reincarnation.
MO Tomte [[Norse]] (tom-teh) [tom empty] Nature sprite, helpful
TG Toom (Eg.). A god issued from Osiris in his character of the Great Deep Noot. He is the Protean god who generates other gods, "assuming the form he likes". He is Fohat. (Secret Doctrine, I., 673.)
TG To On (Gr.). The "Being", the "Ineffable All" of Plato. He "whom no person has seen except the Son".
TG Tope. An artificial mound covering relics of Buddha or some other great Arhat. The Topes are also called Dagobas.
TG Tophet (Heb.). A place in the valley of Gehenna, near Jerusalem, where a constant fire was kept burning, in which children were immolated to Baal. The locality is thus the prototype of the Christian Hell, the fiery Gehenna of endless woe.
TG Toralva, Dr. Eugene. A physician who lived in the fourteenth century, and who received as a gift from Friar Pietro, a great magician and a Dominican monk, a demon named Zequiel to be his faithful servant. (See Isis Unveiled, II., 60.)
TG Toyambudhi (Sk.). A country in the northern part of which lay the "White Island" -- Shveta Dwipa -- one of the seven Puranic islands or continents.

List of Abbreviated Titles (in alphabetical order)
FY | Five Years of Theosophy - 1885 | H. P. Blavatsky, ed.
GH | Gods and Heroes of the Bhagavad Gita - 1939 | Geoffrey A. Barborka
IN | An Invitation to the Secret Doctrine - 1988 | Grace F. Knoche, ed.
IU | Isis Unveiled - 1877 | H. P. Blavatsky
KT | Key to Theosophy - 1889 | H. P. Blavatsky
MO | The Masks of Odin - 1985 | Elsa-Brita Titchenell
OG | Occult Glossary - 1933, 1996 | G. de Purucker
PV | Esotericism of the Popol Vuh - 1979 | Raphael Girard (glossary by Blair A. Moffett)
SK | Sanskrit Keys the Wisdom Religion - 1940 | Judith Tyberg
SKo Sanskrit terms from The Ocean of Theosophy, by William Q. Judge, 1893.
SP | Sanskrit Pronunciation - 1992 | Bruce Cameron Hall
TG | Theosophical Glossary - 1892 | H. P. Blavatsky
VS | Voice of the Silence - 1889 | H. P. Blavatsky
WG | The Working Glossary - 1892 | W. Q. Judge
WGa Terms from The Working Glossary Appendix
WW | Word Wisdom in the Esoteric Tradition - 1980 | G. de Purucker