List of Title Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)
TG Sana (Sk.). One of the three esoteric Kumaras, whose names are Sana, Kapila and Sanatsujata, the mysterious triad which contains the mystery of generation and reincarnation.
TG Sana or Sanaischara (Sk.). The same as Sani or Saturn the planet. In the Hindu Pantheon he is the son of Surya, the Sun, and of Sanjna, Spiritual Consciousness, who is the daughter of Visva-Karman, or rather of Chhaya, the shadow left behind by Sanjna. Sanaischara, the "slow-moving".
SD INDEX Sana (Skt)
esoteric name of a kumara I 457
every kumara has, or sanat prefix I 459
SD INDEX Sanaischara (Skt) [slow moving], planet Saturn (Sani) I 459
TG Sanaka (Sk.). A sacred plant, the fibres of which are woven into yellow robes for Buddhist priests.
SD INDEX Sanaka (Skt) I 457n; II 319
Axiokersos & II 106
exoteric name for a kumara I 457
one of four chief kumaras I 89, 372 &n
prototype of St Michael I 372 &n
refused to create I 372 &n; II 140n
visited Sveta-dvipa II 319, 584
SD INDEX Sanakadikas (Skt) seven kumaras visited White Island II 584
SD INDEX Sananda (Skt)
Axiokersa II 106
exoteric name for a kumara I 457
one of four chief kumaras I 89
refused to create II 584
visited Sveta-dvipa II 319, 584
SD INDEX Sanandana (Skt) I 457n
becomes kumara II 579
forced to incarnate in men II 176n
mind-born son II 140n, 579
one of the Vedhas II 78, 173, 176n
refused to create II 140n, 173, 176n
SD INDEX Sanat (Skt)
Adi-, primeval ancient I 98
"Ancient," title of Brahma I 459; II 625
every kumara has, or sana prefix I 459
SD INDEX Sanatana (Skt) eternal, primeval
Camillus II 106
exoteric name of a kumara I 457
a kumara I 457n; II 319
TG Sanat Kumara (Sk.). The most prominent of the seven Kumaras, the Vaidhatra, the first of which are called Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana, and Sanat Kumara; which names are all significant qualifications of the degrees of human intellect.
SD INDEX Sanat-kumara (Skt) eternal youth
Aschieros II 106
exoteric name of a kumara I 457
mind-born son of Prajapati II 140n
one of four chief kumaras I 89
refused to create I 457-8n; II 140n, 584
visited Sveta-dvipa II 319, 584
TG Sanat Sujatiya (Sk.). A work treating of Krishna's teachings, such as in Bhagavad Gita and Anugita.
SD INDEX Sanat-sujata (Skt)
called Ambhamsi I 460
chief of the kumaras I 459-60
esoteric name of a kumara I 457
mind-born son of Prajapati II 140n
prototype of Mikael (Michael) I 459
SD INDEX Sanatsujatiya (Skt) sattva is antahkarana, buddhi I 68-9n
TG Sancha-Dwipa (Sk.). One of the seven great islands Sapta-Dwipa.
SD INDEX Sancha-Dvipa. See Sankha-Dvipa
WG Sanchita-karma, that karma which is latent, producing no effect- owing to the active operation of other karma, but which will operate in a future incarnation. (sanchita, piled up, accumulated; karma, karma.)
TG Sanchoniathon (Gr.). A pre-christian writer on Phoenician Cosmogony, whose works are no longer extant. Philo Byblus gives only the so-called fragments of Sanchoniathon.
SD INDEX Sanchoniathon (Phoenician historian)
----- Cosmogony
Aletae or Titans II 141-2, 142n, 361
animated stones of II 342
Atlanteans II 761
birth of universe by I 340
copied older documents II 440n
disfigured by Eusebius II 692-3
Javo, Jevo II 129, 465
Kabiri sons of Sydic II 392-3
Lemuria, Atlantis confused in II 768
Phoenician El Elion II 380
pothos, desire to create I 110
record of Phoenician religion II 692-3
"time the oldest Aeon" II 490n
SD INDEX Sanctuary. See also Adytum, Sanctum
"Anointed" entrusted w key of II 234
arts & sciences preserved in II 572
Egyptian II 432
Hellenic II seven
Holy of Holies II 234
Plato & veiled language of II 395
unbroken traditions & records of II 443
womb of nature II 234
SD INDEX Sanctum Sanctorum. See also Holy of Holies
curtain of, & elements I 462
discussed II 459-74
Holy of Holies, Adytum or II 459, 460
stooping at entrance to II 470
Williams approaches, of occult I 585
womb & I 382
SD INDEX Sand, figures of, on vibrating plate I 112n
TG Sandalphon (Heb.). The Kabbalistic Prince of Angels, emblematically represented by one of the Cherubim of the Ark.
WG Sandhi, the period at the expiration of each yuga and equal to one-sixth of its duration; occurring also at the end of each manvantara. (san, together; dhi, putting: junction.)
SKf Sandhi, Sandhya, Sandhyansa Both Sandhi and Sandhya mean literally 'a union' or 'a junction'; derived from the verb-root samdha -- to join, to unite. These two words are used for the interval between a day and night -- a twilight; and the interval between a night and day -- a dawn. In Theosophical terminology Sandhi and Sandhya are also applied to the 'Dawns and Twilights' or 'transition periods' between two great ages such as Yugas or Kalpas. The length of a Sandhi or Sandhya depends upon the length of the cycle it precedes or follows. Sandhyansa, a compound of sandhya, and ansa -- portion, is applied to a part or portion of a 'Dawn' or 'Twilight'; and in some cases is used for the 'twilight' or transition period following a cycle.
SD INDEX Sandhi(s) [Samdhi] (Skt) junction. See also Sandhya, Sandhyamsa
intervals between manus II 70
TG Sandhya (Sk.). A period between two Yugas, morning-evening; anything coming between and joining two others. Lit., "twilight"; the period between a full Manvantara, or a "Day", and a full Pralaya or a "Night" of "Brahma".
WG Sandhya, morning or evening twilight; the period which precedes a yuga.
SD INDEX Sandhya [Samdhya] (Skt) dawn or evening, twilight.See also Sandhi, Sandhyamsa
boker (Hebrew) II 252n
Brahma's body became II 60
Brahma's twilight I 206, 431, 530
described II 58, 308n
during, central sun passive II 239
interval preceding any yuga II 308n
laws of motion designed in I 529-30
one-tenth of age it precedes II 308n
period of, symb in swastika II 587
Vach or, Brahma's daughter I 431
TG Sandhyamsa (Sk.). A period following a Yuga.
WG Sandhyansa, the portion of a sandhi (twilight) succeeding a yuga, and equal in duration to the dawn preceding the yuga. (sandhi, period between day and night; ansa, a part, a portion.)
SD INDEX Sandhyamsa [Samdhyamsa] (Skt) interval following any yuga II 308n
SD INDEX Sands, the spirit of I 217
SD INDEX Sandwich Islands II 223-4, 788
SD INDEX Sangbai-dag-po (Tib) [concealed lord], one merged w Absolute I 52
WG Sangha, the order, the assemblage.
TG Sanghai Dag-po (Tib.). The "concealed Lord"; a title of those who have merged into, and identified themselves with, the Absolute. Used of the "Nirvanees" and the "Jivanmuktas".
SD INDEX Sanguis, Sal, Mater (chart) II 113
TG Sangye Khado (Sk.). The Queen of the Khado or female genii; the Dakini of the Hindus and the Lilith of the Hebrews.
SD INDEX Sangye Khado (Buddha Dakini in Skt) chief of Liliths II 285
SD INDEX Sanhedrin. See also Talmud
two thaumaturgists I xliii n
SD INDEX Sani (Skt) Saturn I 459
fourth race, globe under II 29
SD INDEX Sanjana, D. D. P.
ignores Zoroastrian incongruities II 758
translated Geiger's Civilization II 758n
WG Sanjaya, the charioteer of King Dhrita-rashtra and narrator in the Bhagavad-Gita.
GH Sanjaya A suta (i.e., a charioteer, as well as a royal bard who recounted the heroic actions of the king, etc.) of the monarch Dhritarashtra, also an ambassador of that king, bearing the family-name Gavalgani. He was granted by Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa the divine sight of seeing everything in minutest detail, so that he might thus recount all that he saw in regard to the conflict at Kurukshetra to the blind monarch Dhritarashtra. Therefore, as the opening stanzas tell, Sanjaya relates the preliminaries of the battle, at which time the dialog between Krishna and Arjuna occurs -- this dialog being known as the Bhagavad-Gita. (Meaning of the word itself: completely victorious. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 1)
TG Sanjna (Sk.). Spiritual Consciousness. The wife of Surya, the Sun.
WG Sanjna, name of the Gayatri, or most sacred verse of the Vedas; name of a daughter of Visva-karman and wife of the sun, allegorically signifying spiritual consciousness.
SD INDEX Sanjna, Samjna (Skt)
example of chhaya-birth II 174
leaves chhaya w husband II 101, 174
SKv Sanjna-veshin The 'initiation robe' of neophytes on the path of Self-Knowledge, the robe of spiritual consciousness and wisdom with which Nirvana is entered. Sanjna-veshin is derived from the verb-root jna -- to know, and sam -- wholly, completely; and veshin -- robe or appearance, derived from the causative form of verb-root vish -- to clothe.
WG Sankalpa, volition, strength of mind; thought, reflection.
GH Sankalpa (or Samkalpa) Conception or idea formed in the mind or heart; hence the word has the further meaning of will, volition, desire. (The following word is derived from the verbal root:) sam-klrip, to be brought about, to come into existence. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 31)
TG Sankara (Sk.). The name of Siva. Also a great Vedantic philosopher.
GH Sankara (or Samkara) literally 'The auspicious': a name of Siva (q.v.), in his aspect of chief of the Rudras (or Maruts, q.v.). Also and especially in his auspicious or beneficent character: that of regenerator, hence popularly regarded as the creator. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 73)
SD INDEX Sankara, Samkara (Skt) blessed
a name of Siva I 286; II 498
one of three hypostases I 18, 286
TG Sri Sankaracharya (Sk.). The great religious reformer of India, and teacher of the Vedanta philosophy -- the greatest of all such teachers, regarded by the Adwaitas (Non-dualists) as an incarnation of Siva and a worker of miracles. He established many mathams (monasteries), and founded the most learned sect among Brahmans, called the Smartava. The legends about him are as numerous as his philosophical writings. At the age of thirty-two he went to Kashmir, and reaching Kedaranath in the Himalayas, entered a cave alone, whence he never returned. His followers claim that he did not die, but only retired from the world.
FY Sankaracharya, the great expositor of the monistic Vedanta Philosophy, which denies the personality of the Divine Principle, and affirms its unity with the spirit of man.
WG Sankaracharya, one of the great teachers of Brahminism; said to be a reincarnation of Gautama Buddha.
SKo Sankaracharya, Acharya, Vedanta Sankaracharya was an Avatara who lived in India from 510 B.C. to 478 B.C. * He was a great religious reformer and was one of the greatest exponents of the Vedanta philosophy. Vedanta is a compound of veda -- knowledge, and anta -- end or completion; hence the Vedanta philosophy presents an illuminated interpretation of the Vedic writings. Because of the light and wisdom he brought to India he was called Sankaracharya, a compound meaning 'blessed spiritual teacher,' from sankara -- blessed, and acharya -- spiritual guide. [* Second Printing of Second Edition by Point Loma Publications, Inc., Editors believe the dates to be 788 A.D. to 820 A.D.]
SP Sankaracarya -- the master (acarya) Sankara [Samkara], great thinker and commentator of the Advaita school of Vedanta philosophy. Sankara also founded a set of monasteries and his most important successors among the abbots use Sankaracarya as a title.
SD INDEX Sankaracharya, Samkaracharya, Sankara, Samkara (Skt) Hindu avatara
abandoning illusive body I 570
Buddha &, closely connected II 637
Buddha's successor I xliv
Buddhism & I 47 &n
fire-deity presides over time I 86
greatest historical initiate I 86, 271
Isvara & atma in I 573-4
on knowledge of Absolute Spirit I six
Moon, Sun, mind II 639n
one of the greatest minds I 522
paraguru of I 457n
sattva I 68n
secret wisdom taught by I 539n
on the sheaths I 570 &n
some treatises of, kept secret I 271
spirit & non-spirit I 573
termed a 6th rounder I 162
"THIS" explained by I 7
----- Viveka-chudamani ("Crest-Jewel of Wisdom") I 569-70, 573-4
SD INDEX Sankha-Dvipa (Skt, Sancha Dwipa in tx)
existed in Puranic times II 407
Hindu version Plato's Atlantis II 405-8
SD INDEX Sankhasura (Skt) [Indian king], described II 405, 407, 408
TG Sankhya (Sk.). The system of philosophy founded by Kapila Rishi, a system of analytical metaphysics, and one of the six Darshanas or schools of philosophy. It discourses on numerical categories and the meaning of the twenty-five tatwas (the forces of nature in various degrees). This "atomistic school", as some call it, explains nature by the interaction of twenty-four elements with purusha (spirit) modified by the three gunas (qualities), teaching the eternity of pradhana (primordial, homogeneous matter), or the self-transformation of nature and the eternity of the human Egos.
WG Sankhya, one of the great systems of Indian philosophy, -- a speculative system as broadly distinguished from the practical, or that based upon exercise of the moral and religious duties. (Literally, "the summing up [of philosophy].")
GH Sankhya (or Samkhya) The name of the third of the six Darsanas or Hindu schools of philosophy, which may be rendered 'the school of reckoners.' It was so called because this school divided or 'reckoned' the universe (and likewise man, as a child of the universe) into 25 elementary principles (Tattwas) -- 24 of which formed the vehicles or bodies in which the true self (Purusha) works. This school was founded by Kapila (q.v.). H. P. Blavatsky states that the system was established by the first Kapila (as stated in the Puranas) and written down by the last Kapila, the sage and philosopher of the Kali-yuga period. (Secret Doctrine, II, p. 572) There were several sages of the name of Kapila. (The following word is derived from the verbal root:) khya+sam, Meaning of the word itself: to reckon, to enumerate. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 15)
SD INDEX Sankhya, or Samkhya (Skt) school of philosophy
beings born fr elements I 284
on intellectual creation I 456
Kapila founder of I 284; II 42, 571-2
man is spirit, matter II 42
a most perfect philosophical system II 253
pradhana as a cause I 55
pradhana in I 256 &n, 370n
purusha impotent I 247
seven prakritis in I 256n, 335
written down by last Kapila II 572
SKf Sankhya, Kapila The Sankhya is a school of Hindu philosophy founded by Kapila. This school divides the Universe, or man, into a Purusha (Spirit) and twenty-four Tattwas (manifested Principles). Hence the name Sankhya, derived from the verb-root samkhya -- to enumerate. The goal of this philosophy is to free the Purusha from these encasing Principles or Tattwas.
TG Sankhya Karika (Sk.). A work by Kapila, containing his aphorisms.
FY Sankhya Karika, a treatise containing the aphorisms of Kapila, the founder of the Sankhya system, one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy.
WGa Sankhya Karika, the metaphysical aphorisms of Kapila Rishi.
SD INDEX Sankhya-Karika (Skt)
kumaras (Vaidhatra) I 457n
Pratyayasarga Creation I 456
seven prakritis I 256n, 335
SD INDEX Sankhya-Sara (Skt) Mahat first appears as Vishnu I 75
TG Sankhya Yoga (Sk.). The system of Yoga as set forth by the above school.
FY Sankhya Yog, the system of Yog as set forth by Sankhya philosophers.
TG Sanna (Pali). One of the five Skandhas, namely the attribute of abstract ideas.
KT Sanna. One of the five Skandhas, or attributes, meaning "abstract ideas."
SD INDEX Sannaddha [Samnaddha] (Skt) one of seven mystic solar rays I 515n
WG Sannyasa, asceticism; withdrawal from the world of pain.
GH Sannyasa Renunciation of the world and material affairs and the taking up of the path leading to mystic knowledge. (Compound sam, with; (The following word is derived from the verbal root:) ni-as, to reject, to resign worldly life.) One who practises Sannyasa is called a Sannyasin. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 44)
SKv Sannyasa The renunciation of all external and worldly bonds in order to devote one's life to the higher intellectual and spiritual culture and service. Sannyasa is a general term which embraces the three Yogic attainments of Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. The word is derived from the verb-root as -- to throw, and ni -- down, and sam -- together; hence meaning 'to throw or lay aside, to renounce.'
TG Sannyasi (Sk.). A Hindu ascetic who has reached the highest mystic knowledge; whose mind is fixed only upon the supreme truth, and who has entirely renounced everything terrestrial and worldly.
FY Sannyasi, a Hindu ascetic whose mind is steadfastly fixed upon the Supreme Truth.
WG Sannyasin, one who retires from worldly concerns; an ascetic.
OG Sannyasin -- (Sanskrit) One who renounces (a renouncer); from sannyasa, "renunciation," abandonment of worldly bonds and attractions. Resignation to the service of the spiritual nature.
SP Sannyasin [samnyasin] -- renouncer, one who renounces.
TG Sansara (Sk.). Lit., "rotation"; the ocean of births and deaths. Human rebirths represented as a continuous circle, a wheel ever in motion.
WG Sansara, migration; passing through a succession of states; passing from one body to another, reincarnation.
WG Sansaya, doubt; error.
WG Sansiddhika, innate.
WG Sanskara, fancy, imagination; inclination.
The History, Development, and Character of Sanskrit by Judith Tyberg
TG Sanskrit (Sk.). The classical language of the Brahmans, never known nor spoken in its true systematized form (given later approximately by Panini), except by the initiated Brahmans, as it was pre-eminently "a mystery language". It has now degenerated into the so-called Prakrita.
SKo Sanskrit, Devanagari Sanskrit is the mother of Aryan languages. It is the developed and perfected form of a very early Aryan tongue; hence the name, from Sanskrita, a word meaning 'perfected,' 'polished.' This original natural language was worked upon and added to and improved by the Initiates of the ancient temples of wisdom in order that it could express more clearly the profound and mystic god-teachings that had been entrusted to them. Thus it has often been called the 'language of the gods.' Devanagari is the alphabetical script of Sanskrit. Devanagari is a compound of deva -- god, and nagari -- city; hence it is the divine-city writing, or in other words, the temple-script.
SD INDEX Sanskrit [Samskrita] (language)
Ahura (Persian) is Asura in II 608
Babylonia seat of, learning I xxxi
decimal notation fr I 360-1
disappearance of, works I xxxiv
every letter has cause, effect I 94
first lang of fifth race I 23; II 200, 204
influence on Hebrew II 130
invented by Brahmans (Stewart) II 442
language of the gods I 269
monads of Leibniz found in I 623
mother of Greek II 200
manuscript on astronomy II 551
Mystery tongue II 200
names used, not Senzar I 23
not spoken by Atlanteans I 23
once called Greek dialect I xxxviii
origin of, & Hebrew I 73
origin of, (Jacolliot) II 222
primordial creation in I 450-1, 454
Dayananda Sarasvati authority on I xxx; II 214n
Semitic languages fr II 200
words have concealed meaning I 78; II 576-7
works, Atlantis & Lemuria in II 326
SD INDEX Sanskrit Dictionary. See Goldstucker, T.
SD INDEX Sanskritists
criticized I 456n, 647; II 50, 225, 450, 567, 585, 629
ignorant of inner meanings I xxi-ii; II 451
Dayananda Sarasvati greatest, of his day I xxx; II 214
SD INDEX Sanskrit Literature, Hist. of. See Muller, F. M.
TG Santa (Sk.). Lit., "placidity". The primeval quality of the latent, undifferentiated state of elementary matter.
WG Santa, tranquil, pleasant.
GH Santanu (or Samtanu) The son of Pratipa (of the Lunar Dynasty), a king of the Kurus, and younger brother of Devapi who became a hermit when Santanu usurped his throne. He married Gafiga, who gave birth to Bhishma (q.v.). He later wedded Satyavati by whom he had two sons, Chitrangada and Vichitravirya (q.v.). Santanu was the fourteenth descendant of Kuru and was remarkable for his devotion, charity, modesty, constancy, and resolution. It was further related of him that every decrepit man whom he touched became young again. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. iii)
TG Santatih (Sk.). The "offspring."
GH Santa-Veda The third of the Vedas, consisting of metrical hymns (of 1549 verses) many of which are similar to the Rig-Veda. The hymns are especially arranged for chanting at the sacrifices or offerings of the Soma (q.v.). Those who chanted the hymns were called Udgatris. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 73)
SD INDEX Santhathi [Santati] (Skt) [progeny, lineage], each race the, of a manu II 140n
WG Sanyama, the combination of attention, contemplation and abstract meditation; in yoga practice, restraint due to the foregoing combination.
SD INDEX Saoshyant (Zor, Soshiosh in tx) Persian version of Kalki avatara I 87; II 420
SD INDEX Sap. [Liber sapientiae].See Book of [the] Wisdom of Solomon
TG Saphar (Heb.). Sepharim; one of those called in the Kabbalah -- Sepher, Saphar and Sipur, or "Number, Numbers and Numbered", by whose agency the world was formed.
SD INDEX Saphar (Heb). See Sephar
TG Sapta (Sk.). Seven.
WG Sapta, seven.
IN Sapta (Skt) Seven.
SD INDEX Sapta (Skt) [seven], four take on three becomes (Stanzas) I 71
TG Sapta Buddhaka (Sk.). An account in Mahtanidana Sutra of Sapta Buddha, the seven Buddhas of our Round, of which Gautama Sakyamuni is esoterically the fifth, and exoterically, as a blind, the seventh.
TG Saptadwipa (Sk.). The seven sacred islands or "continents" in the Puranas.
TG Saptaloka (Sk.). The seven higher regions, beginning from the earth upwards.
SD INDEX Saptaloka (Skt) [seven worlds], Earth globes, Hades to Hindu II 234
TG Saptaparna (Sk.). The "sevenfold". A plant which gave its name to a famous cave, a Vihara, in Rajagriha, now near Buddhagaya, where the Lord Buddha used to meditate and teach his Arhats, and where after his death the first Synod was held. This cave had seven chambers, whence the name. In Esotericism Saptaparna is the symbol of the "sevenfold Man-Plant".
WGa Saptaparna, the seven-chambered cave, near Buddhagaya, where Buddha initiated and taught his Arhats; also man, because he has seven chambers or principles.
IN Saptasarma [Saptaparna] (Skt) "Seven-leaved parna tree," the man-plant, the seven-principled human being.
SD INDEX Saptaparna (Skt) seven-leaved
born fr soil of mystery II 574
cave & Buddhist initiations I xx
man-plant I 200, 236; II 574, 590-1
seven principles or I 236
SKf Sapta Ratnani The 'Seven Jewels of Wisdom.' Ratnani is the nominative plural form of ratna -- a jewel. These Seven Keys to Wisdom and Initiation are: (1) Punarjanman -- Rebirth; (2) Karman -- the Law of Cause and Effect; (3) Lokas and Talas -- Hierarchies, or the law that 'Everything exists in everything else'; (4) Svabhava -- the Essential Characteristic of every being; (5) Pravritti and Nivritti -- Evolution and Involution; (6) Amrita-Yana and Pratyeka-Yana -- the 'Path of Immortality' and the 'Path of Each for Himself'; and (7) Atma-Vidya -- 'Self-knowledge' which is Universal Knowledge.
TG Saptarshi (Sk.). The seven Rishis. As stars they are the constellation of the Great Bear, and called as such the Riksha and Chitrasikhandinas, bright-crested.
WG Saptarshi, (also SAPTA-RISHI), the first seven sages or great teachers of men. (sapta, seven; rishi, sage.)
SD INDEX Saptarshi(s) (Skt) Seven Rishis
angels, spirits & I 198
constellation II 89n
described I 436-7; II 318n, 549-50
given various names I 436
kali-yuga & I 407; II 549, 631
seven Aeons & I 442
TG Sapta Samudra (Sk.). The "seven oceans". These have an occult significance on a higher plane.
SD INDEX Sapta-Samudras (Skt) seven oceans
minor gods fashion chaos into II 704n
symbolize seven gunas I 348
TG Sapta Sindhava (Sk.). The "seven sacred rivers". A Vedic term. In Zend works they are called Hapta Heando. These rivers are closely united with the esoteric teachings of the Eastern schools, having a very occult significance.
SD INDEX Saptasurya (Skt), & kabbalistic seven Suns of Life II 239
TG Sapta Tathagata (Sk.). The chief seven Nirmanakayas among the numberless ancient world-guardians. Their names are inscribed on a heptagonal pillar kept in a secret chamber in almost all Buddhist temples in China and Tibet. The Orientalists are wrong in thinking that these are "the seven Buddhist substitutes for the Rishis of the Brahmans." (See "Tathagata-gupta").
SD INDEX Saqquarah Bronzes, Saitic Epoch I 367n
TG Sar or Saros (Chald.). A Chaldean god from whose name, represented by a circular horizon, the Greeks borrowed their word Saros, the cycle.
SD INDEX Sar (Bab), or circle I 114
SD INDEX Sarah, Sarai (Heb) Abraham's wife
Moon cycle & II 76-7
parallel story in Puranas II 174-6
tempted Pharaoh I 422; II 174
womb, Eve or II 472
TG Sarama (Sk.). In the Vedas, the dog of Indra and mother of the two dogs called Sarameyas. Sarama is the "divine watchman" of the god and the same as he who watched "over the golden flock of stars and solar rays"; the same as Mercury, the planet, and the Greek Hermes, called Sarameyas.
SD INDEX Sarama, Sarameyas (Skt) related to Greek Hermes-Sarameyas II 28
TG Saraph (Heb.). A flying serpent.
SD INDEX Saraph, Seraphim (Heb)
angels, archons, etc I 363, 604
architects or I 16 &n
brazen, fiery serpents I 364n
cherubim same esoterically II 501
Christian sacred animal I 363
copy of ancient prototype I 92
defined II 63, 501
fiery serpents I 126, 364n, 442; II 212n, 387n
Hindu sarpa or II 501
knew well, loved more II 243
"know most" (Jennings) II 238n
Lucifer, Satan or II 243
-Mehopheph II 206n
Moses builds brazen II 387 &n
one of the Holy Four I 92
rule over nineth world (Syrian) I 435
St Michael called II 479-80
six wings of II 387n
three in Sepher Jezirah I 92
winged wheels, avengers I 126
TG Sarasvati (Sk.). The same as Vach, wife and daughter of Brahma, produced from one of the two halves of his body. She is the goddess of speech and of sacred or esoteric knowledge and wisdom. Also called Sri.
WG Sarasvati, the wife or female sakti of Brahma. (Literally, "watery.")
SD INDEX Sarasvati (Skt)
dwelt between prana & apana I 95
goddess of hidden wisdom II 199n
goddess of speech I 95
universal soul I 352-3
wife of Brahma II 76n, 77
SD INDEX Saraswati, Dayanand. See Dayananda
SD INDEX Sarcode (protoplasm)
of Haeckel's monera I 542
name given by Beaumetz II 153n
TG Sarcophagus (Gr.). A stone tomb, a receptacle for the dead; sarc = flesh, and phagein = to eat. Lapis assius, the stone of which the sarcophagi were made, is found in Lycia, and has the property of consuming the bodies in a very few weeks. In Egypt sarcophagi were made of various other stones, of black basalt, red granite, alabaster and other materials, as they served only as outward receptacles for the wooden coffins containing the mummies. The epitaphs on some of them are as remarkable as they are highly ethical, and no Christian could wish for anything better. One epitaph, dating thousands of years before the year one of our modern era, reads: -- "I have given water to him who was thirsty, and clothing to him who was naked. I have done harm to no man." Another: "I have done actions desired by men and those which are commanded by the gods". The beauty of some of these tombs may be judged by the alabaster Sarcophagus of Oimenephthah I., at Sir John Soane's Museum, Lincoln's Inn. "It was cut out of a single block of fine alabaster stone, and is 9 ft. 4 in. long, by 22 to 24 in. in width, and 27 to 32 in. in height. . . . Engraved dots, etc., outside were once filled with blue copper to represent the heavens. To attempt a description of the wonderful figures inside and out is beyond the scope of this work. Much of our knowledge of the mythology of the people is derived from this precious monument, with its hundreds of figures to illustrate the last judgment, and the life beyond the grave. Gods, men, serpents, symbolical animals and plants are there most beautifully carved." (Funeral Rites of the Egyptians.)
SD INDEX Sarcophagus
baptismal font, not corn bin I 317n
of giants at Carthage II 278
Gnostic, of Porta Pia I 410
initiation II 462, 558
meant regeneration II 470
symbolic of female principle II 462
symbol of resurrection II 459-60
unit of measure (Smyth) I 317n
SD INDEX Sardinia(n), tombs, nuraghi in II 352, 752
TG Sargon (Chald.). A Babylonian king. The story is now found to have been the original of Moses and the ark of bulrushes in the Nile.
SD INDEX Sargon, King
conquered Babylon II 691
Moses' story fr I 319 &n; II 428, 691
MO Sarimner [[Norse]] (say-rim-ner) [sar sea + rimner computation, calendar] One of the boars that feed the One-harriers
TG Sarira (Sk.). Envelope or body.
FY Sarira, body.
WG Sarira, body; attributes. The sarira of Parabrahmam may be spoken of as qualities.
OG Sarira -- (Sanskrit) From a root which can best be translated by saying that it means what is easily dissolved, easily worn away; the idea being something transitory, foam-like, full of holes, as it were. Note the meaning hid in this -- it is very important. A term which is of common usage in the philosophy of Hindustan, and of very frequent usage in modern theosophical philosophy. A general meaning is a composite body or vehicle of impermanent character in and through which an ethereal entity lives and works. (See also Linga-Sarira; Sthula-Sarira)
SP Sarira -- body [See upadhi].
sthula-sarira -- the gross body
linga-sarira -- the subtle body
karana-sarira -- the causal body.
SD INDEX Sarira (Skt)
attribute I 59n
body or form I 334-5, 522
WG Sariri, substances.
TG Sarisripa (Sk.). Serpents, crawling insects, reptiles, "the infinitesimally small".
SD INDEX Sarisripa (Skt) any creeping animal
insects & small lives II 52
moneron of Haeckel & II 185
TG Sarku (Chald.). Lit., the light race; that of the gods in contradistinction to the dark race called zahmat gagnadi, or the race that fell, i.e., mortal men.
SD INDEX Sarku (Bab), light race II 5
SD INDEX Saros(es) (Chald) cycle
Berosus on I 655n
circle symbol & I 114
each, equals six naroses I 655n
smaller cycles within I 641
TG Sarpas (Sk.). Serpents, whose king was Sesha, the serpent, or rather an aspect of Vishnu, who reigned in Patala.
SD INDEX Sarpa (Skt) serpent
derivation of word II 181-2n
differ fr nagas II 182n, 501 &n
flying II 183
produced fr Brahma's hair II 181-2
TG Sarpa-rajni (Sk.). The queen of the serpents in the Brahmanas.
SD INDEX Sarpa-Rajni (Skt) [queen of serpents], Earth or I 74; II 47
WG Sarupya, having body or shape, similar to that of Isvara.
TG Sarvada (Sk.). Lit., "all-sacrificing". A title of Buddha, who in a former Jataka (birth) sacrificed his kingdom, liberty, and even life, to save others.
TG Sarvaga (Sk.). The supreme "World-Substance".
SD INDEX Sarvaga (Skt) all-permeant
soul-substance of world I 582
supreme soul is I 451
WG Sarva-jna, omniscient. (sarva, all; jna, knowing.)
TG Sarva Mandala (Sk.). A name for the "Egg of Brahma".
SD INDEX Sarva-mandala (Skt) Egg of Brahma or I 257, 373
SD INDEX Sarva-medha (Skt) [sacrifice], Visvakarman performed II 605
WG Sarva-sakti, omnipotent. (sarva, all; sakti, power.)
TG Sarvatma (Sk.). The supreme Soul; the all-pervading Spirit.
SD INDEX Sarvatma (Skt) [all self], Seven Lords lie hidden in I 90
SD INDEX Sarvavasu (Skt) [sunbeam], one of seven mystic solar rays I 515n
TG Sarvesha (Sk.). Supreme Being. Controller of every action and force in the universe.
SD INDEX Sarvesa (Skt) [lord of all], devoid of name, species, body I 373
SD INDEX Sastra (Skt) [edged weapon], not Astra or fiery II 629n
SD INDEX Sastra-devatas (Skt) gods of divine weapons II 629
TG Sat (Sk.). The one ever-present Reality in the infinite world; the divine essence which is, but cannot be said to exist, as it is Absoluteness, Be-ness itself.
VS changeless Sat (II 5) [[p. 26]] SAT, the one eternal and Absolute Reality and Truth, all the rest being illusion.
FY Sat, the real, Purusha.
WG Sat, truth, "be-ness," self-existence; one of the aspects of Parabrahmam.
OG Sat -- (Sanskrit) A word meaning the real, the enduring fundamental essence of the world. In the ancient Brahmanical teachings the terms sat, chit, ananda, were used to signify the state of what one may call the Absolute: sat meaning "pure being"; chit, "pure thought"; ananda, "bliss," and these three words were compounded as sachchidananda. (See also Asat)
GH Sat Being, or rather Be-ness -- the state of existence. The term is used as the Real (true being), in contradistinction to Asat (the illusory world). In the Vedanta it is equivalent to the self-existent or Universal Spirit (Brahman). "Sat is in itself neither the 'existent,' nor 'being.' SAT is the immutable, the ever present, changeless and eternal root, from and through which all proceeds. But it is far more than the potential force in the seed, which propels onward the process of development, or what is now called evolution. It is the ever becoming, though the never manifesting." (Secret Doctrine, II, p. 449) (present participle of (The following word is derived from the verbal root:) as, to be. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 119)
SKv Sat, Asat Sat is 'Reality,' 'Truth,' the 'Be-ness' or 'Essence' of all things, that which is enduring. Sat is a name given by the Vedantins to Brahman, the Universal Self. Asat is 'unreality,' 'untruth,' 'non-being,' that which does not endure. Asat is usually applied to the illusory or mayavi realms of the manifested universe, to the shadowy or reflecting side of nature, and to the vehicles and bodies through which the Self evolves. But Asat may also be rendered in a highly mystical sense as 'that which is beyond Sat,' that which is so lofty and divine that it seems to us as non-existence. It is that boundless and eternal Space or Parabrahman out of which Sat itself springs. The word Sat is the present participle-form of the verb-root as -- to be; hence 'being.'
IN Sat (Skt) "Truth, reality, pure being'' -- the essence of Brahman.
SP Sat -- reality, being. The opposite of asat, unreality, nonbeing.
SD INDEX Sat (Skt). See also All, Boundless, That
absolute Non-Entity I 143n
asat &, key to Aryan wisdom II 449-50
Be-ness, Reality or I 14-17; II 310
immutable eternal root II 449
manifested things cannot be I 119-20
One ever-hidden or I 542
Parabrahman the esoteric II 58
threshold to world of truth I 119
unconditioned reality I 69
Universal Soul or II 58
universe, Divine Thought I 61
unknowable absoluteness of I 556
unmanifested I 289
SD INDEX Sat or Thoth, Seth, the later Sat-an II 530
SD INDEX Sata(s) (Skt) [hundred(s)], Vedas into, of branches II 483
SD INDEX Satan (satan, Heb) adversary II 231-9, 337-90. See also Adversary, Angels, Asuras, Devils, Fallen Angels, Lucifer
adversary to Jehovah II 243
agent of karma II 478
Angel of Death same as II 385
angel of God II 477
anointed identified w II 234
anthropomorphized I 412; II 507
Atlanteans prototypes of II 272
Baissac on II 245-6, 509
became a fallen angel I 194-5; II 506
became a savior I 193
Cain generated by II 389
Celestial Pole as II 358
Christ & Antichrist I 612
creator of Divine Man I 193
derivation of word II 387
Deus inversus I 411-24
door keeper II 233
as dragon crushed by Virgin I 403
dragon of wisdom miscalled II 94n, 234
Ea disfigured into Thallath or II 61
esoteric view of II 233-6
Fallen Angel II 60, 229n, 475-505, 489, 515
father of spiritual mankind II 243
fell as lightning fr heaven II 231 &n
fifth class of demons II 389n
a Frankenstein monster II 508
God forbids cursing II 477
God in Talmud II 478
God in the manifested world II 235
god of wisdom II 237, 530
Hermes or II 380
highest divine spirit II 377
horns, cloven foot, claws of II 230, 507
Jehovah &, one II 387n
Jehovah upside down II 510
killed by Michael, St George II 385
King of Darkness II 509n
kumaras degraded into I 458
Levi on II 238n, 506-7
Logos firstborn brother of II 162
Lucifer &, is our mind II 513
Lucifer or II 30-1, 111, 230-1, 243, 283n
made grotesque by theology II 476, 508
made terrestrial man divine I 198
magistrate of karma II 234
Manichaeans on II 509n
manifested, bound, fallen II 235
Merodach or II 53
Milton on II 484
"Monkey of God" II 476
no reality to II 209
Ophiomorphos or II 244, 389
origin of pagan saviors II 482
personification of abstract evil II 478
plagiarist by anticipation II 476
Pleroma & II 506-18
prince of pre-Adamic world I 324
pure spirit originally I 413
reality to Roman Catholics II 510
rebellious angel I 193-4, 196
refused to create I 193-4
scapegoat for God's blunders I 412
scholiasts impose belief in II 776-7
secret of II 235
seducing serpent II 111
serpent (Genesis) not II 388
shadow of God II 510
Shamael [Samael] the supposed II 205
slandered by theologians I 415
Son of God [Job] I 412, 414, 422n; II 376, 378, 477, 489
stood up against Israel II 387n
tempter & redeemer II 513
tempts David to number people I 414
thou shalt not revile II 477-8
Venus-Lucifer or II 30-1, 45n
"War in Heaven" II 62-3
wisest of gods, archangels II 60
SD INDEX Satanians, sect of, degraded II 389
SD INDEX Satanic I 222, 325; II 228, 341, 390n, 482, 641
SD INDEX Satanism
hypnotism will soon become II 641
of idols (de Mirville) II 341
SD INDEX Satan ou le diable. See Baissac, J.
SD INDEX Satapatha Brahmana (Skt)
Brahma created thru daughter I 431
Brahman radiated gods, rests I 447
fourteen precious things I 67n
Ida (Ila) II 138, 140, 147-8
Kasyapa, account of II 253
no life after Flood II 146
Sarva-medha ceremony II 605
Seven Rishis in I 436
TG Sata rupa (Sk.). The "hundred-formed one"; applied to Vach, who to be the female Brahma assumes a hundred forms, i.e., Nature.
SD INDEX Satarupa (Skt) hundred-formed
daughter, wife of Brahma I 431
Vach is named I 94; II 128
WGa Satchitananda, that which is all truth (sattwa), all intelligence (chit), and all bliss (ananda). See respectively those words.
SKf Sachchidananda; Sat, Chit, Ananda Sat -- pure being, reality; Chit -- pure thought, intelligence, and consciousness; and Ananda -- pure bliss, the highest happiness; are three words used to describe the state of being of Brahman, the Highest Being or Self of our universe. A human being or god who has attained Moksha or Nirvana, or atonement with the highest in our universe, is also said to enjoy Sat, Chit, and Ananda, or compounded in one word -- Sachchidananda.
SD INDEX Satellite(s). See also Moon(s)
Jupiter's, denser than planet I 593; II 137n
Mars has no right to its I 165
Mercury, Venus have no I 155n; II 32
Moon, of Earth physically I 180
of Neptune, Uranus, retrograde I 149-50n, 575, 593
planes of Neptune, Uranus, tilted I 101
theories of origin of I 596-7
TG Sati (Eg.). The triadic goddess, with Anouki of the Egyptian god Khnoum.
SD INDEX Sati (Egy), triadic goddess I 367n
SD INDEX Satires. See Horace
SD INDEXa Satis eloquentiae, sapientiae parvum I 349 (Lat) "Eloquence enough, too little wisdom." -- Sallust, Cataline V
WG Sat-karyyam, existent effect.
TG Satta, (Sk.). The "one and sole Existence" -- Brahma (neut.).
SD INDEX Satta (Skt) [sole existence], Supreme Spirit is, in pralaya I 373
SD INDEX Sattapanni (Pali) Cave (in Mahavamsa), Buddhist initiations at I xx
TG Satti or Suttee, (Sk.). The burning of living widows together with their dead husbands -- a custom now happily abolished in India; lit., "a chaste and devoted wife".
TG Sattva (Sk.). Understanding; quiescence in divine knowledge. It follows generally the word Bodhi when used as a compound word, e.g., "Bodhisattva".
TG Sattva or Satwa, (Sk.). Goodness; the same as Sattva, or purity, one of the trigunas or three divisions of nature.
FY Sattwa, purity.
FY Satva, goodness.
WG Sattva, being, existence, entity, life; truth, reality; in philosophy, the highest of the three gunas.
WGa Sattwa, the same as Sattva.
OG Sattva -- (Sanskrit) One of the trigunas or "three qualities," the other two being rajas and tamas. Sattva is the quality of truth, goodness, reality, purity. These three gunas or qualities run all through the web or fabric of nature like threads inextricably mingled, for, indeed, each of these three qualities participates likewise of the nature of the other two, yet each one possessing its predominant (which is its own svabhava) or intrinsic characteristic. One who desires to gain some genuine understanding of the manner in which the archaic wisdom looks upon these three phases of human intellectual and spiritual activity must remember that not one of these three can be considered apart from the other two. The three are fundamentally three operations of the human consciousness, and essentially are that consciousness itself.
GH Sattva (or Sattwa) The quality of truth, goodness, purity: one of the three qualities (Trigunas) running through the web or fabric of Nature. (See Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. chapters. xiv and xviii.) (sat, being; tva -- a noun-suffix, hence: 'true essence.' Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 16)
SD INDEX Sattva (Skt) purity, truth
dual monad or I 69n
one of the triguna I 348
quietude I 335n
rajas & tamas I 348, 535
understanding or antahkarana I 68n
SD INDEX Saturday, Saturn's day I 652
SD INDEX Saturn (god). See also Kronos, Saturn-Kronos
Agruerus, Kronos are II 142n, 341n
ate his progeny I 674n
Dagon, Kronos [Vallencey] I 642n
fr duration became limited I 418
Egypt, Greece, Phoenicia fr II 768
father of the gods I 418, 449n
god of time II 390n
Golden Age of II 372-3, 421, 777
Jewish Moon-god II 63
Kronos, & Noah II 391-2
Kronos or, governed Lemurians II 765
Kronos-Sadic & II 360n
Lemuria or kingdom of II 765, 768, 777
Plato's Golden Age under II 264
Sabaoth, Israel & I 576
samothracian mysteries & II 360n, 391
serpent swallowing tail not I 253n
swallows Jupiter lapis II 341 &n
SD INDEX Saturn (planet)
building of Earth & II 23
conditions on II 137n
conjunction of planets & I 656, 662; II 63
evil-eyed, the dark II 29
fourth human group under II 29
Ialdabaoth-Jehovah genius of I 577n; II 538 &n
Jehovah &, glyphically same I 417, 578
Jews evolved under II 127
Mars, Jupiter, conjunction w, rare I 656
Moon, Jupiter &, high triad II 462
Moon, Qu-tamy & II 453, 455
nations born under I 577
polar compression of Mercury & I 593
psychic relation to Earth I 575
rings of II 235
"ruler" of I 435, 459
Sanaischara is I 459
Satan astronomically II 235
septenary chain I 153
Uranus more dense than I 593
SD INDEX Saturn (Seventh world of Syrians) thrones rule over I 435
SD INDEX Saturnine. See alsoHyperborean
cradle of race became II 777
great sea north of Asia called II 777n
SD INDEX Saturn-Kronos. See also Kronos, Saturn
Rudra-Siva is II 502n
Samael, Schemal symbolic of I 417
Third Race Titans & II 766
Titans as, mutilated Uranos II 766
TG Satya (Sk.). Supreme truth.
WG Satya, real, true; truth, unconditioned reality.
SKo Satya Truth, reality; derived from the word sat or 'that which really is.' Sat is a participial form of the verb-root as -- to be.
SP Satya -- truth.
SD INDEX Satya (Skt)
absolute being or esse I 48n
unconditioned reality I 69
WG Satyaki, a great hero, an allegorical personification introduced in the battle described in the Bhagavad-Gita.
GH Satyaki A member of the Vrishni family, kinsman of Krishna, and acting as his charioteer. He also lent his aid to the Pandavas in the battle to regain their kingdom. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 4)
TG Satya Loka (Sk.). The world of infinite purity and wisdom, the celestial abode of Brahma and the gods.
FY Satya Loka, the abode of Truth, one of the subjective spheres in our solar system.
WG Satya-loka, the highest heaven; place of truth.
SD INDEX Satya-loka (Skt), one of seven II 321
SK Satyan nasti paro dharmah There is no Religion higher than Truth. (Satyan -- than truth; nasti, a compound of na -- not, and asti -- is; paro -- higher; and dharmah -- the nominative form of dharma -- truth, or religion.)
SD INDEX "Satyan nasti paro dharmah" (Skt) ["There is no religion higher than truth"], motto of The Theosophical Society I xli; II 798
TG Satyas (Sk.). One of the names of the twelve great gods.
SD INDEX Satyas (Skt), one of twelve gods II 90
GH Satyavati The daughter of Uparichara, a king of Chedi and Adrika, about whom it is related that although an Apsaras ('celestial nymph'), she was doomed to live on earth in the form of a fish. Satyavati was the mother of Vyasa by the Rishi Parasara, giving birth to him on an island (dvipa) -hence he was called Dvaipayana. Later Satyavati wedded king Santanu (king of the Kurus) giving birth to Chitrangada and Vichitravirya (q.v.). (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. iii)
TG Satya Yuga (Sk.). The golden age, or the age of truth and purity; the first of the four Yugas, also called Krita Yuga.
WG Satya-yuga, the first of the four ages, the golden age, containing 1,728,000 of mortal years. (See YUGA.)
SD INDEX Satya-Yuga, or Krita-Yuga (Skt) II 308n. See also Golden Age
always the first age I 377
astronomical signs for beginning of I 378
Eden or II 493
fifth race in, when Atlantis sank II 147n
first flood at end of II 146
Kapila of, a generic name II 572
length of II 69
manus & I 235n
occurs in Bharata (Varsha) II 322
Ocean of Milk & I 67-8
separation ended, of third race II 201
sixth race will be in II 147n
third root-race & II 520n
Vishnu as Kapila gives wisdom in II 483
"Watchers" & I 266
SD INDEX Satyr(s)
Church Fathers "saw" II 755
described (Commentaries) II 287
extinct race animal-men II 262
nephilim later made into II 755, 775
symbol of Atlantean bestiality II 775
armies of, scattered I 467
divination by II 455
SD INDEX Sauria(ns)
flying II 219, 258
genesis of II 151, 205
ibis saves Egypt fr I 362
third eye developed in II 299n
SD INDEX Savage(s)
abject, explained II 744
ancestors are serpents, belief of I 404
anthropoid fr, (Haeckel) II 171
Aryans & II 421n
civilized &, races side by side II 317-18, 522, 716-17, 722-3
complicated mythology, customs of II 721
do not imitate apes II 676n
Ice Age immigration of II 738n
of India II 676
inferiority of II 249n, 421n
latest human monads II 168
may be old, relapsed races II 721-2
moral discernment of I 423
Paleolithic, & civilized man II 317, 686n, 716
primeval, never existed II 722
some of third race were II 318
sterility in crossings w II 195
superior & inferior, discussed II 425
there have been, in all ages II 715
SD INDEX Savagery, isolation brings on II 426
SD INDEX Savahi (Pers), globe F, Earth chain II 759
SD INDEX Savarna (Skt) mother of the Prachetases II 578
SD INDEX Savarna, Savarni (Skt) Seed-Manu, glode G, fourth round II 309
SD INDEX Savior(s) II 222
Agathodaemon, the Gnostic II 458
Chenresi called II 179
Christian, & Taurus I 656
cyclic II 415
holy seed-grain of future II 173
last, will be fr Sacred Island II 350
man his own I 644
mind is our II 513
no new, in Black Age I 470
periodical births of world I 657
personified in Prometheus II 411
Pisces symbol of I 653
rakshasas future, of humanity II 163
rebels are our II 103
Satan a I 193; II 243
satanic origin of pagan, (Sepp) II 482
spiritual Sun sends forth I 638
Vaivasvata, of our race II 140-1
WG Savitra, the sun; the divine sun. According to Sayana, Savitri is the sun before rising, and after rising until its setting it is called Surya. (Literally, "the vivifier.")
SD INDEX Savitri (Skt), Vach or, mother of gods II 128
WG Sawan, Siamese for heaven.
SD INDEX Saxon (races) God of, fr Hebrew yodh or jod I 347
SD INDEX Sayana (Skt) commentator on Rig-Veda
makes Ila goddess of Earth II 138
makes Mania goddess of Earth II 143
SD INDEX Sayce, Archibald Henry
----- Hibbert Lectures . . .<FS>
Babylonian astronomers II 693
Babylonian religion II 691
beneficent, maleficent gods II 477
on Chaldean chronology I 320n
Damti [Tamtu] the sea II 463
Eridu foreign city II 203
Eridu, Tel'loh II 226, 693
evil servant of good II 477
gods of Chaldea II 248n
library at Nineveh II 692
Moon created monsters II 115
Nebo, god of wisdom II 456
"Observations of Bel" II 693
Sargon, Akkad, library II 691
seven Kings II 2
statues at Tel'loh II 692-3
two creations II 54
WG Sayujya, a state of moksha (supreme bliss), which includes salokya and sarupya, but does not mean absolute union with Parabrahmam.