V - Vd


A-Ad | Ae-Aj | Ak-Al | Am-An | Ao-Ar | As | At-Az | B-Bh | Bi-Bq | Br-Bt | Bu-Bz | C-Cg | Ch-Chi | Chj-Chz | Ci-Co | Cp-Cz | D-Dd | De-Dg | Dh-Dm | Dn-Dz | E-El | Em-Ez | F | G-Gl | Gm-Gz | H-Hh | Hi-Hl | Hm-Hz | I-Im | In-Iz | J | K-Kaq | Kar-Kq | Kr-Kz | L-Ln | Lo-Lz | M-Mah | Mai-Man | Mao-Md | Me-Mn | Mo-Mz | N-Nh | Ni-Nz | O-Ol | Om-Oz | P-Paq | Par-Pd | Pe-Pi | Pj-Pq | Pr | Ps-Pz | Q | R-Rh | Ri-Rz | S-Sam | San-Sb | Sc-Sep | Ser-Sj | Sk-So | Sp-St | Su-Sz | T-Td | Te-Th | Ti-Tq | Tr-Tz | U-Un | Uo-Uz | V-Vd | Ve-Vz | W | X | Y-Yl | Ym-Yz | Z | Homepage

List of Title Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)

TG V. -- The twenty-second letter of the Latin alphabet. Numerically it stands for 5; hence the Roman V (with a dash) stands for 5,000. The Western Kabbalists have connected it with the divine Hebrew name IHVH. The Hebrew Vau, however, being number 6, it is only by being identical with the W, that it can ever become a proper symbol for the male-female, and spirit-matter. The equivalent for the Hebrew Vau is YO, and in numerals 6.

TG Vach (Sk.). To call Vach "speech" simply, is deficient in clearness. Vach is the mystic personification of speech, and the female Logos, being one with Brahma, who created her out of one-half of his body, which he divided into two portions; she is also one with Viraj (called the "female" Viraj) who was created in her by Brahma. In one sense Vach is "speech" by which knowledge was taught to man; in another she is the "mystic, secret speech" which descends upon and enters into the primeval Rishis, as the "tongues of fire" are said to have "sat upon" the apostles. For, she is called "the female creator", the "mother of the Vedas", etc., etc. Esoterically, she is the subjective Creative Force which, emanating from the Creative Deity (the subjective Universe, its "privation", or ideation) becomes the manifested "world of speech", i.e., the concrete expression of ideation, hence the "Word" or Logos. Vach is "the male and female" Adam of the first chapter of Genesis, and thus called "Vach-Viraj" by the sages. (See Atharva Veda.) She is also "the celestial Saraswati produced from the heavens", a "voice derived from speechless Brahma" (Mahabharata); the goddess of wisdom and eloquence. She is called Sata-rupa, the goddess of a hundred forms.

FY Vach, speech; the Logos; the mystic Word.

WG Vach, speech, word; the mystic Word, the Logos or collective host of Dhyan Chohans.

OG Vach -- (Sanskrit) A term which means "speech" or "word"; and by the same procedure of mystical thought which is seen in ancient Greek mysticism, wherein the Logos is not merely the speech or word of the Divinity, but also the divine reason, so Vach has come to mean really more than merely word or speech. The esoteric Vach is the subjective creative intelligent force which, emanating from the subjective universe, becomes the manifested or concrete expression of ideation, hence Word or Logos. Mystically, therefore, Vach may be said to be the feminine or vehicular aspect of the Logos, or the power of the Logos when enshrined within its vehicle or sheath of action. Vach in India is often called Sata-rupa, "the hundred-formed." Cosmologically in one sense daiviprakriti may be said to be a manifestation or form of Vach.

MO Vac or Vach (vahch) [Skt. voice, speech] Hindu first sound. See also Audhumla

SP Vac [vach] -- speech or word.

SD INDEX Vach (Skt) Voice. See also Aditi, Logos, Voice

Aditi or I 431, 434; II 43, 107
Bath-kol & II 107
Brahma separates into Viraj & I xv, 9n, 89, 137; II 128, 143, 472
calls universe out of chaos I 137
daughter of Brahma I 431; II 128, 418n
described & explained I 137-8, 430-3
equivalent of Logos II 199n
female Logos of Brahma I 9n; II 107
four aspects of I 138, 432, 433n
goddess I 95, 434
hidden power of mantras I 354
Ida (Ila), Mania & I 523; II 143
identical w Eve II 128, 147
Kwan-yin & I 136n, 137, 431n
Lahash similar to I 354
light, sound, ether & I 431-2
magic potency of sound I 137
"melodious cow" (Rig-Veda) I 137, 427n, 734; II 418n
mother of the gods I 430, 434
mulaprakriti & I 430
mystic speech, occult knowledge I 430
Sarasvati (speech) form of I 95, 353
Satarupa or I 94; II 128
Universal Soul I 352-3
various names of I 137, 430, 434; II 128


SD INDEX Vachaspatya (Skt), on Katapa (Kalapa) I 378n

SD INDEX Vach-Satarupa (Skt), Manu w II 128, 148

TG Vacuum (Lat.). The symbol of the absolute Deity or Boundless Space, esoterically.

SD INDEX Vacuum, Vacuity

caloric & I 524
does not exist anywhere I 527
inter-etheric, & bell sounds I 557
Keely motor & I 556-7, 565
of Leucippus is latent Deity I 343
plenum, ether & I 495
betw sidereal bodies (Newton) I 491, 494-5

SD INDEX Vadukku, Chaldean genii or spirits II 248n

MO Vaftrudnir [[Norse]] (vahv-trood-ner) [vaf wrap, weave + thrudr doughty] The weaver of strong webs (of illusion)

MO Vagtam [[Norse]] (vayg-tahm) [vag way + tam wont] Pilgrim

TG Vahana (Sk.). A vehicle, the carrier of something immaterial and formless. All the gods and goddesses are, therefore, represented as using vahanas to manifest themselves, which vehicles are ever symbolical. So, for instance, Vishnu has during Pralayas, Ananta "the infinite" (Space), symbolized by the serpent Sesha, and during the Manvantaras -- Garuda the gigantic half-eagle, half-man, the symbol of the great cycle; Brahma appears as Brahma, descending into the planes of manifestations on Kalahamsa, the "swan in time or finite eternity"; Siva (phonet, Shiva) appears as the bull Nandi; Osiris as the sacred bull Apis; Indra travels on an elephant; Karttikeya, on a peacock; Kamadeva on Makara, at other times a parrot; Agni, the universal (and also solar) Fire-god, who is, as all of them are, "a consuming Fire", manifests itself as a ram and a lamb, Aja, "the unborn"; Varuna, as a fish; etc., etc., while the vehicle of MAN is his body.

KT Vahan (Sans.) "Vehicle," a synonym of Upadhi.

WG Vahan, vehicle, carrier.

OG Vahana -- (Sanskrit) A "vehicle" or carrier. This word has a rather wide currency in philosophical and esoteric and occult thought. Its signification is a bearer or vehicle of some entity which, through this carrier or vehicle, is enabled to manifest itself on planes or in spheres or worlds hierarchically inferior to its own. Thus the vahana of man is, generally speaking, his body, although indeed man's constitution comprises a number of vahanas or vehicles, each one belonging to -- and enabling the inner man, or manifesting spiritual or intellectual entity, to express itself on -- the plane where the vahana is native. Vahana is thus seen to have a number of different meanings, or, more accurately, applications. E.g., the vahana of man's spiritual monad is his spiritual soul; the vahana of man's human ego is his human soul; and the vahana of man's psycho-vital-astral monad is the linga-sarira working through its vahana or carrier, the sthula-sarira or physical body. The wire which carries the current of electricity can be said to be the vahana of the electric current; or again, the intermolecular ether is the vahana of many of the radioactive forces of the world around us, etc. Every divine being has a vahana or, in fact, a number of vahanas, through which it works and through which it is enabled to express its divine powers and functions on and in worlds and planes below the sphere or world or plane in which it itself lives. (See also Soul; Upadhi)

IN Vahana (Skt) "Vehicle" or form imbodying a consciousness.

SP Vahana -- vehicle.

SD INDEX Vahana (Skt) vehicle I 39, 73, 80, 153

buddhi is II 241
buddhi the, of atman I 265
Fohat as a I 108
Garuda the, of Vishnu II 564
of Lords of Wisdom II 172
Makara the, of Varuna II 577
matter, of spirit II 58n
Merkabah, chariot of Ain-soph or I 214
physical forces are, of elements I 470
soul the, of spirit I 153
spark, of the Flame I 265
Sun, of akasa I 527
Vyavaharika used as a I 356
yana or I 39


TG Vaibhachikas (Sk.). The followers of the Vibhacha Shastra, an ancient school of materialism; a philosophy that held that no mental concept can be formed except through direct contact between the mind, via the senses, such as sight, touch, taste, etc., and external objects. There are Vaibhachikas, to this day, in India.

TG Vaidhatra (Sk.). The same as the Kumaras.

SD INDEX Vaidhatra (Skt) patronymic name of kumaras I 89, 457n

TG Vaidyuta (Sk.). Electric fire, the same as Pavaka, one of the three fires which, divided, produce forty-nine mystic fires.

SD INDEX Vaidyuta (Skt), electric fire I 521

TG Vaihara (Sk.). The name of a cave-temple near Rajagriha, whereinto the Lord Buddha usually retired for meditation.

TG Vaijayanti (Sk.). The magic necklace of Vishnu, imitated by certain Initiates among the temple Brahmans. It is made of five precious stones, each symbolizing one of the five elements of our Round; namely, the pearl, ruby, emerald, sapphire and diamond, or water, fire, earth, air and ether, called "the aggregate of the five elemental rudiments" -- the word "powers" being, perhaps, more correct than "rudiments".

TG Vaikhari Vach (Sk.). That which is uttered; one of the four forms of speech.

SD INDEX Vaikhari-Vach (Skt)

kosmos in its objective form I 138, 432
lowest form of Vach I 434
that which is uttered I 138

SD INDEX Vaikrita (Skt) secondary origin of gods fr Brahma was I 455n

WG Vaikriti, modification, change.

WG Vaikritika, constructive; incidental.

TG Vaikuntha (Sk.). One of the names of the twelve great gods, whence Vaikunthaloka, the abode of Vishnu.

SD INDEX Vaikunthas (Skt), one of twelve gods II 90

SD INDEX Vaikuntha-loka (Skt) heaven of Vishnu I 522

SD INDEX Vairaja-loka (Skt, Viraja-loka in tx) II 89n

TG Vairajas (Sk.). In the popular belief, semi-divine beings, shades of saints, inconsumable by fire, impervious to water, who dwell in Tapo-loka with the hope of being translated into Satya-loka -- a more purified state which answers to Nirvana. The term is explained as the aerial bodies or astral shades of "ascetics, mendicants, anchorites, and penitents, who have completed their course of rigorous austerities". Now in esoteric philosophy they are called Nirmanakayas, Tapo-loka being on the sixth plane (upward) but in direct communication with the mental plane. The Vairajas are referred to as the first gods because the Manasaputras and the Kumaras are the oldest in theogony, as it is said that even the gods worshipped them (Matsya Purana); those whom Brahma "with the eye of Yoga beheld in the eternal spheres, and who are the gods of gods" (Vayu Purana).

SD INDEX Vairajas (Skt) [sons of Viraj], seven classes of pitris called II 89-90

TG Vairochana (Sk.). "All-enlightening". A mystic symbol, or rather a generic personification of a class of spiritual beings described as the embodiment of essential wisdom (bodhi) and absolute purity. They dwell in the fourth Arupa Dhatu (formless world) or Buddhakshetra, and are the first or the highest hierarchy of the five orthodox Dhyani Buddhas. There was a Sramana (an Arhat) of this name (see Eitel's Sansk. Chin. Dict.), a native of Kashmir, "who introduced Buddhism into Kustan and laboured in Tibet" (in the seventh century of our era). He was the best translator of the semi-esoteric Canon of Northern Buddhism, and a contemporary of the great Samantabhadra (q.v.).

WG Vairagya, (also Viraga), freedom from worldly passion, absence of all worldly desires.

TG Vaisakha (Sk.). A celebrated female ascetic, born at Sravasti, and called Sudatta, "virtuous donor". She was the mother-abbess of a Vihara, or convent of female Upasikas, and is known as the builder of a Vihara for Sakyamuni Buddha. She is regarded as the patroness of all the Buddhist female ascetics.

TG Vaisheshika (Sk.).One of the six Darshanas or schools of philosophy, founded by Kanada. It is called the Atomistic School, as it teaches the existence of a universe of atoms of a transient character, an endless number of souls and a fixed number of material principles, by the correlation and interaction of which periodical cosmic evolutions take place without any directing Force, save a kind of mechanical law inherent in the atoms; a very materialistic school.

TG Vaishnava (Sk.). A follower of any sect recognising and worshipping Vishnu as the one supreme God. The worshippers of Siva are called Saivas.

SD INDEX Vaishnava(s) (Skt) followers of Vishnu

Brahman interpolators II 550n
God of the I 421
haters of Nanda II 550 &n
maha-buddhi & I 451
saivas & I 675
of the Vasishtha[Visishta]-dvaita or I 55
Wilson re system of I 456n

FY Vaishyas, cattle breeders; artisans; the third caste among the Hindus.

WG Vaisva-nara, the internal fire which causes digestion; in Vedanta philosophy, the spirit of humanity, the collective consciousness of mankind; an epithet of Savitri. (vaisva, pervading, common to all; nara, man, mankind.)

SD INDEX Vaisvanara, Vaisvana (Skt)

blazes within the body II 496
described II 311 &n, 381-2
elements spring fr I 621 &n
often denotes the self II 496n
sevenfold fire II 568

OG Vaisya -- (Sanskrit) The third of the four castes or social classes into which the inhabitants of ancient India were divided. The Vaisya is the trader and agriculturist. (See also Brahmana; Kshatriya; Sudra)

GH Vaisya literally 'A man who settles on the soil' thus a peasant or working-man. The third of the four social classes or castes into which society was divided in Hindusthan. It also referred to one whose occupation was that of trade as well as of agriculture. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 69)

SP Vaisya -- a member of the mercantile or artisan class, the third of the four classes.


TG Vaivaswata (Sk.). The name of the Seventh Manu, the forefather of the post-diluvian race, or our own fifth humankind. A reputed son of Surya (the Sun), he became, after having been saved in an ark (built by the order of Vishnu) from the Deluge, the father of Ikshwaku, the founder of the solar race of kings. (See "Suryavansa".)

WG Vaivasvata-Manu, the Manu reigning during the present manvantara. (See MANU.)

GH Vaivasvata-Manu The name of the seventh Manu (q.v.) who presides over the present Manvantara: literally the sun-born Manu, also called Satya-vrata because of his piety. He is sometimes described as one of the 12 Adityas (q.v.), and is regarded as the progenitor of the present race of living beings. In the Mahabharata Vaivasvata is the hero of the deluge. As the story runs, while he was observing his devotions by the side of the river, he was interrupted in his worship by a small fish who entreated the monarch to shield him from the larger fish who was about to seize his victim. Being moved by compassion, Vaivasvata placed the little fish in a vase, but was very soon astonished to find that the receptacle could no longer contain it. Whereupon the fish was placed in a larger vessel. But the fish kept on growing, so that in time no tank was large enough to hold him, therefore the river became his abode. Still the fish grew so much in girth, that he had to be transferred to the ocean. Then the fish commanded Vaivasvata to build a ship and place himself and the 7 Rishis on it, and fasten the prow to his horn, for a deluge would soon overwhelm the earth. Having done as he was bid, upon entering the vessel, Vaivasvata and the Rishis were towed off by the fish and were thus saved from the flood. Finally they were brought to Himavat (the Himalayas), where Vaivasvata landed and thereafter repeopled the earth. "In the Satapatha Brahmana, Manu finds that 'the Flood had swept away all living creatures, and he alone was left' -- i.e., the seed of life alone remained from the previous dissolution of the Universe, or Maha-pralaya, after a 'Day of Brahma'; and the Mahabharata refers simply to the geological cataclysm which swept away nearly all the Fourth Race to make room for the Fifth. Therefore is Vaivasvata Manu shown under three distinct attributes in our esoteric Cosmogony: (a) as the 'Root-Manu' on Globe A in the First Round; (b) as the 'seed of life' on Globe D in the Fourth Round; and (c) as the 'Seed of Man' at the beginning of every Root-Race -- in our Fifth Race especially." (Secret Doctrine, II, pp. 146-7) (from vivasvat, the sun. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 30)

SD INDEX Vaivasvata (Skt) belonging to Vivasvat (Sun)

manvantara & eighteen million years II 310
manvantara or round I xliii, 456

SD INDEX Vaivasvata (Manu). See also Deucalion, Noah, Xisuthrus, Yima

ark of II 290-1, 313, 610
Brahma-Vishnu-Siva preceded II 144
connected w fifth race II 140-1
date of II 250, 310
Deluge & fourth race I 68, 369; II 69n, 146, 310
Deva-Manu or II 715n
four axial changes during II 330
fourth human wave, manu of II 309
generic character of II 145, 251, 306
gods called Adityas during, cycle II 90
Hindu Noah I 444; II 35, 140, 222, 306-7, 309, 314, 774
humanity II 251, 313, 693
Ida, wife, daughter of I 523; II 138, 140
Ila, Sudyumna, progeny of II 135, 138
Kasyapa father of II 253, 382n
lives even now II 250
manvantara or round I xliii, 456; II 69 &n, 310
Matsya avatara & I 369; II 69n, 139, 307, 313
more than one II 251
name contains story II 335
Noah repeats I 444; II 265, 306, 597
progenitor of fifth race II 249-50, 309
rishis, Titans saved by II 142, 715n
root-manu, fourth round II 309, 321
saved germs of humanity II 715n
saved our race in Deluge II 146, 309-10
seed of life connected w II 140-1
seven rishis saved w II 35, 69n, 290-2
seventh manu II 308n, 309, 321
son of Surya, the Sun II 140-1, 211
story records Atlantis deluge II 4
three attributes of II 146-7
Vach, wife & daughter of I 523

TG Vajra (Sk.). Lit., "diamond club" or sceptre. In the Hindu works, the sceptre of Indra, similar to the thunderbolts of Zeus, with which this deity, as the god of thunder, slays his enemies. But in mystical Buddhism, the magic sceptre of Priest-Initiates, exorcists and adepts -- the symbol of the possession of Siddhis or superhuman powers, wielded during certain ceremonies by the priests and theurgists. It is also the symbol of Buddha's power over evil spirits or elementals. The possessors of this wand are called Vajrapani (q.v.).

SKv Vajra, Vajra-dhara, Vajra-sattva, Vajra-panin Vajra literally means 'diamond' or 'thunderbolt.' In mystical philosophy the diamond or Vajra was used as a symbol of indestructibility, of the highest degree of clarity and reflecting power, and of impersonality. The heart of a compassionate Initiate resembles a diamond. It is clear and transparent and insensible to its own suffering, but reflects divinity as well as the imperfections and sufferings of the world, and though it can hold all within it, holds nothing as its own. Vajra-dhara -- 'the Diamond-holder,' and Vajra-sattva -- 'the Diamond-heart or Diamond-essence' were titles given to Adi-Buddha, the Divine Guardian of spiritual evolution. Sometimes full Mahatmans, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas are called Vajra-sattva to express the wondrous adamantine quality of their spiritual attainments. Vajra, as a 'thunderbolt' represented in Hindu literature that magic scepter, or in other words, those developed superhuman and occult powers which make a man a master of the evil forces. A Vajra-panin or 'Wielder of the Diamond-Thunderbolt' is therefore one who because of his spiritual accomplishments and purity has power over evil spirits; hence the Buddha was called a Vajra-panin.

TG Vajracharya (Sk.). The spiritual acharya (guru, teacher) of the Yogacharyas. The "Supreme Master of the Vajra".

TG Vajradhara (Sk.). The Supreme Buddha with the Northern Buddhists.

SD INDEX Vajradhara (Skt) [diamond holder], First Logos, Supreme Buddha or I 571

TG Vajrapani (Sk.), or Manjushri, the Dhyani-Bodhisattva (as the spiritual reflex, or the son of the Dhyani-Buddhas, on earth) born directly from the subjective form of existence; a deity worshipped by the profane as a god, and by Initiates as a subjective Force, the real nature of which is known only to, and explained by, the highest Initiates of the Yogacharya School.

TG Vajrasattva (Sk.). The name of the sixth Dhyani-Buddha (of whom there are but five in the popular Northern Buddhism) -- in the Yogacharya school, the latter counting seven Dhyani-Buddhas and as many Bodhisattvas -- the "mind-sons" of the former. Hence, the Orientalists refer to Vajrasattva as "a fictitious Bodhisattva".

WG Vajra-sattva, having a heart of adamant. (vajra, adamantine; sattva, soul, heart.)

SD INDEX Vajrasattva (Skt) diamond-hearted

full mahatmas or I 52
Second Logos I 571

FY Vakya Sanyama, control over speech.

TG Wala (Scand.). A prophetess in the songs of the Edda (Norse mythology). Through the incantations of Odin she was raised from her grave, and made to prophesy the death of Baldur.

MO Vala, volva [[Norse]] (vah-la, veul-va) [sibyl, prophetess] Indelible record of cosmic life

SEE ALSO; VALA Put in other file

SD INDEX Valentinus

Bythos & Sige primordial binary II 574-5
on first Aion I 349
good, evil, Logos, serpent of I 410
Great Seven of I 446
"Greek Kabala" of I 310
light, heat, fire, particles I 568 &n
pairs of Aeons of II 569n
Pistis Sophia & II 512, 566n
sevenfold nature of Logos I 446
table of Aeons in II 458
----- Esoteric Treatise on the Doctrine of Gilgul I 568 &n

TG Vallabacharya (Sk.). The name of a mystic who was the chela (disciple) of Vishnu Swami, and the founder of a sect of Vaishnavas. His descendants "are called Goswani Maharaj, and have much landed property and numerous mandirs (temples) in Bombay. They have degenerated into a shamefully licentious sect.

WGa Vallabacharya, the founder of a sect of Vaishnavas. His descendants are called Goswami Maharaj. They are said to be immoral.

KT Vallabacharyas Sect (Sans.), or the "Sect of the Maharajas;" a licentious phallic-worshipping community, whose main branch is at Bombay. The object of the worship is the infant Krishna. The Anglo-Indian Government was compelled several times to interfere in order to put a stop to its rites and vile practices, and its governing Maharajah, a kind of High Priest, was more than once imprisoned, and very justly so. It is one of the blackest spots of India.

TG Wali (Scand.). The son of Odin who avenges the death of Baldur, "the well-beloved".

MO Vale [[Norse]] (vah-leh) A son of Odin

SEE ALSO; VALI, VALE Put in other file

TG Walhalla (Scand.). A kind of paradise (Devachan) for slaughtered warriors, called by the Norsemen "the hall of the blessed heroes"; it has five hundred doors.

MO Valhalla [[Norse]] [val choice or slain + ball hall] Odin's hall where One-harriers celebrate

SD INDEX Valhalla (Norse), hall of the heroes I 427

SEE ALSO; VAHALLA Put in other file

TG Walkyries (Scand.). Called the "choosers of the dead". In the popular poetry of the Scandinavians, these goddesses consecrate the fallen heroes with a kiss, and bearing them from the battle-field carry them to the halls of bliss and to the gods in Valhalla.

MO Valkyries [[Norse]] [val choice or slain + kyrja chooser] Odin's agents

SD INDEX Vallabhacharyas (Hindu sect)

distort Krishna symbols I 335
phallic worship & II 588

SD INDEX Vallancey, Charles

----- Collectanea . . .
on the Kabiri I 641-2n; II 264
Morning Star of Irish, Chald II 759n

SKv Vamachara, Dakshinachara Vamachara refers to the evil and 'left-hand' practices, while Dakshinachara refers to the pure and 'right-hand' teachings of the Tantras. Vama means 'left,' dakshina -- right, and achara -- behavior or practice, derived from the verb-root achar -- to behave, to practise.

SD INDEX Vamadeva (Skt)

reborn white, red I 324
Siva as, became four I 324; II 249, 282
symbolizes four racial types I 324; II 249

SD INDEX Vamadeva Modelyar [Modely] Night of Brahma I 376-7

TG Vamana (Sk.). The fifth avatar of Vishnu, hence the name of the Dwarf whose form was assumed by that god.

SD INDEX Vananin-Lamertade (Lamer in tx) androgynous Aeon (Gnostic) II 458

TG Wanes (Scand.). A race of gods of great antiquity, worshipped at the dawn of time by the Norsemen, and later by the Teutonic races.

MO Van, Vanagod, Vanagiant [[Norse]] (vahn-a-) Gods superior to the Aesir; unmanifest deities and corresponding giants

SD INDEX Vapor(y), transformation of globes I 205-6n, 250, 439n

TG Vara (Mazd.). A term used in the Vendidad, where Ahura-mazda commands Yima to build Vara. It also signifies an enclosure or vehicle, an ark (argha), and at the same time MAN (verse 30). Vara is the vehicle of our informing Egos, i.e. the human body, the soul in which is typified by the expression a "window self-shining within".

SD INDEX Vara (Skt), & avara II 163, 183

SD INDEX Vara, Argha (Pahlavi) enclosure, vehicle

ark or, is man of fourth round II 291-2 &n
built by Yima II 6n, 610

TG Varaha (Sk.). The boar-avatar of Vishnu; the third in number.

SD INDEX Varaha (Skt). See also Avatara, Boar

boar avatara I 368-9 &n; II 53, 321
Buddha born in, kalpa I 368n
kalpa I 368, 457; II 179, 321
marks one-half life of Brahma II 179

WG Varanaka, surrounding, enveloping, covering.

SD INDEX Varia Historia. See Aelianus

SD INDEX Variations (evolution) II 738

fortuitous, criticized (Mivart) II 697
ideation reflected in matter II 299n
reflects dhyan-chohanic wisdom II 649
of species II 677 &n, 679, 696
as transmitted by heredity II 738

TG Varna (Sk.). Caste; lit., "colour". The four chief castes named by Manu -- the Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra -- are called Chatur-varna.

SD INDEX Varna (Skt) color, orders (class) I 419

GH Varna-sankara (or -samkara) Confusion or mixture of castes through intermarriage. (Compound varna, a caste -- referring especially to the four castes as enumerated in the Bhagavad-Gita; samkara, mixing or blending together. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 7)

TG Varsha (Sk.). A region, a plain; any stretch of country situated between the great mountain-ranges of the earth.

GH Varsha A district. The geography of the Mahabharata depicts seven dvipas (q.v.), the central one, Jambu-dvipa, corresponding to our earth (Globe D). This dvipa is divided into nine parts termed varshas as follows: (1) Bharata, or India, situated south of the Himalayas, the southernmost division; (2) Kimpurusha; (3) Harivarsha; (4) Ila-vrita, the central varsha containing Mount Meru; (5) Ramyaka; (6) Hi-ran-maya; (7) Uttara-Kuru; (8) Bhadrasva, east of Ila-vrita; (9) Ketu-mala, west of the central varsha. Uttara-Kuru was the varsha of the northern Kurus, described as a country of eternal beatitude. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. ii)

SD INDEX Varsha(s) (Skt) country

Americas the, of Pushkara II 403, 407 &n
Bharata-, II 369
dvipas &, of kings expl II 320-2
Meru north of all II 401n
Puranic term II 264

GH Varaha-Upanishad The name of a text of the Varaha School of the Krishna-Yajur-Veda (q.v.): not one of the Vedic Upanishads. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 31)

SD INDEX Varshayanti (Skt), one of the Pleiades II 551

TG Varuna (Sk.). The god of water, or marine god, but far different from Neptune, for in the case of this oldest of the Vedic deities, Water means the "Waters of Space", or the all-investing sky, Akasa, in one sense. Varuna or Ooaroona (phonetically), is certainly the prototype of the Ouranos of the Greeks. As Muir says: "The grandest cosmical functions are ascribed to Varuna. Possessed of illimitable knowledge. . . . he upholds heaven and earth, he dwells in all worlds as sovereign ruler. . . . He made the golden . . . sun to shine in the firmament. The wind which resounds through the atmosphere is his breath. . . . Through the operation of his laws the moon walks in brightness and the stars . . . mysteriously vanish in daylight. He knows the flight of birds in the sky, the paths of ships on the ocean, the course of the far travelling wind, and beholds all the things that have been or shall be done. . . . He witnesses men's truth and falsehood. He instructs the Rishi Vasishta in mysteries; but his secrets and those of Mitra are not to be revealed to the foolish." . . . "The attributes and functions ascribed to Varuna impart to his character a moral elevation and sanctity far surpassing that attributed to any other Vedic deity."

FY Varuna or Pracheta, the Neptune of India.

GH Varuna One of the most ancient deities of the Vedas, regarded therein as the personification of the all-embracing sky, maker and upholder of heaven and earth: the king of the universe, king of gods and earth and possessor of illimitable knowledge, ruling principally, however, over the night while Mitra reigned over the day. In later times Varuna was regarded as chief of the Adityas (q.v.); later still he was allocated to the waters as god of the sea and rivers, riding upon the Makara (q.v.). In the Vedas Varuna is connected with the 'element of water' and the 'waters of space,' but with descending cycles the original spiritual idea associated with the deities of the ancients being lost sight of in the effort to attach material significance to the gods, Varuna -- in common with other deities -- became associated with the visible fluids. Varuna is made the regent of the Western quarter. A moral character is also associated with the deity: he is represented as binding all guilty mortals with a noose (i.e., the mortal was bound in the net of his own actions). "Varuna, 'without whom no creature can even wink,' was degraded like Uranos [Ouranos], and, like him, he fell into generation, his functions. . . . having been lowered down from heaven to earth by exoteric anthropomorphism." (Secret Doctrine, II, p. 268) (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 75)

SD INDEX Varuna (Skt) ocean god

an asura II 92, 500
chief Aditya, Ouranos II 65
chief of dhyanis, devas II 606
five Prachetas(es) & II 578
guards the West I 128
imparts the Mysteries II 269n
Laws of, or Vratani II 606
Makara vehicle of I 220; II 577
reigns as Neptune II 65, 268n
space or II 268n
Uranos a modified II 268n
Vaivasvata sacrifices to II 147-8
water, Neptune or I 462

WG Vasana, knowledge derived from memory; an impression remaining unconsciously in the mind from past good or evil actions, and hence producing pleasure or pain.

GH Vasava A name applied to Indra (q.v.), especially in his character of leader of the Vasus (q.v.). (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 73)

SD INDEX Vase of Election. See Arani

TG Vasishta (Sk.). One of the primitive seven great Rishis, and a most celebrated Vedic sage.

FY Vasishta, a great Indian sage, one of those to whom the Rig Veda was revealed in part.

SD INDEX Vasishtha (Skt) a rishi

advises Parasara I 415-16; II 232n
curse of II 247
sons of, first manvantara II 146n
third round, third race, sons in II 78
Varuna imparted Mysteries to II 269n

SD INDEX Vasishta-dvaita. See Visishtadvaita

WGa Vasita, one of the eight superhuman faculties. The power to subjugate any person or being by magic. See Vibhuti.

SD INDEX Vassariddhi, Rajah & huge human bones II 347

SD INDEX Vastubhuta (Skt) [substantial], Vishnu not II 612n

TG Vasudeva (Sk.). The father of Krishna. He belonged to the Yadava branch of the Somavansa, or lunar race.

WG Vasu-Deva, name of the father of Krishna, who was also the brother of Pritha, or Kunti, the mother of the five Pandu princes. (vasu, excellent; deva, a god.)

GH Vasudeva literally 'Son of Vasudeva' -- a name applied to Krishna, because of his birth in the family of Vasudeva and Devaki. The Mahabharata also explains that Krishna is thus called from his dwelling (vasanat) in all beings, from his issuing as a Vasu from a divine womb. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 55)

SD INDEX Vasudeva (Skt)

even mlechchhas may know II 48n
the liberator I 286
seed of all things I 420

Vasudevah Sarvam The God of divine Riches is ALL.

GH Vasuki The king of the Nagas (q.v.) in Patala. He is sometimes made the same as the serpent of Vishnu, Sesha or Ananta. (q.v.); again he is distinct (as in the text of Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 74).

TG Vasus (Sk.). The eight evil deities attendant upon Indra. Personified cosmic phenomena, as their names show.

GH Vasus A particular class of deities, eight in number, associated with Indra: they form one of the nine Ganas (classes of deities) mentioned in the Vedas. The Vasus are named: Apa (water), Dhruva (the pole-star), Soma (the Moon), Dhara or Dhava (the Earth), Anila (wind), Pavaka or Anala (fire), Prabhasa (dawn), Pratyusha (light). The Ramayana regards them as children of Aditi. A verse in The Laws of Manu (Manava-Dharma-Sastra) says: "The wise call our fathers Vasus" (iii, p. 284). (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 74)

SD INDEX Vasu(s) (Skt) good, bountiful

eight, of Vedic tridasa I 71n
our fathers were II 248n

FY Vata, air.

SD INDEX Vatican

Lanci, librarian of, q II 376
preserves some esoteric doctrine I xliv
St Germain & manuscript of Kabbala in II 239
secret work "Bnei Shamash" II 506

SD INDEX Vau (Heb) letter V

crook, hook, nail (YHVH) II 460
letter for Hokhmah I 438n

SD INDEX Vaughan, Thomas [Eugenius Philalethes]

correlations of sound, color I 514 &n
no one has yet seen Earth I 260

TG Vayu (Sk.). Air: the god and sovereign of the air; one of the five states of matter, namely the gaseous; one of the five elements, called, as wind, Vata. The Vishnu Purana makes Vayu King of the Gandharvas. He is the father of Hanuman, in the Ramayana. The trinity of the mystic gods in Kosmos closely related to each other, are "Agni (fire) whose place is on earth; Vayu (air, or one of the forms of Indra), whose place is in the air; and Surya (the sun) whose place is in the air". (Nirukta.) In esoteric interpretation, these three cosmic principles, correspond with the three human principles, Kama, Kama-Manas and Manas, the sun of the intellect.

FY Vayu, the wind.

WG Vayu, air, wind.

GH Vayu The god of the wind, also called Pavana. In the Vedas he is associated with Indra, and rides in the golden chariot of the god of the sky. One hymn calls him the son-in-law of Tvashtri (the artificer of the gods), while another gives his origin as arising from the breath of Purusha (q.v.). His particular regency is the northwest quarter of the heavens. In the Mahabharata the god of the wind is represented as the father of Bhima, and also the father of Hanuman. The Vishnu-Purana makes Vayu the king of the Gandharvas (q.v.). The ancient meaning attaching to 'air' was "one of the five states of matter, namely the gaseous; one of the five elements, called, as wind, Vata. . . . The trinity of the mystic gods in Kosmos closely related to each other, are 'Agni (fire) whose place is on earth; Vayu (air, or one of the forms of Indra), whose place is in the air; and Surya (the sun) whose place is in the air.' (Nirukta.) In esoteric interpretation, these three cosmic principles, correspond with the three human principles, Kama, Kama-Manas and Manas, the sun of the intellect." (Theosophical Glossary, H. P. Blavatsky, p. 361) (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 85)

SD INDEX Vayu (Skt)

god of air I 190, 462, 468
Indra or, in Rig-Veda II 378
one of Vedic Trimurti I 90
Pavana or, father of Hanuman I 190
Vedic god II 114

FY Vayu Puranas, one of the Puranas.

SD INDEX Vayu Purana

beginning of maha-pralaya I 371
birth of Janaka II 524n
boar, Varaha I 368-9n
Brahma forces Narada into birth II 82
Danavas, giants, dragons II 381 &n
Kapila son of Kasyapa in II 572
lower pitris born as fools II 91
Mahat, names for I 256
Moru [Maru] comes in nineteenth yuga I 378 &n
Nara, Narayana I 457-8 &n; II 495n
personified fires I 521
pradhana & prakriti I 50n
rudras II 613n
sacrifice of Daksha II 182-3
Sankha-dvipa II 405
seven classes of pitris II 89
seven rishis I 436
seven times seven maruts II 613
sons of manus, rishis II 614n
three creations I 454n
three fires II 57n
twelve great gods in II 90