B - Bh


A-Ad | Ae-Aj | Ak-Al | Am-An | Ao-Ar | As | At-Az | B-Bh | Bi-Bq | Br-Bt | Bu-Bz | C-Cg | Ch-Chi | Chj-Chz | Ci-Co | Cp-Cz | D-Dd | De-Dg | Dh-Dm | Dn-Dz | E-El | Em-Ez | F | G-Gl | Gm-Gz | H-Hh | Hi-Hl | Hm-Hz | I-Im | In-Iz | J | K-Kaq | Kar-Kq | Kr-Kz | L-Ln | Lo-Lz | M-Mah | Mai-Man | Mao-Md | Me-Mn | Mo-Mz | N-Nh | Ni-Nz | O-Ol | Om-Oz | P-Paq | Par-Pd | Pe-Pi | Pj-Pq | Pr | Ps-Pz | Q | R-Rh | Ri-Rz | S-Sam | San-Sb | Sc-Sep | Ser-Sj | Sk-So | Sp-St | Su-Sz | T-Td | Te-Th | Ti-Tq | Tr-Tz | U-Un | Uo-Uz | V-Vd | Ve-Vz | W | X | Y-Yl | Ym-Yz | Z | Homepage

List of Title Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)

TG B. -- The second letter in almost all the alphabets, also the second in the Hebrew. Its symbol is a house, the form of Beth, the letter itself indicating a dwelling, a shed or a shelter. "As a compound of a root, it is constantly used for the purpose of showing that it had to do with stone; when stones at Beth-el are set up, for instance. The Hebrew value as a numeral is two. Joined with its predecessor, it forms the word Ab, the root of 'father', Master, one in authority, and it has the Kabalistical distinction of being the first letter in the Sacred Volume of the Law. The divine name connected with this letter is Bakhour." (R. M. Cyclop.).

SD INDEX Ba (Egy). See also Bai

soul of breath, prana II 632

TG Baal (Chald. Heb.). Baal or Adon (Adonai) was a phallic god. "Who shall ascend unto the hill (the high place) of the Lord; who shall stand in the place of his Kadushu (q.v.)?" (Psalms xxiv. 3.) The "circle-dance" performed by King David round the ark, was the dance prescribed by the Amazons in the Mysteries, the dance of the daughters of Shiloh (Judges xxi., et seq.) and the same as the leaping of the prophets of Baal (I. Kings xviii). He was named Baal-Tzephon, or god of the crypt (Exodus) and Seth, or the pillar (phallus), because he was the same as Ammon (or Baal-Hammon) of Egypt, called "the hidden god". Typhon, called Set, who was a great god in Egypt during the early dynasties, is an aspect of Baal and Ammon as also of Siva, Jehovah and other gods. Baal is the all-devouring Sun, in one sense, the fiery Moloch.

SD INDEX Baal (Canaanite) Lord

Bel, Siva, Saturn & I 459
Bible on I 649
identical w Sun-Jehovah I 397n
leaping prophets of II 460
Mysteries (Sod) of II 212
other names for I 353; II 540
priests of, jumped over fires II 212n
worship of, Hebrews hated II 471

SD INDEX Baal-Adonis, became Adonai I 463

SD INDEX Babba Battra [Baba' Bathra'] (Heb), on Samael & angel of death II 388

SD INDEX Babbage, Dr Charles [Ninth Bridgewater Treatise], "each particle a register" I 104, 124

SD INDEX Babel, Tower of

builders of, & Atlanteans II 272, 375, 762
legend of, before Moses II 3n

SD INDEX Babian, seven vases in temple near II 603

TG Babil Mound (Chald. Heb.). The site of the Temple of Bel at Babylon.

SD INDEX Baboon. See also Ape

future human evolution & II 263
Haeckel & catarrhine II 663n
in Pliocene II 676

SD INDEX Babylon

arrowhead inscriptions of II 793
Aryan influence on mythology of II 130
divinities of, & Delphi II 379
history of, lost I xxvi
Huschenk built II 396-7
Moses story fr I 319-20
"mother of harlots" II 748 *
Nabatheans founded II 453
planetary temple of II 456
seat of Brahman learning I xxxi
vast literature of, saved I xxxiv

SD INDEX Babylonia(n, ns)

antiquity of II 690-3
Aryan (Vedic) influence in I xxxi; II 130, 203, 566
astrological magic of II 566
captivity II 202, 473, 618
Chaldees settled in II 748
creation legends II 2, 5
Dag-On Oannes, man-fish I 653; II 190
Ea taught writing to II 226
flying dragons of II 205-6, 206n
Gan-dunia, Ganduniyas, Gan-Aeden II 42n, 202
gods, names of II 5
gods of, & Stonehenge II 379
Hebrew initiates got wisdom fr I 352
magic in, Talmud I xliiin
Nebo, Budha, Mercury II 456, 477
Nimrod governor of II 453
Nipoor, Eridu in II 139n
Pharisees' tenets fr II 61
religion purposely confused II 691
Sargon & Moses I 319
Saros a god of I 114
serpent II 26n
seven Adams in, tablets II 4
Sin was Moon-god of I 388
sons of serpent, dragon in II 379-80
stone of, statues fr Sinai II 692
War in Heaven II 104, 383-4
were silent on the One I 425
wisdom fr India II 566
wisdom-god in the Sea of Space II 477
Xisuthrus is, Noah II 222, 309
Zu strips creative organ II 283-4n

SD INDEX Babylonian Legend of Creation. See Smith, G., Chaldean Account . . .

PV Bacabs The four cosmic bearers of the Mayas. The four "world pillars" whose foundations are in the underworld. During the Third Age, the four primeval giants (Vukup Cakix, his wife, and their two sons) are transformed into these "world pillars."

SD INDEX Bacchante, serpent in hair of II 209

SD INDEX Bacchic Religious Dance II 460-1

TG Bacchus (Gr.). Exoterically and superficially the god of wine and the vintage, and of licentiousness and joy; but the esoteric meaning of this personification is more abstruse and philosophical. He is the Osiris of Egypt, and his life and significance belong to the same group as the other solar deities, all "sin-bearing," killed and resurrected; e.g., as Dionysos or Atys of Phrygia (Adonis, or the Syrian Tammuz), as Ausonius, Baldur (q.v.), &c., &c. All these were put to death, mourned for, and restored to life. The rejoicings for Atys took place at the Hilaria on the "pagan" Easter, March 15th. Ausonius, a form of Bacchus, was slain "at the vernal equinox, March 21st, and rose in three days". Tammuz, the double of Adonis and Atys, was mourned by the women at the "grove" of his name "over Bethlehem, where the infant Jesus cried", says St. Jerome. Bacchus is murdered and his mother collects the fragments of his lacerated body as Isis does those of Osiris, and so on. Dionysos Iacchus, torn to shreds by the Titans, Osiris, Krishna, all descended into Hades and returned again. Astronomically, they all represent the Sun; psychically they are all emblems of the ever-resurrecting "Soul" (the Ego in its re-incarnation); spiritually, all the innocent scape-goats, atoning for the sins of mortals, their own earthly envelopes, and in truth, the poeticized image of DIVINE MAN, the form of clay informed by its God.

SD INDEX Bacchus (Gk). See also Dionysos

called Fish, Savior II 313
celestial Priapus born of II 458
"God" of Slavonians fr I 347
Hebrews hated worship of II 471
lunar Jehovah I 335
man-savior or solar- II 420
Mysteries of II 212
Semele, Jupiter & I 400; II 362
son, father, husband I 396
Sun, Adonai, Kadush & I 463
Sun, Jupiter, Mithras & II 419
Venus & II 458

SD INDEX Bacon, Francis I 584; II 439

----- Advancement of Learning
certainties & doubts II 443
curiosity in man I 165
----- Essays, "Of Truth"
creations of God I 481

TG Bacon, Roger. A Franciscan monk, famous as an adept in Alchemy and Magic Arts. Lived in the thirteenth century in England. He believed in the philosopher's stone in the way all the adepts of Occultism believe in it; and also in philosophical astrology. He is accused of having made a head of bronze which having an acoustic apparatus hidden in it, seemed to utter oracles which were words spoken by Bacon himself in another room. He was a wonderful physicist and chemist, and credited with having invented gunpowder, though he said he had the secret from "Asian (Chinese) wise men".

SD INDEX Bacon, Roger I 611

belonged by right to the Brotherhood I 581-2n
protyle of I 553, 582
----- De arte chymiae . . .
transmutation of elements I 581

SD INDEX Bacteria

men, animals swarming w I 260-1, 608
reproduce by spores II 167
some microbes &, need no air I 249n
visitors, disease &, (science) I 225n

SD INDEX Badaoni, Abdul Qadir, Muntakhab ut-tawarikh, Akbar's interest in sects I xxiv &n

TG Baddha (Sk.). Bound, conditioned; as is every mortal who has not made himself free through Nirvana.

FY Baddha, bound or conditioned; the state of an ordinary human being who has not attained Nirvana.

SD INDEX Badhas (Skt) afflictions, twenty-eight types of II 162

SD INDEX Baer, Karl Ernst von II 649n

SD INDEX Baetyl, Baetylos. See also Bethel

animated stones II 342-6
Catholics misjudge II 85
lithoi, magic stones II 346n

SD INDEX Baffin Bay, part of second continent II 401-2

TG Bagavadam (Sk.). A Tamil Scripture on Astronomy and other matters.

SD INDEX Bagavadam. SeeBhagavata-Purana

TG Bagh-bog (Slavon.). "God"; a Slavonian name for the Greek Bacchus, whose name became the prototype of the name God or Bagh and bog or bogh; the Russian for God.

SD INDEX Bagh-bog, Bacchus of Slavonians I 347

TG Bahak-Zivo (Gn.). The "father of the Genii" in the Codex Nazaraeus. The Nazarenes were an early semi-Christian sect.

SD INDEX Bahak-Zivo [Ziwa] (Gnos)

more philosophical than Adam II 150
ordered to create & fails I 194-5

FY Bahihpragna, the present state of consciousness.

SD INDEX Bai [Egy Ba?]. See also Ba

corr to neschamah (Lambert) II 633

SD INDEX Baibhar, Mt., Buddhist initiations at I xx

SD INDEX Bailly, Jean Sylvain

believed Hesiod factual II 777
believed many worlds inhabited II 706
did not know Secret Doctrine II 742 &n
on fables about Atlantis II 772
fair to Hindu astronomy I 667-8
Greek, Egyptian, Persian legends compared II 393-4
----- Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne
antiquity of zodiac I 648-9
error re biblical patriarchs I 648
Herodotus on ecliptic, equator II 534
on Sun worship origin in far north II 769n
----- Lettres sur l'Atlantide . . .
believed in prehistoric civilization II 265-6, 742-3
disproved Rudbeck's Atlantis II 402
on 9,000 years of Egyptian priests II 765n
Persian legend re Huschenk II 397-9 &nn
rejected submersion of Atlantis II 265
----- Traite de l'astronomie . . .
antiquity of Hindu astronomy I 658-67
astronomy not carried to India I 667n
divine dynasties II 368, 371
Kioo-tche on measures of time II 621
Libra [Aquarius in Bailly] & 3102 BC I 661, 663
proved Hindu figures II 435
sixty-day cycle among ancients II 620-1

SD INDEX Bain, Prof Alexander

more dangerous than Buchner I 528n
school of II 156n
----- Logic
ether hypothesis I 325-6
fire-lighting a mystery I 121
sees Monism as "guarded materialism" I 124-5n
space & time as generalizations I 251n

SD INDEX Baissac, Jules, Satan ou le Diable

Satan made a real power II 509
Satan or centrifugal energy II 245

SD INDEX Bait-Oxly [Bait-Oualy] (Egy), every type of cross in tomb of II 559

SD INDEX Bakewell, F. C., Electric Science . . . , on Faraday & matter I 510

SD INDEX Bakhan-Alenre (Egy), cross & adoration of, [HPB,Lucifer] II 559

TG Bal (Heb.). Commonly translated "Lord", but also Bel, the Chaldean god, and Baal, an "idol".

TG Bala (Sk.), or Panchabalani. The "five powers" to be acquired in Yoga practice; full trust or faith; energy; memory; meditation; wisdom.

SD INDEX Balaam, & the "birds" II 409

SD INDEX Balarama (Skt) [Krishna's elder brother], divides embryo (Ramayana) II 613 &n

TG Baldur (Scand.). The "Giver of all Good". The bright God who is "the best and all mankind are loud in his praise; so fair and dazzling is he in form and features, that rays of light seem to issue from him". (Edda). Such was the birth-song chanted to Baldur who resurrects as Wali, the spring Sun. Baldur is called the "well-beloved" the "Holy one", "who alone is without sin". He is the "God of Goodness", who "shall be born again, when a new and purer world will have arisen from the ashes of the old, sin-laden world (Asgard)". He is killed by the crafty Loki, because Frigga, the mother of the gods, "while entreating all creatures and all lifeless things to swear that they will not injure the well-beloved", forgets to mention "the weak mistletoe bough", just as the mother of Achilles forgot her son's heel. A dart is made of it by Loki and he places it in the hands of blind Hodur who kills with it the sunny-hearted god of light. The Christmas misletoe [[mistletoe?]] is probably a reminiscence of the mistletoe that killed the Northern God of Goodness.

MO Balder [[Norse]] (bahl-der) An Ase: the sun-god

TG Bal-ilu (Chal.) One of the many titles of the Sun.

SD INDEX Bal-ilu or Marttanda, our sun I 100

SD INDEX Ball [Bull in tx], Sir R. S., re Moon II 64n

SD INDEX Balthazar (Heb), one of three Magi I 654n

SD INDEX Baltic (Sea)

amber found in II 770n
level of II 751

SD INDEX Baltistan II 204, 416n

SD INDEX Balzac, H. de, [Seraphita], on deity & number I 66-7

TG Bamboo Books. Most ancient and certainly pre-historic works in Chinese containing the antediluvian records of the Annals of China. They were found in the tomb of King Seang of Wai, who died 295 B.C., and claim to go back many centuries.

SD INDEX Bamboo Books II 302

SD INDEX Bamian [Bamiyan, Bamian], Central Asian town II 338

SD INDEX Bamian Statues II 336-40

record buddhas of former cycles II 224

TG Bandha (Sk.). Bondage; life on this earth; from the same root as Baddha.

WG Bandha, fettering; bondage, as opposed to moksha or emancipation.

SD INDEX Bandha (Skt) [bondage], moksha is freedom fr I 132

SD INDEX Banquet or Symposium. See Plato

SD INDEX Banyan. See also Wondrous Being

ever-living human- I 207-12
Tree of Life, Knowledge II 215

FY Baodhas, consciousness; the fifth principle of man.

SD INDEX Baoth (Heb), chaos or I 197n

TG Baphomet (Gr.). The androgyne goat of Mendes. (See Secret Doctrine, I. 253). According to the Western, and especially the French Kabalists, the Templars were accused of worshipping Baphomet, and Jacques de Molay, the Grand Master of the Templars, with all his brother-Masons, suffered death in consequence. But esoterically, and philologically, the word never meant "goat", nor even anything so objective as an idol. The term means according to Von Hammer, "baptism" or initiation into Wisdom, from the Greek words baphe and metis, and from the relation of Baphometus to Pan. Von Hammer must be right. It was a Hermetico-Kabalistic symbol, but the whole story as invented by the Clergy was false. (See "Pan".)

SD INDEX Baphomet (Heb)

astral light or, (Levi) I 253 &n
goat-headed Satan II 389n

TG Baptism (Gr.). The rite of purification performed during the ceremony of initiation in the sacred tanks of India, and also the later identical rite established by John "the Baptist" and practised by his disciples and followers, who were not Christians. This rite was hoary with age when it was adopted by the Chrestians of the earliest centuries. Baptism belonged to the earliest Chaldeo-Akkadian theurgy; was religiously practised in the nocturnal ceremonies in the Pyramids where we see to this day the font in the shape of the sarcophagus; was known to take place during the Eleusinian mysteries in the sacred temple lakes, and is practised even now by the descendants of the ancient Sabians. The Mendaeans (the El Mogtasila of the Arabs) are, notwithstanding their deceptive name of "St. John Christians", less Christians than are the Orthodox Mussulman Arabs around them. They are pure Sabians; and this is very naturally explained when one remembers that the great Semitic scholar Renan has shown in his Vie de Jesus that the Aramean verb seba, the origin of the name Sabian, is a synonym of the Greek bapitizo. The modern Sabians, the Mendaeans, whose vigils and religious rites, face to face with the silent stars, have been described by several travellers, have still preserved the theurgic, baptismal rites of their distant and nigh-forgotten forefathers, the Chaldean Initiates. Their religion is one of multiplied baptisms, of seven purifications in the name of the seven planetary rulers, the "seven Angels of the Presence" of the Roman Catholic Church. The Protestant Baptists are but the pale imitators of the El Mogtasila or Nazareans who practise their Gnostic rites in the deserts of Asia Minor. (See "Boodhasp".)

SD INDEX Baptism

Baptists' "Waters of Grace" I 458n
connected w messiah, water I 385
Council of Trent & II 209
w water, Holy Ghost, & fire II 566

SD INDEX Baptismal Font, Great Pyramid sarcophagus & I 317n

SD INDEX Baptist, John the. See John the Baptist

SD INDEX Bara (Heb), brought forth II 134

SD INDEX Barahiel, Rabbi, THAT was before all numbers I 618

SD INDEX Barbaradesa (Skt) II 406

SD INDEX Barbaras (Skt), in Puranas II 406

SD INDEX Barbarian(s)

Mediterranean II 753n
mlechchhas I 377; II 48n
overpowered learned cultures II 430, 742 &n

SD INDEX Barbary (North Africa), joined to Spain II 751

SD INDEX Barbelo (Gnos), one of three "invisible" gods II 570 &n

TG Bardesanes or Bardaisan. A Syrian Gnostic, erroneously regarded as a Christian theologian, born at Edessa (Edessene Chronicle) in 155 of our era (Assemani Bibl. Orient. i. 389). He was a great astrologer following the Eastern Occult System. According to Porphyry (who calls him the Babylonian, probably on account of his Chaldeeism or astrology), "Bardesanes . . . . held intercourse with the Indians that had been sent to the Caesar with Damadamis at their head" (De Abst. iv. 17), and had his information from the Indian gymnosophists. The fact is that most of his teachings, however much they may have been altered by his numerous Gnostic followers, can be traced to Indian philosophy, and still more to the Occult teachings of the Secret System. Thus in his Hymns he speaks of the creative Deity as "Father-Mother", and elsewhere of "Astral Destiny" (Karma) of "Minds of Fire" (the Agni-Devas) &c. He connected the Soul (the personal Manas) with the Seven Stars, deriving its origin from the Higher Beings (the divine Ego); and therefore "admitted spiritual resurrection but denied the resurrection of the body", as charged with by the Church Fathers. Ephraim shows him preaching the signs of the Zodiac, the importance of the birth-hours and "proclaiming the seven". Calling the Sun the "Father of Life" and the Moon the "Mother of Life", he shows the latter "laying aside her garment of light (principles) for the renewal of the Earth". Photius cannot understand how, while accepting "the Soul free from the power of genesis (destiny of birth)" and possessing free will, he still placed the body under the rule of birth (genesis). For "they (the Bardesanists) say, that wealth and poverty and sickness and health and death and all things not within our control are works of destiny" (Bibl. Cod. 223, p. 221-f). This is Karma, most evidently, which does not preclude at all free-will. Hippolytus makes him a representative of the Eastern School. Speaking of Baptism, Bardesanes is made to say (loc. cit. pp. 985-ff.), "It is not however the Bath alone which makes us free, but the Knowledge of who we are, what we are become, where we were before, whither we are hastening, whence we are redeemed; what is generation (birth), what is re-generation (re-birth)". This points plainly to the doctrine of re-incarnation. His conversation (Dialogue) with Awida and Barjamina on Destiny and Free Will shows it. "What is called Destiny, is an order of outflow given to the Rulers (Gods) and the Elements, according to which order the Intelligences (Spirit-Egos) are changed by their descent into the Soul, and the Soul by its descent into the body". (See Treatise, found in its Syriac original, and published with English translation in 1855 by Dr. Cureton. Spicileg. Syriac. in British Museum.)

TG Bardesanian (System). The "Codex of the Nazarenes", a system worked out by one Bardesanes. It is called by some a Kabala within the Kabala; a religion or sect the esotericism of which is given out in names and allegories entirely sui-generis. A very old Gnostic system. This codex has been translated into Latin. Whether it is right to call the Sabeanism of the Mendaites (miscalled St. John's Christians), contained in the Nazarene Codex, "the Bardesanian system", as some do, is doubtful; for the doctrines of the Codex and the names of the Good and Evil Powers therein, are older than Bardaisan. Yet the names are identical in the two systems.

TG Baresma (Zend). A plant used by Mobeds (Parsi priests) in the fire-temples, wherein consecrated bundles of it are kept.

SD INDEX Baresma (Zend), twig fr Ormazd's tree II 385, 517

MO Bargalmer, Bergelmir [[Norse]] (bare-vell-meer) [a titan] Fruitage of a universal lifetime

FY Barhaspatyamanam, a method of calculating time prevalent during the later Hindu period in North-eastern India.

SD INDEX Bar-Hebraeus [Abu'l-Faraj], said Enoch invented writing II 529

TG Barhishad (Sk.). A class of the "lunar" Pitris or "Ancestors", Fathers, who are believed in popular superstition to have kept up in their past incarnations the household sacred flame and made fire-offerings. Esoterically the Pitris who evolved their shadows or chhayas to make therewith the first man. (See Secret Doctrine, Vol. II.)

WG Barhishad, a class of lunar pitris who are creators of physical man. (baris, sacrificial grass, kusa; sad, seated: seated on the kusa grass.)

SD INDEX Barhishad(s) (Skt) II 88, 102. See also Ancestors, Progenitors

agnishvattas & II 77-9, 89
became first race II 94-5
devoid of mahat-mic element II 79
identified w the months II 89n
project astral models II 78-9, 89, 94-5


SD INDEX Barkayal, taught astrology (Enoch) II 376

SD INDEX Barnabas, called Zeus II 481

MO Barre [[Norse]] (bar-reh) [barr pine needle] The sacred grove of peace. Snorri speaks of the ash as having barr, having never seen a tree. There were none in Iceland.

SD INDEX Barrows (Nagpur mounds) II 346n

SD INDEX Barth, Auguste, The Religions of India, poetry of Rig-Veda II 450-1

SD INDEX Barth & Richardson, [Le Correspondant], trilithic stones in Sahara II 346n

SD INDEX Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire, on cradle of humanity II 204

SD INDEX Bartlett, A. D., Land and Water, on septenates in nature II 595

SD INDEX Bashan, tall race of II 755-6

SD INDEX Basht or Pasht. See Bast

TG Basildean (System). Named after Basilides; the Founder of one of the most philosophical gnostic sects. Clement the Alexandrian speaks of Basilides, the Gnostic, as "a philosopher devoted to the contemplation of divine things". While he claimed that he had all his doctrines from the Apostle Matthew and from Peter through Glaucus, Irenaeus reviled him, Tertullian stormed at him, and the Church Fathers had not sufficient words of obloquy against the "heretic". And yet on the authority of St. Jerome himself, who describes with indignation what he had found in the only genuine Hebrew copy of the Gospel of Matthew (See Isis Unv., ii., 181) which he got from the Nazarenes, the statement of Basilides becomes more than credible, and if accepted would solve a great and perplexing problem. His 24 vols. of Interpretation of the Gospels, were, as Eusebius tells us, burnt. Useless to say that these gospels were not our present Gospels. Thus, truth was ever crushed.

SD INDEX Basilea (Gk), "royal" island in far north II 773

TG Basileus (Gr.). The Archon or Chief who had the outer supervision during the Eleusinian Mysteries. While the latter was an initiated layman, and magistrate at Athens, the Basileus of the inner Temple was of the staff of the great Hierophant, and as such was one of the chief Mystae and belonged to the inner mysteries.

SD INDEX Basilides, Basilidian(s). See also Gnostic

Abraxax supreme God I 350
serpent on, stones I 472; II 210

SD INDEX Basle, old map of America at II 327

SD INDEX Basnage de Beauval, J. (Bosuage in tx), [Histoire des Juifs], Isis-Osiris taught mankind II 366

SD INDEX Basques

American aborigines linked w II 792
Cro-Magnon, Guanches & II 740-1, 790n
language of, compared II 790

SD INDEX Basra, Nabatheans fr II 455

TG Bassantin, James. A Scotch astrologer. He lived in the 16th century and is said to have predicted to Sir Robert Melville, in 1562, the death and all the events connected therewith of Mary, the unfortunate Queen of Scots.

SD INDEX Bast (Egy), goddess w cat's head I 305; II 552n

SD INDEX Bastian, H. Charlton

----- The Beginnings of Life
Carpenter q re lower forms II 257
on dolmen builders II 753
knowledge of extinct forms II 260
man a modified quadrumane II 258

TG Bath (Heb.). Daughter.

TG Bath Kol (Heb.). Daughter of the Voice: the Divine afflatus, or inspiration, by which the prophets of Israel were inspired as by a voice from Heaven and the Mercy-Seat. In Latin Filia Vocis. An analogous ideal is found in Hindu exoteric theology named Vach, the voice, the female essence, an aspect of Aditi, the mother of the gods and primeval Light; a mystery. [W. W. W]

SD INDEX Bath-Kol [Bath-Qol] (Heb)

Kwan-yin, Verbum, etc I 137
Vach in Hinduism I 431n; II 107

SD INDEX Bathybius Haeckelii I 542; II 164n, 190, 650, 656, 670 &n, 674

TG Batoo (Eg.). The first man in Egyptian folk-lore. Noum, the heavenly artist, creates a beautiful girl -- the original of the Grecian Pandora -- and sends her to Batoo, after which the happiness of the first man is destroyed.

SD INDEX Batoo [Baiti, Batu] (Egy), Noum [Khnum] & Pandora story II 270n

TG Batria (Eg.). According to tradition, the wife of the Pharaoh and the teacher of Moses.

SD INDEX Battle(s). See War in Heaven, Wars

SD INDEX Bat-winged Men II 634

SD INDEX Batylos [Baetylos]. See Baetyl

SD INDEX Baudry, M. F.

----- "Les Mythes du feu . . ."
fire by friction (Hindu) II 524
re Prometheus II 526

SD INDEX Baumgartner, Karl H., Anfange zu einer physiologischen. . ., humanity not fr single pair II 718

SD INDEX Beale, Prof Lionel Smith

favored vital principle I 634
on mystery of life I 540

SD INDEX Bear. See also Great Bear, Ursa Minor

Thot-Sabaoth is the II 115n
Typhon the Great II 547, 549

SD INDEX Beast(s). See also Animals

apocalyptic 666 of the great I 655n
artificially made II 427n
have no conscious ego-soul II 196n
have no devachan II 196n
without mind no difference betw man & II 513
mystery of woman &, (Revelation) II 748

SD INDEX Beauce, Lake, Miocene man & II 749 &n

SD INDEX Beaumetz, Prof D., sarcode of II 153n

SD INDEX Beaver, instinct of II 120

SD INDEX Become, Becoming I 282

idea of, & the scarab I 365; II 552
nine the number of II 622
same as "to be born" in Greek I 281n
universe an eternal, (Hegel) II 449n

SD INDEX Bede, the Venerable I 441; II 395n

SD INDEX Bedouins, Sabean, invoke host of heaven II 514n


Haeckel traces civilization to II 650
reproduction among II 133, 659

TG Beel-Zebub (Heb.). The disfigured Baal of the Temples, and more correctly Beel-Zebul. Beel-Zebub means literally "god of flies"; the derisory epithet used by the Jews, and the incorrect and confused rendering of the "god of the sacred scarabaei", the divinities watching the mummies, and symbols of transformation, regeneration and immortality. Beel-Zeboul means properly the "God of the Dwelling" and is spoken of in this sense in Matthew x. 25. As Apollo, originally not a Greek but a Phenician [[Phoenician?]] god, was the healing god, Paian, or physician, as well as the god of oracles, he became gradually transformed as such into the "Lord of Dwelling", a household deity, and thus was called Beel-Zeboul. He was also, in a sense, a psychopompic god, taking care of the souls as did Anubis. Beelzebub was always the oracle god, and was only confused and identified with Apollo latter on.

SD INDEX Beelzebub, Beelzebul [Baal-zebub] (Heb), monarch of hell II 389n

SD INDEX Beer, well of I 364n

SD INDEX Beethoven Sonata, could not play itself II 348

SD INDEX Beetles, Moses permitted eating of I 80n

SD INDEX Beginnings of Life, The. See Bastian H.

SD INDEX Beglor [Beglar], discovered Fa-hien's cave I xx &n

SD INDEX Behemoth (Heb), Job & theology on II 486 &n

SD INDEX Behring Straits. See Bering Straits


Absolute I 16, 51, 54n, 193, 268
Absolute Divine Essence is no I 629
all-powerful, (Newton) I 498
Be-ness rather than I 14
conditioned I 15
conscious & unconscious I 53-4
endless cycle of, in eternity I 221
ladder of II 239
neutral center of II 731
Non-being & I 16, 39, 45, 47, 54, 88, 193, 344
pure, not understood I xx, 496n
-Purusha born fr not-being I 344
subject- & object-side of II 24
Wondrous, or highest hierarchy I 207


all, pass thru human stage I 275; II 322
all, subject to karma I 221-2, 456n
invisible I 89, 478, 608
Kant on immaterial I 133n
millions of, in us, we in them I 604-5
other intellectual, in solar system I 133, 164
on other worlds differ fr us II 700
perceptive & apperceptive I 629
spiritual, incarnated in man I 233
universe real to, in it I 274

SD INDEX Beitrage zur Deszendenzlehre. See Weismann, A.

SD INDEX Beitrage zur Kenntniss. See Seyffarth, G.

TG Bel (Chald.). The oldest and mightiest god of Babylonia, one of the earliest trinities, -- Anu (q.v.); Bel, "Lord of the World", father of the gods, Creator, and "Lord of the City of Nipur"; and Hea, maker of fate, Lord of the Deep, God of Wisdom and esoteric Knowledge, and "Lord of the City of Eridu". The wife of Bel, or his female aspect (Sakti), was Belat, or Beltis, "the mother of the great gods", and the "Lady of the City of Nipur". The original Bel was also called Enu, Elu and Kaptu (see Chaldean account of Genesis, by G. Smith). His eldest son was the Moon God Sin (whose names were also Ur, Agu and Itu), who was the presiding deity of the city of Ur, called in his honour by one of his names. Now Ur was the place of nativity of Abram (see "Astrology"). In the early Babylonian religion the Moon was, like Soma in India, a male, and the Sun a female deity. And this led almost every nation to great fratricidal wars between the lunar and the solar worshippers -- e.g., the contests between the Lunar and the Solar Dynasties, the Chandra and Suryavansa in ancient Aryavarta. Thus we find the same on a smaller scale between the Semitic tribes. Abram and his father Terah are shown migrating from Ur and carrying their lunar god (or its scion) with them; for Jehovah Elohim or El -- another form of Elu -- has ever been connected with the moon. It is the Jewish lunar chronology which has led the European "civilized" nations into the greatest blunders and mistakes. Merodach, the son of Hea, became the later Bel and was worshipped at Babylon. His other title, Belas, has a number of symbolical meanings.

SD INDEX Bel [or Marduk] (Bab) I xxvii, 421, 463

Baal, Siva, Saturn & I 459
building of Earth & II 23
Chaldean creator I 357; II 139nn, 144
dragon &, among Ophites II 379
equated w other gods II 379
Gauls used, for Sun II 540
Jupiter or, rules sixth world (Syrian) I 435
-Merodach &, -Belitanus II 210n
Moon eldest son of II 386
Nebo son of, -Merodach II 211
Noah &, preceded Adam Kadmon II 144
not infinite II 384n
primeval II 139n
-Shemesh, Moon called I 397
slays dragon Tiamat II 477, 503
Sun or, overpower messengers II 62
umsimi on the seat of II 283-4n
way to Bible thru, & Homer II 383

SD INDEX Bela (Heb), son of Beor II 706

TG Bela-Shemesh (Chald. Heb.). "The Lord of the Sun", the name of the Moon during that period when the Jews became in turn solar and lunar worshippers and when the Moon was a male, and the Sun a female deity. This period embraced the time between the allegorical expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden down to the no less allegorical Noachian flood. (See Secret Doctrine, I. 397.)

MO Bele's bane [[Norse]] (bay-leh) The sword of Frey

SD INDEX Belgamer. See Bergelmir

SD INDEX Belgium, early man in II 744

SD INDEX Belita (Chald), Eve, Mary II 463

SD INDEX Bello Judaico. See Josephus,History . . .

SD INDEX Bel Merodach, Bel-Belitanus, patron of Chaldean initiates II 210n, 211

SD INDEX Bel-Shemesh (Heb) [Lord of the Sun], name of Moon among Semites I 397 &n

SD INDEX Belt, Thomas, axial changes & glaciations II 695, 726

SD INDEX Belus (Chald). See also Bel

Berosus priest of I xxvi
formed heaven & Earth II 54
-Nimrod, de Rougemont on II 454

TG Bembo, Tablet of; or Mensa Isiaca. A brazen tablet inlaid with designs in Mosaic (now in the Museum at Turin) which once belonged to the famous Cardinal Bembo. Its origin and date are unknown. It is covered with Egyptian figures and hieroglyphics, and is supposed to have been an ornament in an ancient Temple of Isis. The learned Jesuit Kircher wrote a description of it, and Montfaucon has a chapter devoted to it. [W. W. W]
The only English work on the Isiac Tablet is by Dr. W. Wynn Westcott, who gives a photogravure in addition to its history, description, and occult significance.

TG Ben (Heb.). A son; a common prefix in proper names to denote the son of so-and-so, e.g., Ben Solomon, Ben Ishmael, etc.

TG Be-ness. A term coined by Theosophists to render more accurately the essential meaning of the untranslatable word Sat. The latter word does not mean "Being", for it presupposes a sentient feeling or some consciousness of existence. But, as the term Sat is applied solely to the absolute Principle, the universal, unknown, and ever unknowable Presence, which philosophical Pantheism postulates in Kosmos, calling it the basic root of Kosmos, and Kosmos itself -- "Being" was no fit word to express it. Indeed, the latter is not even, as translated by some Orientalists, "the incomprehensible Entity"; for it is no more an Entity than a non-Entity, but both. It is, as said, absolute Be-ness, not Being, the one secondless, undivided, and indivisible All -- the root of all Nature visible and invisible, objective and subjective, to be sensed by the highest spiritual intuition, but never to be fully comprehended.

KT Beness. A term coined by Theosophists to render more accurately the essential meaning of the untranslatable word Sat. The latter word does not mean "Being," for the term "Being" presupposes a sentient consciousness of existence. But as the term Sat is applied solely to the absolute principle, that universal, unknown, and ever unknowable principle which philosophical Pantheism postulates, calling it the basic root of Kosmos and Kosmos itself, it could not be translated by the simple term "Being." Sat, indeed, is not even, as translated by some Orientalists, "the incomprehensible Entity"; for it is no more an "Entity" than a non-entity, but both. It is as said absolute BENESS, not "Being"; the one, secondless, undivided and indivisible ALL -- the root of nature both visible and invisible, objective and subjective, comprehensible and -- never to be fully comprehended.

SD INDEX Be-ness. See also Being

Ain or Non-being II 626
"All," & All-Being I 55
fr, into being is genesis II 24n
is "non-Being" (Hegel) I 193; II 449n
not a Being I 59
the One I 7, 14, 143n
Sat or I 119, 143n, 289, 556; II 310

SD INDEX Benfey, Theodore, on Asura- & Ahura-Mazdha II 92


mighty men of, dwarfed II 411n
Sagara or Bay of II 572
Tantrikas of, & Moon I 156

SD INDEX Beni-Elohim. See Bnei Elohim

SD INDEX Beni Shamash. See Bnei-Shamash

SD INDEX Ben-Issrael. See Bnei-Israel

SD INDEX Benjamin (son of Jacob), & Cancer I 651

SD INDEX Benjamin, S. G. W., The Atlantic Islands . . ., link betw Canary Isles & Amer II 790-1

SD INDEX Ben-Manesseh. See Bnei-Menashsheh

TG Benoo (Eg.). A word applied to two symbols, both taken to mean "Phoenix ". One was the Shen-shen (the heron), and the other a nondescript bird, called the Rech (the red one), and both were sacred to Osiris. It was the latter that was the regular Phoenix of the great Mysteries, the typical symbol of self-creation and resurrection through death -- a type of the Solar Osiris and of the divine Ego in man. Yet both the Heron and the Rech were symbols of cycles; the former, of the Solar year of 365 days; the latter of the tropical year or a period covering almost 26,000 years. In both cases the cycles were the types of the return of light from darkness, the yearly and great cyclic return of the sun-god to his birth-place, or -- his Resurrection. The Rech-Benoo is described by Macrobius as living 660 years and then dying; while others stretched its life as long as 1,460 years. Pliny, the Naturalist, describes the Rech as a large bird with gold and purple wings, and a long blue tail. As every reader is aware, the Phoenix on feeling its end approaching, according to tradition, builds for itself a funeral pile on the top of the sacrificial altar, and then proceeds to consume himself thereon as a burnt-offering. Then a worm appears in the ashes, which grows and developes rapidly into a new Phoenix, resurrected from the ashes of its predecessor.

SD INDEX Benoo. See Benu

TG Ben Shamesh (Heb.). The children or the "Sons of the Sun". The term belongs to the period when the Jews were divided into sun and moon worshippers -- Elites and Belites. (See "Bela-Shemesh".)

SD INDEX Bentley, John

chronology of II 76n
ignorant of Indian zodiac II 431
not fair to Hindu knowledge I 370, 667
Puranic astronomy a science II 253
----- Historical View of Hindu Astronomy
dates Great War 575 BC I 369n
hidden scientific knowledge II 499-500n
precession of equinoxes II 550
War in Heaven II 63, 76, 499-500 &n

SD INDEX Bentley, R., Newton's Third Letter to I 479, 490-1, 494

SD INDEX Benu (Egy) phoenix I 312

SD INDEX Beor, Bela son of II 706

TG Berasit (Heb.). The first word of the book of Genesis. The English established version translates this as "In the beginning," but this rendering is disputed by many scholars. Tertullian approved of "In power"; Grotius "When first"; but the authors of the Targum of Jerusalem who ought to have known Hebrew if anyone did, translated it "In Wisdom". Godfrey Higgins, in his Anacalypsis, insists on Berasit being the sign of the ablative case, meaning "in" and ras, rasit, an ancient word for Chokmah, "wisdom". [W.W.W.]

TG Berasit or Berasheth is a mystic word among the Kabbalists of Asia Minor.

SD INDEX Bere'shith, B'raisheeth (Heb)

"in the beginning" I 352; Appendix
first emanation of Logos I 375
Genesis 1:1, kabbalistic meaning of I 374, 443-4

SD INDEX Bereshith Rabbah, several creations in II 53-4, 704 &n

TG Bergelmir (Scand.). The one giant who escaped in a boat the general slaughter of his brothers, the giant Ymir's children, drowned in the blood of their raging Father. He is the Scandinavian Noah, as he, too, becomes the father of giants after the Deluge. The lays of the Norsemen show the grandsons of the divine Buri -- Odin, Wili, and We -- conquering and killing the terrible giant Ymir, and creating the world out of his body.

SD INDEX Bergelmir (Norse) II 774

SD INDEX Bergerac, Cyrano de II 702

SD INDEX Bering Straits, horseshoe-like continent & II 326, 329

SD INDEX Berkeley, George, A Treatise Concerning . . . Human Knowledge, on motion I 3n

SD INDEX Bernard, Claude, life a process of fermentation I 249n

SD INDEX Bernard, St, Sermon, "Sun-Christ lives in thee . . ." I 401

SD INDEX Bernardin de St Pierre, J. H., many worlds inhabited II 706

SD INDEX Bernouilli, Jacques II 269

many inhabited worlds II 706
Newton's ideas revolted I 491

TG Berosus (Chald.). A priest of the Temple of Beltis who wrote for Alexander the Great the history of the Cosmogony, as taught in the Temples, from the astronomical and chronological records preserved in that temple. The fragments we have in the soi-disant translations of Eusebius are certainly as untrustworthy as the biographer of the Emperor Constantine -- of whom he made a saint (!!) -- could make them. The only guide to this Cosmogony may now be found in the fragments of the Assyrian tablets, evidently copied almost bodily from the earlier Babylonian records; which, say what the Orientalists may, are undeniably the originals of the Mosaic Genesis, of the Flood, the tower of Babel, of baby Moses set afloat on the waters, and of other events. For, if the fragments from the Cosmogony of Berosus, so carefully re-edited and probably mutilated and added to by Eusebius, are no great proof of the antiquity of these records in Babylonia -- seeing that this priest of Belus lived three hundred years after the Jews were carried captive to Babylon, and they may have been borrowed by the Assyrians from them -- later discoveries have made such a consoling hypothesis impossible. It is now fully ascertained by Oriental scholars that not only "Assyria borrowed its civilization and written characters from Babylonia," but the Assyrians copied their literature from Babylonian sources. Moreover, in his first Hibbert lecture, Professor Sayce shows the culture both of Babylonia itself and of the city of Eridu to have been of foreign importation; and, according to this scholar, the city of Eridu stood already 6,000 years ago on the shores of the Persian gulf," i.e., about the very time when Genesis shows the Elohim creating the world, sun, and stars out of nothing.

SD INDEX Berosus, Berossus I xxvii

account of primeval creation I 343, 345; II 269
astronomical records of I xxvi, 655n
Belus formed Earth, heavens II 54
Chaldea had three keys in days of I 311
disfigured by Eusebius I xxvi; II 53
Ea same as Oannes of II 226
Ilus of, or ether I 339
obtained information fr Ea II 115
predicted cataclysms by zodiac I 649-50
de Rougemont on II 454
taught evolution II 190
ten generations of kings II 394
on Thallath I 394; II 61, 65n, 135
on two-, four-faced creatures II 504
watery abyss of II 53, 477, 715n
----- Antiquitates [by "pseudo" Berosus]
Titea-Aretia worship II 143-4

SD INDEX Berthollet, C. L., Comte, men of Canary Islands & America II 790-1

SD INDEX Bertrand, Abbe Franccois-Marie, Dictionnaire [universel historique . . .], on betyles [baetyls] II 342

TG Bes (Eg.). A phallic god, the god of concupiscence and pleasure. He is represented standing on a lotus ready to devour his own progeny (Abydos). A rather modern deity of foreign origin.

SD INDEX Bes (Egy), stands on lotus I 385

SD INDEX Bestiality, & sterility II 192, 195, 689, 730

TG Bestla (Scand.). The daughter of the "Frost giants", the sons of Ymir; married to Burl, and the mother of Odin and his brothers (Edda).

SD INDEX Bestla (Norse), Odin, Willi, & We born fr I 427

TG Beth (Heb.). House, dwelling.

SD INDEX Bethel(s) [Beith-El] (Heb). See also Baetyl

oil-anointed phalli II 473

TG Beth Elohim (Heb.). A Kabbalistic treatise treating of the angels, souls of men, and demons. The name means "House of the Gods".

SD INDEX Bethlehem, Star of II 619

TG Betyles (Phoen.). Magical stones. The ancient writers call them the "animated stones"; oracular stones, believed in and used both by Gentiles and Christians. (See Sect. Doct. II. p. 342).

SD INDEX Betyles (Fr). See Baetyl

SD INDEX "Be-with-us," Great Day I 129, 130-1, 134n, 265

TG Bhadayat (Sk.). A title of the Buddha and of Krishna. "The Lord" literally.

TG Bhadrakalpa (Sk.). Lit., "The Kalpa of the Sages". Our present period is a Bhadra Kalpa, and the exoteric reaching makes it last 236 million years. It is so called because 1,000 Buddhas or sages appear in the course of it (Sanskrit Chinese Dict.) "Four Buddhas have already appeared" it adds; but as out of the 236 millions, over 151 Million years have already elapsed, it does seem a rather uneven distribution of Buddhas. This is the way exoteric or popular religions confuse everything. Esoteric philosophy teaches us that every Root-race has its chief Buddha or Reformer, who appears also in the seven sub-races as a Bodhisattva (q.v.). Gautama Sakyamuni was the fourth, and also the fifth Buddha: the fifth, because we are the fifth root-race; the fourth, as the chief Buddha in this fourth Round. The Bhadra Kalpa, or the "period of stability", is the name of our present Round, esoterically -- its duration applying, of course, only to our globe (D), the "1,000" Buddhas being thus in reality limited to but forty-nine in all.

TG Bhadrasena (Sk.). A Buddhist king of Magadha.

FY Bhadrasena, a Buddhist king of Magadha.

TG Bhadra Vihara (Sk.). Lit., "the Monastery of the Sages or Bodhisattvas". A certain Vihara or Matham in Kanyakubdja.

TG Bhagats (Sk.). Also called Sokka and Sivnath by the Hindus; one who exorcises evil spirits.

FY Bhagats (or called Sokha and Sivnath by the Hindus), one who exorcises and evil spirit.


Favorite Quotations from the Bhagavad-Gita, from The Gods and Heroes of the Bhagavad-Gita

The Song Celestial, or The Bhagavad Gita by Sir Edwin Arnold

William Q. Judge's recension of the Bhagavad Gita including his Essays on the Gita (on another site)

TG Bhagavad-gita (Sk.). Lit., "the Lord's Song". A portion of the Mahabharata, the great epic poem of India. It contains a dialogue wherein Khrishna -- the "Charioteer" -- and Arjuna, his Chela, have a discussion upon the highest spiritual philosophy. The work is pre-eminently occult or esoteric.

KT Bhagavat-Gita (Sans.) Lit., "the Lord's Song," a portion of the Mahabharata, the great epic poem of India. It contains a dialogue wherein Krishna -- the "Charioteer" and Arjuna his chela have a discussion upon the highest spiritual philosophy. The work is pre-eminently occult or esoteric.

FY Bhagavad Gita (lit. The "Lord's Song"), an episode of the Maha-Bharata, the great epic poem of India. It contains a dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna on Spiritual Philosophy.

WG Bhagavad-Gita, an epic in the Mahabharata, consisting of a dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna, which is carried on in a chariot drawn up between two opposing armies. The chariot means, esoterically, the body; Arjuna is the Ego; Krishna is the Supreme Spirit, and the opposing hosts of Kauravas and Pandavas are the higher and lower natures of man; the horses may be called the mind, which draws the body. The poem has been translated by Burnouf into French, by Lassen into Latin, by Stanislav Gotti into Italian, by Galanos into Greek, by Wilkins, Davies, Thompson, Kasinath Telang, Chintamon, Mohini, Arnold and others into English. (bhagavat, having happiness, blessed; gita, song: song of the blessed one.)

GH Bhagavad-Gita literally Krishna's song (or divine song). The philosophical discourse between Arjuna and Krishna, the latter being represented as the Avatara of Vishnu, but acting as Arjuna's charioteer. It is cast in the traditional form of question and answer between disciple and teacher in verses of metrical prose termed slokas. The meter is called Anu-shtubh and consists of four padas or quarter verses of eight syllables each, or two lines of sixteen syllables each. The dialog is placed in the sixth book of the Mahabharata entitled the Bhishma-parva (the book of Bhishma) slokas 830-1532 thereof. "The work is pre-eminently occult or esoteric," writes H. P. Blavatsky in Theosophical Glossary, p. 56, and also states in The Secret Doctrine, that there is a "secret sense contained in the Bhagavad-Gita." (II, p. 139)

"The main object of the Bhagavad Gita -- which is one of the main sources of Hindu philosophy -- is to explain the higher principles that operate in the cosmos, which are omnipresent and permanent and which are common to all the solar systems." (Notes on the Bhagavad-Gita, p. 108) (Compound bhagavat, holy, divine; also a name of Krishna; gita, song.)

SP Bhagavad-gita -- the famous Hindu text, literally "the Lord's Song."

SD INDEX Bhagavad-Gita

all men may know Vasudeva II 48n
Anugita on speech I 94
Brahm enthroned on lotus I 379
explains Mahabharata II 139
four manus & seven rishis II 140 &n, 318n
Isvara in II 114
Kshetrajna in II 638
lower, higher elements in I 535-6
Pistis Sophia in light of II 569
root or sattva is buddhi I 68n
on Tree of Life, asvattha I 406
two paths at death explained I 86
Wilson saw Buddhism in I 419n

SD INDEX Bhagavad Gita Lectures. See Row, T. S.


SD INDEX Bhagavan (Skt) II 406

SD INDEX Bhagavat, Bhagavan (Skt) II 406

the Eternal I 345
hurled Brahma to Earth (Fall) II 483
incarnates II 48

SD INDEX Bhagavata-Purana

Arjuna married Ulupi in II 214 &n
Chakshusha Manu of sixth period II 615n
cross & circle in II 549-50
curse of Vasishtha II 247
Hamsa caste I 79
Kapila author of Sankhya philosophy II 572
Kapila did not slay 60,000 II 571
mankind produced fr Vach II 418n
Moryas will reign over India I 378n
nitya pralaya I 371
opening of kali-yuga II 550
Panchasikha Kumara I 236
rakshasas, origin of II 165n
Vaisvanara son of Danu II 381 &n
vyakta in I 10n

WG Bhakti, devotion, a thing apportioned or set apart, portion.

SKo Bhakti Devotion, faith, or love; derived from the verb-root bhaj -to serve, to honor.

WG Bhakti-yoga, systematized devotion for the attainment of union with Parabrahmam, prescribed in the Visishtadvaita Catechism as "the contemplation of Parabrahmam, with its various attributes and qualities, without any interruption whatever, throughout one's whole life, and at the same time discharging one's duties to the best of one's ability, or true devotion." (See also the Bhagavad-Gita for prescription of and insistence upon attainment of devotion, conjoined with strict performance of duty.)

OG Bhakti Yoga -- (Sanskrit) A word derived from the verbal root bhaj. In connection with yoga and as being one of the recognized forms of it, the general signification of bhakti yoga is devotion, affectionate attachment. (See also Yoga)


SD INDEX Bhangulpore [Bhagalpur], round tower of II 85

TG Bhao (Sk.). A ceremony of divination among the Kolarian tribes of Central India.

FY Bhao, ceremony of divination among the Kolarian tribes of Central India.

WG Bharata, "the one supported," an epithet of Agni as being maintained or kept alive by men; the true consciousness, of which the consciousness of the interior faculties is a reflection; an epithet given Arjuna in the Bhagavad-Gita to signify his intimate relation with his race and nation.

GH Bharata The name of a great number of kings and heroes. The one referred to in the Bhagavad-Gita is of the Puru branch (or Pauravas) of the Chandravansa (Lunar Race), the son of Dushyanta and Sakuntala. The ninth king in descent from Bharata was Kuru, and the seventeenth from Kuru was Yudhishthira and his four brothers, i.e., the Pandavas. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 11

GH Bharata A descendant of Bharata: referable to either the Kauravas or the Pandavas, but most often applied solely to the latter. Arjuna is often referred to as 'son of Bharata' or 'best of the Bharatas.' (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 11)

SD INDEX Bharata, Bharateans (Skt)

India & II 321, 369, 406n
war w rakshasas II 776

TG Bharata Varsha (Sk.). The land of Bharata, an ancient name of India.

WG Bharata-varsha, India.

SD INDEX Bharata-Varsha (Skt) India

divided into nine portions II 321
division of Jambu-dvipa II 322, 369, 403n
four yugas occur in II 322
Naga-dvipa part of II 132, 182, 501n
Peris counterparts of children of II 394
Sankha-dvipa & II 405, 408

TG Bhargayas (Sk.). An ancient race in India; from the name of Bhrigu, the Rishi.

SD INDEX Bhargavas (Skt), race of II 32n

TG Bhashya (Sk). A commentary.

FY Bhashya, commentary.

IN Bhashya (Skt) A treatise or commentary.

SD INDEX Bhashyacharya, Pandit N., FTS

----- Catechism of Visishtadvaita . . .
evolution of matter I 522
pathway of freed soul I 132

SD INDEX Bhashyas of Sankaracharya, on Upanishads kept secret I 271-2

TG Bhaskara (Sk.). One of the titles of Surya, the Sun; meaning "life-giver" and "light-maker".

SD INDEX Bhaskara (Skt), light-maker I 98, 103

SD INDEX Bhaskara Acharya, interprets seven dvipas II 321

SD INDEX Bhautya (Skt), a manu II 309

SD INDEX Bhava (Skt) I 61, 256

SD INDEX Bhavishya Purana, story of Samba & Magas in II 323

TG Bhaya (Sk.). Being, or state of being; the world, a birth, and also a name of Siva.

TG Bhikshu (Sk.). In Pali Bikkhu. The name given to the first followers of Sakyamuni Buddha. Lit., "mendicant scholar". The Sanskrit Chinese Dictionary, explains the term correctly by dividing Bhikshus into two classes of Sramanas (Buddhist monks and priests), viz., "esoteric mendicants who control their nature by the (religious) law, and exoteric mendicants who control their nature by diet;" and it adds, less correctly: "every true Bhikshu is supposed to work miracles".

WGa Bhikshus, religious mendicants, or mendicant scholars among the Buddhists. There are two sorts, those who control themselves by religion and those who control themselves by the nature of their foods. At one time they were supposed to be wonder-workers.

SKs Bhikshu, Bhikshuni A Bhikshu is one who has renounced the world of desire and illusion and who devotes his life entirely to things of a spiritual and lofty nature. A Buddhist Bhikshu is one who follows a stricter code of precepts than does the Upasaka.

The object of this chapter is not to cover all the Sanskrit words found in The Secret Doctrine, but to clarify and explain those which are the most important, because the most current in Theosophical literature. Bhikshuni is the feminine form of Bhikshu. Both words are derived from the verb-root bhiksh -- to wish to share, or to partake, to beg.

WG Bhima, son of Vayu the god of the wind; presiding deity of the air, allegorically representing power; a Vidarbhan king; the higher nature of man. (Literally, "terrible.")

GH Bhima The second son of Kunti by the god of the wind, Vayu. All through the Mahabharata the remarkable achievements of Bhima provide entertaining reading: his feats of valor and strength are unsurpassable, especially those performed with his enormous club. He shared with Arjuna the honors of valorous exploits in the great conflict, in which the Pandavas were finally victorious. (Meaning of the word itself: the terrible. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 3)

WG Bhishma, the grandsire (grandfather's step-brother) of both the Kauravas and the Pandavas, allegorically representing the lower nature of man. (Literally, "horrible.")

GH Bhishma The son of king Santanu and the river-goddess Ganga. Although the rightful heir to the throne of the Kurus, he relinquished the kingdom so that the children of his father's second wife, Satyavati might rule instead, but he remained the protector to the throne. Thus he was the ancestor of both the Kauravas and the Pandavas (referred to in the text as the grandsire of the Kurus). He was persuaded to side with the sons of Dhritarashtra and was made the commander-in-chief. He was mortally wounded on the tenth day of the conflict, but as he had been granted the boon to terminate his life whenever he wished, Bhishma remained alive for 58 days and instructed Yudhishthira in the duties of a king. (Meaning of the word itself: the terrible. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 2)

WG Bhoga, fruition, enjoyment.

WG Bhokta, the consciousness pervading the Buddhi, and which appears as conscious beings.

TG Bhons (Tib.). The followers of the old religion of the Aborigines of Tibet; of pre-buddhistic temples and ritualism; the same as Dugpas, "red caps", though the latter appellation usually applies only to sorcerers.

FY Bhon, religion of the aborigines of Tibet.

SD INDEX Bhons [Bons] (Tib) II 586


SD INDEX Bhoots. See Bhutas

SD INDEX Bhoutya. See Bhautya

TG Bhrantidarsanatah (Sk.). Lit., "false comprehension or apprehension something conceived of on false appearances as a mayavic, illusionary form.

WG Bhrantidarsanatah, false perception, the perception of one who moves (or thinks) unsteadily, without aim.

SD INDEX Bhrantidarsana[tah] (Skt)

arises in lower fifth principle I 19
material universe as II 108

TG Bhrigu (Sk.). One of the great Vedic Rishis. He is called "Son by Manu, who confides to him his Institutes. He is one of the Seven Prajapatis, or progenitors of mankind, which is equivalent to identifying him with one of the creative gods, placed by the Puranas in Krita Yug, or the first age, that of purity. Dr. Wynn Westcott reminds us of the fact that the late and very erudite Dr. Kenealy (who spelt the name Byighoo), made of this Muni (Saint) the fourth, out of his twelve, divine messengers " to the World, adding that he appeared in Tibet, A. N. 4800 and that his religion spread to Britain, where his followers raised the megalithic temple of Stonehenge. This, of course, is a hypothesis, based merely on Dr. Kenealy's personal speculations.

WG Bhrigu, the planet Venus; a race of beings described in the Rig-Veda as cherishing fire brought to them by the wind, or as kindling fire from the aranis; that one of the ten Maharshis from whom these beings descended. It in some sense gives a clue to the use and function of Venus in relation to our earth.

GH Bhrigu One of the most celebrated of the Vedic Rishis or Sages, regarded as the ancestor of the Bhargavas (in which race Parasu-Rama was born). He is known as one of the ten Prajapatis (or mind-born sons of Brahma -- regarded as the fathers of the human race). He is also regarded as one of the nine great Rishis (in the Vishnu-Purana). The Laws of Manu were confided to Bhrigu, and Manu called him his son. Some hymns in the Rig-Veda are attributed to the Rishi. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 74)

SD INDEX Bhrigu (Skt)

seven, fourteen manus II 308
Sri daughter of II 76n
Sukra (Venus) is son of II 30, 32n
in Vayu Purana I 436

WG Bhuh, the world.

SD INDEX Bhujam (Skt), side (of triangle) II 576

TG Bhumi (Sk.). The earth, called also Prithivi.

WGa Bhumi, the earth. See also Bhuh.

SD INDEX Bhumi (Skt) Earth

appears w six sisters I 250 &n; II 616
fourth principle of, fourth round I 260
prithivi or I 237
sons of, & devas I 605-6
those who watch over I 213


TG Bhuranyu (Sk.). "The rapid or the swift. Used of a missile -- an equivalent also of the Greek Phoroneus.

SD INDEX Bhuranyu (Skt), Phoroneus, Agni (Decharme) II 520

TG Bhur-Bhuya (Sk.). A mystic incantation, as Om, Bhur, Bhuva, Sway, meaning "Om, earth, sky, heaven This is the exoteric explanation.

TG Bhur-loka (Sk.). One of the 14 lokas or worlds in Hindu Pantheism; our Earth.

WG Bhurloka, the place of earth, the terrestrial world.

SD INDEX Bhur-loka (Skt), south of equator (sidereal position) II 321

WG Bhuta, an element; created being, elemental, ghost, goblin, imp, demon, phantom, elementary.

OG Bhuta(s) -- (Sanskrit) The past participle of the verb-root bhu, meaning "to be," or "to become"; hence bhutas literally means "has beens" -- entities that have lived and passed on. The bhutas are "shells" from which all that is spiritual and intellectual has fled: all that was the real entity has fled from this shell, and naught is left but a decaying astral corpse. The bhutas are the spooks, ghosts, simulacra, reliquiae, of dead men; in other words, the astral dregs and remnants of human beings. They are the "shades" of the ancients, the pale and ghostly phantoms living in the astral world, or the astral copies of the men that were; and the distinction between the bhuta and the kama-rupa is very slight.

Bereft of all that pertains to the real entity, the genuine man, the bhuta is as much a corpse in the astral realms as is the decaying physical body left behind at physical death; and consequently, astral or psychical intercourse of any kind with these shells is productive only of evil. The bhutas, although belonging in the astral world, are magnetically attracted to physical localities similar in type to the remnants of impulses still inhering in them. The bhuta of a drunkard is attracted to wine cellars and taverns; the bhuta of one who has lived a lewd life is attracted to localities sympathetic to it; the thin and tenuous bhuta of a good man is similarly attracted to less obnoxious and evil places. All over the ancient world and throughout most of even the modern world these eidola or "images" of dead men have been feared and dreaded, and relations of any kind with them have been consistently and universally avoided. (See also Eidolon)

GH Bhutas The decaying remnants of corpses in the astral world -- the real part of man having dropped off these grossest portions of its former vehicle; hence phantoms or 'shells', the eidola or shades of the ancients. They are popularly believed to haunt burial places, etc., for these remnants, although in the astral world (and invisible), are still attracted to the localities of their former physical associations. (The following word is derived from the verbal root:) bhu, to become; literally 'has-beens', i.e., entities that formerly lived and have passed on. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 68)

IN Bhuta (Skt) A "has-been"; ghost or astral shell of a deceased person minus soul and spirit.

SP Bhuta -- ghost, shade or astral shell of the dead, literally "has been"; also cosmic element.

SD INDEX Bhuta(s) (Skt)

defined II 102n
evolved fr dhyanis I 183
first & second races were I 183; II 108
flesh eaters II 163
illusion (Bhoots in tx) I 295
primitive man a II 91, 102 &n, 105, 108
race w no form or mind II 91
second or, creation I 446, 452

WG Bhuta-dak, a "spirit-medium;" one who holds communion with elementals. (A mongrel word, dak usually meaning "carriage.")

TG Bhutadi (Sk.). Elementary substances, the origin and the germinal essence of the elements.

SD INDEX Bhutadi (Skt)

devours sound, ether I 372-3
elements sprang fr I 452; II 108
precedes Bhutasarga Creation I 452

TG Bhutan. A country of heretical Buddhists and Lamaists beyond Sikkhim, where rules the Dharma Raja, a nominal vassal of the Dalai Lama.

TG Bhuta-sarga (Sk.). Elemental or incipient Creation, i.e., when matter was several degrees less material than it is now.

SD INDEX Bhutasarga Creation (Skt), second or elemental I 446, 452-3

WG Bhutatma, the vital soul, or elemental self, as opposed to Kshetrajna. (bhuta, elemental; atma, self, soul.)

SD INDEX Bhutatman (Skt), life soul II 108


TG Bhuhta-vidya (Sk.). The art of exorcising, of treating and curing demoniac possession. Literally, "Demon" or "Ghost-knowledge".

TG Bhutesa (Sk.), or Bhuleswara; lit., "Lord of beings or of existent lives". A name applied to Vishnu, to Brahma and Krishna.

SD INDEX Bhutesa (Skt), Vishnu lord of elements I 452n

TG Bhuts (Sk.). Bhuta: Ghosts, phantoms. To call them "demons", as do the Orientalists, is incorrect. For, if on the one hand, a Bhuta is "a malignant spirit which haunts cemeteries, lurks in trees, animates dead bodies, and deludes and devours human beings", in popular fancy, in India in Tibet and China, by Bhutas are also meant "heretics" who besmear their bodies with ashes, or Shaiva ascetics (Siva being held in India for the King of Bhutas).

WG Bhuvah, sky.

SD INDEX Bhuva[r]-loka (Skt)

middle region at maha-pralaya I 371
north of equator (sidereal position) II 321

TG Bhuya-loka (Sk.). One of the 14 worlds.

TG Bhuyana (Sk.). A name of Rudra or Siva, one of the Indian Trimurti (Trinity).