List of Title Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)
TG R. -- The eighteenth letter of the alphabet; "the canine", as its sound reminds one of a snarl. In the Hebrew alphabet it is the twentieth, and its numeral is 200. It is equivalent as Resh to the divine name Rahim (clemency); and its symbols are, a sphere, a head, or a circle.
SD INDEX "R," signifies moving man II 574 &n
TG Ra (Eg.). The divine Universal Soul in its manifested aspect -- the ever-burning light; also the personified Sun.
SD INDEX Ra (Egy) Sun-god. See also Amen, Amen-Ra
Apophis enemy of II 588n
contemporary w Haroiri I 366n
defunct as Horus assimilated to I 228
divine Universal Soul I 231
father of Osiris I 437
the generator I 367
gestates in universal egg I 359-60
issued fr the Deep I 231
is the egg of Seb I 364-5
as the "One God" I 675
Osiris-Ptah or, creates limbs I 231
Shoo personification of II 545
Tum, Fohat & I 674
TG Rabbis (Heb.). Originally teachers of the Secret Mysteries, the Qabbalah; later, every Levite of the priestly caste became a teacher and a Rabbin. (See the series of Kabbalistic Rabbis by W.W.W.)
SD INDEX Rabbi(s), Rabbin(s). See also Jews
angel, companion, adept II 626n
blinds created purposely by II 388, 536-7
in Book of Al-Chazari II 40
Brahmans &, re lingam symbol II 471-2
concealed meaning of Ain-soph II 386
enormous bird of, fr Simorgh II 618
God-name of, despoiled II 388
hated Christianity II 537
Hecate predecessor of God of I 395
initiated, purposely confused II 252n
knew esoteric meanings II 127
later, made Jehovah Adonai II 465
later, not sincere II 126-7, 459n, 461
numbers ten, six, five sacred to I 90n
phallicism of II 85
revenge of, against Christians I 11
secrecy of II 126
seven souls of II 632
sleight of hand of I 462
taught seven renewals of globe II 397n, 565, 618
two accounts of Genesis II 252n
two tetragrammatons II 626
wisdom of, materialistic II 247
TG 1 Rabbi Abulafia of Saragossa, born in 1240, formed a school of Kabbalah named after him; his chief works were The Seven Paths of the Law and The Epistle to Rabbi Solomon.
TG 2 Rabbi Akiba. Author of a famous Kabbalistic work, the "Alphabet of R. A.", which treats every letter as a symbol of an idea and an emblem of some sentiment; the Book of Enoch was originally a portion of this work, which appeared at the close of the eighth century. It was not purely a Kabbalistic treatise.
TG 3 Rabbi Azariel ben Menachem (A.D. 1160). The author of the Commentary on the Ten Sephiroth, which is the oldest purely Kabbalistic work extant, setting aside the Sepher Yetzirah, which although older, is not concerned with the Kabbalistic Sephiroth. He was the pupil of Isaac the Blind, who is the reputed father of the European Kabbalah, and he was the teacher of the equally famous R. Moses Nachmanides.
TG 4 Rabbi Moses Botarel (1480). Author of a famous commentary on the Sepher Yetzirah; he taught that by ascetic life and the use of invocations, a man's dreams might be made prophetic.
TG 5 Rabbi Chajim Vital (1600). The great exponent of the Kabbalah as taught R. Isaac Loria: author of one of the most famous works, Otz Chiim, or Tree of Life -- from this Knorr von Rosenroth has taken the Book on the Rashith ha Gilgalim, revolutions of souls, or scheme of reincarnations.
TG 6 Rabbi Ibn Gebirol. A famous Hebrew Rabbi, author of the hymn Kether Malchuth, or Royal Diadem, which appeared about 1050; it is a beautiful poem, embodying the cosmic doctrines of Aristotle, and it even now forms part of the Jewish special service for the evening preceding the great annual Day of Atonement (See Ginsburg and Sachs on the Religious Poetry of the Spanish Jews). This author is also known as Avicebron.
TG 7 Rabbi Gikatilla. A distinguished Kabbalist who flourished about 1300: he wrote the famous books, The Garden of Nuts, The Gate to the Vowel Points, The mystery of the shining Metal, and The Gates of Righteousness. He laid especial stress on the use of Gematria, Notaricon and Temura.
TG 8 Rabbi Isaac the Blind of Posquiero. The first who publicly taught in Europe, about A.D. 1200, the Theosophic doctrines of the Kabbalah.
TG 9 Rabbi Loria (also written Luria, and also named Ari from his initials). Founded a school of the Kabbalah circa 1560. He did not write any works, but his disciples treasured up his teachings, and R. Chajim Vital published them.
TG 10 Rabbi Moses Cordovero (A.D. 1550). The author of several Kabbalistic works of a wide reputation, viz., A Sweet Light, The Book of Retirement, and The Garden of Pomegranates; this latter can be read in Latin in Knorr von Rosenroth's Kabbalah Denudata, entitled Tractatus de Animo, ex libro Pardes Rimmonim. Cordovero is notable for an adherence to the strictly metaphysical part, ignoring the wonder-working branch which Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi practised, and almost perished in the pursuit of.
TG 11 Rabbi Moses de Leon (circa 1290 A.D.). The editor and first publisher of the Zohar, or "Splendour", the most famous of all the Kabbalistic volumes, and almost the only one of which any large part has been translated into English. This Zohar is asserted to be in the main the production of the still more famous Rabbi Simon ben Jochai, who lived in the reign of the Emperor Titus.
TG 12 Rabbi Moses Maimonides (died 1304). A famous Hebrew Rabbi and author, who condemned the use of charms and amulets, and objected to the Kabbalistic use of the divine names.
TG 13 Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi (born 1641). A very famous Kabbalist, who passing beyond the dogma became of great reputation as a thaumaturgist, working wonders by the divine names. Later in life he claimed Messiahship and fell into the hands of the Sultan Mohammed IV. of Turkey, and would have been murdered, but saved his life by adopting the Mohammedan religion. (See Jost on Judaism and its Sects.)
TG 14 Rabbi Simon ben Jochai (circa A.D. 70-80). It is round this name that cluster the mystery and poetry of the origin of the Kabbalah as a gift of the deity to mankind. Tradition has it that the Kabbalah was a divine theosophy first taught by God to a company of angels, and that some glimpses of its perfection were conferred upon Adam; that the wisdom passed from him unto Noah; thence to Abraham, from whom the Egyptians of his era learned a portion of the doctrine. Moses derived a partial initiation from the land of his birth, and this was perfected by direct communications with the deity. From Moses it passed to the seventy elders of the Jewish nation, and from them the theosophic scheme was handed from generation to generation; David and Solomon especially became masters of this concealed doctrine. No attempt, the legends tell us, was made to commit the sacred knowledge to writing until the time of the destruction of the second Temple by Titus, when Rabbi Simon ben Jochai, escaping from the besieged Jerusalem, concealed himself in a cave, where he remained for twelve years. Here he, a Kabbalist already, was further instructed by the prophet Elias. Here Simon taught his disciples, and his chief pupils, Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Abba, committed to writing those teachings which in later ages became known as the Zohar, and were certainly published afresh in Spain by Rabbi Moses de Leon, about 1280. A fierce contest has raged for centuries between the learned Rabbis of Europe around the origin of the legend, and it seems quite hopeless to expect ever to arrive at an accurate decision as to what portion of the Zohar, if any, is as old as Simon ben Jochai. (See "Zohar".) [W.W.W.]
SD INDEX Rabmag (Chald), chief of magi II 213
SD INDEX Raca [Rega'] (Heb), fool I 578
Theosophically, 'races' concern human life-waves on earth -- they nothing to do with modern-day ethnicity.
OG Races -- During evolution on our earth (and on the other six manifest globes of the planetary chain of earth correspondentially), mankind as a life-wave passes through seven evolutionary stages called root-races. Seven such root-races form the evolutionary cycle on this globe earth in this fourth round through the planetary chain; and this evolutionary cycle through our globe earth is called one globe round. We are at the present time in the fourth subrace of our present fifth root-race, on globe D or our earth. Each root-race is divided in our teachings into seven minor races, and each one of these seven minor races is again in its turn subdivided into seven branchlet or still smaller racial units, etc. The student who is interested in the matter of tracing the evolutionary arrangement or history of the seven root-races on our globe earth is referred primarily to H. P. Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine, and secondarily to Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy. Each one of the seven root-races reaches its maximum of material efflorescence and power at about its middle point. When half of the cycle of any one of the seven root-races is run, then the racial cataclysm ensues, for such is the way in which nature operates; and at this middle racial point, at the middle point of the fourth subrace of the mother-race or root-race, a new root-race begins or is born out of the preceding root-race, and pursues its evolution from birth towards maturity, side by side with, or rather in connection with, the latter half of the preceding mother-race or root-race. It is in this fashion that the root-races overlap each other, a most interesting fact in ethnological or racial history. This overlapping likewise takes place in the cases of the minor and branchlet races. It will be between sixteen thousand and twenty thousand years more before the racial cataclysm will ensue which will cut our own fifth root-race in two -- exactly as the same racial cataclysmic occurrence happened to the fourth-race Atlanteans who preceded us, and to the third-race Lemurians who preceded them; and as it will happen to the two root-races which will follow ours, the sixth and seventh -- for we are now approaching the middle point of our own fifth root-race, because we are nearing the middle point of the fourth subrace of this fifth root-race. (See also Globe, Planetary Chain, Round)
WGa Race, a division of Humanity. Occultism teaches that Mankind arises on the Earth in seven successive classes, called races. Each of these again divides into sub-races. The present "civilized" nations constitute the Fifth Subrace of the Fifth Root-Race; and it is taught that there are still extant specimens of the older races.
SD INDEX Race(s). See also Humanity, Man, Mankind, Root-Races, Subraces
Adamic, our II 6
androgynous II 96, 134
astral, & environment II 157
astral doubles, were II 115
Bamian statues record II 339-40
black, brown, older (Winchell) II 695
w bones & Adamic rib II 193
born fr gods, universal concept I 323
born, grow, die II 443-4
cataclysms &, transition II 500n, 703
complexions of II 178, 227 &n, 249-50, 282
condensation of II 151
creation of II 86-108
cycles & I 642; II 330-1, 780
destroyed by fire, water II 725-6
differences betw II 103, 249-50, 607n
divine, our, sprang fr II 365
dying out of II 779-80
each, has its deva II 538
each, under a planet II 23-4
earliest, needed no elements II 160
early, boneless, ethereal II 149
early, had no egos II 610
early Lemurian, roots of mammals II 736
early, sinless, karmaless II 610
early, understood Moon I 386
effects of isolation on II 425
elect, & highest dhyanis II 276
ethereal, incorporeal II 194
ethereal to material & back again II 697
every, adapted to surroundings II 46
every, exalts its deity II 507
evolution of, & embryo II 187-9, 659
evolution of, performed in Mysteries II 419n
extinct, near Tchertchen I xxxiii-iv
fifth, humanity & Mahabharata II 139
first, & Manu II 307, 311
first & second, not physical II 108
first, had three elements II 107, 113
first, origin of II 86-7
first, or "self-born" II 164, 198
first, sexless II 134
first speaking, or Ad-i II 452
first three, & three orders of mammals II 713-14
first two, disappeared in progeny II 609n
first two, knew no death II 609
first two, many-shaped II 635
first, were created, destroyed II 704
first, without fire II 107, 113
five, & four Adams II 457, 503-4
five [in Vishnu Purana] II 322
four, of Hesiod II 271
fourth developed speech II 198-200
garments of, (Zohar) II 315
giant II 754-6
of half-human monsters II 192
hermaphrodite (separating) II 134
human, can breed together II 195
hybrid, left by third II 714
Indo-European, height of II 749
inferior, explained II 162, 249n, 425
inferior, not always older II 721
initiates know history of II 133
initiates veil information re early II 715n
inner senses atrophied in early II 294
intellect dormant in early I 210
intermediate, evolved II 275
Kings of Edom or II 2, 704
Lemuria's accursed, lived in jungles II 319
many, disappear without trace II 437
Massey misunderstood II 634-5
Mediterranean, Winchell re II 695
mindless, some early, remained II 161-2
mixture of, makes new races II 444
more ancient than mammals II 56n
once an organism without organs II 154
our, has reached fifth subrace II 471n
overlap each other II 433n
oviparous even now II 131
phoenix stands for, -cycle II 617
Plato's winged II 55n, 96, 264
polygenetic origin of II 168, 249
pralaya of a II 404
pre-Adamic, & sinning angels I 324
predestination in history of I 641
primeval, huge, filamentoid II 151
primitive, may be old, relapsed II 721-2
primitive, was boneless I 583n
procreation of first, described II 116-17
red & blue, destroyed II 192
relics of distant, will be found I 609
rise & fall of, & writing II 442
Rudra-Siva patron of II 502n
savage & civilized, in all ages II 716
self-, sweat-, & egg-born II 30, 68, 116-17, 172-3
Seth-Enos of fourth II 134
seven, & seven rays II 191n
seven, born simultaneously II 1-12, 77, 329, 611
seven, in Bible II 747-8
seven, in Revelation II 565, 748
seven, in various religions II 617-18
seven, kept secret I xxxv
seven kings or seven I 241; II 748
seven, on Babylonian Tree II 104
seven rishis are II 139
seven zones & II 77, 91, 249, 607n
sterility of, explained II 195-6, 780
superior & inferior, a fallacy II 425
Talmudists lost sense of forty-nine II 618
that never dies II 67
three ethereal II 669
three-eyed men of third & fourth II 669
three great, only remain II 471n, 780
SD INDEX Rachel, mandrakes, magic & II 27n
TG Radha (Sk.). The shepherdess among the Gopis (shepherdesses) of Krishna, who was the wife of the god.
SD INDEX Radiant Matter
Crookes', & fourth son of Fohat I 562
substance of occultist & I 514n, 545
true nature of light & I 621n
SD INDEX Radiation(s) formless arupa, & bodies I 632-3
SD INDEX Radicals
comets or I 503
forms of cosmic magnetism I 145
six, of Simon Magus II 569n
SD INDEX Radiometer of Crookes I 514
SD INDEX Radius, of circle, triangle I 315-16
TG Raga (Sk.). One of the five Kleshas (afflictions) in Patanjali's Yoga philosophy. In Sankhya Karika, it is the "obstruction" called love and desire in the physical or terrestrial sense. The five Kleshas are: Avidya, or ignorance; Asmita, selfishness, or "I-am-ness"; Raga, love; Dwesha, hatred; and Abhinivesa, dread of suffering.
WG Raga, emotion, feeling, love; joy, pleasure; regret, sorrow; the quality of rajas. (See Guna, also Rajoguna.)
SD INDEX Raghunathacharya, Chintamani, Tirukkanda Panchanga, calendar of kali-yuga II 50-1 &n, 67, 68-9
TG Ragnarok (Scand.). A kind of metaphysical entity called the "Destroyer" and the "Twilight of the Gods", the two-thirds of whom are destroyed at the "Last Battle" in the Edda. Ragnarok lies in chains on the ledge of a rock so long as there are some good men in the world; but when all laws are broken and all virtue and good vanish from it, then Ragnarok will be unbound and allowed to bring every imaginable evil and disaster on the doomed world.
MO Ragnarok [[Norse]] (rang-na-reuk) [ragna rulers + rok ground] When the ruling deities withdraw to their ground; end of a world's lifetime
TG Ragon, J. M. A French Mason, a distinguished writer and great symbologist, who tried to bring Masonry back to its pristine purity. He was born at Bruges in 1789, was received when quite a boy into the Lodge and Chapter of the "Vrais Amis", and upon removing to Paris founded the Society of the Trinosophes. It is rumoured that he was the possessor of a number of papers given to him by the famous Count de St. Germain, from which he had all his remarkable knowledge upon early Masonry. He died at Paris in 1866, leaving a quantity of books written by himself and masses of MSS., which were bequeathed by him to the "Grand Orient". Of the mass of his published works very few are obtainable, while others have entirely disappeared. This is due to mysterious persons (Jesuits, it is believed) who hastened to buy up every edition they could find after his death. In short; his works are now extremely rare.
SD INDEX Ragon de Bettignies, Jean-B.-M.
European initiate I xxxvi
----- Le cours philosophique . . .
number three & triangle discussed II 575
----- Orthodoxie Macconnique suivie de la Macconnerie occulte . . .
believed in univ mystery language I 310
Greek aspirated vowels II 576
Greek "Z" a double seven II 582
Hiram Abif a solar myth I 314
keys to symbols, dogmas I 363
meaning of Masonry II 795-6
ogdoad II 580
Pater Zeus, etc II 574
St Germain re solar year II 583
senary (six-fold) & physical man II 591
six sacred to Venus II 592 &n
Sun or Uranus w ancients I 99-100n
tau, terminus (end) II 581
triangle symbol explained II 575-6
triple ternary II 580-1
two spirits II 580
TG Rahasya (Sk.). A name of the Upanishads. Lit., secret essence of knowledge.
SKs Rahasya Any secret doctrine or mystery-truth, any recondite or esoteric thought; derived from the verb-root rah -- to part, to separate.
SD INDEX Rahasya (Skt) [secret doctrine], Upanishads or, & Gautama I 271
TG Rahat. The same as "Arhat"; the adept who becomes entirely free from any desires on this plane, by acquiring divine knowledge and powers.
WGa Rahat, the same as Arhat and Arahat which see.
TG Ra'hmin Seth (Heb.). According to the Kabala (or Qabbalah), the "soul-sparks", contained in Adam (Kadmon), went into three sources, the heads of which were his three sons. Thus, while the "soul spark" (or Ego) called Chesed went into Habel, and Geboor-ah into Qai-yin (Cain) -- Ra'hmin went into Seth, and these three sons were divided into seventy human species, called "the principal roots of the human race".
SD INDEX Ra'hmin [Rahamin] (Aram) [compassion], corresponds to Seth II 315
TG Rahu (Sk.). A Daitya (demon) whose lower parts were like a dragon's tail. He made himself immortal by robbing the gods of some Amrita -- the elixir of divine life -- for which they were churning the ocean of milk. Unable to deprive him of his immortality, Vishnu exiled him from the earth and made of him the constellation Draco, his head being called Rahu and his tail Ketu -- astronomically, the ascending and descending nodes. With the latter appendage he has ever since waged a destructive war on the denouncers of his robbery, the sun and the moon, and (during the eclipses) is said to swallow them. Of course the fable has a mystic and occult meaning.
SD INDEX Rahu (Skt), story & symbol of II 381
TG Rahula (Sk.). The name of Gautama Buddha's son.
TG Raibhyas (Sk.). A class of gods in the 5th Manvantara.
no herbs until coming of I 345
Rudra breathes I 370
TG Raivata Manvantara (Sk.). The life-cycle presided over by Raivata Manu. As he is the fifth of the fourteen Manus (in Esotercism, Dhyan Chohans), there being seven root-Manus and seven seed-Manus for the seven Rounds of our terrestrial chain of globes (See Esot. Buddhism by A. P. Sinnett, and the Secret Doctrine, Vol. I., "Brahminical Chronology"), Raivata presided over the third Round and was its root-Manu.
SD INDEX Raivata (Skt)
manvantara II 89
root-manu, third round II 309
TG Raja (Sk.). A Prince or King in India.
SD INDEX Raja (Skt), impenetrable or adbhutam II 621
TG Rajagriha (Sk.). A city in Magadha famous for its conversion to Buddhism in the days of the Buddhist kings. It was their residence from Bimbisara to Asoka, and was the seat of the first Synod, or Buddhist Council, held 510 B.C.
SD INDEX Rajagriha, initiation cave in I xx
SD INDEX Rajamsi (Skt) worlds
six, above Earth (globes) II 384-5n, 608
three, discussed II 621-2, 622n
SKv Rajan A king; derived from the verb-root raj -- to reign, to rule. Raja is the nominative form of Rajan.
TG Rajarshis (Sk.). The King-Rishis or King-Adepts, one of the three classes of Rishis in India; the same as the King-Hierophants of ancient Egypt.
FY Rajarshi, a king-adept.
GH Rajarshi Compound of rajan, 'king'; rishi 'sage': a kingly or royal sage, i.e., kings and princes who follow the path of illumination and initiation. The Rajarshis in India were the same as the King-Hierophants of ancient Egypt. "There were three classes of Rishis in India, who were the earliest adepts known; the royal, or Rajarshis, kings and princes, who adopted the ascetic life; the Devarshis, divine, or the sons of Dharma or Yoga; and Brahmarshis, descendants of those Rishis who were the founders of gotras of Brahmans, or caste-races." (Secret Doctrine, II, pp. 501-2) (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 30)
SD INDEX Rajarishi [Rajarshi] (Skt) II 225n
class of royal rishis II 502
TG Rajas (Sk.). The "quality of foulness" (i.e., differentiation), and activity in the Puranas. One of the three Gunas or divisions in the correlations of matter and nature, representing form and change.
FY Rajas, the quality of foulness; passionate activity.
OG Rajas -- (Sanskrit) One of the three gunas or "qualities" in the correlations of force and matter, the other two being respectively sattva and tamas. Rajas is the guna or the "quality" of longing, passion, activity, one of the three divisions of nature. In a sense it is the result or consequence of the elementary urge in nature producing change and the longing therefor.
GH Rajas In Hindu philosophy, one of the three gunas (qualities) running through the web or fabric of Nature: the quality of longing, activity, passion. (See Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. chapters xiv, xviii.) (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 28)
SD INDEX Rajas (Skt) activity, passion
active aspect of ego I 335n
one of the trigunas I 348
sattva, tamas, &, in Anugita I 535
TG Rajasas (Sk.). The elder Agnishwattas -- the Fire-Pitris, "fire" standing as a symbol of enlightenment and intellect.
SD INDEX Rajasas (Skt)
incarnating dhyani-chohans II 90
kumaras, asuras, etc II 89
WG Rajasika, equivalent to rajoguna.
TG Raja-Yoga (Sk.). The true system of developing psychic and spiritual powers and union with one's Higher Self -- or the Supreme Spirit, as the profane express it. The exercise, regulation and concentration of thought. Raja-Yoga is opposed to Hatha-Yoga, the physical or psycho-physiological training in asceticism.
FY Raj Yoga, the true science of the development of psychic powers and union with the Supreme Spirit.
WG Raja-yoga. (See Yoga.)
SD INDEX Raja-Yoga (Skt) kingly union
hatha-yoga alone cannot lead to I 95
Taraka, re man's principles I 157-8; II 603
SD INDEX Raja-Yogin (Skt) every adept has to become I 158
WG Rajoguna, the quality in nature that impels to action, of mixed good and evil in its development in man, inasmuch as no action can be performed by an imperfect man without some taint of self. (rajas, energy, activity; guna, a quality, a "single thread.")
TG Raka (Sk.). The day of the full moon: a day for occult practices.
TG Raksha (Sk.). An amulet prepared during the full or new moon.
TG Rakshasas (Sk.). Lit., "raw eaters", and in the popular superstition evil spirits, demons. Esoterically, however, they are the Gibborim (giants) of the Bible, the Fourth Race or the Atlanteans. (See Secret Doctrine, II., 165.)
FY Rakshasas, evil spirits; literally, raw-eaters.
WG Rakshasas, nocturnal demons who disturb sacrifices; a name for the Atlanteans, or men of the fourth race. (Literally, "harmers," "destroyers.")
GH Rakshasas Popularly regarded as demons (evil elemental beings) residing in the sixth of the material spheres (Rakshasa-loka); in the scriptures, however, they are grouped into three distinct classes: (1) elemental beings not necessarily evil; (2) giants engaged in warfare with the gods; (3) fiends and demons haunting cemeteries, etc., disturbing sacrifices, and afflicting mankind in various ways. In the epic poems 'Rakshasa' is rather loosely applied to any pre-Aryan people -- such as the inhabitants of Lanka under the leadership of Ravana -- ultimately defeated by the Aryans. "The Rakshasas, regarded in Indian popular theology as demons, are called the 'Preservers' beyond the Himalayas. This double and contradictory meaning has its origin in a philosophical allegory," (Secret Doctrine, II, p. 165). (The following word is derived from the verbal root:) raksh, to protect. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 65)
SKs Rakshasa In India a Rakshasa is popularly considered to be a 'devil.' In the Ramayana, one of the great Hindu epics, the Rakshasas are the evil giants of the late Atlantean Race. In still earlier times these 'demons' received the name of Rakshasas or 'Protectors' (from the verb-root raksh -- to protect) because of some service rendered unto Brahma.
SD INDEX Rakshasas (Skt)
"adversaries" of gods II 164
Atlantean giants II 70, 227n, 232n, 276
become saviors (Vishnu Purana) II 163
created by svabhava I 571
early Atlanteans later became II 323
giants of Ceylon II 336
gibborim of Bible or I 415; II 273-4
identified w asuras II 163
incarnated in man II 164
of Lanka & Rama II 276, 752
missionaries link, w Cainites I 415
not demons II 232n
preservers II 165 &n
of Ramayana or devs (Persian) II 394
regarded as demons II 165n, 288
fr the seventh climate II 319-20
Sinhalese & II 407-8
tempters, devourers of man I 415
tombs of, at Malabar II 347, 752
war w Bharateans II 776
TG Rakshasi-Bhasha (Sk.). Lit., the language of the Rakshasas. In reality, the speech of the Atlanteans, our gigantic forefathers of the fourth Root-race.
SD INDEX Rakshasi Bhasha (Skt) Atlantean language II 199
head & horns a symbol II 182
-headed god makes man (clay) II 291
horns on Moses II 213n
on Phoenician coin II 546
TG Rama (Sk.). The seventh avatar or incarnation of Vishnu; the eldest son of King Dasaratha, of the Solar Race. His full name is Rama-Chandra, and he is the hero of the Ramayana. He married Sita, who was the female avatar of Lakshmi, Vishnu's wife, and was carried away by Ravana the Demon-King of Lanka, which act led to the famous war.
WGa Rama, in Hindu mythology the seventh Avatar, or manifestation on Earth of the Supreme. He is the hero of the Ramayana, the famous epic poem of India.
GH Rama Three heroes are known by the name of Rama: Parasu-rama, Rama-chandra, and Bala-rama (see Kansa). The second is the one to whom the name is especially applied, for he is the hero of the Ramayana, wherein his exploits are fully recounted. Rama was the eldest son of king Dasaratha of the Suryavansa (the Solar Dynasty) reigning at Ayodhya; he is represented as the seventh Avatara of Vishnu, incarnating at the end of the Treta-yuga (the second 'Great Age') for the especial purpose of delivering mankind and the gods from the iniquities caused by Ravana, the Rakshasa king of Lanka (Ceylon). Rama was known as the mightiest of those who carry arms, inasmuch as he was the only one able to bend the mighty bow of the god Siva. To him who could bend this bow, Janaka (q.v.) offered the hand of his daughter, Sita, in marriage; thus she became the bride of Rama. With the help of Hanuman (q.v.), Rama accomplished the purpose of the gods. The Ramayana "is the mystic narrative in epic form of the struggle between Rama -- the first king of the divine dynasty of the early Aryans -- and Ravana, the symbolical personation of the Atlantean (Lanka) race. The former were the incarnations of the Solar Gods; the latter, of the lunar Devas. This was the great battle between Good and Evil, between white and black magic, for the supremacy of the divine forces, or of the lower terrestrial, or cosmic powers. . . . The Ramayana -- every line of which has to be read esoterically -- discloses in magnificent symbolism and allegory the tribulations of both man and soul." (Secret Doctrine, II, pp. 495-6) (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 75)
SD INDEX Rama (Skt). See also Ramayana
conquered rakshasas of Lanka II 276
first Aryan divine dynasty & II 495
Hanuman advisor of I 388
Ravana &, historical II 224n
slew Ravana II 225n
WG Ramanujacharya, name of the founder of a system of religious philosophy and monastic orders still in existence. He taught that the Supreme Spirit is the only reality.
SD INDEX Ramanujacharya [or Ramanuja] (Skt) founded Visishtadvaita Vedanta I 522
TG Ramayana (Sk.). The famous epic poem collated with the Mahabharata. It looks as if this poem was either the original of the Iliad or vice versa, except that in Ramayana the allies of Rama are monkeys, led by Hanuman, and monster birds and other animals, all of whom fight against the Rakshasas, or demons and giants of Lanka.
FY Ramayana, an epic poem describing the life of Rama, a deified Indian hero.
WGa Ramayana, the twin epic poem of the Mahabharata; the allies of the hero (Rama) are monkeys, which under the able generalship of Hanuman finally conquer Ravana, the demon-king, and the Rakshasas, or demons and giants of Lanka or Ceylon.
SD INDEX Ramayana (Skt)
battle between good & evil II 495-6
Figaniere & monkeys of II 289n
Garuda, Ansumat, cycles II 570
Hanuman, monkey god in II 680
Kapila's eye destroys I 563; II 570
Lakshmi in I 379-80 &n
male & female manus in II 143
maruts, sons of Diti in II 613 &n
must be read esoterically II 496
Pulastya & Ravana II 232n
rakshasas II 163, 394
seven aspects of II 496
weapons or sons of Krisasva II 629
TG Ram Mohum Roy (Sk.). The well-known Indian reformer who came to England in 1833 and died there.
FY Ram Mohun Roy, the well-known Indian Reformer, died 1833.
SD INDEX Ramses or Rameses (Egy)
Bait-Oxly tomb in reign of II 559
heroical traditions of II 368
many crosses on throne of II 559
SD INDEX Rao, Devan B. R. Ragoonath, "The Puranas on the Dynasties of the Moryas . . .", Katapa (Kalapa) in Tibet I 378n
SD INDEX Rao, T. S. See Subba Row
SD INDEX Rao, T. V. K., calendar of kali-yuga II 50-1 &n
SD INDEX Raoul-Rochette, D.
Moon goddess of Athenians I 400
Palaemonius Tyrian Hercules II 345n
----- "De la Croix ansee"
Phoenician Venus sign II 546
SD INDEX Rapa-Nui. See also Easter Island
Lemuria extended beyond II 324
SD INDEX Rapes, prior to fifth race II 276
SD INDEX Raphael (archangel)
denounced fallen angels II 382n
dragon, the (Ophite) I 127n; II 115n
speaks to Adam (Milton) I 622
TG Rasa (Sk.). The mystery-dance performed by Krishna and his Gopis, the shepherdesses, represented in a yearly festival to this day, especially in Rajastan. Astronomically it is Krishna -- the Sun -- around whom circle the planets and the signs of the Zodiac symbolised by the Gopis. The same as the "circle-dance" of the Amazons around the priapic image, and the dance of the daughters of Shiloh (Judges xxi.), and that of King David around the ark. (See Isis Unveiled, II., pp. 45, 331 and 332.)
WG Rasa, juice; sapidity, taste; inclination.
WG Rasasvada, in yoga practice, the disposition (one of the obstacles) of the mind to fly from the object selected for contemplation to pleasurable ideas. (rasa, juice; asvada, tasting, enjoying: the sipping of juices, perception of enjoyment.)
SD INDEX Rash, B'rash [Re'sh, Bere'shith] (Heb). See also Bereshith
numerical first words in Genesis I 443-4
TG Rashi (Sk.). An astrological division, the sixth, relating to Kanya (Virgo) the sixth sign in the Zodiac.
TG Rashi-Chakra (Sk.). The Zodiac.
SD INDEX Rasi-Chakra (Skt), zodiac I 376
SD INDEX Ra-shoo [Ra-shu] (Egy) solar fire I 311
SD INDEX Rasi (Skt), Virgo or 6th I 292-3
TG Rasit (Heb.). Wisdom.
SD INDEX Rasit [Re'shith] (Heb) [wisdom, oldest, chief], Greek (Arche) (Parkhurst) II 313, 460
TG Rasollasa (Sk.). The first of the eight physical perfections, or Siddhis (phenomena), of the Hatha Yogis. Rasollasa is the prompt evolution at will of the juices of the body independently of any nutriment from without.
TG Rasshoo (Eg.). The solar fires formed in and out of the primordial "waters", or substance, of Space.
SD INDEX Rata (Zend), sacrificial offering II 517
MO Ratatosk [[Norse]] (rah-tah-tosk) [rate travel + tosk tusk] Squirrel in the Tree of Life: consciousness
MO Rate [[Norse]] (rah-teh) [a drill] Bored through matter for Odin
WG Ratha, car, chariot, war-chariot; the body as the vehicle of the soul.
SD INDEX Rational Refutation. See Gore, N.
TG Ratnavabhasa Kalpa (Sk.). The age in which all sexual difference will have ceased to exist, and birth will take place in the Anupadaka mode, as in the second and third Root-races. Esoteric philosophy teaches that it will take place at the end of the sixth and during the seventh and last Root-race in this Round.
TG Ratri (Sk.). Night; the body Brahma assumed for purposes of creating the Rakshasas or alleged giant-demons.
SD INDEX Ratri (Skt) night II 58
SD INDEX Rauchya (Skt) II 309. See also Manus
TG Raumasa (Sk.). A class of devas (gods) said to have originated from the pores of Verabhadra's skin. An allusion to the pre-Adamic race called the "sweat-born". (Secret Doctrine, Vol. II.)
SD INDEX Raumyas, Raumas (Skt) demigods
born fr pores of Virabhadra II 182-3
strife between gods & II 182
sweat-born race II 68
TG Ravail. The true name of the Founder of modern Spiritism in France, who is better known under the pseudonym of Allan Kardec.
TG Ravana (Sk.). The King-Demon (the Rakshasas), the Sovereign of Lanka (Ceylon), who carried away Sita, Rama's wife, which led to the great war described in the Ramayana.
SD INDEX Ravana. See also Ramayana
carries off Sita II 570
giant King of Lanka II 224, 232n
Hiranyakasipu reborn as II 225n
Pulastya grandfather of II 232n
slain by Rama II 225n
symbol of Atlantean race II 495
number values of I 443-4; II 466
Odin's I 443; II 100
returned not to the ark I 444
TG Ravi (Sk.). A name of the Sun.
SD INDEX Rawlinson, George
Aryan (Vedic) influence on Babylon II 130
----- The Antiquity of Man . . .
primeval savage II 722
----- History of Herodotus
Egyptian civilization before Menes II 432
----- The Origin of Nations
mythology of early man II 722
SD INDEX Rawlinson, Sir Henry
Hea or Hoa (Chaldean) II 26n
on two races at Fall II 5
vedic influence in Babylon I xxxi
atom becomes seven I 635
buddhi vehicle of solar I 216
chaos ceases thru the I 231
differentiates Waters of Space I 231
divine, falls into generation II 231n
divine, fr the One I 222
divine, or Father I 70
dropped into cosmic depths I 71
of enlightenment II 231
Father- II 592
first manifest, of unknown ALL I 106
flashes into the germ I 57
Hansa-Vahana is the I 80
impregnates chaos I 64
Logos emanates seven I 130
Logos or, contains seven I 80, 572n, 573-4
monad spark fr uncreated I 571
omnipresent spiritual I 69
penetrates mundane egg I 80-1
Primordial Seven I 88, 106-9
seven I 80, 571-4 &nn
seven, & ether of science I 515n
seven, & seven principles II 635
seven, & seven races II 191n
seven, & sushumna or solar I 523n
seven, form seven new suns I 290
seven mystic I 515 &n
seven, of Chaldean heptakis I 227
seven, of Osiris II 141
seven, of seven plexuses II 92
seven, of solar lion's crown II 564
seven, of the Sun I 290, 370, 515 &n, 524n, 525n, 574; II 25, 69n, 605, 608, 611-13, 772n
seven, of time & THAT II 612
seven, or dhyani-chohans I 130, 573
seven worlds of being hang fr seven I 120
solar, & ascent of Jiva I 132
triple, & unmanifested kosmos II 24
unites w the soul I 119
white, & seven colors II 492
SD INDEX Reade, T. Mellard
----- "Limestone as an Index . . ." II 11
sedimentary strata II 694
SD INDEX Real, the Real
is at the seventh depth I 628
nothing on Earth is I 287
as opposed to ideal I 55-6
universe is invisible I 278
universe is, to beings in it I 274
SD INDEX Reality I 273, 328, 619n
atman or the One I 181
dual nature of I 327n
eye of seer beholds I 617
illusion & I 295-6
maya & I 39-40, 145-6
mulaprakriti & I 629
"not on Earth" I 287
one absolute I 14-17, 54n, 295, 629
ONE, or Nameless Deity I 119
Purusha the only, (Advaitis) II 598
Pythagoras, Plato on I 281, 617
realities & I 59n
transcendental, of occultists I 281-2
unity of units (Leibniz) I 629-30
"creation of," (Bacon) I 481
governs world history (Hegel) I 641
language & II 199n
third race endowed w II 248, 363
SD INDEX Rebekah, two nations in womb of II 705
SD INDEX Rebel(s). See also Adversary, Asuras, Elohim, Lucifer, Pitris (Solar)
adepts, yogis fr past II 94
against Kronos or immovable Duration I 418
arupa pitris II 94
chose curse of incarnation II 246
Codex Nazaraeus re I 194-6
described II 93-5, 489-92
doomed to be reborn II 585
ferouers (Persian), seven hosts or II 489
Fire Angels called II 243, 246
hurled into space [Revelation] I 202
Lords of Spheres made into I 577
sacrifice of II 246-8
saviors of mankind II 103
some incarnated, some quickened II 103
would not create will-less men II 243
SD INDEX Rebellion. See also War in Heaven
of angels II 94, 489-92
of oldest & highest angels II 103
OG Rebirth -- One of the several aspects or branches of the general doctrine of reimbodiment. A word of large and generalized significance. Signifying merely a succession of rebirths, the definition becomes generalized, excluding specific explanations as to the type or kind of reimbodiment. The likeness between the idea comprised in this word and that belonging to the term reincarnation is very close, yet the two ideas are quite distinct. (For this difference see Reincarnation; also Preexistence, Metempsychosis, Transmigration, etc.)
SD INDEX Rebirth(s). See also Reincarnation
after 3,000 years (Egyptian) I 386n
Druids' belief in II 760
endless series of cosmic II 80
initiation meant spiritual II 470
karma & I 643; II 302-6
karmic, cyclic II 232, 234
kundalini-sakti & I 293
man may escape devachan & I 39
providence punishes to seventh I 643
of same individuality II 303, 306
symbols of I 365, 385-6 &n; II 543, 617
of the world II 757
SD INDEX Recapitulation of Embryo. See also Embryo, Foetus
Aesculapius & Hippocrates knew of II 259
dog & man (six weeks) II 258-9
Isis Unveiled on II 187-9
kabbalists knew of II 259
man passes thru kingdoms II 258-9
man preceding mammals & II 255-63
mirrors history of race II 187-9, 659
relates to shell of man II 255
seven rounds & seven months of II 257
SD INDEX "Recent Researches on Minute Life." See Slack, H. J.
TG Rechaka. (Sk.). A practice in Hatha Yoga, during the performance of Pranayama or the regulation of breath: namely, that of opening one nostril and emitting breath therefrom, and keeping the other closed; one of the three operations respectively called Puraka, Kumbhaka and Rechaka -- operations very pernicious to health.
FY Rechaka, out-breathing, regulated according to the system of Hatha Yoga.
WG Rechaka, emptying; expelling the breath out of one of the nostrils, in yoga practice; the negation of phenomenal illusion and conviction of spirit as the only reality.
OG Rechaka -- (Recaka, Sanskrit) One of the practices used in the hatha yoga system for the regulation of the breath. The breath is expelled or expired from one of the nostrils while the other nostril is held closed with the finger, and then the operation is repeated with the other nostril. These operations, as observed under Kumbhaka, are extremely dangerous to health and mental balance, and cannot be encouraged. Indeed, they should be unequivocally discouraged.
SD INDEX Recherches experimentales. See Hirn, G. A.
SD INDEX Recherches pour servir . . . See Milne-Edwards
KT Recollection, Remembrance, Reminiscence. Occultists make a difference between these three functions. As, however, a glossary cannot contain the full explanation of every term in all its metaphysical and subtle differences, we can only state here that these terms vary in their applications, according to whether they relate to the past or the present birth, and whether one or the other of these phases of memory emanates from the spiritual or the material brain; or, again, from the "Individuality" or the "Personality."
SD INDEX Recollection(s) II 311
collective, in divine soul II 424
lost, of monad's divine origin I 267
SD INDEX Record(s) I 271n, 409, 610-12; II 23, 335
accessible to initiates only II 437
astral I 105
astronomical, beginning w fourth race II 353
Atlantean II 436, 692
Babylonian, esoteric II 691-2
Book of Enoch resume of history II 535
of buddhas on palm leaves II 423-5
cup marks, of oldest races II 346n
destruction of II 692, 763n
kabbalists tampered w II 457, 473, 560
oral, of fourth race preserved II 530
of past & future in zodiac I 646-7; II 332, 353, 368, 431-2 &n
of prehistoric past II 67, 251, 314
primitive, copied & concealed II 530
recorders of karmic I 104, 128-9, 132; II 529
Rig-Veda oldest known II 606
of serpents of wisdom preserved II 352-3
SD INDEX Rector(s). See also Regents
become Samael, Schemal I 417
cosmocratores & I 124, 440
Fall of I 417
Kepler's I 498
magi must know wisdom of I 409
maharajah or I 124
planetary, & humanity's monads I 575
planets moved by, (Plato) I 493
progenitors, sephiroth or II 293
St Michael "most powerful" II 479
seven, in Pymander II 97
seven, or pillars II 293
SD INDEX Rectores Mundi (Lat). See also Creator
assist Christian Creator I 440
host of, creative Logos II 237
TG Red Colour. This has always been associated with male characteristics, especially by the Etruscans and Hindoos. In Hebrew it is Adam, the same as the word for "earth" and "the first man". It seems that nearly all myths represent the first perfect man as white. The same word without the initial A is Dam or Dem, which means Blood, also of red colour. [W.W.W.]
The colour of the fourth Principle in man -- Kama, the seat of desires is represented red.
SD INDEX Red. See also Dragon, Indian (American)
-Adam, Semites, Jews fr II 426
blue &, races destroyed II 192
-brown face on column II 178
color of "first man" II 43n
dragon II 93-4n, 379, 513, 771n
earth or Adami II 454
-hair-covered monsters II 184
Siva reborn as four, youths II 282
some, men remained (Stanzas) II 351
third race was, (Stanzas) II 227
Topinard on black, yellow & II 249n
-yellow, Atlanteans became II 250
SD INDEX Redeem(er)
celestial yogis sacrifice & II 246
Egyptian prophecy & I 399n
mankind its own II 420-1
mind is our II 513n, 515
SD INDEX Redemption
of man fr his "coats of skin" I 642
of the pilgrim man I 268
Satan cornerstone of II 515
sin &, (Prometheus) II 420-1
SD INDEX Red Sea I 410
story of, Atlantean II 426-9, 494n
SD INDEX Redskins. See Indians (American)
SD INDEX Rees, Abraham, New Encyclopaedia II 392
SD INDEX Reformers II 358-9
SD INDEX Regeneration. See also Initiation
crucifixion & II 561
initiation is II 470
no, without destruction I 413
occult teachings bring I 299
serpent symbol of I 65, 73
Siva is, & destruction II 182
winged globe & man's spiritual I 365
SD INDEX Regent(s), Ruling Intelligences I 152, 394, 448. See also Planetary Spirits, Rectors
every world has its I 99
four cardinal points & I 122-3, 126
Lares as planetary II 361
of Moon pulling on Earth II 325
planetary, & humanity's monads I 575
seven, & national, tribal gods I 421
seven, of planets II 22, 23, 210n, 488
seven, of Pymander II 488
seventy planets blind for I 576
supervise creation of Earth II 23
various names for I 99
of Venus incarnated as Usanas II 32-3
of zodiacal signs minor gods II 358
SD INDEX Regnard, Jean-Franccois, Voyage de Laponie, Laplanders call corpses manee II 774n
SD INDEX Regne des dieux. See Boulanger, N.
SD INDEX Regulus. See Cor Leonis
SD INDEX Reichenbach, Baron Charles von,Physico-Physiological Researches, Od or vital fluid of I 76n, 338n
OG Reimbodiment -- This term means that the living and migrating entity takes upon itself a new body at some time after death. Its meaning, therefore, is a highly generalized one, and the specific significance is that of assuming new imbodiments periodically. It teaches something more than that the soul merely preexists, the idea being that the soul takes unto itself a succession of new bodies -- on whatever plane it may happen to be. This particular aspect or branch of the general doctrine of the migration of living entities tells us not what kind of body the soul newly assumes, nor whether that body be taken here on earth or elsewhere, that is to say, whether the new body is to be a visible body or an invisible one in the invisible realms of nature. It simply says that the life-center reimbodies itself; and this is the essence of the specific meaning of this word. (See also Preexistence, Rebirth, Metempsychosis, Reincarnation, etc.)
OG Reincarnating Ego -- In the method of dividing the human principles into a trichotomy of an upper duad, an intermediate duad, and a lower triad -- or distributively spirit, soul, and body -- the second or intermediate duad, manas-kama, or the intermediate nature, is the ordinary seat of human consciousness, and itself is composed of two qualitative parts: an upper or aspiring part, which is commonly called the reincarnating ego or the higher manas, and a lower part attracted to material things, which is the focus of what expresses itself in the average man as the human ego, his everyday ordinary seat of consciousness. When death occurs, the mortal and material portions sink into oblivion; while the reincarnating ego carries the best and noblest parts of the spiritual memory of the man that was into the devachan or heaven world of postmortem rest and recuperation, where the ego remains in the bosom of the monad or of the monadic essence in a state of the most perfect and utter bliss and peace, constantly reviewing and improving upon in its own blissful imagination all the unfulfilled spiritual yearnings and longings of the life just closed that its naturally creative faculties automatically suggest to the entity now in the devachan.
But the monad above spoken of passes from sphere to sphere on its peregrinations from earth, carrying with it the reincarnating ego, or what we may for simplicity of expression call the earth-child, in its bosom, where this reincarnating ego is in its state of perfect bliss and peace, until the time comes when, having passed through all the invisible realms connected by chains of causation with our own planet, it slowly "descends" again through these higher intermediate spheres earthwards. Coincidently does the reincarnating ego slowly begin to reawaken to self-conscious activity. Gradually it feels, at first unconsciously to itself, the attraction earthwards, arising out of the karmic seeds of thought and emotion and impulse sown in the preceding life on earth and now beginning to awaken; and as these attractions grow stronger, in other words as the reincarnating ego awakens more fully, it finds itself under the domination of a strong psychomagnetic attraction drawing it to the earth-sphere. The time finally comes when it is drawn strongly to the family on earth whose karmic attractions or karmic status or condition are the nearest to its own characteristics; and it then enters, or attaches itself to, by reason of the psychomagnetic attraction, the human seed which will grow into the body of the human being to be. Thus reincarnation takes place, and the reincarnating ego reawakens to life on earth in the body of a little child.
SD INDEX Reincarnating Ego(s)
atman imparts immortality to II 110
principle in Egyptian religion I 220
race sterility & II 780
For a fuller description of this topic by articles, excerpts, and possibly further links; hyperlink to the Reincarnation section of another site.
A Comparison of Terms which are often confused with each other in this area of study.
TG Reincarnation. The doctrine of rebirth, believed in by Jesus and the Apostles, as by all men in those days, but denied now by the Christians. All the Egyptian converts to Christianity, Church Fathers and others, believed in this doctrine, as shown by the writings of several. In the still existing symbols, the human-headed bird flying towards a mummy, a body, or "the soul uniting itself with its sahou (glorified body of the Ego, and also the kamalokic shell) proves this belief. "The song of the Resurrection chanted by Isis to recall her dead husband to life, might be translated Song of Rebirth", as Osiris is collective Humanity. "Oh! Osiris [here follows the name of the Osirified mummy, or the departed], rise again in holy earth (matter), august mummy in the coffin, under thy corporeal substances", was the funeral prayer of the priest over the deceased. "Resurrection" with the Egyptians never meant the resurrection of the mutilated mummy, but of the Soul that informed it, the Ego in a new body. The putting on of flesh periodically by the Soul or the Ego, was a universal belief; nor can anything be more consonant with justice and Karmic law. (See "Pre-existence".)
KT Reincarnation, or Re-birth; the once universal doctrine, which taught that the Ego is born on this earth an innumerable number of times. Now-a-days it is denied by Christians, who seem to misunderstand the teachings of their own gospels. Nevertheless, the putting on of flesh periodically and throughout long cycles by the higher human Soul (Buddhi-Manas) or Ego is taught in the Bible as it is in all other ancient scriptures, and "resurrection" means only the rebirth of the Ego in another form. (Vide Theos. Gloss.)
WGa Reincarnation, rebirth of the soul into human bodies. The oldest belief of the world, viz., that the Soul or Ego of man has lived on Earth many times previously to the present life, and will be reborn, or incarnated again, many times in the future, before the full experience attainable on this planet has been gathered, Not to bee confounded with transmigration however, for which it is often mistaken. See Metempsychosis.
OG Reincarnation -- An anglicized word of Latin derivation, meaning "reinfleshment," the coming again into a human body of an excarnate human soul. The repetitive reimbodiment of the reincarnating human ego in vehicles of human flesh -- this being a special case of the general doctrine of reimbodiment. This general doctrine of reimbodiment applies not solely to man, but to all centers of consciousness whatsoever, or to all monads whatsoever -- wheresoever they may be on the evolutionary ladder of life, and whatsoever may be their particular developmental grade thereon. The meaning of this general doctrine is very simple indeed. It is as follows: every life-consciousness-center, in other words, every monad or monadic essence, reincorporates itself repeatedly in various vehicles or bodies, to use the popular word. These bodies may be spiritual, or they may be physical, or they may be of a nature intermediate between these two, i.e., ethereal. This rule of nature, which applies to all monads without exception, takes place in all the different realms of the visible and invisible universe, and on all its different planes, and in all its different worlds. There are eight words used in the theosophical philosophy in connection with reimbodiment, which are not all synonymous, although some of these eight words have almost the same specific meaning. They are: preexistence, rebirth, reimbodiment, palingenesis, metensomatosis, metempsychosis, transmigration, reincarnation (see under each word for definition). Of these eight words, four only may be said to contain the four different basic ideas of the general doctrine of reimbodiment, and these four are preexistence, reimbodiment, metempsychosis, and transmigration. In no case is the word reincarnation identical with any of the other seven words, though of course it has grounds of strong similarity with them all, as for instance with preexistence, because obviously the entity preexists before it reincarnates; and on the same grounds it is similar to rebirth, reimbodiment, and metensomatosis. The meaning of the word reincarnation differs specifically from rebirth in this, that the latter word simply means rebirth in human bodies of flesh on this earth; while the former term also contains the implication, tacit if not expressed, of possible incarnations in flesh by entities which have finished their earthly pilgrimage or evolution, but who can and sometimes do return to this earth in order to incarnate for the purpose of aiding their less evolved brothers.
WW Reincarnation Now here are four words which it is exceedingly important to properly understand. They are Reincarnation, Re-embodiment, Metempsychosis, and Transmigration. All things have life, all things are pursuing a course, a pathway, tending towards a destiny, springing from a source. How is it done? There must be a method in it. It is this method which the ancient philosophers have studied and they have enriched the literature of all times with the result of their thoughts and their investigations. It is from them that we get these words -- in some cases if not the words, the thought. Metempsychosis is one of these words, one of the finest of them. It generally means, in ordinary literature, or in ordinary dictionaries, what will undoubtedly strike us as an inadequate presentation. The definitions are usually flippant, often sarcastic, sometimes queer. So: "a doctrine of the ancients believed in by some of the medieval theosophists and fire-philosophers, signifying the transmigration of souls". So it is, in one sense, but it is not in another. There is a difference between metempsychosis and transmigration. Transmigration comes from two Latin words, trans, across, and migrare, to go somewhere. We have it in migration, to migrate to a certain place. The word in English has almost the exact force of the Latin. Transmigration, then, would mean to migrate across, in other words, a passing from life to life. It does not say anything more; the definition of the word ends there. It is important to note that it does not say from animal life to human or human life to spiritual; simply the passing across from one existence to another. It may be used of animals, of men, of the gods or spiritual beings, but the above is all the word means. The conception embodied in this word has a value all its own as applied to the Greek and Latin philosophies. It was broadly applied to the teaching of Pythagoras (adopted in the Platonic Dialogs, cf. Timaeus, 42:91) which is commonly found in the Greek and Latin literatures to be something like this: that a man incarnated in a body in accordance with his deserts. If he has lived a beastly and hoggish life, in his next life he will be a hog; if he has lived a life of a different type, if his mind be of a soaring character, albeit simple, yet aspiring heavenward, in his next life he will be, perhaps, an eagle. If the man is grasping, wolfish, in his character, in his next life he will be a wolf, etc. You doubtless know that H. P. Blavatsky has dealt with this subject. Theosophy admits no transmigration of this kind, and there is no convincing reason to believe that Pythagoras taught or Plato really intended any such thing as the human rational becoming the brute irrational. But because there have been stories related of Pythagoras, about his having recognized things that belong to him when he was incarnated in bodies of previous lives, people have got the idea that he deliberately taught that men can fall from their spiritual estate in one life into the bodies of animals in another life. Proclus, and before him Iamblichus, Syrianus and other Neoplatonists state emphatically that the Greek philosophers meant nothing of the sort. They say, in substance, "Once a man, always a man". So also in Theosophy, with one exception: that a man through a number of lives of continuous deviltry, evil, mischief-making, wickedness, and lust, can so becloud the divine spark shining within him that the whole tendency of his nature, of his character, in the cycle of reincarnation is towards lower human bodies, lower civilizations; until finally comes barbarism and savagery; and if the impetus be sufficiently strong it may even carry him out of the human circle; he cannot enter the animals (with the exception, perhaps, of the higher anthropoids) because no animals are sufficiently near enough to the human to allow the junction. The psychic laws of his make-up prevent it. When I use that word psychic I use it in the sense of the Greek word psyche (psyche), referring to the Kama-Manas -- Kama, desire, and Manas, mind. The Psyche was likened to a butterfly by the Greeks, a beautiful image, because just as a butterfly flits from flower to flower its whole life occupied in feeding on the droplets of nectar here and there, in sucking the sweetness from all that it lights upon, so the lower aspect of mind goes after pleasure, seeking the material sweets of life; there it becomes cloyed and spiritually ill. The nature of our lower human mind --the Kama-Manas -- was likened to the butterfly, continually seeking the sensations of physical life; in other words, those things which cause the greatest rush of physical vitality. Now there being no normal man who can go sufficiently low for the psychic nature, stamped as it is with the Manas, to make a junction with the animal, it is impossible, a Psychical impossibility, for a normal man to enter a sub-human body. There is one rare exception to that, the case for instance, of one of those whom our Teachers have taught us to regard as perfected men on this earth. It would be within their power, as we shall see, to make a junction if the thing could be conceived as ever desirable or probable. But in the ordinary instances of life no man could transmigrate, go over, into an animal body. The teaching of transmigration into animal bodies is also not uncommon in India; but I think it may be shown to be based on identical, or closely similar principles to those here set forth....
Now metempsychosis comes from the word meta (meta), 'afterwards', 'with', 'among', 'over', and empsychos (empsychos), to animate, from en (en), and psyche (psyche). The meaning of this is that the spirit-soul, which is the higher triad of man, the Atma-Buddhi-Manas, leaves the body at death. After its period of rest and refreshment in the heaven-world, when it is time for it to incarnate, it is drawn by the intrinsic processes or working of the Psyche, by the attractions towards matter which still remain in the spiritual man, to 'enpsychise' itself into another body. That is the meaning of metempsychosis. We will develop the thought by and by. The fact that it is usually called transmigration is due to the fact that reincarnation, transmigration, and metempsychosis are so little understood by lexicographers. They do not know the mystical difference between these terms. Metempsychosis then is the attraction experienced by the psyche for things of matter, which is the cause of its return to earth and of its reincarnation. Metempsychosis is the re-embodiment of the human soul in consequence of the seeds of desire, seeds of material and physical life, lying latent in the psyche or the lower mind during its heaven-rest, starting into activity, bringing it hence to earth and to incarnation. There is another sense, and a very profound one, in which metempsychosis is properly used….
is a term which is used by all of us to signify the infleshing of the soul. It has often seemed to me that distinctions should be drawn as to the proper use of this word, because it is subject to criticism by intelligent outsiders, and I am as careless as anybody as regards the way in which that word is loosely used. I have heard people talking of the 'reincarnation' of the universe, or the reincarnation of a plant, or the reincarnation of a god; of course the term is an absurdity, in such a connection. The incarnation of a god is properly speaking an avatara, the descent of a divinity into flesh, a subject which we shall come to later. Reincarnation means nothing more nor less than infleshing. It is proper to speak of the infleshing of an animal soul into an animal body, of a human soul into a human body; it is also proper to speak of a god or spiritual being taking on its physical vesture as incarnating. We hardly possess the proper terms in the European language to express these differences. Inzoonization has been suggested for the re-embodiment of animals into animal bodies, the word coming from zoon (zoon) 'animal'; and re-invegetalization for the transmigration or re-embodiment of the plant-soul into the bodies of plants, and these terms possess some philosophical accuracy. You see the difficulty which we have in these words, because the English language (in fact all the European languages) has not the terms to express these things. 'Reinmetalization' has been suggested for the re-embodiment of the life-atoms in the mineral world. Re-embodiment is probably the broadest word of them all.SD INDEX Reincarnation(s) II 459. See also Incarnation, Rebirths
of animals II 196n
of avataras II 358-9
Buddhas, Christs do not escape I 639
centuries between II 303
Confucius on I 440 &n
among Druids II 760
ego wins way thru many I 17
Egyptians kept, secret I 227; II 552
Essenes, Jesus believed in II 111n
of fallen gods or nirmanakayas II 232, 255n
is to be dreaded (Hinayana) I 39
karma &, discussed II 302-6
Krishna, Buddha on II 359
man's divine soul remembers II 424
necessity for I 171, 182-3
racial II 146n
same monad throughout I 175, 265
scarabaeus symbol of II 552
tenet of, fr Atlanteans II 760
voluntary, are nirmanakayas I 132n
SD INDEX Reindeer II 741
hunters of Perigord II 749n
Paleolithic portrait of II 717-18, 720-3
TG Rekh-get-Amen (Eg.). The name of the priests, hierophants, and teachers of Magic, who, according to Lenormant, Maspero, the Champollions, etc., etc., "could levitate, walk the air, live under water, sustain great pressure, harmlessly suffer mutilation, read the past, foretell the future, make themselves invisible, and cure diseases" (Bonwick, Religion of Magic). And the same author adds: "Admission to the mysteries did not confer magical powers. These depended upon two things: the possession of innate capacities, and the knowledge of certain formulae employed under suitable circumstances". Just the same as it is now.
OG Relativity -- The modern scientific doctrine of relativity, despite its restrictions and mathematical limitations, is extremely suggestive because it introduces metaphysics into physics, does away with purely speculative ideas that certain things are absolute in a purely relative universe, and brings us back to an examination of nature as nature is and not as mathematical theorists have hitherto tacitly taken it to be. The doctrine of relativity in its essential idea of relations rather than absolutes is true; but this does not mean that we necessarily accept Einstein's or his followers' deductions. These latter may or may not be true, and time will show. In any case, relativity is not what it is often misunderstood to be -- the naked doctrine that "everything is relative," which would mean that there is nothing fundamental or basic or real anywhere, whence other things flow forth; in other words, that there is no positively real or fundamental divine and spiritual background of being. The relativity theory is an adumbration, a reaching out for, a groping after, a very, very old theosophical doctrine -- the doctrine of maya. The manner in which theosophy teaches the conception of relativity is that while the universe is a relative universe and all its parts are therefore relative -- each to each, and each to all, and all to each -- yet there is a deathless reality behind, which forms the substratum or the truth of things, out of which the phenomenal in all its myriad relative manifestations flows. And there is a way, a road, a path, by which men may reach this reality behind, because it is in man as his inmost essence and therefore primal origin. In each one is fundamentally this reality of which we are all in search. Each one is the path that leads to it, for it is the heart of the universe. In a sense still more metaphysical, even the heart of a universe may be said to exist relatively in connection with other universes with their hearts. It would be quite erroneous to suppose that there is one Absolute Reality in the old-fashioned European sense, and that all relative manifestations flow forth from it, and that these relative manifestations although derived from this Absolute Reality are without links of union or origin with an Absolute even still more essential and fundamental and vaster. Once the conception of boundless infinitude is grasped, the percipient intelligence immediately realizes that it is simply hopeless, indeed impossible, to postulate ends, absolute Absolutes, as the divine ultima thule. No matter how vast and kosmic an Absolute may be, there are in sheer frontierless infinitude always innumerable other Absolutes equal to or greater than it.
SD INDEX Religio Laici. See Dryden, John
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OG Religion -- An operation of the human spiritual mind in its endeavor to understand not only the how and the why of things, but comprising in addition a yearning and striving towards self-conscious union with the divine All and an endlessly growing self-conscious identification with the cosmic divine-spiritual realities. One phase of a triform method of understanding the nature of nature, of universal nature, and its multiform and multifold workings; and this phase cannot be separated from the other two phases (science and philosophy) if we wish to gain a true picture of things as they are in themselves. Human religion is the expression of that aspect of man's consciousness which is intuitional, aspirational, and mystical, and which is often deformed and distorted in its lower forms by the emotional in man. It is usual among modern Europeans to derive the word religion from the Latin verb meaning "to bind back" -- religare. But there is another derivation, which is the one that Cicero chooses, and of course he was a Roman himself and had great skill and deep knowledge in the use of his own native tongue. This other derivation comes from a Latin root meaning "to select," "to choose," from which, likewise, we have the word lex, "law," i.e., the course of conduct or rule of action which is chosen as the best, and is therefore followed; in other words, that which is the best of its kind, as ascertained by selection, by trial, and by proof. Thus then, the meaning of the word religion from the Latin religio, means a careful selection of fundamental beliefs and motives by the higher or spiritual intellect, a faculty of intuitional judgment and understanding, and a consequent abiding by that selection, resulting in a course of life and conduct in all respects following the convictions that have been arrived at. This is the religious spirit. To this the theosophist would add the following very important idea: behind all the various religions and philosophies of ancient times there is a secret or esoteric wisdom given out by the greatest men who have ever lived, the founders and builders of the various world religions and world philosophies; and this sublime system in fundamentals has been the same everywhere over the face of the globe. This system has passed under various names, e.g., the esoteric philosophy, the ancient wisdom, the secret doctrine, the traditional teaching, theosophy, etc. (See also Science, Philosophy)
SD INDEX Religion(s). See also Church, Esoteric, Exoteric, Mysteries, Worship
allegory & metaphor in every II 98
all, fed fr wisdom-source I xliv-v
all fr one center (Faber) II 760n
ancient concept of II 106
Babylonian II 691
based on force called God I 397
Carlyle on two kinds of II 470
conflict of science w I 668-9
cyclic rise & fall of II 723
degraded by sexual mysteries II 471
dhyanis original priests II 605n
dogmatic, & sexual element I 381-2
dogmatic, will die out II 415
every, but a chapter I 318
exoteric, & left-hand path II 503
exoteric, anthropomorphic, phallic II 654-8
exoteric, described II 281
exoteric, gradual spread of II 527
heliolatrous II 378-9
Lemurians & II 271-6
mystery language in I 310-11
of nature vs human-born II 797
oldest, are Indian, Mazdean, Egyptian I 10
once a universal I 229, 341; II 760n, 774n
one ennobling, described I 381n
origin of modern II 272-4
pagan, dreaded by Christians I xl
primitive, nature of I 463
reverence, piety, oneness in II 272-3
science &, on Earth's age II 796
sexual, & astronomy II 274
students of ancient, dogmatize I xxviii
superstitions of dogmatic II 104
there is no new I xxxvi
universal truth in all I xiii; II 489, 514, 516, 610
Vedic seed of old II 483
wisdom-, in Central Asia I 376
SD INDEX Religions of India. See Barth, A.
SD INDEX Religio Persarum. See Hyde, Thomas
SD INDEX Remusat, J. P. Abel, Tao-teh-king, I Hi Wei means Jehovah I 472
SD INDEX Renan, J. Ernest
on cradle of humanity II 204
Egyptian civilization had no infancy II 334
ignores annals of divine kings II 367
----- La Chaire d'Hebreu . . .
the supernatural II 194
----- The Life of Jesus I xlvi, 454
----- History of the Origins of Christianity
treats Adam-Adami w contempt II 457
----- "Sur les debris . . ." in Revue Germanique
derides Nabathean Agriculture II 452, 454-6
SD INDEX "Render unto Caesar . . ." [Luke 20:25] I 296
SD INDEX Renouf, Peter Le Page
----- Religion of Ancient Egypt
mythology a primitive disease I 303, 398
no Greek, Hebrew ideas fr Egypt I 402
Nouter [Neter], "god," generic not personal I 675
TG Rephaim (Heb.). Spectres, phantoms. (Secret Doctrine, II., 279.)
SD INDEX Rephaim (Heb)
first two astral races II 279
giants in Job (Isis Unveiled) I 345; II 496
SD INDEX Reproductive Process. See also Conception, Generation
age of present, unknown II 118
arani & pramantha more than symbol of human II 101 &n
bisexual II 133
budding II 116-17, 132, 166
fourth Adam had power of II 457
modes of, unknown today I 190 &n
oviparous II 132, 166, 181, 659, 735
ovoviviparous II 166
of polyps II 177-8
primitive human hermaphrodites II 118-19
progressive order of II 166-7
sexual & asexual II 116, 132, 658
stages in man II 659
third race II 171, 183-4
variety of modes of II 168, 658-9, 735
by will, sight, touch, yoga II 183
Winchell on I 607-8n
SD INDEX Reptile(s) II 55, 153, 656. See also Dragons, Serpents
fr amphibians II 256-7
amphibious, age of II 201
atrophied third eye in II 296
birds descended fr II 183, 254, 734
bisexual before mammalian age II 594n
foetus assumes shape of II 188
forms of, fr third round II 684, 712
giant, described II 218-19
giant man lived w giant II 219
giant, now dwarfed II 733
Kasyapa father of II 253-4, 259n
man lived in age of II 157
man preceded II 274
Mesozoic age of II 204
most, preceded man in fourth round II 594n
ovoviviparous II 166
preceded bird & mammal I 404
third eye covered in present II 299n
use man's third & fourth round relics II 290
SD INDEX Republic. See Plato
SD INDEX Repulsion
Archaeus of Paracelsus & I 538
attraction, heat & I 103
force of attraction & I 102, 293, 497, 604
gravity vs attraction & I 497, 529, 604
Kepler & Empedocles on I 497-8
Sun fluids are attraction & I 529-30
SD INDEX Reqa' (Heb), fool I 578
SD INDEX Rerum Natura, De. See Lucretius
SD INDEX Researches on Light. See Hunt, Robert
TG Resha-havurah (Heb., Kab.). Lit., the "White Head", from which flows the fiery fluid of life and intelligence in three hundred and seventy streams, in all the directions of the Universe. The "White Head" is the first Sephira, the Crown, or first active light.
SD INDEX Resha Trivrah [Re'sha' Hivvara'] (Aram) White Head inZohar I 339; II 84
SD INDEX Responsibility, & free will II 255n, 412, 421
SD INDEX Rest, activity & I 62, 116, 134n, 240, 374, 377; II 240, 281, 310-11, 545, 705n, 726, 747. See also Motion
SD INDEX "Restes de l'ancienne . . ." See Rougemont
SD INDEX Resurrection, Resurrected
Apollo, every nineteen years II 770
Egyptian I 312, 386n
frog symbol & idea of I 385-6 &n
Holy of Holies & II 459-62
initiation & II 462
of Jesus II 542
Norse version of II 100
origin of Christian I 310
phoenix & II 617
sarcophagus symbolized II 459, 462
serpent emblem of I 472
sound &, of man I 555
various gods of I 472-3
SD INDEX Retardation II 64. See also Retrogression
Australia affected by law of II 197
hermaphroditism & law of II 172n
law of II 260n
progressive development & II 260 &n
SD INDEX Retribution
dhyani-chohans & I 188
exacting divinity or karma II 555n
karma unerring law of I 634
law of, vs blind faith II 304-5
lipikas & I 103-4
SD INDEX Retrogression of Form (Figaniere) II 289n. See also Retardation
SD INDEX Retzius, Anders
----- ["Present State of Ethnology . . ."] inSmithsonian Report
linked American Indian w Guanches II 740
peoples of America, Africa linked II 792
SD INDEX Reuben (Jacob's son), man or Aquarius I 651
TG Reuchlin, John. Nicknamed the "Father of the Reformation"; the friend of Pico di Mirandola, the teacher and instructor of Erasmus, of Luther and Melancthon. He was a great Kabbalist and Occultist.
KT Reuchlin, John. A great German philosopher and philologist, Kabbalist and scholar. He was born at Pfortzheim in Germany, in 1455, and early in youth was a diplomat. At one period of his life he held the high office of judge of the tribunal at Tubingen, where he remained for eleven years. He was also the preceptor of Melancthon, and was greatly persecuted by the clergy for his glorification of the Hebrew Kabbala, though at the same time called the "Father of the Reformation." He died in 1522, in great poverty, the common fate of all who in those days went against the dead-letter of the Church.
SD INDEX Reuchlin, Johannes, De arte cabbalistica, q on heptad, etc II 599-601
SD INDEX Revealer(s)
in every round, race I 42
Logos of man is, of God II 589
nature & character of I 317
of truths faces moral death I 299
SD INDEX Revelation(s)
Christian, discussed II 708
fr divine yet finite beings I 10
Jewish scriptures not divine I xxvin
of language explained I 309, 317
mankind inspired by same I 341
Marcus, re deity I 351
mythology & I 304 &n
Nabathean Agriculture a II 455
no religion a special II 797
Pentateuch not a II 3n
primeval I xxx, 52, 356
Secret Doctrine not a I vii
seven, explained I 42
Upanishads & I 269-70
various sources of, listed I 10
SD INDEX Revelation. See Marcus
SD INDEX Revelation (St John's) I 452n; II 208-9
Apollo's mother & red dragon of II 383 &n
Babylon, mother of harlots II 748
chapter 12 fr Babylonian legends II 383-4
Christ as the Morning Star II 540
cubical city descending II 75
divine, mortal years & II 619
dragon of, Atlantean II 355-6
fallen angels & seventh seal II 516
Fall verses fr Book of Enoch II 484
four animals of II 533
Latona legend in II 771n
Logos w female breasts I 72n
marriage of the lamb II 231
Michael fights dragon II 382n
Pistis Sophia older than I 410
plagiarizes Book of Enoch II 229, 482-3, 497, 506
red dragon & arupa pitris II 93 &n
Secret Doctrine key to II 536
seven-headed dragon II 484
seven kings, five have gone II 565n, 748
seven rounds, races II 565, 618
seven stars II 355, 633
seven thunders II 563
stamping the forehead II 557
virgin & dragon I 657
War in Heaven I 68, 194, 202; II 103
white horse & fire I 87
woman w child II 384n, 771n
SD INDEX Revel [Reuel]-Jethro, Midian priest-initiator II 465n
SD INDEX Reversion to Type
giants, monsters & II 56, 293n
not puzzling to theosophists II 685
SD INDEX "Review of Kolliker's Criticisms." See Huxley
SD INDEX Revolution(s)
critique of theories re I 501-2
Earth's, calculated by ancients I 117
inverse, of satellites I 575
of meteor swarms I 672-3
perfect accord of mutual I 594
physical, spiritual I 641
SD INDEX Revolutions du globe . . . See Cuvier, G.
SD INDEX Revue archeologique
Central Asian changes (d'Eckstein) II 356
day of "come to us" (de Rouge) I 134n
rocking stones (Henry) II 344-5
strife betw good & evil (Maury) II 497
SD INDEX Revue de Deux Mondes
Littre on de Perthes' Memoir II 738-9
Littre on matter I 502n
Littre on skulls of Europeans, etc II 790
Thierry on legends & real history I 675-6; II 182
SD INDEX Revue Germanique
Baudry on fire by friction II 524
Baudry on lightning II 526
Humboldt on Solar System I 497n
Renan on Chwolsohn II 454
SD INDEX Reynaud, Jean
----- Philosophie religieuse: Terre et Ciel
changes in planetary orbits I 503
incipient rotation I 505
SD INDEX Reynolds, Professor James Emerson
classification of elements I 585 &n
zigzag curve of, (Crookes) I 550
SD INDEX Rhea (Gk) goddess of Earth, matter
monad, duad, heptad (Proclus) I 446
Titans sons of, & Kronos II 142, 143, 269
SD INDEX Rhine River, skulls found by, like skulls of Caribs II 739
SD INDEX Rhinoceros II 735
fossils II 751, 773n
Paleolithic man lived w woolly II 721
SD INDEX Rhizomata, roots of all mixed bodies II 599
SD INDEX Rhodes (Isle of)
Colossus of II 338
sank & reemerged II 391
Telchines iron workers of II 391
SD INDEX "Rh Ya." See Erh ya
SD INDEX Rhys Davids, T. W.
criticizes Esoteric Buddhism I 539n
great Pali & Buddhist scholar I 539n
----- Buddhism . . .
on Avalokitesvara I 471
Buddha's celestial counterpart I 108-9