List of Title Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)
SD INDEX Sub-astral Sphere of Action II 117, 621n
SD INDEX Subba Row, Tallapragada
----- "Brahmanism on the Sevenfold . . ."
dual meaning of Vedas I 270n
primary prakriti is akasa I 256
----- "Constitution of the Microcosm"
sevenfold man & logos II 635-6
----- "Idyll of the White Lotus" (review)
seven classes of adepts I 574
----- Notes on the Bhagavad Gita I 15n
Crookes's birth of elements I 620-1
daiviprakriti, light, Logos I 136 &n
energy behind Fohat I 139
equates atman w Logos I 110 &n
Fohat instrument of Logos I 137n
force & mulaprakriti II 25 &n
four aspects of Vach I 432
gods & devas II 90
infinite number of logoi I 134n
Isvara & Sabda-Brahman I 137-8 &n, 428
Isvara or Logos I 351n
Logos as first center of activity I 130n
manus & root-races II 140n
mulaprakriti I 10n, 349n
on the nature of Krishna II 318n
One Logos & mulaprakriti I 273-4
Parabrahman, Logos I 428; II 310n
purely metaphysical esotericism I 431
----- "Personal & Impersonal God" (Five Years of Theosophy)
on the One II 598
Parabrahman & Unconsciousness II 598
seven aspects of prajna I 139; II 597n
----- "Septenary Division of Different Indian Systems" (Five Years of Theosophy) I 157-8
----- "Twelve Signs of the Zodiac"
history of creation I 269
kriyasakti II 173
Makara (Capricorn) II 576-80
six primary nature forces I 292-3
SD INDEX Sub-elements, numberless I 12-13, 460, 621, 624, 673
GH Subhadra The daughter of Vasudeva: a younger sister of Krishna, wife of Arjuna, and mother of Abhimanyu (the son referred to in the text of Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 2). Subba Row suggests that the gift of Krishna's sister to Arjuna typifies the union between the sixth and fifth principles in man's constitution, i.e., Buddhi and Manas. (Notes on the Bhagavad-Gita, 9) (Meaning of the word itself: very auspicious. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 2)
TG Subhava (Sk.). Being; the self-forming substance, or that "substance which gives substance to itself". (See the Ekasloka Shastra of Nagarjuna.) Explained paradoxically, as "the nature which has no nature of its own", and again as that which is with, and without, action. (See "Svabhavat".) This is the Spirit within Substance, the ideal cause of the potencies acting on the work of formative evolution (not "creation" in the sense usually attached to the word); which potencies become in turn the real causes. In the words used in the Vedanta and Vyaya Philosophies: nimitta, the efficient, and upadana, the material, causes are contained in Subhava co-eternally. Says a Sanskrit Sloka: "Worthiest of ascetics, through its potency [that of the 'efficient' cause] every created thing comes by its proper nature".
WGa Subhava, the same as Swabhavat, which see.
SD INDEX Subhava (Skt), svabhavat, yeu (Chinese) or I 61
SD INDEX Sublunary World (or Earth, Syrian), watched over by angels I 435
SD INDEX Submersion(s), Submerge(d). See also Atlantis, Axis (Earth's), Continents, Lemuria, Upheavals
of Atlantis II 124, 140, 141, 250, 265-6, 313-14, 493-5
of Boeotia & Eleusis II 270n
British Isles, four times II 746n
Easter Isles &, continent II 316n, 328
eclipse of spiritual sun & II 250n
fifth continent & II 445-6
Garden of Eden locality now II 494
geologists &, continents II 316
influence of tides upon II 325
Lemuria not, but was sunk II 266
men on, continents II 316-17
north polar lands II 328, 360
periodical II 325n
of Plato's island II 8, 141, 250n, 314
pralayas by II 324-5
successive, of continents I 650
third eye &, of Atlantis II 306
SD INDEX Subrace(s)
Atlantean, & their descendants II 743, 774
Atlantis destroyed during fourth II 147n
born, mature, die II 443-4
cycling upward, downwards II 301
each, has a manu II 614
each root-race has seven II 198n
Europeans fr early Aryan II 743
every, has seven branches II 434
every, repeats root-race cycles II 301
fifth, or European II 445
first, of fifth race II 351-2
follow footsteps of mother races II 768
fourth, of Atlantis & beauty II 319
fourth, of fifth race II 433
lives 210,000 years II 435
man's size less after Aryan third II 753
most men are of seventh, of fourth root-race II 178
nascent simplicity of first II 784
oldest, at spiritual apex II 301
our history is of fifth, only II 351
our own special I 417
our race has reached its fifth II 471n
of second race II 117
seed-manus of II 308-9, 321, 597, 614
seven daughters of Atlas were II 493, 768
seven, in every root-race II 434
seventh, after 25,000 years II 445
seventh, of Atlanteans Aryanized II 743
sixth, & America II 444-5
subject to cleansing process II 330
third Atlantean, & records II 353
third Atlantean, & third eye II 306
third of fifth root-race & divine dynasties II 436
tropical year & II 446
we are at midpoint of our I 610
SD INDEX "Subsistence and Elevation . . ." See Gardner, J. S.
TG Substance. Theosophists use the word in a dual sense, qualifying substance as perceptible and imperceptible; and making a distinction between material, psychic and spiritual substances (see "Sudda Satwa"), into ideal (i.e., existing on higher planes) and real substance.
SD INDEX Substance(s). See also Matter, Prakriti, Protyle
abstract potential in pralaya I 328-9
akasa is the primordial I 326
all, endowed w force I 627
astral light or ether is cosmic I 326
becomes gods, monads, atoms I 624
cause of light, heat I 514-15
correlation of forces or I 566n
cosmic, & Fohat I 16, 328
cosmic, eternally homogeneous I 569
creation out of preexisting II 239n
divine, one w divine spirit I 337n
entirely unknown to us I 607n
eternal boundless space, is II 239n
ether a principle of primal I 326, 339
imponderable, fills space I 587
infinite divisibility of I 519
informed by divine breath I 520
laya as noumenon of cosmic I 148
on many planes I 510
matter &, defined I 329
mulaprakriti is primordial II 24
no inorganic I 280-1, 626n; II 672
not matter in metaphysics I 508
noumenon of matter is primal I 601
of occultist most refined I 514n
Parabrahman w Vedantists I 59n
perpetual motion of I 525-6 &n
pradhana as undifferentiated I 62
precosmic, or mulaprakriti I 15
primordial, & our senses I 330
primordial, evolution of I 58-9
primordial, is divine I 594
same each manvantara I 145
science has but one name for I 510
sevenfold I 289, 624
sixth principle upadhi of I 594
supersensuous but atomic I 82
triune first differentiated I 614
undifferentiated, normal condition I 567
various names of primordial I 330, 510
SD INDEX Substance-Principle I 273
SD INDEX Substantialists(ism) I 194n
American, use wrong terms I 146
views of, on force, substance I 566n
WGa Succubus, the female Incubus, which see; a "spirit bride".
TG Suchi (Sk.). A name of Indra; also of the third son of Abhimanin, son of Agni; i.e., one of the primordial forty-nine fires.
WG Suchi, flaming, glowing; the solar fire; the fire of passion and animal instinct.
SD INDEX Suchi (Skt) solar fire
called "drinker of waters" I 521 &n
fire of passion, animal instincts II 105
fire of the gods & II 57n
one of three fires II 247
Pavaka &, made animal man II 102
TG Su-darshana (Sk.). The Discus of Krishna; a flaming weapon that plays a great part in Krishna's biographies.
TG Sudda Satwa (Sk.). A substance not subject to the qualities of matter; a luminiferous and (to us) invisible substance, of which the bodies of the Gods and highest Dhyanis are formed. Philosophically, Suddha Satwa is a conscious state of spiritual Ego-ship rather than any essence.
SD INDEX Suddhasattva (Skt) pure sattva
bodies of gods made of I 522
essence of Isvara's body I 132
SD INDEX Sudden Leaps. See also Saltation
evolution by, (Naudin) II 120
TG Suddhodana (Sk.). The King of Kapilavastu; the father of Gautama Lord Buddha.
TG Sudha (Sk.). The food of the gods, akin to amrita the substance that gives immortality.
TG S'udra (Sk.). The last of the four castes that sprang from Brahma's body. The "servile caste" that issued from the foot of the deity.
OG Sudra -- (Sanskrit) In ancient India a man of the servile or fourth or lowest caste, social and political, of the early civilizations of Hindustan in the Vedic and post-Vedic periods. The other three grades or classes are respectively the Brahmana or priest-philosopher; the Kyshatria, the administrator -- king, noble -- and soldier; and third, the Vaisya, the trader and agriculturist.
GH Sudra The fourth and lowest of the four castes of Vedic India, whose duty consisted in serving the three higher classes. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 69)
SP Sudra -- a member of the servile class, the fourth of the four classes.
TG Sudyumna (Sk.). An epithet of Ila (or Ida), the offspring of Vaivasvata Manu and his fair daughter who sprang from his sacrifice when he was left alone after the flood. Sudyumna was an androgynous creature, one month a male and the other a female.
SD INDEX Sudyumna (Skt)
becomes Ida II 143, 148
is also goddess Ila II 135
SD INDEX Suffering
needed to reach nirvana II 81
pain &, value of II 475
TG Suffism (Gr.). From the root of Sophia, "Wisdom". A mystical sect in Persia something like the Vedantins; though very strong in numbers, none but very intelligent men join it. They claim, and very justly, the possession of the esoteric philosophy and doctrine of true Mohammedanism. The Suffi (or Sofi) doctrine is a good deal in touch with Theosophy, inasmuch as it preaches one universal creed, and outward respect and tolerance for every popular exoteric faith. It is also in touch with Masonry. The Suffis have four degrees and four stages of initiation: 1st, probationary, with a strict outward observance of Mussulman rites, the hidden meaning of each ceremony and dogma being explained to the candidate; 2nd, metaphysical training; 3rd, the "Wisdom" degree, when the candidate is initiated into the innermost nature of things; and 4th, final Truth, when the Adept attains divine powers, and complete union with the One Universal Deity in ecstacy or Samadhi.
SD INDEX Sufi(s)
ancient zodiac owned by a II 431
initiates preserve Chaldean works I 288
mystics II 244
rohanee [ruhani] of, & Atma-vidya I 199
TG Sugata (Sk.). One of the Lord Buddha's titles, having many meanings.
SD INDEX Suggestion mentale . . . . See Ochorowicz, J.
GH Sughosha The name of the conch-shell of Nakula. (Meaning of the word itself: making a loud noise. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 4)
SD INDEX Suhhab, Babylonian god II 5
----- Greek Lexicon
on animate stones II 342
cited by Dr Sepp I 655n; II 619-20
Hermetic fragment q by I 286
Orpheus taught man zoomancy I 362-3
universe created in 12,000 years I 340 &n
WG Sukha, pleasure.
TG Sukhab (Chald.). One of the seven Babylonian gods.
TG Sukhavati (Sk.). The Western Paradise of the uneducated rabble. The popular notion is that there is a Western Paradise of Amitabha, wherein good men and saints revel in physical delights until they are carried once more by Karma into the circle of rebirth. This is an exaggerated and mistaken notion of Devachan.
TG Suki (Sk.). A daughter of Rishi Kashyapa, wife of Garuda, the king of the birds, the vehicle of Vishnu; the mother of parrots, owls and crows.
TG Sukra (Sk.). A name of the planet Venus, called also Usanas. In this impersonation Usanas is the Guru and preceptor of the Daityas -- the giants of the earth -- in the Puranas.
WG Sukra, the planet Venus; clean, bright.
SD INDEX Sukra (Skt). See also Venus
is Earth's primary II 31
male deity, son of Bhrigu II 30, 32n
mother of, killed by Vishnu II 33
third race under II 29, 30
Usanas-, is Lucifer, Satan II 45 &n
WG Sukshma, atomic, intangible, small, fine; the undifferentiated condition of matter.
SD INDEX Sukshma (Skt) subtle, intangible
latent undifferentiated state I 522
solar system exists in, form I 138
TG Sukshma Sarira (Sk.). The dream-like, illusive body akin to Manasarupa or "thought-body". It is the vesture of the gods, or the Dhyanis and the Devas. Written also Sukshama Sharira and called Sukshmopadhi by the Taraka Raja Yogis. (Secret Doctrine, I., 157.)
FY Sukshma sariram, the subtile body.
WG Sukshma-sarira, the subtle body, the "double."
SD INDEX Sukshma-Sarira (Skt) [subtle body], clothes inferior dhyanis I 132 &n
WG Sukshmavastha, the latent condition of the attributes before evolution began.
TG Sukshmopadhi (Sk.). In Taraka Raja Yoga the "principle" containing both the higher and the lower Manas and Kama. It corresponds to the Manomaya Kosha of the Vedantic classification and to the Svapna state. (See "Svapna".)
KT Sukshmopadhi. The physical body in the dreaming state (Svapna), and Karanopadhi, "the causal body." [These terms belong to the teachings of the Taraka Raj Yoga School.]
FY Sukshmopadhi, fourth and fifth principles (Raja Yoga).
WG Sukshmopadi, the psychic body in the dreaming state; the subtle body used by the dreamer.
SD INDEX Sukshmopadhi (Skt), mind-desire body I 157
SD INDEX Suliman [Sulayman] (Pers)
ring of II 398
seventy-two wise kings II 396
SD INDEX Sulla, Lucius C. (Sylla in tx), augurs in the day of II 518
SD INDEX Sulla. See Plutarch
SD INDEX Sulphur, in alchemy II 113-14
SD INDEX Sumati (Skt) son of Bharata II 321
SD INDEX Sumatra
legends of II 788
once part of Lemuria II 324
remnant of sunken continent II 222
TG Su-Meru (Sk.). The same as Meru, the world-mountain. The prefix Su implies the laudation and exaltation of the object or personal name which follows it.
VS Sumeru (III 25) [[p. 66]] Mount Meru, the sacred mountain of the Gods.
SKv Sumeru, Meru Sumeru is 'beautiful Meru,' the Hindu Olympus. Meru (of unknown derivation) is the name of the sacred mountain or abode of the gods, and its summit, according to occult science, is situated at the North Pole. This summit corresponds to the Atman or the divinity of man. The heart of the first continent of the Human Race was also on this holy mountain of Sumeru.
SD INDEX Summer, seven symbol of Earth in Spring & II 583
TG Summerland. The name given by the American Spiritualists and Phenomenalists to the land or region inhabited after death by their "Spirits". It is situated, says Andrew Jackson Davis, either within or beyond the Milky Way. It is described as having cities and beautiful buildings, a Congress Hall, museums and libraries for the instruction of the growing generations of young "Spirits". We are not told whether the latter are subject to disease, decay and death; but unless they are, the claim that the disembodied "Spirit" of a child and even still-born babe grows and develops as an adult is hardly consistent with logic. But that which we are distinctly told is, that in the Summerland Spirits are given in marriage, beget spiritual (?) children, and are even concerned with politics. All this is no satire or exaggeration of ours, since the numerous works by Mr. A. Jackson Davis are there to prove it, e.g., the International Congress of Spirits by that author, as well as we remember the title. It is this grossly materialistic way of viewing a disembodied spirit that has turned many of the present Theosophists away from Spiritualism and its "philosophy". The majesty of death is thus desecrated, and its awful and solemn mystery becomes no better than a farce.
KT Summerland. The fancy name given by the Spiritualists to the abode of their disembodied "Spirits," which they locate somewhere in the Milky Way. It is described on the authority of returning "Spirits" as a lovely land, having beautiful cities and buildings, a Congress Hall, Museums, etc., etc. (See the works of Andrew Jackson Davis.)
VS Nyima (II 26) The Sun [[p. 36]] Nyima, the Sun in Tibetan Astrology. Migmar or Mars is symbolized by and "Eye," and Shagpa or Mercury by a "Hand."
SD INDEX Sun(s). See also Central Sun, Solar, Solar Systems, Surya
Adonai or, (Gnostic) I 577; II 538n
all Earth's elements in I 583
Apollo, Phoebus or II 770
born, grows, changes, dies I 609
bright god of light I 479
Brothers of the I 271n
central mass of, gaseous I 530 &n
chief of twelve constellations II 23
-Christ lives in thee (Bernard) I 401
combustion, not in I 149, 541, 591
Commentary on I 289-92
conjunction of, Moon, & Earth II 76, 435
connection w cross II 559
contains many unknown elements I 583
contraction & expansion of I 541-2
creation of, (Chald) II 145
creation of life by I 294
creation of seven new I 290
crocodile & II 577
deviated fr course, (Phaethon) II 535
divine spirit symb by fire or II 113
dragon symbol of II 380
eclipses of, & allegories II 380
eleven year cycle of I 541 &n
evolution of I 101-2
evolved fr primal matter I 625
explosion of, & planets I 500
eye of Odin or I 402
"eye of Osiris" II 25
Father II 462, 540
father of man II 105, 109
father of pneuma, human soul II 113
Father of the seven fathers I 575n
fed on "Mother's refuse & sweat" I 102
feminine to Semites once I 397
fire, air, &, three occult degrees of fire II 114
first race under II 29
-fluids awaken life, motion I 529
focus, lens of primordial light I 580
formation of, & stars I 595n, 602
generation, Moon & I 229
gives life to planets I 386; II 23
glowing, not burning I 149, 541, 591
gods called Archagetos II 463n
guardian of Jupiter I 493
has no nucleus (Williams) II 136n
has no polar compression I 593
heart of solar world I 540-2
heat of I 102, 149, 484n, 528, 591
highest god II 361, 538
incandescent, a fallacy I 149, 591
initiation of II 381
inner man drawn to Parent- I 639
jiva (soul) goes to I 132
Joshua stopped II 535
kama-rupa of akasa I 527n
Kant's theories on I 602
larger than Earth (1300 times) II 708
legend of Rahu & II 381
legend of Sanjna & II 174
as the Logos I 134n, 428
luminosity of, (science) I 528n
as a magnet I 497-9, 501
manas, kama-rupa fr II 241
Mercury & II 28
Mercury Messiah of II 541
Messiah, Christos II 23
Metcalf's caloric flows fr I 524 &n
millions of I 576n
Mithra, Iao & II 474
Moon &, affect man's body I 229
Moon &, cycles discussed II 620-1
Moon &, Son & Father I 229
Moon as eye of I 304-5
neither rises nor sets I 290n; II 155
not a planet but fixed star I 448
not cause of light, heat I 580
noumenon of electricity I 531
occult influence on seven planets I 575n
path of, called serpent II 356
perturbing influence on planets I 503
planets &, time measurers II 621
planets brothers not sons I 101, 449, 588-9
planets did not evolve fr I 101, 588-9
at pralaya I 370, 376; II 69n, 611
rebirth of northern, & Ankh II 547
reflect concealed primaries I 289
regulates manifested life II 595
revolves round Alcyone (Madler) I 501
rises & sets once a year, (Avesta) II 291
rising, setting of, (Vishnu Purana) II 155
rose in the south II 535
rotates w the planets I 100 &n
Sabasius, called II 419
self-moving, queried I 670
seven I 179
sevenfold I 290 &n
seven(fold) ray(s) I 290, 515 &n; II 25, 69n
seventh planet, ancients called I 99-100n
as seventh principle I 527n
in ship on back of crocodile I 409-10
solidity of, repudiated I 591
source of vital force I 531
spectroscope shows outer, only I 528
spectrum of I 143n, 528, 595-6
spheres of action of II 621 &n
spirit of fire resides in, (Kepler) I 493
spirit of light, life giver I 481
spirits oversee, (Kepler) I 499
spiritual, & avataras, saviors I 638
spiritual, enlivens kosmos II 23
spirit under the, (Zohar) II 553
substance of all I 289
substance of, immaterial I 499
substitute for sacred planet I 575 &n
surface described I 530, 531
swallow comets I 204
symbol became phallic II 584
symbolizes resurrection II 459
in Taurus (Druids, Magi) II 759
Thomson on age of I 501; II 10n, 258n
threatened younger brothers I 102
understanding II 639n
unknown rays in spectrum of I 143n
Uranus, Neptune, & I 575
various names for I 463; II 540
vehicle of a god I 479
Venus "the other" II 24, 31
Vishnu becomes II 38
visible, a maya or reflection I 179
vital electricity of, & man II 105
warmed sweat-born egg II 131
zodiacs & II 431
SD INDEX Sun (Fourth World of Syrians), mightiest gods in I 435
SD INDEX Sun-Abrasax, central spiritual sun II 214
TG Sunasepha (Sk.). The Puranic "Isaac"; the son of the sage Rishika who sold him for one hundred cows to King Ambarisha, for a sacrifice and "burnt offering" to Varuna, as a substitute for the king's son Rohita, devoted by his father to the god. When already stretched on the altar Sunasepha is saved by Rishi Visvamitra, who calls upon his own hundred sons to take the place of the victim, and upon their refusal degrades them to the condition of Chandalas. After which the Sage teaches the victim a mantram the repetition of which brings the gods to his rescue; he then adopts Sunasepha for his elder son. (See Ramayana.) There are different versions of this story.
SD INDEX Sunda Island II 327
sank w 80,000 Malays II 787n
SD INDEX Sun-day should be Uranus-day (Ragon) I 99-100n
SD INDEX Sunday School, & astrology I 228-9n
SD INDEX Sun Fluids, or emanations I 529
SD INDEX "Sun Force and Earth Force." See Richardson
TG Sung-Ming-Shu (Chin.). The Chinese tree of knowledge and tree of life.
SD INDEX Sung-Ming-Shu (Chin), Tree of Knowledge, Life II 215
SD INDEX Sun-God(s). See also Avataras, Christ, Saviors
allegories of, agree II 381-3
connected w Taurus I 656
creative powers of II 386
Dragon of Wisdom & II 507
in Egyptian mysteries I 353, 366n, 379n, 385; II 462-4, 466, 633
Horus-Apollo the I 367
Krishna, the bright I xliii
male gods first become II 43-4
many names of II 379
Phta later classed as I 353
supreme deity everywhere II 139n
turned into Satan II 507
-worship fr India to Pharaohs II 379
SD INDEX Sung Period (China), sages of, used circle symbols II 554
SD INDEX Sun-Initiate, crucified II 543
SD INDEX Sunlight, tiny beings visible in I 608
SD INDEX "Sun like blood. . ." [Byron's Childe Harold] I xli
SD INDEX Suns of Life II 239-41
SD INDEX Suns of Righteousness, Sun-gods become II 43
SD INDEX Sun-Sons I 100, 103
SD INDEX Sunspots
ascent of jiva after death & I 132
contraction of solar heart I 541-2
cycle of eleven years I 541 &n
SD INDEX Sun-Wolf, or Mercury II 28
TG Sunya (Sk.). Illusion, in the sense that all existence is but a phantom, a dream, or a shadow.
SD INDEX Sunya (Skt) empty, void, nought & Arabic ciphron (cipher) I 361n
TG Sunyata (Sk.). Void, space, nothingness. The name of our objective universe in the sense of its unreality and illusiveness.
FY Sunyata, space; nothingness.
SKo Sunyata The Buddhist term for what is to us 'the Void,' 'the Emptiness'; hence the higher and inner reaches of the Boundless All, or the 'Mystic Fulness of Space.' Because this Utter Fulness of Reality is beyond all human thought and expression and seems to us but an abstraction, it has been called 'The Void.' Sunya means 'empty,' 'void'; ta is a noun-suffix.
SP Sunyata -- voidness or emptiness; in Mahayana Buddhist philosophy, the principle that existence is devoid of any independent and unchanging essence.
TG Suoyator (Fin.). In the epic poem of the Finns, the Kalevala, the name for the primordial Spirit of Evil, from whose saliva the serpent of sin was born.
SD INDEX Suoyatar [Syojattaren] (Finn), Serpent of Evil born fr II 26
SD INDEX Superhuman Intelligences II 194
SD INDEX Supernatural(ism)
adepts living in astral not II 531
Christian theology & II 41
vs dead letter of Bible II 3
early humanity & II 319
rejected by wise men II 631n
term a misnomer I 555n
SD INDEX Superstition(s, ous) I 479
Christian & alleged pagan I 466-70
emotionalism & II 41
many, based on ideas now lost I 466
Upas trees of II 797
used to sway men's minds II 517
SD INDEX "Suppressio veri" (suppression of truth) II 663
GH Sura A king of the Yadava line of the Lunar Dynasty, who ruled over the Surasenas at Mathura. He was the father of Vasudeva and Kunti (q.v.), hence the grandfather of Krishna. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. iv)
TG Surabhi (Sk.). The "cow of plenty"; a fabulous creation, one of the fourteen precious things yielded by the ocean of milk when churned by the gods. A "cow" which yields every desire to its possessor.
SD INDEX Surabhi (Skt)
cow of plenty I 67
parent of cows, buffaloes II 181
SD INDEX Suradhipa (Skt), one of Indra's names II 614
TG Surarani (Sk.). A title of Aditi, the mother of the gods or suras.
SD INDEX Surarani (Skt), Aditi called II 527
TG Suras (Sk.). A general term for gods, the same as devas; the contrary to asuras or "no-gods".
FY Suras, elementals of beneficent order; gods.
WG Suras, good spiritual beings, the antitheses of asuras.
SD INDEX Suras (Skt) gods. See also Asuras
became asuras I 412, 418; II 57n, 59, 86, 93, 227n, 237, 500, 516
Surarani matrix of II 527
various equivalents of I 92
TG Su-rasa (Sk.). A daughter of Daksha, Kashyapa's wife, and the mother of a thousand many-headed serpents and dragons.
SD INDEX Surasa (Skt), mother of dragons II 381
SD INDEX Surgal. See Suryal
SD INDEX "Sur [De] la distinction des forces." See Jaumes, A.
SD INDEX ["Sur l'origine des monuments . . ."] See Henry
TG Surpa (Sk.). "Winnower."
FY Surpa, winnower.
GH Sursooty The modern name of the ancient Sarasvati river: although small it was held very sacred by the Hindus. In ancient times it marked with the Drishadvati river one of the boundaries of the region Aryadesa and of the sacred district called Brahmavarta (The Laws of Manu (Manava-Dharma-Sastra), II, p. 17). The river joins the Ganges and Jumna at Allahabad. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. iii)
MO Surt [[Norse]] [fire] Destroyer of worlds; kenning also for Sinmara's drink
TG Surtur (Scand.). The leader of the fiery sons of Muspel in the Eddas.
SD INDEX Surtur [Surtr] (Norse), fire giant II 99
TG Surukaya (Sk.). One of the "Seven Buddhas", or Sapta Tathagata.
SD INDEX Survival of the Fittest II 648
blind force, chance & II 475
in cosmic evolution I 202-3
among nations II 330
shows nature is conscious I 277-8
strongest often not fittest II 475
takes place after variations II 299n
taught by ancients I 203; II 254
TG Surya (Sk.). The Sun, worshipped in the Vedas. The offspring of Aditi (Space), the mother of the gods. The husband of Sanjna, or spiritual consciousness. The great god whom Visvakarman, his father-in-law, the creator of the gods and men, and their "carpenter", crucifies on a lathe, and cutting off the eighth part of his rays, deprives his head of its effulgency, creating round it a dark aureole. A mystery of the last initiation, and an allegorical representation of it.
FY Soorya, the sun.
WG Surya, the sun.
SD INDEX Surya (Skt). See also Solar System, Sun
Asuramaya pupil of II 67
cures Samba of leprosy II 323
Fohat connected w, & Vishnu I 112
Manu as son of II 141
one of Vedic Trimurti I 90, 100-1
reflection of spiritual sun I 100
Sanjna wife of II 101
seven rays of II 605
Vedic god II 114
visible expression of first principle I 289
Visvakarman & II 559
SD INDEX Suryal (archangel) denounces fallen angels II 382n
SD INDEX Suryamandala (Skt), region of the Sun I 132
TG Suryasiddhanta (Sk.). A Sanskrit treatise on astronomy.
FY Suryasiddhanta, a Sanskrit treatise on astronomy.
SKf Surya-Siddhanta, Asuramaya The Surya-Siddhanta is a well-known astronomical work of ancient India. According to its own statements this work is two million years old and was dictated by Solar Gods to the great sage Asuramaya, that famous Atlantean astronomer and scientist referred to in The Secret Doctrine. Surya is a name for the sun, and siddhanta is a compound of siddha -- perfected, and anta -- end or completion; hence meaning in combination 'a perfected treatise of the Solar Gods.'
SD INDEX Surya-Siddhanta (Skt) I 667
Atlantis & Lemuria in II 326
Meru described II 404
oldest astronomical work II 326
place of no latitude II 401-2n
real names of Atlantis, Lemuria II 323-4n
TG Suryavansa (Sk.). The solar race. A Suryavansee is one who claims descent from the lineage headed by Ikshvaku. Thus, while Rama belonged to the Ayodhya Dynasty of the Suryavansa, Krishna belonged to the line of Yadu of the lunar race, or the Chandravansa, as did Gautama Buddha.
SD INDEX Suryavansa (Skt) solar dynasty
Chandravamsa I 397
war of, w Indovansas I 397
TG Suryavarta (Sk.). A degree or stage of Samadhi.
TG Sushumna (Sk.). The solar ray -- the first of the seven rays. Also the name of a spinal nerve which connects the heart with the Brahmarandra, and plays a most important part in Yoga practices.
WG Sushumna, one of the seven principal rays of the sun; a particular tube in the spinal cord, lying between the vessels called ida and pingala, through which the spirit passes. (See Brahma-randhra, Ida and Pingala.)
SD INDEX Sushumna (Skt)
adept under, sees higher states I 515
affects sleeping man I 537
connects heart w Brahmarandhra I 132
furnishes Moon w light I 515n, 516, 537
highest of seven rays I 523n
mystic ray of Sun I 515 &n
vegetation largely affected by I 537
TG Sushupti Avastha (Sk.). Deep sleep; one of the four aspects of Pranava.
WG Sushupti, the state of dreamless sleep, in which the ego has real experiences of very high spiritual nature. It is entered by all persons, whether virtuous or vile. (See Avastha-traya.)
FY Sushupti Avastha, deep sleep; one of the four aspects of Pranava.
SD INDEX Sushupti (Skt) [deep sleep], human ego latent in I 429
TG Sutra (Sk.). The second division of the sacred writings, addressed to the Buddhist laity.
WG Sutra, the sacred cord worn by the two higher Hindu castes; a religious verse, aphorism or extract.
SKv Sutra, Sutta A Sutra is a thread or string, a rule, an aphorism; derived from the verb-root siv -- to sew; hence a Sutra is that which like a thread runs through everything: a rule or a principle. These Sutras were expressed in terse and technical language in order that they might be committed to memory and meditated upon. There are Sutras, or scriptures, containing these concise sayings on almost every subject. The Pali word for Sutra is Sutta. The Buddhist Suttas contain the moral precepts and philosophical teachings of the Buddha.
TG Sutra Period (Sk.). One of the periods into which Vedic literature is divided.
FY Sutra period, one of the periods into which Vedic literature has been divided.
TG Sutratman (Sk.). Lit., "the thread of spirit"; the immortal Ego, the Individuality which incarnates in men one life after the other, and upon which are strung, like beads on a string, his countless Personalities. The universal life-supporting air, Samashti prau; universal energy.
FY Sutratman, (lit. "the thread spirit,") the immortal individuality upon which are strung our countless personalities.
WG Sutratman, in Vedantic philosophy, the spiritual essence which passes through the five subtle principles of the human being and links them together as by a thread. (sutra, thread; atman, soul: thread-soul.)
OG Sutratman -- (Sanskrit) A compound word meaning "thread-self," the golden thread of individuality -- the stream of self-consciousness -- on which all the substance-principles of man's constitution are strung, so to say, like pearls on a golden chain. The sutratman is the stream of consciousness-life running through all the various substance-principles of the constitution of the human entity -- or indeed of any other entity. Each such pearl on the golden chain is one of the countless personalities which man uses during the course of his manvantara-long evolutionary progress. The sutratman, therefore, may be briefly said to be the immortal or spiritual monadic ego, the individuality which incarnates in life after life, and therefore is rightly called the thread-self or fundamental self. It is this sutratman, this thread-self, this consciousness-stream, or rather stream of consciousness-life, which is the fundamental and individual selfhood of every entity, and which, reflected in and through the several intermediate vehicles or veils or sheaths or garments of the invisible constitution of man, or of any other being in which a monad enshrouds itself, produces the egoic centers of self-conscious existence. The sutratman, therefore, is rooted in the monad, the monadic essence.
SKf Sutratman 'The Thread-Self' or the 'Fundamental Self'; a compound of sutra -- thread, and atman -- self. This Sutratman is the mystic golden thread of consciousness that binds all the Selves and Principles of man into one Individuality or human being. It is rooted in the heart of the Universe. The Sutratman is often used synonymously with Individuality, or that Eternal Pilgrim within us which is reborn in body after body.
IN Sutratma (Skt) "Thread-self," the abiding self or soul which survives death, the spiritual essence (atman), stream of self-consciousness, individuality, or thread of radiance upon which the personalities of its various incarnations are strung.
SD INDEX Sutratman (Skt) thread self
discussed I 236
life-thread I 222
personalities of higher ego on II 79-80, 513
thread linking all principles I 610 &n
thread of immortal monad I 16-17n; II 513
MO Suttung [[Norse]] A giant, keeper of the divine mead of wisdom and poetry
look carefully at v and w's in alpha order
WG Svabhava, the real nature of a thing; concrete aspect of mula-prakriti, the one substance.
OG Svabhava -- (Sanskrit) A compound word derived from the verb-root bhu, meaning "to become" -- not so much "to be" in the passive sense, but rather "to become," to "grow into" something. The quasi-pronominal prefix sva, means "self"; hence the noun means "self-becoming," "self-generation," "self-growing" into something. Yet the essential or fundamental or integral Self, although following continuously its own lofty line of evolution, cannot be said to suffer the changes or phases that its vehicles undergo. Like the monads, like the One, thus the Self fundamental -- which, after all, is virtually the same as the one monadic essence -- sends down a ray from itself into every organic entity, much as the sun sends a ray from itself into the surrounding "darkness" of the solar universe. Svabhava has two general philosophical meanings: first, self-begetting, self-generation, self-becoming, the general idea being that there is no merely mechanical or soulless activity of nature in bringing us into being, for we brought ourselves forth, in and through and by nature, of which we are a part of the conscious forces, and therefore are our own children. The second meaning is that each and every entity that exists is the result of what he actually is spiritually in his own higher nature: he brings forth that which he is in himself interiorly, nothing else. A particular race, for instance, remains and is that race as long as the particular race-svabhava remains in the racial seed and manifests thus. Likewise is the case the same with a man, a tree, a star, a god -- what not!
What makes a rose bring forth a rose always and not thistles or daisies or pansies? The answer is very simple; very profound, however. It is because of its svabhava, the essential nature in and of the seed. Its svabhava can bring forth only that which itself is, its essential characteristic, its own inner nature. Svabhava, in short, may be called the essential individuality of any monad, expressing its own characteristics, qualities, and type, by self-urged evolution. The seed can produce nothing but what it itself is, what is in it; and this is the heart and essence of the doctrine of svabhava. The philosophical, scientific, and religious reach of this doctrine is simply immense; and it is of the first importance. Consequently, each individual svabhava brings forth and expresses as its own particular vehicles its various svarupas, signifying characteristic bodies or images or forms. The svabhava of a dog, for instance, brings forth the dog body. The svabhava of a rose brings forth the rose flower; the svabhava of a man brings forth man's shape or image; and the svabhava of a divinity or god brings forth its own svarupa or characteristic vehicle.
SKf Svabhava, Svabhavika Svabhava is the 'essential characteristic' of any being or thing. That which makes a human being different from other human beings is his Svabhava. The Svabhava of a rose is quite distinct from that of the violet. Everything becomes what it actually is in the heart of its being; hence the word Svabhava -- a compound of sva -- self, and bhava -- becoming, derived from the verb-root bhu -- to become. It is the myriads of individual qualities or Svabhavas possessed by the infinite numbers of beings in this Kosmos which give us the wondrous variety that exists everywhere. Everyone unfolds his own inherent powers, and hence evolution is self-directed. Svabhavika is the adjectival form of Svabhava. It is the name given to a certain mystic school of Buddhism whose fundamental tenet is this idea of 'Self-becoming'.
SP Svabhava [swabhava] -- self-becoming, essential or inherent nature; to be distinguished from svabhavat [swabhavat] -- the self-existent.
SD INDEX Svabhava (Skt) [self-becoming], prakriti or plastic nature I 571
TG Svabhavat (Sk.). Explained by the Orientalists as "plastic substance", which is an inadequate definition. Svabhavat is the world-substance and stuff, or rather that which is behind it -- the spirit and essence of substance. The name comes from Subhava and is composed of three words -- su, good, perfect, fair, handsome; sva, self; and bhava, being, or state of being. From it all nature proceeds and into it all returns at the end of the life-cycles. In Esotericism it is called "Father-Mother". It is the plastic essence of matter.
FY Svabhavat, Akasa; undifferentiated primary matter; Prakriti.
WGa Svabhavat, the "world stuff" or substance with energy. The Spirit within substance. That which is the basis of all manifested things. The "create uncreate".
OG Svabhavat -- (Sanskrit) The neuter present participle of a compound word derived from the verb-root bhu, meaning "to become," from which is derived a secondary meaning "to be," in the sense of growth. Svabhavat is a state or condition of cosmic consciousness-substance, where spirit and matter, which are fundamentally one, no longer are dual as in manifestation, but one: that which is neither manifested matter nor manifested spirit alone, but both are the primeval unity -- spiritual akasa -- where matter merges into spirit, and both now being really one, are called "Father-Mother," spirit-substance. Svabhavat never descends from its own state or condition, or from its own plane, but is the cosmic reservoir of being, as well as of beings, therefore of consciousness, of intellectual light, of life; and it is the ultimate source of what science, in our day, so quaintly calls the energies of nature universal. The northern Buddhists call svabhavat by a more mystical term, Adi-buddhi, "primeval buddhi"; the Brahmanical scriptures call it akasa; and the Hebrew Old Testament refers to it as the cosmic "waters."
The difference in meaning between svabhavat and svabhava is very great and is not generally understood; the two words often have been confused. Svabhava is the characteristic nature, the type-essence, the individuality, of svabhavat -- of any svabhavat, each such svabhavat having its own svabhava. Svabhavat, therefore, is really the world-substance or stuff, or still more accurately that which is causal of the world-substance, and this causal principle or element is the spirit and essence of cosmic substance. It is the plastic essence of matter, both manifest and unmanifest. (See also Akasa)
SKf Svabhavat, Adi-Buddhi The Buddhist term Svabhavat is a compound of sva -- self, and bhavat -'that which is becoming'; hence Svabhavat is 'that which is self-becoming,' the spiritual essence or source or the 'Very Self' of all manifested things. The Svabhavat of the Buddhists is equivalent to the 'Father-Mother' of manifestation, to the Vedantic Parabrahman-Mulaprakriti -- 'Superspirit-Root-matter,' or to that spiritual Akasa where spirit and matter are a Unity, or to Adi-Buddhi, literally meaning 'Original divine intelligence.' Adi-Buddhi has been described by Master K. H. in The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett as "the mystic universally diffused essence," and as "the aggregate intelligence of the universal intelligences including that of the Dhyan Chohans even of the highest order."
IN Svabhavat (Skt) "Self-existent," cosmic consciousness-substance, the reservoir of Being, akasa.
SD INDEX Svabhavat (Skt) self-existent
active condition of essence I 3-4
Buddhistic mulaprakriti I 61
Devamatri & I 53
dual root of all things I 46
emanates noumenon of matter I 84
Father-Mother I 60, 83, 98n
gods generated by I 571; II 115
manifested work of, is karma I 634-5
noumenon of ether I 671
plastic essence of all things I 61, 98 &n
purusha-prakriti I 83
secondary stage I 46
sends Fohat to harden atoms I 85
Svayambhu & I 52
various names for I 98 &n
TG Svabhavika (Sk.). The oldest existing school of Buddhism. They assigned the manifestation of the universe and physical phenomena to Svabhava or respective nature of things. According to Wilson the Svabhavas of things are "the inherent properties of the qualities by which they act, as soothing, terrific or stupefying, and the forms Swarupas are the distinction of biped, quadruped, brute, fish, animal and the like".
WG Svabhavika, a sect of Buddhist philosophers who accounted for all things by the laws of nature.
SD INDEX Svabhavikas (Skt) Buddhist school called atheists I 3-4
TG Svadha. (Sk.). Oblation; allegorically called "the wife of the Pitris", the Agnishwattas and Barhishads.
TG Svaha (Sk.). A customary exclamation meaning "May it be perpetuated" or rather, "so be it". When used at ancestral sacrifices (Brahmanic), it means "May the race be perpetuated!"
SD INDEX Svaha (Skt)
mother by Brahma of Abhimanin II 247
one of Daksha's daughters I 521; II 52
MO Svadilfare [[Norse]] (svah-dil-fahreh) [svad slippery + fare travel] A mythical steed, father of Odin's eightlegged Sleipnir
MO Svafner [[Norse]] (svahv-ner) [closer] Odin at the end of a cycle
FY Swami, (lit. "a master"), the family idol.
WG Svami, master, lord; spiritual preceptor.
TG Svapada (Sk.). Protoplasm, cells, or microscopic organisms.
SD INDEX Svapada (Skt) one's own abode II 52
TG Svapna (Sk.). A trance or dreamy condition. Clairvoyance.
FY Svapna, dreamy condition, clairvoyance.
WG Svapna, the dreaming state, intermediate between jagrata and sushupti. (See Avastha-traya.)
WGa Swapna, the same as Svapna.
TG Svapna Avastha (Sk.). A dreaming state; one of the four aspects of Pranava; a Yoga practice.
SKs Svara Svara means 'mystic sound,' 'tone'; derived from the verb root svri -- to utter sound. Every atom, every being, has its own Svara, its own particular vibration or note. When one knows how to create the equivalent Svara of a person or any living entity he can exercise a magic power of control over that being. The mysteries of sound are very occult, because, not only do they involve White Magic and communication with higher beings, but also Black Magic and misuse of power, and association with lower elemental forces and all the dangers attached thereto. When one lives harmoniously he is in tune with Nature's symphony of vibrations, with its key-Svara.
SD INDEX Svara (Skt), intonation of Vedas & light I 270n
TG Svaraj (Sk.). The last or seventh (synthetical) ray of the seven solar rays; the same as Brahma. These seven rays are the entire gamut of the seven occult forces (or gods) of nature, as their respective names well prove. These are: Sushumna (the ray which transmits sunlight to the moon); Harikesha, Visvakarman, Visvatryarchas, Sannadhas, Sarvavasu, and Svaraj. As each stands for one of the creative gods or Forces, it is easy to see how important were the functions of the sun in the eyes of antiquity, and why it was deified by the profane.
SD INDEX Svaraj (Skt), one of seven solar rays I 515n
TG Svarga (Sk.). A heavenly abode, the same as Indra-loka; a paradise. It is the same as -- [[Svar-loka]]
WG Svarga, heaven, Indra's paradise, said to be situated on the mountain Meru. It is a state in which the disembodied soul enjoys bliss -- under karmic limitations -- for a space of time commensurate with the spiritual energy which produced the state.
WGa Swarga, the same as Svarga.
SKf Svarga The general word for 'heaven.' Svarga literally means (going or leading to the abode of light'; derived from svar -- abode of light; and ga -- going.
SD INDEX Svarga (Skt) heaven
Indra's, & Eden II 203
war in II 498
TG Svar-loka (Sk.). The paradise on Mount Meru.
SD INDEX Svar-loka (Skt)
described II 404
inhabitants of, at maha-pralaya I 371
Meru is II 404
one of seven dvipas II 321
in sacred utterance (vyahriti) I 432n
SD INDEX Svarochi or Svarochisha (Skt)
second manu II 765-6
Seed-Manu, Planet G, first round II 309
TG Svasam Vedana (Sk.). Lit., "the reflection which analyses itself"; a synonym of Paramartha.
SD INDEX Svasamvedana (Skt) paramartha or I 44n, 48n, 53-4
SKv Swa-samvedana Swa-samvedana is a compound of sva -- self, and the root vid -- to know, plus the preposition sam meaning in combination 'to know thoroughly, to understand'; hence the full word implies 'full Self-Consciousness or Self-Realization.' One who reaches Paramartha-satya, the 'Highest Truth' enjoys Swa-samvedana. The grandeur and glory of Nirvana can be fully enjoyed only by one who has attained Swa-samvedana. Those who enter Paranirvana at the close of the Maha-manvantara without having reached Swa-samvedana will merely enter into a state of unconsciousness, because they will not have unfolded the spiritual powers to cognise such spiritual grandeur.
GH Svasti An interjection: well, happily: hence a salutation meaning, may it be well with thee! hail! so be it! (As a noun the word means success, prosperity. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 81)
As differentiated from the swavastika (or sauvastika), which is similar but which has its legs take off from the ends of the cross to the right (right-handed), implying counter-clockwise direction -- counter to the currents of Nature -- the swastika has legs which take off from the ends of the cross to the left (left-handed), implying clockwise direction -- and therefore 'with' the currents of Nature. The symbol which Hitler used for the Nazi party was actually a swavastika (or sauvastika).
Link to Meanings of the Swastika Symbol page
TG Svastika (Sk.). In popular notions, it is the Jaina cross, or the "four-footed" cross (croix cramponnee). In Masonic teachings, "the most ancient Order of the Brotherhood of the Mystic Cross" is said to have been founded by Fohi, 1,027 B.C., and introduced into China fifty-two years later, consisting of the three degrees. In Esoteric Philosophy, the most mystic and ancient diagram. It is "the originator of the fire by friction, and of the 'Forty-nine Fires'." Its symbol was stamped on Buddha's heart, and therefore called the "Heart's Seal". It is laid on the breasts of departed Initiates after their death; and it is mentioned with the greatest respect in the Ramayana. Engraved on every rock, temple and prehistoric building of India, and wherever Buddhists have left their landmarks; it is also found in China, Tibet and Siam, and among the ancient Germanic nations as Thor's Hammer. As described by Eitel in his Hand-Book of Chinese Buddhism: (1) it is "found among Bonpas and Buddhists"; (2) it is "one of the sixty-five figures of the Sripada"; (3) it is "the symbol of esoteric Buddhism"; (4) "the special mark of all deities worshipped by the Lotus School of China". Finally, and in Occultism, it is as sacred to us as the Pythagorean Tetraktys, of which it is indeed the double symbol.
WG Svastika, any lucky or auspicious object; a sign shaped like a Greek cross, with the extremities of the four arms bent at right angles in the same direction.
SKs Swastika A mystical cross with its arms bent at right angles suggesting a whirling motion; also, a symbol of good fortune and blessing. Swastika is a compound of su -- a particle meaning 'auspicious,' 'blessed,' 'virtuous,' 'beautiful,' and 'rightly'; and astika derived from the verb-root as -- to be; hence 'that which is blessed and excellent.' The Swastika is a very archaic and sacred symbol which can be found in the religious relics of every ancient nation, for it depicts the whole story of the cosmos and man, their contrasting dual aspects, the four directions of space, the revolution of worlds, cyclic progression, and the union of spirit and matter at the heart of things. In H. P. Blavatsky's words:
Within its mystical precincts lies the master-key which opens the door of every science, physical as well as spiritual. It symbolizes our human existence, for the circle of life circumscribes the four points of the cross, which represent in succession birth, life, death, and IMMORTALITY. -- The Secret Doctrine, II, 556-7
SD INDEX Svastika. See Swastika
SD INDEX Swastika [or Svastika] II 29
born among early Aryans II 99-101
on brow of Karttikeya II 619
circle & I 433
cross & II 29, 30n, 31, 558
crucifixion, cross I 321n
described II 99-101, 586-7
Eastern symbol universally known II 585-6
emblem of Fohat II 587
figure six symbolizes II 587
found at Troy II 101
four-footed cross II 546
initiation & II 558
kindles the sacred fire II 413n
Mackenzie on II 556n
macrocosmic motion II 99
Masonry & II 98, 100
meant "10,000 truths" II 585
pi number of circle & I 90-1
placed on hearts of initiates II 586
Pramantha, Arani & II 101
seven, on crowns of serpent I 411
tau, Jaina cross & I 657
Thor's hammer or mjolnir II 99
Wan of Buddhist Mongols II 556
within circle I 5
TG Svastikasana (Sk.). The second of the four principal postures of the eighty-four prescribed in Hatha Yoga practices.
TG Svayambhu (Sk.). A metaphysical and philosophical term, meaning "the spontaneously self-produced" or the "self-existent being". An epithet of Brahma. Svayambhuva is also the name of the first Manu.
SD INDEX Svayambhu (Skt) self-produced
Narayana or, penetrates egg I 80-1
universal spirit, svabhavat or I 52
SD INDEX Svayambhu-Narayana (Skt), Manu Svayambhuva sprang fr II 128
WG Svayam-bhuva, the first Manu. (svayam, himself; bhuva, being, existing: self-existing.)
SD INDEX Svayambhuva. See also Manus
Adam Kadmon II 128
cosmic monad II 311
dhyani energies or I 452
Earth's calf I 398n
father of Priyavrata II 326
first manu is II 310-11, 321
as fourteenth manu I 375
Manu I 398n
manus create humanities I 248; II 311
Manu, son of II 307
manvantara of II 322
Narayana or I 80
planetary chain energies fr II 311
pre-nebular cosmogony I 452
root-manu, Planet A, first round II 309
synthesis of the prajapatis II 704n
ten sons of II 369n
union w Vach-Satarupa II 148
universal spirit, highest svabhavat I 52
FY Swapna Avastha, dreaming state; one of the four aspects or Pranava.
TG Svayambhu Sunyata (Sk.). Spontaneous self-evolution; self-existence of the real in the unreal, i.e., of the Eternal Sat in the periodical Asat.
TG Sveta (Sk.). A serpent-dragon; a son of Kashyapa.
TG Sveta-dwipa (Sk.). Lit., the White Island or Continent; one of the Sapta-dwipa. Colonel Wilford sought to identify it with Great Britain, but failed.
SD INDEX Sveta-Dvipa (Skt)
denizens became black w sin II 408 &n
described II 327
divine instructors fr II 366 &n
early Lemuria II 264, 327, 408
of Mt Meru II 6, 366n
Panchasikha visits I 236
replaced by Sambhala II 319
seven kumaras visit Vishnu at II 584
sons of, became corrupted II 319
Taradaitya, demons & II 404
White Island or II 319, 322, 402n, 404, 408
Wilford mistaken re II 402n, 404
TG Sveta-lohita (Sk.). The name of Siva when he appears in the 29th Kalpa as "a moon-coloured Kumara".
SD INDEX Svetalohita (Skt) white-red Siva as, root kumara II 249
SD INDEX Svetasvatara Upanishad
on Mulaprakriti I 10n
siddhas, nirmanakayas II 636n
MO Svipdag [[Norse]] (sveep-dahg) [svip flash + dag day] The successful initiant
MO Svitjod [[Norse]] (sveet-yod) [the cold, the great] Sweden Tables Stars and planets whereat the Aesir feast
SD INDEX Swabhava. See Svabhava
SD INDEX Swan(s). See also Duck, Goose, Kalahansa
air-water symbol I 358
caduceus & wings of I 549
dark, or goose I 20, 79, 80
divine, & Zeus II 122
Egyptian sacred bird I 353
Kalahansa or I 77, 359; II 122 &n
Leda as, bears an egg II 122
of Leda, Jennings on I 358
magical properties of I 362
man-, of later third race II 131
of Myorica II 772n
Seven, Rishis & Great Bear I 357n
symbol explained I 357-8
SD INDEX Swanwick, Mrs Anna
----- The Dramas of Aeschylus
Arrian & Virgil on Alexander II 417
character of Zeus II 419
Io's wanderings inconsistent II 416n
Kuhn on word Prometheus II 413n
man's lower passions II 412-13
role of Prometheus II 411-18
SD INDEX Sweat-Born. See also Root-Race -- Second, Root-Race -- Third
II 121, 164-6, 170, 180
corroboration fr Puranas II 174-5
evolution of II 131-4
hermaphrodites of third race fr II 30
manasa spurned the II 171
men born fr pores of parents II 68
most, animals destroyed in fourth race II 349
produced egg-born II 172, 197, 198
in Puranas, Mahabharata II 182-3
second Bamian statue & II 340
second race as II 146, 148, 164, 173
second race fathers of II 116-17
third race was II 67-8, 131, 177, 198, 329
tilting of Earth's axis & II 329
transition fr, to oviparous II 177, 197
Urdhvasrotas were evolvers of I 456
ancient records (runes) of II 346n
dolmens (geanggrifter) of II 752
has risen two hundred to six hundred feet II 787n
part of Lemuria, Atlantis II 402, 775
Plato's Atlantis (Rudbeck) II 402
TG Swedenborg, Emmanuel. The great Swedish seer and mystic. He was born on the 29th January, 1688, and was the son of Dr. Jasper Swedberg, bishop of Skara, in West Gothland; and died in London, in Great Bath Street, Clerkenwell, on March 29th, 1772. Of all mystics, Swedenborg has certainly influenced "Theosophy" the most, yet he left a far more profound impress on official science. For while as an astronomer, mathematician, physiologist, naturalist, and philosopher he had no rival, in psychology and metaphysics he was certainly behind his time. When forty-six years of age, he became a "Theosophist", and a "seer"; but, although his life had been at all times blameless and respectable, he was never a true philanthropist or an ascetic. His clairvoyant powers, however, were very remarkable; but they did not go beyond this plane of matter; all that he says of subjective worlds and spiritual beings is evidently far more the outcome of his exuberant fancy, than of his spiritual insight. He left behind him numerous works, which are sadly misinterpreted by his followers.
KT Swedenborg (Emanuel). A famous scholar and clairvoyant of the past century, a man of great learning, who has vastly contributed to Science, but whose mysticism and transcendental philosophy placed him in the ranks of hallucinated visionaries. He is now universally known as the Founder of the Swedenborgian sect, or the New Jerusalem Church. He was born at Stockholm (Sweden) in 1688, from Lutheran parents, his father being the Bishop of West Gothland. His original name was Swedberg, but on his being ennobled and knighted in 1719 it was changed to Swedenborg. He became a Mystic in 1743, and four years later (in 1747) resigned his office (of Assessor Extraordinary to the College of Mines) and gave himself up entirely to Mysticism. He died in 1772.
SD INDEX Swedenborg, Emanuel
Adam a church II 42n
first races of men II 33n
great seer of past century II 797
human beings on other planets II 701-2
intuition re ancient ideas I 118 &n
truths of I 622
----- Principia rerum . . .
vortical theory of I 117, 118n, 623
SD INDEX Swiss Cattle, descended fr fossil oxen II 287
SD INDEX Switzerland
Neolithic lake-dwellers of II 716
reindeer portrait in grotto in II 717-18
SD INDEX Sword, Flaming, symbol of animal passions II 62
SD INDEX Sybil. See Sibyl
SD INDEX Sydyk. See Tsaddiq
SD INDEX Syene, walls of, reflected Sun at summer solstice I 209n
SD INDEX Sylla. See Sulla, Lucius C.
TG Sylphs. The Rosicrucian name for the elementals of the air.
WGa Sylph, an elemental of the Air (Rosicrucian).
SD INDEX Sylphs (air elementals), salamanders, etc, derided today I 606
SD INDEX Symbol(s). See also Myths, Symbology
ancient, adopted by Christians I 402-3
ancient use of I 466
Church Fathers disfigured II 98, 481-2
Confucian, & esoteric I 440-1
cosmic, astrological, religious I 229, 241
of cosmogenesis I 4-5
cruciform, of Dii Termini II 542
emblems &, compared I 305-6
esoteric meanings of I 443-5
exoteric, & creeds II 194
Fohat key to many I 673
heirloom fr Atlantis II 431
Hindu & Chaldean II 383
history contained in II 437
initiates' knowledge of II 439
Jews killed spirituality of II 459n
levels of I 407
many-faceted diamond I 305
many meanings to every II 359
Massey on importance of I 303-5
most, archaic I 320-1
occult II 335
Ophidian II 355
origin of, older than Egypt II 630 &n
phallicism reigns supreme in II 273
Pythagorean I 618-19
rationale of II 81
religion & esoteric hist in I 272-3, 307
Renan ignorant of pagan II 457
revelation of the godlike, (Carlyle) I 303
serpent a divine, not evil II 505
seven meanings to every I 363; II 22n, 335, 357, 538, 547, 584, 765
sources of error in I 119
of symbols II 547n
Talmudic Jews profaned II 471
of third race,of forth race II 30
universal language II 469
years of Patriarchs are II 426
SD INDEX Symbolik . . . . See Creuzer, G. Fr.
TG Symbolism. The pictorial expression of an idea or a thought. Primordial writing had at first no characters, but a symbol generally stood for a whole phrase or sentence. A symbol is thus a recorded parable, and a parable a spoken symbol. The Chinese written language is nothing more than symbolical writing, each of its several thousand letters being a symbol.
SD INDEX Symbology, Symbolism. See also Symbols
Bible, Indian, Chaldean, Egyptian I 320-5
Christian fr Hebrew, Hebrew fr Chaldean II 354
discussed I 303-9
fourth stage of, & generation I 36
Hebrew-Egyptian I 308-9, 364n
Hindu I 667
history of world found in II 438
interpretation of II 335
kabbalistic II 457
of marriage ceremony I 614-15n
of Meru & Patala II 357
Mosaic, became crude under Ezra I 319
Mystery language or I 309; II 124
& origin of evil II 274
of Pentateuch & New Testament I 115n
power of occult I 272
representing abstractions I 615
seven departments of I 305
seven keys to universal I xxxviii, 310-11, 363; II 335
spirit & value of II 469
of temple curtain I 125
SD INDEX Symposium. See Plato (Banquet)
SD INDEX Synagogue, influence in modern Zohar II 462
SD INDEX Syncellus, Georgius calls Eusebius a forger I xxvi
SD INDEX Synchronistic Tables
of Abydos II 367
of Manetho & Eusebius I xxvi; II 368, 392, 692-3
SD INDEX Synesius, initiated into Mysteries I xliv
SD INDEX Synodical Month, Saroses I 655n
SD INDEX Synoptics (first three Gospels), Egyptian & pagan symbols in I 384
SD INDEX Synya. See Sunya
SD INDEX Syria(ns)
acquainted w Indian figures I 361
egg symbol among I 359
esoteric school in I xxiii
gods of I 435; II 42n, 43
initiates of II 558
Nabatheans came to, fr Basra II 455
seven lower & seven higher worlds of I 435-6
SD INDEX Syrianus, on Plato (q Thomas Taylor) II 599
SD INDEX Systeme nouveau. See Leibniz, G. W.
SD INDEX System of Logic. See Mill, J. S.
SD INDEX Systolic & Diastolic, property of universe II 43
TG Syzygy (Gr.). A Gnostic term, meaning a pair or couple, one active, the other passive. Used especially of AEons.