S - Sam


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List of Title Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)

TG S. -- The nineteenth letter; numerically, sixty. In Hebrew it is the fifteenth letter, Samech, held as holy because "the sacred name of god is Samech". Its symbol is a prop, or a pillar, and a phallic egg. In occult geometry it is represented as a circle quadrated by a cross, [[symbol of a circle with a cross dividing it into four quarters]]. In the Kabbalah the "divisions of Gan-Eden or paradise" are similarly divided.

TG Sa or Hea (Chald.). The synthesis of the seven Gods in Babylonian mythology.

SD INDEX Sa, or Hea, Babylonian god II 5

SD INDEX Sabaean(s)

Bedouins worship fire, light II 514n
beliefs of II 361-2
critics thought Nabatheans were II 452-3
Henoch (Enoch) of, origin of II 366
invoke Host of Heaven II 514n
Seth & Edris gave language to II 366
symbolic dance II 460-1

SD INDEX Sabaeanism

disfigured Chaldean remnant I 10, 320; II 453-6
Roman Catholicism & I 402
Schemal or Samael in I 417

SD INDEX Sabaeorum Foetum (Lat) [Sabean rubbish] Maimonides termed Nabathean literature II 455

TG Sabalaswas (Sk.). Sons of Daksha (Secret Doctrine, II., 275).

SD INDEX Sabalasvas (Skt) [Sons of Daksha], dissuaded fr procreating II 275n

TG Sabao (Gr.). The Gnostic name of the genius of Mars.

SD INDEX Sabao(th). See Tseba'oth

TG Sabaoth (Heb.). An army or host, from Saba -- to go to war; hence the name of the fighting god-the "Lord of Sabaoth".

SD INDEX Sabasian [Sabazian] Mysteries

Epaphos or Dionysos in II 415
festival II 419
Serpent of Wisdom in II 416

SD INDEX Sabasius [Sabazios] (Gk) Bacchus, Dionysos or II 415, 419

SD INDEX Sabbath(s) I 407

eternal, or light of spirit I 481
generative Jehovah, moon or I 392
of Genesis & Puranas II 624
goat of Witches' II 510
Hesiod on II 603
Jewish, & lunar month I 387
means rest or nirvana I 240
not a day but equals seven days I 240
St Michael, Saturn & I 459
"Secret of Satan" on II 235
seven, & rounds, races (Leviticus) II 565 &n
seventh, end of seventh round I 240; II 491
various meanings of I 447; II 395, 747-8

SD INDEX Sabbatical Week & Year, cycles II 395

TG Sabda (Sk.). The Word, or Logos.

FY Sabda, the Logos or Word.


TG Sabda Brahmam (Sk.). "The Unmanifested Logos." The Vedas; "Ethereal Vibrations diffused throughout Space".

OG Sabda-Brahman -- (Sanskrit) A phrase literally signifying "Word-Brahman" -- a curious analogy with the archaic Greek mystical teaching concerning the Logos. Sabda-Brahman, therefore, may be rendered as the active unmanifest Logos of the solar system, and hence as the soul of Brahman expressing itself through its akasic veils as the divine Logos, or Word or Sound. This term is closely connected in meaning with the teaching concerning daiviprakriti. H. P. Blavatsky in her posthumous Glossary speaks of the Sabda-Brahman as "Ethereal Vibrations diffused throughout Space."

SD INDEX Sabda-Brahman (Skt) Sound-Brahman (Unmanifested Logos)

Avalokitesvara or Word I 428
Isvara called Verbum or I 137-8

TG Sabha (Sk.). An assembly; a place for meetings, social or political. Also Mahasabha, "the bundle of wonderful (mayavic or illusionary) things" the gift of Mayasur to the Pandavas (Mahabharata.)

SD INDEX Sabha, Mayasabha (Skt) [assembly hall], knowledge fr Atlanteans & the II 426

TG Sabianism. The religion of the ancient Chaldees. The latter believing in one impersonal, universal, deific Principle, never mentioned It, but offered worship to the solar, lunar, and planetary gods and rulers, regarding the stars and other celestial bodies as their respective symbols.

TG Sabians. Astrolaters, so called; those who worshipped the stars, or rather their "regents". (See "Sabianism".)

SD INDEX Sabines, rapes before the II 276

SD INDEX Sacea. See Sakas

SD INDEX Sacerdotal(ism). See also Senzar

castes & left-hand adepts II 503
Chaldean I 655n
Christian, lost key to cross II 560-1
college, Java-Aleim of II 215, 220
colleges & Sacred Island II 220
Egyptian II 432
hierarchy of Zuni Indians II 628-9
Theban, class I 311

TG Sacha Kiriya (Sk.). A power with the Buddhists akin to a magic mantram with the Brahmans. It is a miraculous energy which can be exercised by any adept, whether priest or layman, and "most efficient when accompanied by bhawana" (meditation). It consists in a recitation of one's "acts of merit done either in this or some former birth" -- as the Rev. Mr. Hardy thinks and puts it, but in reality it depends on the intensity of one's will, added to an absolute faith in one's own powers, whether of yoga -- willing -- or of prayer, as in the case of Mussulmans and Christians. Sacha means "true", and Kiriyang, "action". It is the power of merit, or of a saintly life.

SD INDEX Sacr. See Zakhar (Heb)

SD INDEX Sacrament(s,al) I 614-15n; II 467n

dogma of the seven, origin of I 310-11
loaf & serpent II 214
fr sacr, phallic symbol I 5n; II 467n

SD INDEX Sacra Scrittura. See Lanci, M. A.

TG Sacrariurn (Lat.). The name of the room in the houses of the ancient Romans, which contained the particular deity worshipped by the family; also the adytum of a temple.

SD INDEX Sacred. See also Mysteries

agnishvattas not devoid of, fire II 77-8
fire & the swastika II 101 &n
fire of later third race II 171
fires or Kabiri, kumaras II 106
number seven II 35
phallic origin of word I 5n; II 465 &n, 467
records of the East II 314
science, ancient origin in II 794
seven, islands (dvipas) II 326
spark given man II 95
tree on Babylonian cylinder II 104

SD INDEX Sacred Animals I 362

associated w Jehovah I 441-2n
of Christians I 363, 440-2 &n
emanated fr Divine Man I 89, 353
of Genesis 1 zodiacal signs II 112n
of Hebrews I 355
meaning of I 442
Mexican & Egyptian II 399n
plants change into I 238
refer to primordial forms I 442
of Zodiac I 92, 446n; II 23, 181n, 625n

SD INDEX Sacred Four

remain to serve mankind II 281-2
swastika emblem of II 587
Tetraktis or I 88, 99; II 621

TG Sacred Heart. In Egypt, of Horus; in Babylon, of the god Bel; and the lacerated heart of Bacchus in Greece and elsewhere. Its symbol was the persea. The pear-like shape of its fruit, and of its kernel especially, resembles the heart in form. It is sometimes seen on the head of Isis, the mother of Horus, the fruit being cut open and the heart-like kernel exposed to full view, The Roman Catholics have since adopted the worship of the "sacred heart" of Jesus and of the Virgin Mary.

SD INDEX Sacred Island(s) I 471; II 3, 637, 760-77. See also Gobi, Shamo Desert

Central Asian oasis today II 220, 503
instructors went to inhabit II 350
Isis Unveiled on I 209; II 220-2
Sambhala II 319
seven II 326, 349-50
"Sons of God" & II 209, 220-6
"war" betw initiates of, & sorcerers I 419

SD INDEX Sacred Land. See also North Pole

Imperishable II 6

SD INDEX Sacred Mysteries. See Mysteries

SD INDEX Sacred Mysteries . . . See Le Plongeon

SD INDEX Sacred Name II 126

biblical II 536
Hebrew I 385
Sanskrit & Hebrew I 78
seven letters of I 438-9

SD INDEX Sacred Numbers, Figures, Signs I 60, 66, 89, 114, 168, 384, 649; II 34-5, 57n, 410, 553, 580, 598-604, 622. See also Numbers

SD INDEX Sacred Planets

connected w Earth I 573n, 575; II 602n
four exoteric, three esoteric I 575
ruled by regents, gods I 152
seven, all septenary I 167
seven, only I 99-101, 152, 573n
Sun & Moon substitutes I 575 &n
why seven II 602 &n

TG Sacred Science. The name given to the inner esoteric philosophy, the secrets taught in days of old to the initiated candidates, and divulged during the last and supreme Initiation by the Hierophants.

KT Sacred Science. The epithet given to the occult sciences in general, and by the Rosicrucians to the Kabbala, and especially to the Hermetic philosophy.

SD INDEX Sacrifice(s, er, ial) I 276, 416, 422

animals or zodiacal signs II 625n
Atlanteans, to god of matter II 273
butter purified by II 101n
of Daksha II 68, 182-3
to elements by pagans, Jews, & Christians I 466
of fiery angels II 246
of four virgin men II 281-2
great, of self & Self I 268
great, of Wondrous Being I 208
for help like black magic I 415-16
"himself to himself" I 268; II 559
man a, animal to the gods I 446n
myths & divine ancient II 450
Narada on II 566-7
to Nemesis I 643
Parasara's, sorcery II 232n
pitris collectively the One II 605
Purusha's, for the universe II 606
to Queen of Heaven II 462
fr sacr, phallic symbol II 467n
self-, of nirmanakayas II 94
self-, of rebels II 243
triform II 527
Vedic ceremonial I 422-4
Yima his own II 609


SD INDEX Sacy, de. See Silvestre de Sacy

TG Sadaikarupa (Sk.). The essence of the immutable nature.

WG Sadaika-rupa, the immutable nature, or essence; changeless form. (sada, always; eka, one; rupa, form.)

SD INDEX Sadaikarupa (Skt) essence, immutable nature II 46, 108

WG Sadatma, the ego. (sada, always; atma, soul.)

SD INDEX Saddharmalamkara (Skt), canon of Southern Buddhist Church I xxvii

TG Sadducees. A sect, the followers of one Zadok, a disciple of Antigonus Saccho. They are accused of having denied the immortality of the (personal) soul and that of the resurrection of the (physical and personal) body. Even so do the Theosophists; though they deny neither the immortality of the Ego nor the resurrection of all its numerous and successive lives, which survive in the memory of the Ego. But together with the Sadducees -- a sect of learned philosophers who were to all the other Jews that which the polished and learned Gnostics were to the rest of the Greeks during the early centuries of our era -- we certainly deny the immortality of the animal soul and the resurrection of the physical body. The Sadducees were the scientists and the learned men of Jerusalem, and held the highest offices, such as of high priests and judges, while the Pharisees were almost from first to last the Pecksniffs of Judaea.

SD INDEX Sadducees

angels rejected by II 61
guardians of laws I 320-1n; II 61, 472-3
high priests of Judea I 320-1n
most refined Israelite sect II 472-3
present generation of I xxii
spurned Pentateuch, Talmud I 320-1n
Zadokites or, fr Zadok II 541

WG Sadhanas, possessing riches, having spiritual accomplishments.

WG Sadhu, a holy man. (Literally, "leading straight to the goal.")

SD INDEX Sadhu(s) (Skt) sage, saint

rakshasas are II 165n
third age, fr higher regions II 320

TG Sadhyas (Sk.). One of the names of the "twelve great gods" created by Brahma. Kosmic gods; lit., "divine sacrificers". The Sadhyas are important in Occultism.

GH Sadhyas A class of divine beings: in the Vedas represented as dwelling in regions superior to the gods -- in later works they are placed in Bhuvar-loka (between heaven and earth). In The Laws of Manu (Manava-Dharma-Sastra) the Sadhyas are stated to be the offspring of the Soma-sads from Viraj, i.e., children of the Ancestors from the Moon -- the Pitris (q.v.). The Sadhyas are termed 'divine sacrificers,' "the most occult of all" the classes of the Pitris (in Secret Doctrine, II 605) -- the reference being to the Manasaputras. (The following word is derived from the verbal root:) sadh, to be fulfilled, completed, attained. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 81)

SD INDEX Sadhyas (Skt)

divine sacrificers, pitris II 605
one of twelve gods II 90

SD INDEX Sadic. See Tsaddiq

TG Sadik. The same as the Biblical Melchizedec, identified by the mystic Bible-worshippers with Jehovah, and Jesus Christ. But Father Sadik's identity with Noah being proven, he can be further identified with Kronos-Saturn.

SD INDEX Sadu [Sedu], Chaldean spirits II 248n

TG Safekh (Eg.). Written also Sebek and Sebakh, god of darkness and night, with the crocodile for his emblem. In the Typhonic legend and transformation he is the same as Typhon. He is connected with both Osiris and Horus, and is their great enemy on earth. We find him often called the "triple crocodile". In astronomy he is the same as Makara or Capricorn, the most mystical of the signs of the Zodiac.

SD INDEX Safekh (Egy), speaks to Seti I as Lunus I 228

TG Saga (Scand.). The goddess "who sings of the deeds of gods and heroes", and to whom the black ravens of Odin reveal the history of the Past and of the Future in the Norsemen's Edda.

SD INDEX Saga (Norse goddess)

ravens whisper past & future to I 443
sacred scrolls of II 283n

TG Sagara (Sk.). Lit., "the Ocean"; a king, the father of 60,000 sons, who, for disrespect shown to the sage Kapila, were reduced to ashes by a single glance of his eye.

SD INDEX Sagara (Skt) name of ocean, Bay of Bengal II 572

SD INDEX Sagara, King

given Agneyastra weapon II 629
60,000 sons of II 570
sons of, personify passions II 571

TG Sagardagan. One of the four paths to Nirvana.

SD INDEX Sagardagan. See Sakridagamin

SD INDEX Sagdiani [Sogdiana in Vendidad], Aryan magi emigrated to II 356

SD INDEX Sage(s). See also Adepts, Initiates

actualities visible to I xxxvi
fifth race, inherit fr forth II 636
great, disappear II 639
kriyasakti of II 181
Puranas & I 415-16, 423, 457
searching w their intellect II 176
seven primordial II 267n
silent on higher teachings II 589
Sons of Wisdom became II 167
spiritual dhyanis were II 167, 181-2, 267n
taught fifth race II 359
teachers, philosophers II 133
of third race I xliii
words of a, on past & present II 446

SD INDEX Saggitarius [Sagittarius], Joseph & I 651

SD INDEX Sah (Skt) "he," A-ham-sa or "I-am-he" I 78; II 465. See also Hamsa

TG Saha (Sk.). "The world of suffering"; any inhabited world in the chilio-cosmos.

WG Saha-Deva, one of the "sons of the sun," representing water, in Mahabharatic allegory. (saha, with; deva, god.)

GH Sahadeva The son of Madri (the second wife of Pandu) and the twin sky-gods, the Asvinau: brother of Nakula (q.v.). Regarded as the youngest of the five Pandava princes. Sahadeva excelled in the science of astronomy, which he studied under Drona (q.v.). He was also very proficient in the management of cattle. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 4)

SD INDEX Sahagun, Bernardino de, on seven families that accompanied Votan II 35

WG Sahakarikarana, the auxiliary cause.

TG Sahampati (Sk.). Maha or Parabrahm.

SD INDEX Sahara. See also Gobi

Atlantis fr, to Caribbean II 424
former sea of II eight-9n
Northwest Africa & II 793
ocean, continent, ocean, desert II 405
Quaternary sea washed basin of II 740
sea in Miocene (Crotch) II 405, 781-2, 787n
trilithic raised stones of II 346n

TG Saharaksha (Sk.). The fire of the Asuras; the name of a son of Pavamana, one of the three chief occult fires.

SD INDEX Saharaksha (Skt), fire of the asuras I 521

GH Saibya The king of the Sibis (an ancient people of India): an ally of the Pandavas. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 2)

SD INDEX Saint. See given name (e.g., Paul, St)

SD INDEX Sainte-Claire Deville, Henri-Etienne

on chemical combinations I 544n
estimates sun's heat I 484n

SD INDEX St Elmo's Fire (Elmes in tx), aspect of all-pervading Archaeus I 338n

TG St. Germain, the Count of. Referred to as an enigmatical personage by modern writers. Frederic II., King of Prussia, used to say of him that he was a man whom no one had ever been able to make out. Many are his "biographies", and each is wilder than the other. By some he was regarded as an incarnate god, by others as a clever Alsatian Jew. One thing is certain, Count de St. Germain -- whatever his real patronymic may have been -- had a right to his name and title, for he had bought a property called San Germano, in the Italian Tyrol, and paid the Pope for the title. He was uncommonly handsome, and his enormous erudition and linguistic capacities are undeniable, for he spoke English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, Swedish, Danish, and many Slavonian and Oriental languages, with equal facility with a native. He was extremely wealthy, never received a sou from anyone -- in fact never accepted a glass of water or broke bread with anyone -- but made most extravagant presents of superb jewellery to all his friends, even to the royal families of Europe. His proficiency in music was marvellous; he played on every instrument, the violin being his favourite. "St. Germain rivalled Paganini himself", was said of him by an octogenarian Belgian in 1835, after hearing the "Genoese maestro". "It is St. Germain resurrected who plays the violin in the body of an Italian skeleton", exclaimed a Lithuanian baron who had heard both.

He never laid claim to spiritual powers, but proved to have a right to such claim. He used to pass into a dead trance from thirty-seven to forty-nine hours without awakening, and then knew all he had to know, and demonstrated the fact by prophesying futurity and never making a mistake. It is he who prophesied before the Kings Louis XV. and XVI., and the unfortunate Marie Antoinette. Many were the still living witnesses in the first quarter of this century who testified to his marvellous memory; he could read a paper in the morning and, though hardly glancing at it, could repeat its contents without missing one word days afterwards; he could write with two hands at once, the right hand writing a piece of poetry, the left a diplomatic paper of the greatest importance. He read sealed letters without touching them, while still in the hand of those who brought them to him. He was the greatest adept in transmuting metals, making gold and the most marvellous diamonds, an art, he said, he had learned from certain Brahmans in India, who taught him the artificial crystallisation ("quickening") of pure carbon. As our Brother Kenneth Mackenzie has it: -- "In 1780, when on a visit to the French Ambassador to the Hague, he broke to pieces with a hammer a superb diamond of his own manufacture, the counterpart of which, also manufactured by himself, he had just before sold to a jeweller for 5500 louis d'or". He was the friend and confidant of Count Orloff in 1772 at Vienna, whom he had helped and saved in St. Petersburg in 1762, when concerned in the famous political conspiracies of that time; he also became intimate with Frederick the Great of Prussia. As a matter of course, he had numerous enemies, and therefore it is not to be wondered at if all the gossip invented about him is now attributed to his own confessions: e.g., that he was over five hundred years old; also, that he claimed personal intimacy "with the Saviour and his twelve Apostles, and that he had reproved Peter for his bad temper" -- the latter clashing somewhat in point of time with the former, if he had really claimed to be only five hundred years old. If he said that "he had been born in Chaldea and professed to possess the secrets of the Egyptian magicians and sages", he may have spoken truth without making any miraculous claim. There are Initiates, and not the highest either, who are placed in a condition to remember more than one of their past lives. But we have good reason to know that St. Germain could never have claimed "personal intimacy" with the Saviour. However that may be, Count St. Germain was certainly the greatest Oriental Adept Europe has seen during the last centuries. But Europe knew him not. Perchance some may recognise him at the next Terreur, which will affect all Europe when it comes, and not one country alone.

KT St. Germain (Count). A mysterious personage, who appeared in the last century and early in the present one in France, England and elsewhere.

SD INDEX Saint-Germain, Count de I 611

Babylonia described by II 202
classed a charlatan II 156
had copy of Kabbala, Vatican Manuscript II 239
Manuscript left by II 202, 582, 583
on number seven II 582
on number 365 II 583

SD INDEX Saint-Hilaire. See Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire

SD INDEX St Marc, de, & changes in Pymander II 491-2

TG Saint Martin, Louis Claude de. Born in France (Amboise), in 1743. A great mystic and writer, who pursued his philosophical and theosophical studies at Paris, during the Revolution. He was an ardent disciple of Jacob Boehme, and studied under Martinez Paschalis, finally founding a mystical semi-Masonic Lodge, "the Rectified Rite of St. Martin", with seven degrees. He was a true Theosophist. At the present moment some ambitious charlatans in Paris are caricaturing him and passing themselves off as initiated Martinists, and thus dishonouring the name of the late Adept.

SD INDEX Saint-Martin, Louis Claude, Marquis de, astral light of Martinists I 348; II 409, 511, 513

SD INDEX St Petersburg, Russian mystics, Tibet & I xxxv-vi

SD INDEX St Prest, human & extinct animal remains of II 751

SD INDEX Saints, Rome filled w blood of II 231

SD INDEX St Vincent, Australians & Gulf of II 196n

SD INDEX St Yves d'Alveydre, Mission des Juifs, terms kali-yuga golden age I 470-1; II 549n

TG Sais (Eg.). The place where the celebrated temple of Isis-Neith was found, wherein was the ever-veiled statue of Neith (Neith and Isis being interchangeable), with the famous inscription, "I am all that has been, and is, and shall be, and my peplum no mortal has withdrawn (See "Sirius".)

SD INDEX Sais (Egypt)

famous inscription at I 393
goddess Neith of I 399
Mysteries at, (Herodotus) II 395-6
priests of, describe Atlantis II 371, 743

SD INDEX Saitic Epoch (Egy)

Khnoum & lotus symbol in I 385
statue of Isis suckling Horus II 464

SD INDEX Saiva Puranas, kumaras as yogins in I 458; II 576

SD INDEX Saivas I 405, 456n, 458; II 576

vs Vaishnavas I 675

TG Saka (Sk.). Lit., "the One", or the Eka; used of the "Dragon of Wisdom" or the manifesting deities, taken collectively.

TG Saka (Sk.). According to the Orientalists the same as the classical Sacae. It is during the reign of their King Yudishtira that the Kali Yuga began.

SD INDEX Saka (Skt), the One I 73

TG Saka Dwipa (Sk.). One of the seven islands or continents mentioned in the Puranas (ancient works).

SD INDEX Saka-dvipa (Skt)

"beyond the saltwater" II 323
early Atlantis II 322
globe, locality, etc II 320-1, 404 &n
Lemurians, Atlanteans & II 584
Magas of, forefathers of Parsis II 323
yet to come II 404-5 &n

SD INDEX Sakas (Skt), Yudhishthira king of I 369

FY Saketa, the capital of the ancient Indian kingdom of Ayodhya.

SD INDEX Sakkarah, Sothiac cycle inscriptions at I 435

TG Sakkayaditthi. Delusion of personality; the erroneous idea that "I am I", a man or a woman with a special name, instead of being an inseparable part of the whole.

SKv Sakkayaditthi, Attavada Sakkayaditthi is a Pali word meaning 'the heresy of the personality.' It is a word composed of sat being, kaya -- body, and ditthi -- false belief; hence 'a false belief in the eternal existence of the body or personality.' Attavada is a Pali word meaning 'the heresy of separateness,' the false belief in a Soul as separate from the Universal Self. Attavada is a compound of atta -- soul, and vada -- belief.

SD INDEX Sakra (Skt) Indra I 376

TG Sakradagamin (Sk.). Lit., "he who will receive birth (only) once more" before Nirvana is reached by him; he who has entered the second of the four paths which lead to Nirvana and has almost reached perfection.

SD INDEX Sakridagamin (Skt, Sagardagan in tx), grade of initiation I 206

WG Sakriya, mutable, movable.

TG Sakshi (Sk.). The name of the hare, who in the legend of the "moon and the hare" threw himself into the fire to save some starving pilgrims who would not kill him. For this sacrifice Indra is said to have transferred him to the centre of the moon.

WG Sakshi, witness. (Literally, "one having eyes.")

TG Sakti (Sk.). The active female energy of the gods; in popular Hinduism, their wives and goddesses; in Occultism, the crown of the astral light. Force and the six forces of nature synthesized. Universal Energy.

FY Sakti, the crown of the astral light; the power of Nature.

WG Sakti, power, ability; the power to create.

OG Sakti -- (Sanskrit) A term which may be briefly defined to mean one of what in modern Occultism are called the seven forces of nature, of which six are manifest and the seventh unmanifest, or only partly manifest. Sakti in general may be described as universal energy, and is, as it were, the feminine aspect of fohat. In popular Hinduism the various saktis are the wives or consorts of the gods, in other words, the energies or active powers of the deities represented as feminine influences or energies.

These anthropomorphic definitions are unfortunate, because misleading. The saktis of nature are really the veils, or sheaths, or vehicular carriers, through which work the inner and ever-active energies. As substance and energy, or force and matter, are fundamentally one, as modern science in its researches has begun to discover, it becomes apparent that even these saktis or sheaths or veils are themselves energic to lower spheres or realms through which they themselves work.

The crown of the astral light, as H. P. Blavatsky puts it, is the generalized sakti of universal nature in so far as our solar system is concerned.

SP Sakti -- cosmic activity, mythically personified as the wives of the gods.

SD INDEX Sakti(s) (Skt) generative power

Aditi, Eve & I 356
cow, woman or I 390 &n
daiviprakriti represents all six I 293
energy or, essence of trinity I 136
hierarchies of dhyani-chohans & I 293
Lakshmi (Venus) white side of II 579
Logos & I 473
science & six, of nature I 293
Shekhinah (fem) or I 618
six, described I 292-3


TG Sakti-Dhara (Sk.). Lit., the "Spear-holder", a title given to Kartikeya for killing Taraka, a Daitya or giant-demon. The latter, demon though he was, seems to have been such a great Yogin, owing to his religious austerities and holiness, that he made all the gods tremble before him. This makes of Kartikeya, the war god, a kind of St. Michael.

SD INDEX Saktidhara (Skt) [spear holder], Indra, Karttikeya II 382 &n, 619

FY Sakuntala, a Sanskrit drama by Kalidasa.

TG Sakwala. This is a bana or "word" uttered by Gautama Buddha in his oral instructions. Sakwala is a mundane, or rather a solar system, of which there is an infinite number in the universe, and which denotes that space to which the light of every sun extends. Each Sakwala contains earths, hells and heavens (meaning good and bad spheres, our earth being considered as hell, in Occultism); attains its prime, then falls into decay and is finally destroyed at regularly recurring periods, in virtue of one immutable law. Upon the earth, the Master taught that there have been already four great "continents" (the Land of the Gods, Lemuria, Atlantis, and the present "continent" divided into five parts of the Secret Doctrine), and that three more have to appear. The former "did not communicate with each other", a sentence showing that Buddha was not speaking of the actual continents known in his day (for Patala or America was perfectly familiar to the ancient Hindus), but of the four geological formations of the earth, with their four distinct root-races which had already disappeared.

TG Sakya (Sk.). A patronymic of Gautama Buddha.

TG Sakyamuni Buddha (Sk.). A name of the founder of Buddhism, the great Sage, the Lord Gautama.

WG Sakya-muni, -the "Sakya-saint," a title of Gautama Buddha, Sakya being the name of the family of Buddha.

SKf Sakya, Sakyamuni Sakya is the adjectival form of Saka, the name of a group of landowners and rulers of Kapilavastu, the city in which the Buddha was born. The Buddha was later called Sakya-muni or the Sakya-sage. The term Sakya has since been applied to a Buddhist mendicant.

SD INDEX Sakyamuni II 423. See also Buddha, Gautama


SD INDEX Sakya Thub-pa (Tib). See Buddha, Gautama

SD INDEX Sal, Mater, Sanguis II 113

SD INDEX "Saladin" [Stuart Ross], on Christ ascending & Sirius II 708n

SD INDEX Salagrama (Skt), a holy place II 321

TG Salamanders. The Rosicrucian name for the Elementals of Fire. The animal, as well as its name, is of most occult significance, and is widely used in poetry. The name is almost identical in all languages. Thus, in Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, etc., it is Salamandra, in Persian Samandel, and in Sanskrit Salamandala.

SD INDEX Salamander(s) (reptiles)

giant II 352
man's saliva & venom of I 262n

SD INDEX Salamanders (fire elementals). See also Undines

derided today I 606

TG Salmali (Sk.). One of the seven zones; also a kind of tree.

WG Salokya, living in one and the same place with Isvara.

SD INDEX Salisbury Plain, hinging stones of II 343

SD INDEX Saliva, of man & cobra I 262n

SD INDEX Salmali-Dvipa (Skt) silk-cotton tree island II 320-1, 404 &n

SD INDEX Salt, crystals of, cones & pyramids II 594

SD INDEX Saltations (evolutionary jumps), scientists' & occultists' views on II 696-7

SD INDEX Salts, spirits of the II 114

SD INDEX Salvation

egg symbol of I 367-8
personal god, damnation & I 613
Son of Righteousness & I 656
of spiritual humanity II 79, 281
story of Kwan-yin as I 471
Virgin as star of II 527-8
Vishnu & II 313

SD INDEX Salverte, Eusebe, Sciences occultes, winged serpents II 205

TG Sama (Sk.). One of the bhava pushpas, or "flowers of sanctity". Sama is the fifth, or "resignation". There are eight such flowers, namely: clemency or charity, self-restraint, affection (or love for others), patience, resignation, devotion, meditation and veracity. Sama is also the repression of any mental perturbation.

FY Sama, repression of mental perturbations.

WG Sama, the first qualification of a disciple -- perfect mastery over the mind. (Literally, "same," "level," "equal.")

TG Samadhana (Sk.). That state in which a Yogi can no longer diverge from the path of spiritual progress; when everything terrestrial, except the visible body, has ceased to exist for him.

FY Samadhana, incapacity to diverge from the path of spiritual progress.

WG Samadhana, being constitutionally incapable of deviating from the path of right.

TG Samadhi (Sk.). A state of ecstatic and complete trance. The term comes from the words Sam-adha, "self-possession". He who possesses this power is able to exercise an absolute control over all his faculties, physical or mental; it is the highest state of Yoga.

KT Samadhi. The name in India for spiritual ecstasy. It is a state of complete trance, induced by means of mystic concentration.

VS Samadhi (I 42) [[p. 20]] Samadhi is the state in which the ascetic loses the consciousness of every individuality including his own. He becomes the ALL.

FY Samadhi, state of ecstatic trance.

WG Samadhi, abstract meditation; perfect absorption of thought into the Supreme Spirit, -- the highest and last stage of yoga.

OG Samadhi -- (Sanskrit) A compound word formed of sam, meaning "with" or "together"; a, meaning "towards"; and the verbal root dha, signifying "to place," or "to bring"; hence samadhi, meaning "to direct towards," generally signifies to combine the faculties of the mind with a direction towards an object. Hence, intense contemplation or profound meditation, with the consciousness directed to the spiritual. It is the highest form of self-possession, in the sense of collecting all the faculties of the constitution towards reaching union or quasi-union, long or short in time as the case may be, with the divine-spiritual. One who possesses and is accustomed to use this power has complete, absolute control over all his faculties, and is, therefore, said to be "completely self- possessed." It is the highest state of yoga or "union."

Samadhi, therefore, is a word of exceedingly mystical and profound significance implying the complete abstraction of the percipient consciousness from all worldly or exterior or even mental concerns or attributes, and its absorption into or, perhaps better, its becoming the pure unadulterate, undilute superconsciousness of the god within. In other words, samadhi is self-conscious union with the spiritual monad of the human constitution. Samadhi is the eighth or final stage of genuine occult yoga, and can be attained at any time by the initiate without conscious recourse to the other phases or practices of yoga enumerated in Oriental works, and which other and inferior practices are often misleading, in some cases distinctly injurious, and at the best mere props or aids in the attaining of complete mental abstraction from worldly concerns.

The eight stages of yoga usually enumerated are the following: (1) yama, signifying "restraint" or "forbearance"; (2) niyama, religious observances of various kinds, such as watchings or fastings, prayings, penances, etc.; (3) asana (q.v.), postures of various kinds; (4) pranayama, various methods of regulating the breath; (5) pratyahara, a word signifying "withdrawal," but technically and esoterically the "withdrawal" of the consciousness from sensual or sensuous concerns, or from external objects; (6) dharana (q.v.), firmness or steadiness or resolution in holding the mind set or concentrated on a topic or object of thought, mental concentration; (7) dhyana (q.v.), abstract contemplation or meditation when freed from exterior distractions; and finally, (8) samadhi, complete collection of the consciousness and of its faculties into oneness or union with the monadic essence.

It may be observed, and should be carefully taken note of by the student, that when the initiate has attained samadhi he becomes practically omniscient for the solar universe in which he dwells, because his consciousness is functioning at the time in the spiritual-causal worlds. All knowledge is then to him like an open page because he is self-consciously conscious, to use a rather awkward phrase, of nature's inner and spiritual realms, the reason being that his consciousness has become kosmic in its reaches.

SKv Samadhi The highest state of Yoga, hence Union with the Spirit within. It is the "state of faultless vision." Samadhi is derived from the verb-root adha -- to direct, and sam -- together, hence 'to direct together, to unite.' Samadhi, a state of spiritual consciousness which is almost Nirvanic, may be enjoyed for a brief moment or for a longer space of time by an Initiate without his having resorted to any of the other Yogic practices. Speaking of Samadhi, The Voice of the Silence says:

is the state in which the ascetic loses the consciousness of every individuality, including his own. He becomes -- the ALL. -- Fragment I, note 42

Dr. de Purucker describes Samadhi thus in The Occult Glossary:

. . . when the initiate has attained Samadhi he becomes practically omniscient for the Solar Universe in which he dwells, because his consciousness is functioning at the time in the spiritual-causal worlds. All knowledge is then to him like an open page because he is self-consciously conscious . . . of Nature's inner and spiritual realms, the reason being that his consciousness has become kosmic in its reaches.

The eight stages of Yoga are: Yama, self-control and non-injury of others; Niyama, restraint of the mind and a life voluntarily regulated to spiritual purposes; Asana, posture; Pranayama, control of the breath; Pratyahara, withdrawal of self from worldly concerns toward inner spiritual things; Dharana, perfect concentration of mind; Dhyana, spiritual meditation; Samadhi, the perfect union of all the faculties with the Divinity within.

SD INDEX Samadhi (Skt) concentration, oneness

bodhi or I xix
Buddha in posture of II 339
jayas lost in II 90
man loses self in I 570
man quits body during II 569 &n
turiya, state or nirvana I 570


TG Samadhindriya (Sk.). Lit., "the root of concentration"; the fourth of the five roots called Pancha Indriyani, which are said in esoteric philosophy to be the agents in producing a highly moral life, leading to sanctity and liberation; when these are reached, the two spiritual roots lying latent in the body (Atma and Buddhi) will send out shoots and blossom. Samadhindriya is the organ of ecstatic meditation in Raj-yoga practices.

TG Samael (Heb.). The Kabbalistic title of the Prince of those evil spirits who represent incarnations of human vices; the angel of Death. From this the idea of Satan has been evolved. [W.W.W.]

SD INDEX Samael (Heb). See also Satan

Angel of Death (Talmud) II 111, 385, 388
Cain generated by II 389
chief of demons in Talmud I 417; II 409
concealed wisdom or II 378
dark aspect of Logos II 216n
fall of, draws down Titans I 417
fell & caused man's fall II 112
god-name of one of the elohim I 417
Kin son of Eve by II 388
-Lilith, apes descend fr II 262
Lucifer-Venus abode of II 31
Satan or II 235, 378, 385, 388-9
seat of passion I 242
serpent of, kind of flying camel II 205
Simoom, Vritra or II 385
Uranides & I 417-18
will be dethroned II 420

WG Samaja, company, convention.

TG Samajna (Sk.). Lit., "an enlightened (or luminous) Sage". Translated verbally, Samgharana Samajna, the famous Vihara near Kustana (China), means "the monastery of the luminous Sage".

GH Saman A metrical hymn, or song of praise; especially a sacred verse which is to be sung, rather than recited or muttered -- one of the four kinds of Vedic composition. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 66)

TG Samana (Sk.). One of the five breaths (Pranas) which carry on the chemical action in the animal body.

WG Samana, good; honored.

SD INDEX Samana (Skt) same, equal, middle

discussed II 567-8
"at the navel" I 95


TG Samanera. A novice; a postulant for the Buddhist priesthood.

TG Samanta Bhadra (Sk.). Lit., "Universal Sage". The name of one of the four Bodhisattvas of the Yogacharya School, of the Mahayana (the Great Vehicle) of Wisdom of that system. There are four terrestrial and three celestial Bodhisattvas: the first four only act in the present races, but in the middle of the fifth Root-race appeared the fifth Bodhisattva, who, according to an esoteric legend, was Gautama Buddha, but who, having appeared too early, had to disappear bodily from the world for a while.

TG Samanta Prabhasa (Sk.). Lit., "universal brightness" or dazzling light. The name under which each of the 500 perfected Arhats reappears on earth as Buddha.

TG Samanya (Sk.). Community, or commingling of qualities, an abstract notion of genus, such as humanity.

FY Samanya, community or commingling of qualities.

TG Samapatti (Sk.). Absolute concentration in Raja-Yoga; the process of development by which perfect indifference (Sams) is reached (apatti). This state is the last stage of development before the possibility of entering into Samadhi is reached.

SD INDEX Samaria, giant race at II 755

SD INDEX Samaritan(s)

alphabet of II 129, 581
disciples not to go to II 231n
pronounced Jehovah Jahe II 465

WGa Samarthya, having considered; being determined.

WG Samarthya, to meaning already given add; the attenuation of passion by reflection.

TG Sama Veda (Sk.). Lit., "the Scripture, or Shastra, of peace". One of the four Vedas.

WG Sama-veda. (See Veda.)

WGa Sama veda, one of the four Vedas of the Hindus.

TG Samaya (Sk.). A religious precept.

SD INDEX Samba (Skt) [reputed Son of Krishna] builds temple to Sun II 323

TG Sambhala (Sk.). A very mysterious locality on account of its future associations. A town or village mentioned in the Puranas, whence, it is prophesied, the Kalki Avatar will appear. The "Kalki" is Vishnu, the Messiah on the White Horse of the Brahmins; Maitreya Buddha of the Buddhists, Sosiosh of the Parsis, and Jesus of the Christians (See Revelations). All these "messengers" are to appear "before the destruction of the world", says the one; before the end of Kali Yuga say the others. It is in Sambhala that the future Messiah will be born. Some Orientalists make modern Muradabad in Rohilkhand (N.W.P.) identical with Sambhala, while Occultism places it in the Himalayas. It is pronounced Shambhala.

WGa Shambhala, the town spoken of in the Puranas where the Kalki-Avatar, the Messiah on the White Horse will appear before the end of the Kali-Yuga or Black age. Occultists name its position as in the Himalayas.

OG Sambhala -- (Sanskrit) A place-name of highly mystical significance. Many learned occidental Orientalists have endeavored to identify this mystical and unknown locality with some well-known modern district or town, but unsuccessfully. The name is mentioned in the Puranas and elsewhere, and it is stated that out of Sambhala will appear in due course of time the Kalki-Avatara of the future. The Kalki-Avatara is one of the manifestations or avataras of Vishnu. Among the Buddhists it is also stated that out of Sambhala will come in due course of time the Maitreya-Buddha or next buddha.

Sambhala, however, although no erudite Orientalist has yet succeeded in locating it geographically, is an actual land or district, the seat of the greatest brotherhood of spiritual adepts and their chiefs on earth today. From Sambhala at certain times in the history of the world, or more accurately of our own fifth root-race, come forth the messengers or envoys for spiritual and intellectual work among men.

This Great Brotherhood has branches in various parts of the world, but Sambhala is the center or chief lodge. We may tentatively locate it in a little-known and remote district of the high tablelands of central Asia, more particularly in Tibet. A multitude of airplanes might fly over the place without "seeing" it, for its frontiers are very carefully guarded and protected against invasion, and will continue to be so until the karmic destiny of our present fifth root-race brings about a change of location to some other spot on the earth, which then in its turn will be as carefully guarded as Sambhala now is.

SKo Sambhala The name of the secret home of the Brotherhood of Spiritual Adepts or Mahatmans. It is located in a little known and remote district of the high table-lands of Tibet and is guarded by spiritual barriers from those not worthy to enter. The word Sambhala is very mystic in its composition. It may be interpreted to mean 'the happy land,' from Sam -- happiness, and bhala, a term used to address the sun.

SP Sambhala -- the secret place where Hindus expect Kalkin (the next avatara of Visnu), where Buddhists expect Maitreya (the next Buddha), and where theosophists locate the chief lodge of the Mahatmas.

SD INDEX Sambhala (Skt, Shambhalah in tx)

heart of Earth beats under II 400
refuge of Lemurian elect II 319

WG Sambhava, proportion; identity.

TG Sambhogakaya (Sk.). One of the three "Vestures" of glory, or bodies, obtained by ascetics on the "Path". Some sects hold it as the second, while others as the third of the Buddhakshetyas, or forms of Buddha. Lit., the "Body of Compensation" (See Voice of the Silence, Glossary iii). Of such Buddhakshetyas there are seven, those of Nirmanakaya, Sambhogakaya and Dharmakaya, belonging to the Trikaya, or three-fold quality.

VS These vestures are: Nirmanakaya, Sambhoga- Kaya, and Dharmakaya, robe Sublime (II 21) [[p. 32]] Ibid. [[To I, 20 - See Buddhas of Compassion.]]

OG Sambhogakaya -- (Sanskrit) This is a compound of two words meaning "enjoyment-body," or rather "participation-body"; sambhoga meaning "enjoyment together," or "delightful participation," etc.; and kaya, meaning "body." This is the second of the glorious vestures, the other two being dharmakaya, the highest, and nirmanakaya, the lowest. The buddha in the sambhogakaya state still participates in, still retains more or less, his self-consciousness as an individual, his egoship and his individual soul-sense, though he is too far above material or personal concerns to care about or to meddle with them. In consequence, a buddha in the sambhogakaya state would be virtually powerless here on our material earth.


SD INDEX Sambhuti (Skt), daughter of Daksha II 89

TG Samgha (Sk.). The corporate assembly, or a quorum of priests called also Bhikshu Samgha; the word "church" used in translation does not at all express the real meaning.

TG Samkhara (Pali). One of the five Skandhas or attributes in Buddhism.

TG Samkhara (Pali). "Tendencies of mind" (See "Skandhas").

KT Samkhara. One of the five Buddhist Skandhas or attributes. (Vide "Skandhas.") "Tendencies of mind."

SD INDEX Samkhya. See Sankhya

TG Samma Sambuddha (Pali). The recollection of all of one's past incarnations; a yoga phenomenon.

TG Samma Sambuddha (Pali). A title of the Lord Buddha, the "Lord of meekness and resignation"; it means "perfect illumination".

KT Samma Sambuddha. The sudden remembrance of all one's past incarnations, a phenomenon of memory obtained through Yoga. A Buddhist mystic term.

FY Samma-Sambuddha, perfect illumination.

SD INDEX Samnati (Skt), daughter of Daksha II 528

SD INDEX Samoans

stature of II 332
sunken lands & II 222-4, 788

TG Samothrace (Gr.). An island famous for its Mysteries, perhaps the oldest ever established in our present race. The Samothracian Mysteries were renowned all over the world.

KT Samothrace. An island in the Grecian Archipelago, famous in days of old for the mysteries celebrated in its temples. These mysteries were world-renowned.

SD INDEX Samothrace (ian)

colonization of II three
Electria or II three
flood legends II 391
Hermes in Mysteries of II 362
Kabiri, Titan story taught in II 390
Mysteries II 3-4, 360n, 362
Noah story II 4-5
overflowed by Euxine II 4-5
rites on British island (Strabo) II 760
secret of fires in II 106
seven & forty-nine fires worshiped in II 362
volcanic origin of, (Decharme) II 391

TG Samothraces (Gr.). A designation of the Five gods worshipped at the island of that name during the Mysteries. They are considered as identical with the Cabeiri, Dioscuri and Corybantes. Their names were mystical, denoting Pluto, Ceres or Proserpine, Bacchus and Aesculapius, or Hermes.

IU Samothraces. -- A designation of the Fane-gods worshipped at Samothracia in the Mysteries. They are considered as identical with the Kabeiri, Dioskuri, and Korybantes. Their names were mystical -- denoting Pluto, Ceres or Proserpina, Bacchus, and Aesculapius or Hermes.

TG Sampajnana (Sk.). A power of internal illumination.

SKs Samsara 'A passing through a succession of states'; derived from the verb-root samsri -- to wander or pass through. The wheel of Samsara refers to the continuously recurring cycles of imbodied existences, of birth and death, of sorrow and pain, of joy and happiness. To attain Nirvana is to cross the ocean of Samsara or the ever-recurring rounds of birth and death on earth.

SP Samsara -- this universe to which we are bound by the cycle of rebirth.


TG Samskara (Sk.). Lit., from Sam and Kri, to improve, refine, impress. In Hindu philosophy the term is used to denote the impressions left upon the mind by individual actions or external circumstances, and capable of being developed on any future favourable occasion -- even in a future birth. The Samskara denotes, therefore, the germs of propensities and impulses from previous births to be developed in this, or the coming janmas or reincarnations. In Tibet, Samskara is called Doodyed, and in China is defined as, or at least connected with, action or Karma. It is, strictly speaking, a metaphysical term, which in exoteric philosophies is variously defined; e.g., in Nepaul as illusion, in Tibet as notion, and in Ceylon as discrimination. The true meaning is as given above, and as is connected with Karma and its working.

WGa Samskara, literally means "impression". The name of the initiatory rites of the Brahmans from birth through life, for they, being all priests by birth, have various initiatory ceremonies. With us the samskaras would be the same as sacrament; for baptism or naming the child is one samskara, the first going forth of the child is another, shaving the head, marriage, giving up the world, and so on, are others. A full explanation of the samskaras is given in the Oriental Department of the American Section T. S., in Paper No. 10.


TG Samtan (Tib.). The same as Dhyana or meditation.

VS Samtan (III 4) of eye Doctrine [[p. 45]] Samtan (Tibetan), the same as the Sanskrit Dhyana, or the state of meditation, of which there are four degrees.

SD INDEX Samuel, Books of (Bible)

David danced "uncovered" II 459-61
David lived w Tyrians II 541
David moved to number Israel II 387n
God hurled thunderbolts I 467
God riding wings of the wind I 466
Goliath six cubits tall II 336
Jehovah tempts King of Israel I 414

SD INDEX Samuel, Rabbi, on Adam, two faces, one person II 134n

TG Samvarta (Sk.). A minor Kalpa. A period in creation after which a partial annihilation of the world occurs.

SD INDEX Samvarta (Skt) a minor kalpa I 368; II 307n

TG Samvartta Kalpa (Sk.). The Kalpa or period of destruction, the same as Pralaya. Every root-race and sub-race is subject to such Kalpas of destruction; the fifth root-race having sixty-four such cataclysms periodically; namely: fifty-six by fire, seven by water, and one small Kalpa by winds or cyclones.

TG Samvat (Sk.). The name of an Indian chronological era, supposed to have commenced fifty-seven years B.C.

FY Samvat, an Indian era which is usually supposed to have commenced 57 B.C.

TG Samvriti (Sk.). False conception -- the origin of illusion.

VS Samvriti (III 16) [[p. 57]] Samvriti is that one of the two truths which demonstrates the illusive character or emptiness of all things. It is relative truth in this case. The Mahayana school teaches the difference between these two truths Paramarthasatya and Samvritisatya (Satya "truth"). This is the bone of contention between the Madhyamikas and the Yogacharyas, the former denying and the latter affirming that every object exists owing to a previous cause or by a concatenation. The Madhyamikas are the great Nihilists and Deniers, for whom everything is parikalpita, an illusion and an error in the world of thought and the subjective, as much as in the objective universe. The Yogacharyas are the great spiritualists. Samvriti, therefore, as only relative truth, is the origin of all illusion.

SD INDEX Samvriti (Skt) false conception I 44 &n, 48 &n


TG Samvritisatya (Sk.). Truth mixed with false conceptions (Samvriti) the reverse of absolute truth-or Paramarthasatya, self-consciousness in absolute truth or reality.

SD INDEX Samvritisatya (Skt) [relative truth], only on this plane I 48 &n


TG Samyagajiva (Sk.). Mendicancy for religious purposes: the correct profession. It is the fourth Marga (path), the vow of poverty, obligatory on every Arhat and monk.

TG Samyagdrishti (Sk.). The ability to discuss truth. The first of the eight Margas (paths) of the ascetic.

TG Samyakkarmanta (Sk.). The last of the eight Margas. Strict purity and observance of honesty, disinterestedness and unselfishness, the characteristic of every Arhat.

TG Samyaksamadhi (Sk.). Absolute mental coma. The sixth of the eight Margas; the full attainment of Samadhi.

TG Samyaksambuddha (Sk.). or Sammasambuddha, as pronounced in Ceylon. Lit., the Buddha of correct and harmonious knowledge, and the third of the ten titles of Sakyamuni.

SKv Samyak-Sambuddha Samyak-Sambuddha is a compound of samyak perfect, and sambuddha -- fully awakened or completely understood; hence the title implies 'one who is thoroughly awake spiritually and perfectly enlightened.' This title was given to the Buddha by his disciples because of their reverence for the great excellence of his attainments.

SD INDEX Samyama (Skt), defined II 309-10n

TG Samyattaka Nikaya (Pali). A Buddhist work composed mostly of dialogues between Buddha and his disciples.

TG Samyara (Sk.). A deity worshipped by the Tantrikas.

WG Sam-yoga, junction, -- one of the twenty-four gunas of the Nyaya system.

KT Samyuttaka Nikaya. One of the Buddhist Sutras.