List of Title Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)
SD INDEX Kratu (Skt), mind-born son II 78
TG Kratudwishas (Sk.). The enemies of the Sacrifices; the Daityas, Danavas, Kinnaras, etc., etc., all represented as great ascetics and Yogis. This shows who are really meant. They were the enemies of religious mummeries and ritualism.
SD INDEX Kratidvishas [Kratudvishas] (Skt), enemies of exoteric shams II 501
SD INDEX Krauncha (Skt) (Wilford gives Cracacha), king of Krauncha II 405
SD INDEX Krauncha-dvipa, one of seven II 320-1, 404n
SD INDEX Krause, K. C. F., on inhabited worlds II 706
TG Kravyad (Sk.). A flesh-eater; a carnivorous man or animal.
GH Kripa The son of the sage Saradvat. With his sister Kripa he was adopted by king Santanu (the father of Bhishma). Kripa was one of the privy councillors at Hasti napura, and was one of the three sole surviving warriors of the conflict on the side of the Kauravas (hence he is referred to in the text as 'the conqueror in battle'). (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 3)
TG Krisaswas Sons of (Sk.). The weapons called Agneyastra. The magical living weapons endowed with intelligence, spoken of in the Ramayana and elsewhere. An occult allegory.
SD INDEX Krisaswa [Krisasva] (Skt) sons of, & legendary weapons II 629
TG Krishna (Sk.). The most celebrated avatar of Vishnu, the "Saviour" of the Hindus and their most popular god. He is the eighth Avatar, the son of Devaki, and the nephew of Kansa, the Indian King Herod, who while seeking for him among the shepherds and cowherds who concealed him, slew thousands of their newly-born babies. The story of Krishna's conception, birth, and childhood are the exact prototype of the New Testament story. The missionaries, of course, try to show that the Hindus stole the story of the Nativity from the early Christians who came to India.
KT Krishna (Sans.) The most celebrated Avatar of Vishnu, the "Saviour" of the Hindus and the most popular god. He is the eighth Avatar, the son of Devaki, and the nephew of Kansa, the Indian Herod, who while seeking for him among the shepherds and cowherds who concealed him slew thousands of their newly-born babes. The story of Krishna's conception, birth and childhood are the exact prototype of the New Testament story. The missionaries, of course, try to show that the Hindus stole the story of the Nativity from the early Christians who came to India.
WG Krishna, one of the manifestations, within the comprehension of finite intelligence, of the Absolute and, in Itself, Unknowable One; the personification of the Supreme Spirit; the human spirit; a divine Avatar who remained in mortal form 125 years and died 3,001 B.C. (Literally, "dark," "black.")
GH Krishna The son of Devaki and Vasudeva (of the Yadava line of the Chandravansa -- the Lunar Dynasty). (For particulars as to his birth see Kansa.) Krishna is represented as the eighth Avatara of Vishnu: in this aspect he is the spiritual teacher, the embodiment of wisdom; but as with other Saviors, stories and allegories have been woven around him in great abundance. In the Mahabharata his story is briefly sketched, yet all his exploits are enumerated: he appears throughout the work mostly as the advisor of the Pandavas. The life of Krishna is told in full in the Harivansa (a work regarded as an addition to the epic), also in great detail in the Vishnu- and Bhagavata-Puranas, and popularized for the multitude in the Prem Sagar (written in Hindi. The various stories and allegories woven around Krishna are still the most loved topic among the populace of India today, who revere him as a god. Nevertheless his teachings as outlined in the Bhagavad-Gita are as applicable today in the Occident as in the Orient - although couched in the metaphor and background of a people living thousands of years ago. The date of Krishna's death is given as 3102 B.C., and this event marked the commencement of the Kali-yuga, the present 'Iron Age.' The Bhagavad-Gita itself best describes the avataric character of Krishna: it represents the teacher as the Logos, while Arjuna typifies man.
H. P. Blavatsky makes the following interesting comment regarding the successive incarnations of avataras of Vishnu (i.e., the Narasinha Avatara, Rama, and Krishna) and the successive reincarnations of Daityas. Hiranyakasipu, the unrighteous but valiant monarch of the Daityas, because of his wickedness was slain by the Avatara Nara-sinha (Man-lion). "Then he was born as Ravana, the giant king of Lanka, and killed by Rama; after which he is reborn as Sisupala, the son of Raja-rishi (King Rishi) Damaghosha, when he is again killed by Krishna, the last incarnation of Vishnu. This parallel evolution of Vishnu (spirit) with a Daitya, as men, may seem meaningless, yet it gives us the key not only to the respective dates of Rama and Krishna but even to a certain psychological mystery." (Secret Doctrine, II, p. 225)
(Meaning of the word itself: dark-colored, black, or blue-black. Krishna is represented as being very dark-skinned. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 3)
SP Krsna [Krishna] -- literally "dark one," an avatara of Visnu, and the advisor of the sons of Pandu in the Mahabharata, who converses with Arjuna in the Bhagavad-gita.
SD INDEX Krishna (Skt)
allegedly plagiarized fr Bible I xxxi
Bala-Rama elder brother of II 613n
belongs to fifth race II 140
birthplace of, & cross II 588
born without father or mother II 550
Christos & Vishnu II 580
or Christ-state & seven principles II 604n
crucified II 561
embryo of, conveyed to Rohini II 527
identified w Rishi Narayana II 359
incarnation of Vishnu II 225n
kali-yuga began at death of I xliii; II 140, 527, 550
Kansa & II 504n
-karna & Apollo Karneios II 44n
on Kshetrajna inGita II 638
Logos incarnate II 318n, 527
lower, higher forms of I 535-6
manus, rishis born fr II 140, 318n
Narada lauds II 48
Osiris, Dionysos, Buddha or II 420
part of a part of supreme [Vishnu Purana] II 359
Samba reputed son of II 323
"saves" w the teachings II 230
secret wisdom of I 539n
slays Sankhasura II 405
slays Sisupala II 225n
a solar god II 407
union w I 406
Vallabacharyas distort symbols of I 335
various equivalents of II 379
GH Krishna Dvaipayana (see Vyasa). (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. iii)
GH Krishna-Yajur-Veda literally 'the Black Yajur-Veda' -- an alternative name for the Taittiriya-Samhita -- one of the two divisions of this Veda, the other part being known as the White YajurVeda. It is called 'black' (krishna) because the Samhita and Brahmana portions of this Veda are confused and mixed together, whereas the part named 'white' (sukla) is free from this confusion and is arranged in an orderly manner. Yajur-Veda means 'sacrificial Veda': -- it is a collection of sacred mantras which are practically identical with some of the mantras in the Rig-Veda; in fact it is simply a collection, cut up and rearranged for the priests as a sort of sacrificial prayer-book. The principal sacrifices are those to be performed at the new and full moon, and at the horse-sacrifice (asvamedha). (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 31)
WG Krita, made, done, well done, good; the side of a die marked with four spots.
TG Krita-Yuga (Sk.). The first of the four Yugas or Ages of the Brahmans; also called Satya-Yuga, a period lasting 1,728,000 years.
WG Krita-yuga, the first age, sometimes called satya-yuga, "the age of truth," containing 4,800 divine years, which multiplied by 360 gives 1,728,000 years. (See Yuga.)
SD INDEX Krita-Yuga. See Satya-Yuga
TG Krittika (Sk.). The Pleiades. The seven nurses of Karttikiya, the god of War.
WG Krittikas, the Pleiads [[Pleiades?]].
SD INDEX Krittikas (Skt) the Pleiades
Agneya synonym of II 550
month of I 664
nurses of Karttikeya II 549, 550, 618-19
Poussiniere, Pillaloo-codi or I 663-4
six, then seven, & seven rishis II 551
Virgo & II 435
when pyramids were built I 435
WG Kriya, performance, duty, action; doing one's duty, as prescribed in the Vedas, as perfectly as possible.
TG Kriyasakti (Gk.). The power of thought; one of the Seven forces of Nature. Creative potency of the Siddhis (powers) of the full Yogis.
FY Kriyasakti, the power of thought; one of the six forces in Nature.
WG Kriya-sakti, the power of thought which, by its knowledge, produces results on the objective plane. (kriya, power; sakti, power: capability to act.)
SKf Kriya-sakti Literally 'the power of action'; but mystically it is that power of creative thought attained by adepts whose higher faculties of will and consciousness are awakened. The Secret Doctrine, Vol. II, p. 173, says:
-- the mysterious power of thoughtwhich enables it to produce external, perceptible, phenomenal results by its own inherent energy. The ancients held that any idea will manifest itself externally if one's attention (and Will) is deeply concentrated upon it; similarly, an intense volition will be followed by the desired result.
The Ancient Wisdom teaches that the Seventh Race of mankind will bring forth its offspring by means of Kriya-sakti.
IN Kriyasakti (Skt) "Power of action," the creative power of thought and spiritual will.
SD INDEX Kriyasakti (Skt). See also Sons of Will & Yoga
Brahma creates w II 59-60
Brahman zodiac fr those born by II 436n
creation on plane of II 283
described I 293; II 172-3
Divine Ones of third race born by II 636
manushyas created woman by II 140
mind-born sons fruit of I 211
nirmanakayas & II 652
power of sages II 181
regarded as magic II 174
seed of adepts created by II 228
Sons of Will & Yoga fr I 207-9; II 172, 181
yogi's miracles fr I 293
SD INDEX Kroenig, A. K., gas atoms elastic I 513
SD INDEX Kroeus [Kreios] (Gk), an Arkite Titan II 143
SD INDEX Kronan, is probably karma II 269n
SD INDEX Kronid Brothers (Gk), Neptune, Poseidon, Nereus II 766
TG Kronos (Gr.). Saturn. The God of Boundless Time and of the Cycles.
SD INDEX Kronos (Gk) Saturn. See also Chronos, Saturn, Time
Adam alleged to be I 642n
Agruerus, Saturn or II 142n
confused w Chronos I 418
endless duration I 418
generated god in Orphism I 19
imprisons three polar giants II 775-6
Jubal fashioned harp [harpe] of II 390
Jupiter hurled to Earth by II 483, 515
Jupiter Lapis & II 341n
mutilated Uranus I 418; II 268, 283n, 766
one of seven Arkite Titans II 142-3
Ormazd identical w I 113-14
in Prometheus Bound II 414, 415-16, 420-1
ruled over Lemurians II 765
St Michael son of I 459
serpent swallowing tail I 253n
Sevekh-, (Massey) I 408
symbology of II 268-71, 421-2
Titans sons of, & Rhea II 142, 269
Uranus &, insufficient II 270
SD INDEX Kronos-Saturn
Jupiter son of I 72n
personified third race Lemurians II 766
Rudra-Siva or II 502n
sydyk or II 142, 391-2
SD INDEX Kroszharsgrani [Krossharsgrani] (Norse) magician-teacher of Starkad II 346n
TG Krura-lochana (Sk.). The "evil-eyed"; used of Sani, the Hindu Saturn, the planet.
SD INDEX Krura-lochana (Skt) [evil-eyed], Saturn called II 29
SD INDEX Kruss, G., elemental bodies of I 547
WG Ksha, loss; destruction of the world; the fourth incarnation of Vishnu, as the man-lion, or nara-sinha.
WG Kshana, a measure of time. (See Time.)
TG Kshanti (Sk.). Patience, one of the Paramitas of perfection.
VS Kshanti [[p. 53]] Kshanti, "patience," vide supra the enumeration of the golden keys. [[Paramitas.]]
WG Kshanti, indifference, patience, forbearance.
WG Kshara, water; that which streams or flows; perishable; a material body.
WG Kshatra, rule, dominion, temporal power; the second or military tribe or caste.
TG Kshatriya (Sk.). The second of the four castes into which the Hindus were originally divided.
FY Kshatriya, the second of the four castes into which the Hindu nation was originally divided.
WG Kshatriya, the second or military tribe or caste in India.
OG Kshatriya -- (Sanskrit) The warrior, the administrator, the king, the prince, in short, the world of officialdom, etc.; the second of the four grades or classes, social and political, of the early civilizations of Hindustan in the Vedic Period. (See also Brahmana, Vaisya, Sudra)
GH Kshattriya (or Kshatriya) The second of the four social classes in the Vedic period: generally called the warrior caste, but the term refers also to the world of officialdom, i.e., kings, princes, administrators, etc. (see Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, pp. 127-8). (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 14)
SP Ksatriya [kshatriya] -- a member of the warrior class, the second of the four classes.
SD INDEX Kshatriya (Skt) warrior caste
Buddha born a I xxi
kings & Brahmanas I 270
Moru [Maru] will restore I 378 &n
WG Kshetra, a field; the field of evil passions, i.e., the body.
GH Kshetra A sphere of action, a field, a vehicle. Referred to (in Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge) as the compounded constitution of the knower, or of the conscious entity, i.e., the body. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 93)
TG Kshetrajna or Kshetrajneswara (Sk.). Embodied spirit, the Conscious Ego in its highest manifestations; the reincarnating Principle; the "Lord" in us.
KT Kshetragna, or Kshetragneswara (Sans.) Embodied Spirit in Occultism, the conscious Ego in its highest manifestations; the reincarnating Principle, or the "Lord" in us.
FY Kshetrajnesvara, embodied spirit, the conscious ego in its highest manifestation.
WG Kshetra-jna, the embodied soul. (kshetra, field; jna, knowing.)
GH Kshetrajna The conscious ego: the cognising and recognising element in the human constitution -- Buddhi-Manas (translated 'soul' in Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge). (Compound kshetra, field, i.e., body; jna, the knower. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 93)
SKs Kshetrajna, Kshetrajnesvara Kshetrajna is 'Imbodied Spirit,' the Conscious Ego or 'Knower' (jna) in the kshetra or 'field' of action; in other words, the Spiritual Ego in man's constitution or compound make-up. Kshetrajnesvara (kshetrajna-isvara) is an extension in meaning of Kshetrajna, and means 'the Lordly Knower in man's constitution.'
SD INDEX Kshetrajna (Skt)
atma or I 570
embodied soul II 108
as the One Witness I 570-1
presides over pradhana I 284
soul's spiritual sun II 639-40
Supreme SELF (Bhagavad-Gita) II 638 &n
TG Kshetram (Sk.). The "Great Deep" of the Bible and Kabala. Chaos, Yom; Prakriti, Space.
FY Kshetram, the great abyss of the Kabbala; chaos; Yoni, Prakriti; space.
SD INDEX Kshira (Skt), ocean of milk II 403
TG Kshira Samudra (Sk.). Ocean of milk, churned by the gods.
SD INDEX Kuan-Shih-Yin. See Kwan-shai-yin
SD INDEX Kuan-Yin. See Kwan-Yin
TG Kuch-ha-guf (Heb.). The astral body of a man. In Franz Lambert it is written "Coach-ha-guf". But the Hebrew word is Kuch, meaning vis, "force", motive origin of the earthy body. [W.W.W.]
WG Kuchakri, "the intriguer," a title that has been by some commentators on the Bhagavad-Gita applied to Krishna, because of a certain allegory concerning him.
SD INDEX Kuen-lun-shan Mountains. See Kunlun Mountains
SD INDEX Kuhn, Franz F. A.
----- Die Herabkunft des Feuers . . .
derivation of word Prometheus II 413n
gave Prometheus phallic slant II 526
identifies swastika w Arani II 101n
SD INDEX Kuklos (Gk) ring or cycle I 637
TG Kuklos Anagkes (Gr.). Lit., "The Unavoidable Cycle" or the "Circle of Necessity". Of the numerous Catacombs in Egypt and Chaldea the most renowned were the subterranean crypts of Thebes and Memphis. The former began on the Western side of the Nile extending toward the Libyan desert, and were known as the serpents' (initiated Adepts) catacombs. It was there that the Sacred Mysteries of the Kuklos Anakes were performed, and the candidates were acquainted with the inexorable laws traced for every disembodied Soul from the beginning of time. These laws were that every reincarnating Entity, casting away its body should pass from this life on earth unto another life on a more subjective plane, a state of bliss, unless the sins of the personality, brought on a complete separation of the higher from the lower principles that the "circle of necessity" or the unavoidable cycle should last a given period (front one thousand to even three thousand years in a few cases), and that when closed the Entity should return to its mummy, i.e., to a new incarnation. The Egyptian and Chaldean teachings were those of the "Secret Doctrine" of the Theosophists. The Mexicans had the same. Their demi-god, Votan, is made to describe in Popol Vuh (see de Bourbourg's work) the ahugero de colubra which is identical with the "Serpent's Catacombs", or passage, adding that it ran underground and "terminated at the root of heaven", into which serpent's hole, Votan was admitted because he was himself "a son of the Serpents", or a Dragon of Wisdom, i.e., an initiate. The world over, the priest-adepts called themselves "Sons of the Dragon" and "Sons of the Serpent-god".
SD INDEX Kuklos Anagkes [Ananke] (Gk) "Unavoidable cycle" after death II 379
TG Kukkuta Padagiri (Sk.), called also Gurupadagiri, the "teacher's mountain". It is situated about seven miles from Gaya, and is famous owing to a persistent report that Arhat Mahakasyapa even to tills day dwells in its Caves.
SD INDEX Kulluka Bhatta
Aryan immigration to Egypt II 746
Hopkins & Commentary of I 334 &n
Nara, Spirit of God II 495n
sons of Marichi, pitris II 89
TG Kumara (Sk.). A virgin boy, or young celibate. The first Kumaras are the seven sons of Brahma, born out of the limbs of the god, in the so-called ninth creation. It is stated that the name was given to them owing to their formal refusal to "procreate their species", and so they remained Yogis", as the legend says.
KT Kumara (Sans.) A virgin boy or young celibate. The first Kumaras are the seven sons of Brahma, born out of the limbs of the god in the so-called Ninth Creation. It is stated that the name was given to them owing to their formal refusal to "procreate" their species, and thus they "remained Yogis" according to the legend.
WG Kumaras, gods who incarnated in the third root-race. (Literally, "easily dying.")
SP Kumara -- child, youth.
SD INDEX Kumara(s) (Skt). See also Dhyani-chohans, Pitris
agnishvatta are II 78, 89
aquatic & fiery II 578
Brahma father of I 457; II 106, 249
celibate I 236; II 82, 199n, 249
chaste youths II 78
class of devas II 90
connection w zodiac II 93, 576
degraded into Satan, demons I 458-9
dhyanis or I 456-7
every, has prefix Sana(t) I 459
five, exempt fr passion II 577
fivefold II 578-9
flames or, incarnate in third race II 247-8
fourfold, seven-fold I 89
four mentioned, three secret I 457
four preceding manus & II 318n
four, sacrificed themselves II 281-2
highest dhyani-chohans II 585
incarnate in first two races I 457n; II 165
incarnate in men II 176n, 199n
Indra a, in early life II 383
Kapila one of three secret II 572
Karttikeya a II 106, 619
married Devasena (Vach) II 199n
maruts, rudras & II 613 &n
ma used as anagram of II 577-9
Michael, Karttikeya, Virgin & II 383, 549, 619
Narada virtually a II 82
one of seven divisions of dhyani-chohans I 458
patrons of yogins II 576
rebellious & fallen gods II 232, 246
rebels, called by Hindus II 243
refused to create I 191-2, 236, 457-8; II 243, 584
rudras or II 192n, 576, 613
Sanat Sujata chief of I 459-60
seven names, of II 319
seven, visited White Island I 236; II 584
Siva, as Svetalohita or root- II 249
solar deities, angels I 87-8
tempting demons II 174-5
Vamadeva a I 324
various numbers of, (Puranas) II 577-8
TG Kumarabudhi (Sk.). An epithet given to the human "Ego".
SD INDEX Kumara [Kaumara] Creation (Skt) I 75
both primary & secondary I 456
Ninth or, [Vishnu Purana] II 106
TG Kumara guha (Sk.). Lit., "the mysterious virgin youth". A title given to Karttikeya owing to his strange origin.
SD INDEX Kumara Guha (Skt), virgin youth II 382
TG Kumbhaka (Sk.). Retention of breath, according to the regulations of the Hatha Yoga system.
FY Kumbhaka, retention of breath, regulated according to the system of Hatha Yoga.
WG Kumbhaka, immovable concentration on the conviction of the identity of the individual soul and the Supreme Spirit; in hatha-yoga, stopping the breath by shutting the mouth and closing the nostrils with the fingers of the right hand.
OG Kumbhaka -- (Sanskrit) An extremely dangerous practice belonging to the hatha yoga system. It consists in retaining the breath by shutting the mouth and holding the nostrils closed with the fingers of the right hand. All these breathing exercises of whatever kind are attended with the utmost physiological danger to those who attempt to practice them, unless under the skilled guidance of a genuine Adept; and their practice is virtually forbidden, at least in the first few degrees, to all chelas of genuinely occult or esoteric schools. Indeed, except in rare instances, and for extraordinary reasons, the chela of a true Master of Wisdom will have no need to practice these hatha yoga exercises, for the whole purpose of esoteric training is to evolve forth the faculties and powers of the inner divinity, and not to gain minor and often misleading powers of small range which are occasionally acquired by following the hatha yoga physiologic and physical practices.
TG Kumbhakarna (Sk.). The brother of King Ravana of Lanka, the ravisher of Rama's wife, Sita. As shown in the Ramayana, Kumbhakarna under a curse of Brahma slept for six months, and then remained awake one day to fall asleep again, and so on, for many hundreds of years. He was awakened to take part in the war between Rama and Ravana, captured Hanuman, but was finally killed himself.
SD INDEX Kumbhakarna (Skt), brother of Ravana II 224
WG Kumudi-Pati, the moon. (kumud, lotus, water-lily; pati, father: father of the lotus.)
SD INDEX Kumuda-Pati (Skt), Earth's parent II 44
TG Kundalini Sakti (Sk.). The power of life; one of the Forces of Nature; that power that (reiterates a certain light in those who sit for spiritual and clairvoyant development. It is a power known only to those who practise concentration and Yoga.
FY Kundalinisakti, the power of life; one of the six forces of Nature.
VS mystic Power" (I 31) Kundalini, the "Serpent Power" or mystic fire [[p. 12]] Kundalini is called "Serpentine" or the annular power on account of its spiral-like working or progress in the body of the ascetic developing the power in himself. It is an electric fiery occult or Fohatic power, the great pristine force, which underlies all organic and inorganic matter.
WG Kundalini-sakti, the serpentine force, the astral fire, an aspect of buddhi, the basic force of all manifested nature. (kundalini, annular, spiral, winding; sakti, force.)
OG Kundalini or Kundalini-Sakti -- (Sanskrit) A term whose essential meaning is "circular" or "winding" or "spiral" or "coiling" action, or rather energy, and signifies a recondite power in the human constitution. Kundalini-sakti is derivative of one of the elemental forces of nature. It works in and through, in the case of man, his auric egg, and expresses itself in continuous action in many of the most familiar phenomena of existence even when man himself is unconscious of it. In its higher aspect Kundalini is a power or force following winding or circular pathways carrying or conveying thought and force originating in the higher triad. Abstractly, in the case of man it is of course one of the fundamental energies or qualities of the pranas. Unskilled or unwise attempts to interfere with its normal working in the human body may readily result in insanity or malignant or enfeebling disease.
SKv Kundalini Kundalini literally means 'circular' or 'spiral.' It is one of the secret and mystic powers in man which can be brought into full activity only by highly advanced Yogins and adepts. In The Voice of the Silence we read that Kundalini
is called the "Serpentine" or the annular power on account of its spiral-like working or progress in the body of the ascetic developing the power in himself. It is an electric fiery occult or Fohatic power, the great pristine force, which underlies all organic and inorganic matter. -- Fragment I, note 31
Further H. P. Blavatsky explains that Kundalini is Buddhi in an active state. In spiritually undeveloped men Buddhi is passive. When a man acts with divine love and compassion Kundalini is aroused.
Brahmapura The pura or 'abode' of Brahman, the Universal Self. Brahmapura is the inmost and divine heart of man. Kundalini, called the 'World's Mother' has its abode in Brahma-pura, the 'Fire-hearth of the Heart.'
SD INDEX Kundalini-Sakti (Skt) I 293
SD INDEX Kundzobchi-denpa (Tib) illusion-creating appearance I 48n
SD INDEX Kung Chia (Chin) compiled Shan-Hai-King II 54n, 302
SD INDEX Kuni-toko tachi-no-mikoto (Jap) first man (Shinto) I 241
SD INDEX Kunlun Mountains
betw China & Tibet II 215 &n
libraries hidden in I xxiv
SD INDEX Kunte, Prof Mahadeo, defines rishi I 346
TG Kunti (Sk.). The wife of Pandu and the another of the Pandavas, the heroes and the foes of their cousins the Kauravas, in the Bhagavad-gita. It is an allegory of the Spirit-Soul or Buddhi. Some think that Draupadi, the wife in common of the five brothers, the Pandavas, is meant to represent Buddhi: but this is not so, for Draupadi stands for the terrestrial life of the Personality. As such, we see it made little of, allowed to be insulted and even taken into slavery by Yudhishthira, the elder of the Pandavas and her chief lord, who represents the Higher Ego with all its qualifications.
WG Kunti. Arjuna's mother.
GH Kunti The patronymic of Pritha, the sister of Krishna's father, Vasudeva, and daughter of a Yadava prince named Sura, who gave her to his childless cousin Kunti (or Kuntibhoja), by whom she was adopted -- hence she was called Kunti. As a maiden she paid such respect and devotion to the sage Durvasas that he taught her a mantra whereby she was enabled to have a child by any god she chose to invoke. In order to test the efficacy of this she invoked the god of the sun, Surya, and Karna (q.v.) was born: but Kunti abandoned the child. She chose Pandu as her husband (at a svayamvara). With the aid of her mantra she invoked the god of justice, Dharma, by whom Yudhishthira was born by invoking Vayu, the god of the wind, Bhima was born; and by supplication to Indra, the god of the sky, Kunti gave birth to Arjuna. In the Mahabharata Kunti is represented as the model of maternal affection and devotion, ever watching over the Pandavas, with whom she spent thirteen years in exile. After the great war she retired with Gandhari and Dhritarashtra into the forest, where she perished in a conflagration.
"As Aditi is called Surarani (the matrix or 'mother' of the sura gods), so Kunti the mother of the Pandavas, is called in Mahabharata Pandavarani -- which term is already physiologized." (Secret Doctrine, II, p. 527) (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 4)
SD INDEX Kunti (Skt), called Panavarani II 527
GH Kuntibhoja (or Kunti) King of the Kuntis (a people of ancient India). This Yadava prince adopted Pritha, the daughter of his cousin Sura, hence she was called Kunti (q.v.). (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 2)
SD INDEX Kun-ttag, Kun-tag (Tib) belief in something not existing I 48
SD INDEX Kuran. See Koran
SD INDEX Kurgan Mounds, in Russia II 752
SD INDEX Kurile (islands) II 327
SD INDEX Kurios, Koros (Gk), Logos, god-mind I 353
SD INDEX Kurma (Skt). See also Sisumara, Tortoise
avatara of Vishnu II 549
Kasyapa & II 253
SD INDEX Kurma-Purana
kumaras exempt fr passion I 458; II 577
lists seven winds or principles II 612
WG Kuravas, sons of Kuru (who was the ancestor of both Pandu and Dhrita-rashtra, though this patronymic is applied only to the descendants of the latter); the personified evil propensities of man, his vices and their allies.
TG Kurios (Gr.). The Lord, the Master.
GH Kuru A king of the Paurava line of the Chandravansa (the Lunar Dynasty) reigning at Hastinapura. He was the son of Samvarana and Tapati and the ancestor of Dhritarashtra and Pandu by the fourteenth remove. Hence Arjuna is referred to as 'son of Kuru' (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 51) or 'best of the Kurus' (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 35).
SD INDEX Kuru (Skt), Devapi of race of I 378
WG Kuru-kshetra, the field of the battle between the Kurus and the Pandus; allegorically, the human personality as the contested ground between cosmic energy and spiritual forces. (kuru, son of Dhrita-rashtra or personified material existence, the cosmic or astral forces; kshetra, a field.)
GH Kurukshetra literally, 'The field of the Kurus': a plain situated in the vicinity of modern Delhi on which was staged the great conflict which forms the principal theme of the Mahabharata. (Compound Kuru, and kshetra, field. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 1)
TG Kurus (Sk.). or Kauravas. The foes of the Pandavas in the Bhagavad Gita, on the plain of Kurukshetra. This plain is but a few miles from Delhi.
WGa Kurus, the enemies of the Pandavas in the Mahabharata. The Kurus represent the lower material elements in our nature: the Pandavas the higher. The war which is carried on between these on the plane of Kurukshetra represents the struggle Man has to make in order to gain control over his lower nature.
GH Kurus (or Kauravas) An ancient people inhabiting the northwest of India, in the vicinity of the modern Delhi. In the Mahabharata they are divided into northern and southern Kurus: the northern occupying one of the four Mahadvipas (principal divisions of the known world), and regarded as a country beyond the most northern range of the Himalayas, often described as a country of everlasting happiness and considered to be the ancient home of the Aryan Race. The southern Kurus were those referred to in the Bhagavad-Gita reigning at Hastinapura.
In the text (of the Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p.), the reference to the Kurus is applicable to the sons of Dhritarashtra, although the sons of Pandu are equally 'Kurus.' And so Arjuna is referred to as 'the best of the Kurus,' for he was a descendant of Kuru by the fifteenth remove. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 4)
TG Kusa (Sk.). A sacred grass used by the ascetics of India, called the grass of lucky augury. It is very occult.
WG Kusa, the poa cynosuroides, a grass with long stalks and numerous pointed leaves, considered sacred and used in certain religious ceremonies. It is said to have strong magnetic properties.
GH Kusa The sacred grass (Poa cynosuroides), used in India at certain religious ceremonies. H. P. Blavatsky remarks that it has certain occult properties. (Theosophical Glossary, H. P. Blavatsky, p. ) (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 46)
TG Kusadwipa (Sk.). One of the seven islands named Saptadwipa in the Puranas. (See Secret Doctrine II., p. 404, Note.)
SD INDEX Kusa Dvipa (Skt) II 404 &n. See also Dvipas
globe of planetary chain II 320-1
king of, & seven sons II 369n
TG Kusala (Sk.). Merit, one of the two chief constituents of Karma.
TG Kusinara (Sk.). The city near which Buddha died. It is near Delhi, though some Orientalists would locate it in Assam.
WG Kusinagara, the scene of Buddha's nirvana, said to be some one hundred miles north by north-east of Benares.
GH Kusumakara The season of Spring. (Compound kusuma, flower, blossom; akara, making a quantity of. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 76)
WG Kutastha, in philosophy, whatever is immovable, unchangeable, perpetually and universally the same; the indestructible spirit. (kuta, the summit; stha, standing: standing on the peak.)
GH Kutastha A philosophical term meaning 'holding the highest position,' hence the primordial divinity. As a noun it is often used as a synonym for Isvara, the Divine-Spiritual Monad. Kutastha is often used derivatively for Akasa (q.v.) and for Mulaprakriti. (Compound kuta, the highest, the summit; stha, standing. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 108)
WG Kuthumi, a pupil of Panshyinji and teacher of the Sama Veda.
TG Kuvera (Sk.). God of the Hades, and of wealth like Pluto. The king of the evil demons in the Hindu Pantheon.
SD INDEX Kuvera (Skt), guards the North I 128
MO Kvasir [[Norse]] (kvah-seer) A hostage given to the Aesir by the Varier, and whose blood is epic poetry
TG Kwan-shai-yin (Chin.). The male logos of the Northern Buddhists and those of China; the "manifested god".
WGa Kwan-Shai-Yin, the manifested spiritual side of nature in Northern and Chinese Buddhism. The Male Logos.
IN Kwan-Shi-Yin (Chin) Male aspect of divine wisdom, the first manifested Logos or the seventh (highest) universal principle.
SD INDEX Kwan-shai-yin [Kuan-shih-yin] (Chin) I 71. See also Kwan-yin
Avalokitesvara or, androgynous I 72 &n, 471
Dalai Lama incarnation of I 471
described I 72 &n, 470-3
"first to appear . . . last to come" I 470
Kwan-yin called the triple of I 136
Logos or Verbum I 431n
male aspect of divine wisdom I 473
phallicism &, (McClatchey) I 471
Primordial Logos, Brahma or I 452
will appear as Maitreya Buddha I 470
The Pledge of Kwan-Yin
"Never will I seek nor receive private, individual salvation; never will I enter into final peace alone; but forever, and everywhere, will I live and strive for the redemption of every creature throughout the world."
TG Kwan-yin (Chin.). The female logos, the "Mother of Mercy".
WGa Kwan-Yin, the permanent, hidden side of the manifested Universe. The female Logos. (Chinese).
IN Kwan-Yin (Chin) Buddhist "goddess of compassion," female aspect of Kwan-Shi-Yin.
SD INDEX Kwan-yin [Kuan-yin] (Chin) divine voice
Chitti or, explained I 288n
female Avalokitesvara I 72
female Padmapani II 179
Hindu Vach similar to I 136n, 137, 431n
informing spirit of water I 471
mother, wife, daughter of Logos I 136
patron deity of Tibet I 72
various equivalents of I 137, 473
TG Kwan-yin-tien (Chin.). The heaven where Kwan-yin and the other logoi dwell.
IN Kwan-Yin-Tien (Chin) "Melodious heaven of sound," abode of Kwan-Yin.
SD INDEX Kwan-yin-Tien [Kuan-yin-T'ien] (Chin) abode of Kwan-yin I 136, 137
FY Kwer Shans, Chinese for third principle; the astral body.
SD INDEX Kwoh-P'oh or Kuo P'o, comments on monsters II 54n
SD INDEX Kyriel of Gods II 22
SD INDEX Kyrillitza (Russian alphabet) "R" of, is the Latin "P" II 547n