List of Title Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)
SD INDEX Psalms [or Psalms of David]
androgynous mankind II 134n
angels made spirits, etc I 92n
breaking heads of dragons II 505
evils come fr north & west I 123
God's ministers, a flaming fire I 107
"He placed his Throne in the Sun" I 493
"I know not Thy numbers" I 115n
Jehovah a god among other gods II 508
Kadush I 463
Kadushu (priests) II 460
Sod II 212n
verses 25:14, 89:7 retranslated II 212n
SD INDEX Psammites. See Archimedes
TG Pschent (Eg.). A symbol in the form of a double crown, meaning the presence of Deity in death as in life, on earth as in heaven. This Pschent is only worn by certain gods.
SD INDEX Psellus, M. C. See Chaldean Oracles
SD INDEX Pseudo Berosus. See Berosus, Antiquitates
SD INDEX Pseudographs, palmed off on credulous II 442
TG Psyche (Gr.). The animal, terrestrial Soul; the lower Manas.
SD INDEX Psyche, Psuche (Gk)
butterfly Greek emblem of I 74
lower anima mundi I 194, 197n
manas or human soul II 275n
nous & II 134n, 377
in quaternary II 599
SD INDEX Psychic
astral light & the I 196
atman warms inner man on, plane II 110
chief factor in, phenomena II 59n
civilization & the II 319
connects matter & spirit I 197n
craze described II 349
dhyanic group &, man I 559
evolution physical & II 62, 87, 109, 294, 365
faculties & forty-nine fires I 521
force as a weapon II 56n
force (Sergeant Cox) & Archaeus I 338n
form of primitive man II 154
guided by the animal is sin II 413
hallucination, delirium & II 370-1n
higher pitris our, & spiritual parents II 171
influence of Moon on, phenomena I 180
key to symbolism I 363
nature of man, origin of II 275
nature of Moon secret I 156
passions, powers & misuse II 302
power of, over physical II 192
prognostication is not I 646
prototype of, function II 92
struggle between spiritual & II 272
struggle on, plane II 64
SD INDEX "Psychic Force and Etheric Force." See Bloomfield-Moore, C. J.
OG Psychic Powers -- The lowest powers of the intermediate or soul-nature in the human being, and we are exercising and using them all the time -- yes, and we cannot even control them properly! Men's emotional thoughts are vagrant, wandering, uncertain, lacking precision, without positive direction, and feebly governed. The average man cannot even keep his emotions and thoughts in the grip of his self-conscious will. His weakest passions lead him astray. It is this part of his nature whence flow his "psychic powers." It is man's work to transmute them and to turn them to employment which is good and useful and holy. Indeed, the average man cannot control the ordinary psycho-astral-physical powers that he commonly uses; and when, forsooth, people talk about cultivating occult powers, by which they mean merely psychic powers, it simply shows that through ignorance they know not to what they refer. Their minds are clouded as regards the actual facts. Those who talk so glibly of cultivating occult powers are just the people who cannot be trusted as real guides, for before they themselves can crawl in these mysterious regions of life, they seem to desire to teach other people how to run and to leap. What most people really mean, apparently, when they speak of cultivating occult powers is "I want to get power over other people." Such individuals are totally unfit to wield occult powers of any kind, for the motive is in most cases purely selfish, and their minds are beclouded and darkened with ignorance. The so-called psychic powers have the same relation to genuine spiritual powers that baby-talk has to the discourse of a wise philosopher. Before occult powers of any kind can be cultivated safely, man must learn the first lesson of the mystic knowledge, which is to control himself; and all powers that later he gains must be laid on the altar of impersonal service -- on the altar of service to mankind. Psychic powers will come to men as a natural development of their inner faculties, as evolution performs its wonderful work in future ages. New senses, and new organs corresponding to these new senses, both interior and exterior, will come into active functioning in the distant future. But it is perilous both to sanity and to health to attempt to force the development of these prematurely, and unless the training and discipline be done under the watchful and compassionate eye of a genuine occult teacher who knows what he is about. The world even today contains hundreds of thousands of "sensitives" who are the first feeble forerunners of what future evolution will make common in the human race; but these sensitives are usually in a very unfortunate and trying situation, for they themselves misunderstand what is in them, and they are misunderstood by their fellows. (See also Occultism)
TG Psychism, from the Greek psyche. A term now used to denote very loosely every kind of mental phenomena, e.g., mediumship, and the higher sensitiveness, hypnotic receptivity, and inspired prophecy, simple clairvoyance in the astral light, and real divine seership; in short, the word covers every phase and manifestation of the powers and potencies of the human and the divine Souls.
KT Psychism. The word is used now to denote every kind of mental phenomena, e.g., mediumship as well as the higher form of sensitiveness. A newly-coined word.
SD INDEX Psychism, is not psychology II 156n
SD INDEX Psychode of Thury I 338n
TG Psychography. A word first used by theosophists; it means writing under the dictation or the influence of one's "soul-power", though Spiritualists have now adopted the term to denote writing produced by their mediums under the guidance of returning "Spirits".
SD INDEX Psychologist(s)
Hume regarded as a II 156n
modern, are materialists I 620n
modern, ignores buddhi II 81
TG Psychology. The Science of Soul, in days of old: a Science which served as the unavoidable basis for physiology. Whereas in our modern day, it is psychology that is being based (by our great scientists) upon physiology.
OG Psychology -- This word is ordinarily used to signify in our days, and in the seats of learning in the Occident, a study mostly beclouded with doubts and hypotheses, and often actual guesswork, meaning little more than a kind of mental physiology, practically nothing more than the working of the brain-mind in the lowest astral-psychical apparatus of the human constitution. But in the theosophical philosophy, the word psychology is used to mean something very different and of a far nobler character: we might call it pneumatology, or the science or the study of spirit and its rays, because all the inner faculties and powers of man ultimately spring from his spiritual nature. The term psychology ought really to connote the study of the inner intermediate economy of man, and the interconnection of his principles and elements or centers of energy or force -- what the man really is inwardly.
In days of the far bygone past, psychology was indeed what the word signifies: "the science of soul"; and upon this science was securely based the collateral and subordinate science of genuine physiology. Today, however, it is physiology which serves as the basis for psychology because of a mistaken view of man's constitution. It is a case of hysteron proteron -- putting the cart before the horse.
SD INDEX Psychology II 107n
Aryan & Egyptian, not understood I 226
deals only w false personality II 254
Eastern I 54
esoteric, septenary II 632-3
fifth element & II 135
"laws of association" I 292
in lunar worship I 398
monism, materialism & negative I 124 &nn
sees man as evolved animal I 636
shifted to crass materialism II 156n
spiritual vs materialistic I 620n
TG Psychometry. Lit., "Soul-measuring"; reading or seeing, not with the physical eyes, but with the soul or inner Sight.
SD INDEX Psychometry
aspect of jnanasakti I 292
physicists & I 201n
SD INDEX Psychopaths, & "spirits" II 370n
TG Psychophobia. Lit., "Soul-fear," applied to materialists and certain atheists, who become struck with madness at the very mention of Soul or Spirit.
TG Psylli (Gr.). Serpent-charmers of Africa and Egypt.
TG Ptah, or Pthah (Eg.). The son of Kneph in the Egyptian Pantheon. He is the Principle of Light and Life through which "creation" or rather evolution took place. The Egyptian logos and creator, the Demiurgos. A very old deity, as, according to Herodotus, he had a temple erected to him by Menes, the first king of Egypt. He is "giver of life" and the self-born, and the father of Apis, the sacred bull, conceived through a ray from the Sun. Ptah is thus the prototype of Osiris, a later deity. Herodotus makes him the father of the Kabiri, the mystery-gods; and the Targum of Jerusalem says "Egyptians called the wisdom of the First Intellect Ptah"; hence he is Mahat the "divine wisdom"; though from another aspect he is Swabhavat, the self-created substance, as a prayer addressed to him in the Ritual of the Dead says, after calling Ptah "father of fathers and of all gods, generator of all men produced from his substance": "Thou art without father, being engendered by thy own will; thou art without mother, being born by the renewal of thine own substance from whom proceeds substance".
SD INDEX Ptah, Phta, Phtah (Egy). See also Asklepios
Ammon & I 675
carries mundane egg I 365
deity concealed by II 553
Egyptian creative intellect I 353
Khonsoo confused w II 464
original god of death like Siva I 367n
Osiris-, creates his limbs I 231
proceeds fr world egg I 367
-Ra aspect of Archaeus I 338n
seventh Kabir II 365n
various names for I 353
SD INDEX Ptahil, Pthahil. See Fetahil
SD INDEX Pterodactyl(i)
extinct w third race II 206-7
flying dragons & II 387
flying saurian II 205-6
genesis of II 151
man contemporary w II 206, 218-19, 676
paintings of China, Babylon II 205-6
SD INDEX Ptolemy [Claudius Ptolemaeus]
Asuramaya &, Weber on II 49-50, 326
calendars of I 663
calls Arabs noble tribe II 200 &n
Champollion vindicated II 367
geocentric system of II 150n
Hindu epoch & I 658-9
observations of, & Hermes I 664
SD INDEX Ptolemy Philadelphus, had Jewish laws translated into Greek II 200n
SD INDEX Ptomaine(s) I 261-2, 262n
PV Pucbal-chaj [[Quiche]] The place where the Came buried the Seven Ahpu after beheading them in Xibalba.
SD INDEX Pueblos, secret meetings of II 181n
TG Puja (Sk.). An offering; worship and divine honours offered to an idol or something sacred.
WGa Puja, worship or adoration to idols, images or persons.
SD INDEX Puja (Skt) [worship] to Jesus in woman's clothes I 72n
SD INDEX Pulaha (Skt), mind-born son II 78
TG Pulastya (Sk.). One of the seven "mind-born sons" of Brahma; the reputed father of the Nagas (serpents, also Initiates) and other symbolical creatures.
SD INDEX Pulastya (Skt)
father of serpents, nagas II 181
mind-born son II 78
missionaries link, w Cain I 415
Parasara & I 456
prajapati II 232n
progenitor of rakshasas I 415; II 232n
Ravana, Dattoli & II 232n
SD INDEX Puloma (Skt) mother of Danavas II 381-2
solar I 541
Stratton on cycles of II 623n
universal I 84, 216
SD INDEX Puma, & lion II 792
TG Pums (Sk.). Spirit, supreme Purusha, Man.
SD INDEX Pums (Skt) spirit I 256
Brahma, pradhana & I 445
eternal all-pervading I 373
TG Punarjanma (Sk.). The power of evolving objective manifestations; motion of forms; also, re-birth.
FY Punarjanmam, power of evolving objective manifestation; re-birth.
SKf Punarjanman Rebirth; a compound of punar -- again, and janman -- birth. Punarjanman is a general term for the ever-recurring process that all beings undergo in different bodies and different states of consciousness in their eternal pilgrimage through space. Therefore Punarjanman includes the English terms of Reimbodiment, Palingenesis, Reincarnation, and Regeneration. Spiritual Punarjanman is Initiation: birth into wider and grander spheres of consciousness.
SP Punarjanman -- rebirth, reincarnation.
SD INDEX Punarjanman (Skt) rebirth I 293
TG Pundarik-aksha (Sk.). Lit., "lotus-eyed", a title of Vishnu. "Supreme and imperishable glory", as translated by some Orientalists.
SD INDEX Pundarikaksha (Skt) lotus-eyed II 108
SD INDEX Punjab, finest men physically in II 411n
SD INDEX Punjcaure. See Panjkora
WG Pura, filling; rising of a river; flood; high water; formerly.
TG Puraka (Sk.). Inbreathing process; a way of breathing as regulated according to the prescribed rules of Hatha Yoga.
FY Puraka, in-breathing, regulated according to the system of Hatha Yoga.
TG Puranas (Sk.). Lit., "ancient". A collection of symbolical and allegorical writings -- eighteen in number now -- supposed to have been composed by Vyasa, the author of Mahabharata.
KT Puranas (Sans.) Lit., "the ancient," referring to Hindu writings or Scriptures, of which there is a considerable number.
FY Puranas (lit. "old writings"). A collection of symbolical Brahmanical writings. They are eighteen in number, and are supposed to have been composed by Vyasa, the author of the Mahabharata.
WG Puranas, a large class of Indian works of an historical and prophetic character. They are eighteen in number, as Brahma, Padma, Vishnu, Vrihan-naradiya, Bhagavata, Martanda, Agni, Bhavisya, Brahma-vairvata, Linga, Varaha, Skanda, Vamana, Kurma, Matsya, Garuda, Brahmanda. There are eighteen minor Puranas. (Literally, "tales of old times," from pura, "formerly," "once upon a time.")
OG Puranas -- (Sanskrit) A word which literally means "ancient," "belonging to olden times." In India the word is especially used as a term comprehending certain well-known sacred scriptures, which popular and even scholarly authorities ascribe to the poet Vyasa. The Puranas contain the entire body of ancient Indian mythology. They are usually considered to be eighteen in number, and each Purana, to be complete, is supposed to consist of five topics or themes. These five topics or themes are commonly enumerated as follows: (1) the beginnings or "creation" of the universe; (2) its renewals and destructions, or manvantaras and pralayas; (3) the genealogies of the gods, other divine beings, heroes, and patriarchs; (4) the reigns of the various manus; and (5) a resume of the history of the solar and lunar races. Practically none of the Puranas as they stand in modern versions contains all these five topics, except perhaps the Vishnu-Purana, probably the most complete in this sense of the word; and even the Vishnu-Purana contains a great deal of matter not directly to be classed under these five topics. All the Puranas also contain a great deal of symbolical and allegorical writing.
SKo Purana The Puranas are allegorical writings which contain ancient legends and archaic traditions of the human race and of our universe. They are called Puranas, a word meaning 'ancient,' because they are relics of antiquity passed on by memory from teacher to pupil.
IN Purana(s) (Skt) "Ancient" stories; collections of Hindu allegories and myths on cosmic and human life-cycles.
SP Purana -- literally "ancient," a class of Hindu mythological texts.
SD INDEX Purana(s) II 36-7, 58, 121, 137, 181. See also Vishnu Purana
Agneyastra II 629
allegorical & historical II 323
anticipated modern discoveries I 623
astronomy of, conceals II 253
Asuramaya in II 50
authors of, knew forces of science I 521
bhutas in II 102n
Bible & I xxxi, 316; II 126, 251-2
bipeds before quadrupeds II 163, 183
Brahma as a boar II 75
Budha, wisdom, Mercury II 498
chronology of I 316; II 225
commentary on, re Vishnu, Sesha II 505
compiled fr "very old book" I xliii
confirm old teachings I 307
continents, islands II 263-4, 402-9
days & nights of Brahma I 368-78
dead letter of, a fairy tale II 320
deal w causes II 252
decad, dual system in II 573
deluge (Atlantean) II 140
details of, contradictory II 138
disfigured by translation I 115n
dual creation II 81
dualistic, not evolutionary I 256n
esoteric keys in, for searcher II 585 &n
esoteric works at one time I 423
ether produced sound I 587
exaggerations in II 67, 252, 585
exoteric II 378
exoteric symbols used in II 455
expressed 5,000 years ago II 527
fallen gods II 232, 283
four vidyas in I 168-9
geometrical figures, numbers I 66
giants, Titans, Cyclopes in I 415; II 293
hide esoteric meaning II 148, 175n
history of our monads II 284
incongruities in I 420-1
Indra in, & Rig-Veda II 378
initiates knew meaning of I 423, 520; II 320
Kapilas, several in II 572
kings, rishis II 94
lunar, solar year, day II 621
Mahat inner boundary of universe I 257
Mahat-prakriti I 602
man seventh Creation I 217
many meanings in II 402-3
maruts sons of Diti II 613
material pole of Vedas II 527
more mythical than Stanzas II 23
must not be taken literally I 369; II 585
names allegorical, geographical II 403n
Narada in II 47-9
north polar region II 326
occult secrets in II 571-2
older than Phoenicians II 406
older than Plato's island II 407
orders, classes, animals, plants II 259n
personnel of, pre-human II 284
physical, metaphysical worlds II 402-3
pitris described II 91, 121
pradhana aspect of Parabrahman I 256
pralaya, Parasara's account of II 757
primeval perfect cube I 344
primordial voice, light in II 107
rishi-yogis II 78-9n
rotation, revolution of planets I 442
scientific when read esoterically II 251-3
sea that never freezes II 12
serpent oracles II 381
Sesha I 407; II 505
seven creations I 21
seven human, cosmic principles II 616
seven manus II 3
sevens in II 35, 611, 616
son of Moon legend II 45
spiritual man independent of body II 254
Sveta-Dvipa II 6
Taraka War in all II 497-8
treat the pre-cosmic, pre-genetic II 252
twice-born II 70
two or more creations II 53
undying race II 275 &n
universal myths II 97
universal truths in II 409-10
universe as an egg I 360
Vaivasvata as Noah II 290-1
Vaivasvata Manu, one only in II 251
on various races II 173-7
Venus story II 30
Vishnu First, Brahma Second Logos I 381n
war of asuras II 63
wars in heaven I 202, 418-19
weapons in II 629-30
wisdom in I 336
written emblems I 306-7
SD INDEX "The Puranas on the Dynasties of the Moryas . . ." See Rao, D. B. R. R.
SD INDEX Purgatory, Kabbalistic I 568n
TG Purohitas (Sk.). Family priests; Brahmans.
SD INDEX Purohita (Skt) "appointed," chief priest
Brahmanaspati is, to the gods II 45n
Gauramukha, to King of Mathura II 323
GH Purujit A hero on the side of the Pandavas, brother of Kuntibhoja (q.v.). (Meaning of the word itself: conquering many. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 2)
PURUCKER, Gottfried de -- link to biography and works
TG Pururavas (Sk.). The son of Budha, the son of Soma (the moon), and of Ila; famous for being the first to produce fire by the friction of two pieces of wood, and make it (the fire) triple. An occult character.
SD INDEX Pururavas (Skt), legend of I 523
TG Purusha (Sk.). "Man", heavenly man. Spirit, the same as Narayana in another aspect. "The Spiritual Self."
FY Purusha, spirit
WG Purusha, spirit; the intelligence pervading nature; the divine spirit infusing matter.
OG Purusha -- (Sanskrit) A word meaning "man," the Ideal Man, like the Qabbalistic Adam Qadmon, the primordial entity of space, containing with and in prakriti or nature all the septenary (or denary) scales of manifested being. More mystically Purusha has a number of different significancies. In addition to meaning the Heavenly Man or Ideal Man, it is frequently used for the spiritual man in each individual human being or, indeed, in every self-conscious entity -- therefore a term for the spiritual self. Purusha also sometimes stands as an interchangeable term with Brahma, the evolver or "creator."
Probably the simplest and most inclusive significance of Purusha as properly used in the esoteric philosophy is expressed in the paraphrase "the entitative, individual, everlasting divine-spiritual self," the spiritual monad, whether of a universe or of a solar system, or of an individual entity in manifested life, such as man.
GH Purusha literally 'Man': used in the sense of the Ideal Man (i.e., the Primordial Entity of Space), likewise for the Spiritual Man in each human being -- equivalent to Spiritual Self. Purusha also sometimes stands as an interchangeable term with Brahma, the Evolver or 'Creator.' In another aspect Purusha (Spirit) is equivalent to the energic force in the universe of which Prakriti (Matter) is the other pole. Purusha and Prakriti are but the two primeval aspects of the One and Secondless. They produce all things, but they are essentially one and not two. (Secret Doctrine, I, p. 281) (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 59, see also p. 96.)
SKo Purusha A word literally meaning 'man'; but bearing the mystical significance of the 'Ideal Man,' the Higher Self within. The term Purusha is often used in the Esoteric philosophy to express the Spirit or the everlasting entitative individual of a Universe, a Solar System, or of a man. Purusha comes from the verb-root pri -- to fill, to make complete, to bestow.
IN Purusha (Skt) "Ideal or cosmic man," Hindu equivalent of Adam Kadmon; the universal spirit that animates prakriti, its substantial counterpart or pole; the individual spiritual self or monad of any entity.
SP Purusa [purusha] -- person, spirit, or spiritual monad.
SD INDEX Purusha (Skt) man, cosmic or ideal Man
atom inseparable fr I 582
blind without prakriti I 247-8; II 123n
born fr Eternal Cause or non-being I 344
Brahma & I 81, 542
divine spirit I 461
Heavenly Man II 703-4 &n
immutable, unconsumable I 582
male astral light I 196
manifested deity II 108
Narayana or I 231
only reality II 598
-pradhana-kala & creation I 451-2n
prakriti & I 16, 81, 284, 542, 582; II 42, 598
prakriti &, aspects of One I 51, 552
on prakriti's shoulders I 248
pure, created waters pure I 458n
sacrificed for production of universe II 606
seven logs, twenty-one layers of fuel & II 606
seven, principles, prakritis I 335
seventh principle II 574
Subba Row on I 428
Supreme Spirit absorbs I 373
various names for II 704n
Viraj born fr, or heavenly man II 606
web of universe & I 83
world soul born of, & matter I 365
TG Purusha Narayana (Sk.). Primordial male -- Brahma.
SD INDEX Purushasukta (Skt) hymn of Rig-Veda II 606-7
TG Purushottama (Sk.). Lit., "best of men"; metaphysically, however, it is spirit, the Supreme Soul of the universe; a title of Vishnu.
WG Purushottama, the Supreme Spirit. (purusha, life principle, spirit; uttama, uppermost, highest.)
SD INDEX Purushottama (Skt) Supreme Spirit
Achyuta or I 542
infinite spirit, Kapila or II 570
TG Purvaja (Sk.). "Pregenetic", the same as the Orphic Protologos; a title of Vishnu.
SD INDEX Purvaja (Skt) firstborn, pregenetic
name given Vishnu II 107
spirit of nature, protologos II 108
WG Purva-mimansa, one of the six systems of Indian philosophy; an Upanishad (sometimes called the Karma-Mimansa), being an inquiry into the first or ritual portion of the Veda. It is really an interpretation of the text of the Veda, and is generally called the Mimansa, the term Vedanta-- "end of the Veda" -- being applied to the Uttara-Mimansa, which is an exposition of the later portion of the Veda or Upanishads. (purva, prior, ancient, mimansa, discussion.)
TG Purvashadha (Sk.). An asterism.
SD INDEX Purvashadha (Skt) [a constellation] kali-yuga & II 550
TG Pushan (Sk.). A Vedic deity, the real meaning of which remains unknown to Orientalists. It is qualified as the "Nourisher", the feeder of all (helpless) beings. Esoteric philosophy explains the meaning. Speaking of it the Taittiriya Brahmana says that, "When Prajapati formed living beings, Pushan nourished them". This then is the same mysterious force that nourishes the foetus and unborn babe, by Osmosis, and which is called the "atmospheric (or akasic) nurse", and the "father nourisher". When the lunar Pitris had evolved men, these remained senseless and helpless, and it is "Pushan who fed primeval man". Also a name of the Sun.
WG Pushan, the Deity in the sun.
TG Pushkala (Sk.) or Puskola. A palm leaf prepared for writing on, used in Ceylon. All the native books are written on such palm leaves, and last for centuries.
TG Pushkara (Sk.). A blue lotus; the seventh Dwipa or zone of Bharatavarsha (India). A famous lake near Ajmere; also the proper name of several persons.
SD INDEX Pushkara (Skt) blue lotus flower
America, North & South II 403, 407
described II 404
globe, loka, etc II 320-1
Patala or antipodes of India II 407n
seventh dvipa II 319, 403
yet to come II 404-5
SD INDEX Pushkara Mahatmya (of the Harivamsa), Daksha converts to female II 275-6
SD INDEX Putah (Egy), buddhi corresponds w II 632
TG Puto (Sk.). An island in China where Kwan-Shai-Yin and Kwan-Yin have a number of temples and monasteries.
SD INDEX P`u-to, Chinese island, temple I 72, 471
TG Putra (Sk.). A son.
SD INDEX Putra (Skt) son, child II 163
ascetic son of Priyavrata II 369n
Daksha creates II 183
TG Pu-tsi K'iun-ling (Chin.). Lit., "the Universal Saviour of all beings". A title of Avalokiteswara, and also of Buddha.
SD INDEX Pu-tsi-k'iun-ling [P'u-chi-ch'un-ling], Kwan-shi-yin or I 471
TG Pygmalion (Gr.). A celebrated sculptor and statuary in the island of Cyprus, who became enamoured of a statue he had made. So the Goddess of beauty, taking pity on him, changed it into a living woman (Ovid, Met.). The above is an allegory of the soul.
SD INDEX Pygmalion(s)
fails to animate his statue II 150
first creators were, of man II 102
SD INDEX Pygmy (ies)
dwarf races of Poles II 331
glacial epoch or age of II 715n
good & bad giants & II 70
hippopotamus, elephant II 219
modern men are II 194
TG Pymander (Gr.). The "Thought divine". The Egyptian Prometheus and the personified Nous or divine light, which appears to and instructs Hermes Trismegistus, in a hermetic work called "Pymander".
SD INDEX Pymander. See Divine Pymander
SD INDEX Pyramid(s). See also Great Pyramid
adepts dwelt under II 351-2
Alpha Draconis & I 407
antedates Bible I 115n
Atlantean descendants built II 429
Aztec, discussed (Humboldt) I 322
became pillars at Tyre I 347n
of Cheops, initiation in II 462, 558
Cholula, built by giants II 276n
constellations, deluges & II 352
cube &, or matter & form II 599-600
decad found in I 321
derived fr shape of fire II 594
described II 352, 575
each consecrated to a star II 362
embody sacred name I 439
four sides of, four cardinal points I 125-6, 347n
gallery of, & golden cow II 469
"I am that I am" & II 468
indestructible cement of II 430
Kephren builder of second II 226
menhirs & nuraghi copies of II 352
not exclusively Egyptian II 352
perfection of, (Kenealy) I 208-9n
quaternary is, (Ragon) II 575
Seth, Enoch & II 361-2
subterranean passages in II 429
symbol of Mysteries, initiation I 314-15
tabernacle of Moses based on I 347n
third, fourth race initiates & II 353
triangles & I 616-17
units of measurement & II 226
SD INDEX Pyramidalists, figures of, "biased" I 315
SD INDEX Pyramid of Cheops. See Great Pyramid
SD INDEX Pyramids & Temples of Egypt. See Petrie, F.
SD INDEX Pyramis (Gk), Reuchlin on II 599-600, 601
SD INDEX Pyrolithic Age (Laurentian), oceans condensed in II 159
TG Pyrrha (Gr.). A daughter of Epimetheos and Pandora, who was married to Deucalion. After a deluge when mankind was almost annihilated, Pyrrha and Deucalion made men and women out of stones which they threw behind them.
SD INDEX Pyrrha (Gk), escapes deluge in ark II 270
TG Pyrrhonism (Gr.). The doctrine of Scepticism as first taught by Pyrrho, though his system was far more philosophical than the blank denial of our modern Pyrrhonists.
TG Pythagoras (Gr.). The most famous of mystic philosophers, born at Samos, about 586 B.C. He seems to have travelled all over the world, and to have culled his philosophy from the various systems to which he had access. Thus, he studied the esoteric sciences with the Brachmanes of India, and astronomy and astrology in Chaldea and Egypt. He is known to this day in the former country under the name of Yavanacharya ("Ionian teacher"). After returning he settled in Crotona, in Magna Grecia, where he established a college to which very soon resorted all the best intellects of the civilised centres. His father was one Mnesarchus of Samos, and was a man of noble birth and learning. It was Pythagoras who was the first to teach the heliocentric system, and who was the greatest proficient in geometry of his century. It was he also who created the word "philosopher", composed of two words meaning a "lover of wisdom" -- philo-sophos. As the greatest mathematician, geometer and astronomer of historical antiquity, and also the highest of the metaphysicians and scholars, Pythagoras has won imperishable fame. He taught reincarnation as it is professed in India and much else of the Secret Wisdom.
KT Pythagoras. The most famous mystic philosopher, born at Samos about 586 B.C., who taught the heliocentric system and reincarnation, the highest mathematics and the highest metaphysics, and who had a school famous throughout the world. (See for fuller particulars, Theos. Gloss.)
SD INDEX Pythag. See Stanley, T.
SD INDEX Pythagoras. See also Pythagoreans
adept I xxxv; II 530
Aristotle dwarfed ideas of I 615
brought decad fr India II 573, 582
brought symbols fr East I 612, 616
called Venus "Sol alter" II 31
circle of, & golden egg II 553
circular meditation posture II 552
contemporary of Confucius I 440
corpuscular theory of I 484, 507
decimal notation & I 361
duad of I 426, 618-19; II 575
focus of secret wisdom I xlv, 611-13
forces are spiritual entities I 492, 495
"fragments of," (Oliver) II 640-1
harmonic doctrine based on seven II 601
knew secret wisdom II 534
kosmos of II 599
monad & duad of, & Plato I 426
Monad of I 64, 426-7, 433, 440-1, 619; II 575
music of the spheres I 432; II 601-3
Mysteries, discipline, virtue I xxxv
oath of II 603
Plato embraced ideas of I 348
point, line, triangle . . . I 612; II 24
Porphyry on Plato & I 426-7
proceeded fr universals downward II 153
school of I 433-4, 616
seven of II 35, 582
sources of wisdom of II 530-1
studied in India I 433
Sun guardian of Jupiter I 493
taught heliocentric theory I 117 &n
ten perfect number w II 463
Tetrad sacred to II 599
Tetraktys, triad, decad of I 440-1
triad, triangle of I 344
Venus of II 31, 592
vouched for ancient legends II 217
Zeus not highest god I 425-6
zodiac & dodecahedron I 649
SD INDEX Pythagorean(s). See also Tetraktys
abacus I 361
all globes rational intelligences I 493
chaos or soul of world I 338, 343
corpuscular theory I 507
decad I 321, 616-18; II 553, 573
decad or all human knowledge I 36
full numbers known to I 361
hated the binary II 574
initiates & deductive method II 153
key to 365-day year II 583
metempsychoses & human embryo II 188
monad in darkness I 63-4, 427
monad, Logos, or point I 614
musical notation II 600
numbered hierarchies of gods I 433
number four called key-keeper by II 600-1
number symbology I 361; II 573-6, 580-1, 599, 601-3
Plato best of, (Syrianus) II 599
six & one among II 582
Tetraktis, Logos becomes II 24
triangle symbolizes sephiroth II 111 &n
triangle, ten, seven points of I 612-13, 616
zero & one among I 361
TG Pythagorean Pentacle (Gr.). A Kabbalistic six-pointed star with an eagle at the apex and a bull and a lion under the face of a man; a mystic symbol adopted by the Eastern and Roman Christians, who place these animals beside the four Evangelists.
SD INDEX Pythagorean Triangle. See Oliver, G.
TG Pythia or Pythoness (Gr.). Modern dictionaries inform us that the term means one who delivered the oracles at the temple of Delphi, and "any female supposed to have the spirit of divination in her -- a witch" (Webster). This is neither true, just nor correct. On the authority of Iamblichus, Plutarch and others, a Pythia was a priestess chosen among the sensitives of the poorer classes, and placed in a temple where oracular powers were exercised. There she had a room secluded from all but the chief Hierophant and Seer, and once admitted, was, like a nun, lost to the world. Sitting on a tripod of brass placed over a fissure in the ground, through which arose intoxicating vapours, these subterranean exhalations, penetrating her whole system, produced the prophetic mania, in which abnormal state she delivered oracles. Aristophanes in "Vaestas" I., reg. 28, calls the Pythia ventriloqua vates or the "ventriloquial prophetess", on account of her stomach-voice. The ancients placed the soul of man (the lower Manas) or his personal self-consciousness, in the pit of his stomach. We find in the fourth verse of the second Nabhanedishta hymn of the Brahmans: "Hear, O sons of the gods, one who speaks through his name (nabha), for he hails you in your dwellings!" This is a modern somnambulic phenomenon. The navel was regarded in antiquity as "the circle of the sun", the seat of divine internal light. Therefore was the oracle of Apollo at Delphi, the city of Delphus, the womb or abdomen -- while the seat of the temple was called the omphalos, navel. As well-known, a number of mesmerized subjects can read letters, hear, smell and see through that part of their body. In India there exists to this day a belief (also among the Parsis) that adepts have flames in their navels, which enlighten for them all darkness and unveil the spiritual world. It is called with the Zoroastrians the lamp of Deshtur or the "High Priest"; and the light or radiance of the Dikshita (the initiate) with the Hindus.
IU Pythia, Or Pythoness. -- Webster dismisses the word very briefly by saying that it was the name of one who delivered the oracles at the Temple of Delphi, and "any female supposed to have the spirit of divination in her -- a witch," which is neither complimentary, exact, nor just. A Pythia, upon the authority of Plutarch, Iamblichus, Lamprias, and others, was a nervous sensitive; she was chosen from among the poorest class, young and pure. Attached to the temple, within whose precincts she had a room, secluded from every other, and to which no one but the priest, or seer, had admittance, she had no communications with the outside world, and her life was more strict and ascetic than that of a Catholic nun. Sitting on a tripod of brass placed over a fissure in the ground, through which arose intoxicating vapors, these subterranean exhalations penetrating her whole system produced the prophetic mania. In this abnormal state she delivered oracles. She was sometimes called ventriloqua vates, the ventriloquist-prophetess. [See Pantheon: "Myths," p. 31; also Aristophanes in "Voestas," I., reg. 28.]
The ancients placed the astral soul of man, [[psuche]] or his self-consciousness, in the pit of the stomach. The Brahmans shared this belief with Plato and other philosophers. Thus we find in the fourth verse of the second Nabhanedishtha Hymn it is said: "Hear, O sons of the gods (spirits) one who speaks through his navel (nabha) for he hails you in your dwellings!"
Many of the Sanscrit scholars agree that this belief is one of the most ancient among the Hindus. The modern fakirs, as well as the ancient gymnosophists, unite themselves with their Atman and the Deity by remaining motionless in contemplation and concentrating their whole thought on their navel. As in modern somnambulic phenomena, the navel was regarded as "the circle of the sun," the seat of internal divine light. [The oracle of Apollo was at Delphos, the city of the [[delphus]], womb or abdomen; the place of the temple was denominated the omphalos or navel. The symbols are female and lunary; reminding us that the Arcadians were called Proseleni, pre-Hellenic or more ancient than the period when Ionian and Olympian lunar worship was introduced.] Is the fact of a number of modern somnambulists being enabled to read letters, hear, smell, and see, through that part of their body to be regarded again as a simple "coincidence," or shall we admit at last that the old sages knew something more of physiological and psychological mysteries than our modern Academicians? In modern Persia, when a "magician" (often simply a mesmerizer) is consulted upon occasions of theft and other puzzling occurrences, he makes his manipulations over the pit of his stomach, and so brings himself into a state of clairvoyance. Among the modern Parsis, remarks a translator of the Rig-vedas, there exists a belief up to the present day that their adepts have a flame in their navel, which enlightens to them all darkness and discloses the spiritual world, as well as all things unseen, or at a distance. They call it the lamp of the Deshtur, or high priest; the light of the Dikshita (the initiate), and otherwise designate it by many other names.
SD INDEX Pythian Odes. See Pindar
SD INDEX Pythius, name of Apollo II 106
TG Pytho (Gr.). The same as Ob -- a fiendish, devilish influence; the ob through which the sorcerers are said to work.
attacks Apollo's mother II 383 &n, 771n
dragon serpent oracle II 381
equivalents of II 379, 516
falling demon of Greece II 486, 516
North Pole or, chasing Lemurians II 771n
red dragon of Revelation II 383 &n, 771n
Sun conqueror of II 208