Uo - Uz


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List of Title Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)

WG Upachaya, accumulation, aggregation.

TG Upadana (Sk.). Material Cause; as flax is the cause of linen.

SD INDEX Upadana (Skt), material cause I 55, 370n


TG Upadana Karanam (Sk.). The material cause of an effect.

FY Upadana Karnam, the material cause of an effect.

TG Upadhi (Sk.). Basis; the vehicle, carrier or bearer of something less material than itself: as the human body is the upadhi of its spirit, ether the upadhi of light, etc., etc.: a mould; a defining or limiting substance.

KT Upadhi (Sans.) Basis of something, substructure; as in Occultism -- substance is the upadhi of Spirit.

VS Upadhi (I 40) of the Flame [[p. 19]] The basis (upadhi) of the ever unreachable "FLAME," so long as the ascetic is still in this life.

FY Upadhis, bases.

WG Upadhi, foundation, basis.

OG Upadhi -- (Sanskrit) A word which is used in various senses in Indian philosophy, the vocable itself meaning "limitation" or "a peculiarity" and hence "a disguise"; and from this last meaning arises the expression "vehicle," which it often bears in modern theosophical philosophy. The gist of the word signifies "that which stands forth following a model or pattern," as a canvas, so to say, upon which the light from a projecting lantern plays. An upadhi therefore, mystically speaking, is like a play of shadow and form, when compared with the ultimate reality, which is the cause of this play of shadow and form. Man may be considered as a being composed of three (or even four) essential upadhis or bases.

SKv Upadhi 'An appearance, a disguise'; derived from the verb-root dha plus the prepositional prefix upa, meaning in combination 'to put on.' In Hindu philosophy an Upadhi is a 'vehicle' or 'base,' that which is the mere appearance of some unseen Reality or consciousness center.

IN Upadhi (Skt) "Vehicle" or body on any plane.

SP Upadhi -- a vehicle or body [See sarira].

sthulopadhi -- the gross body
karanopadhi -- the causal body
suksmopadhi -- the subtle body

SD INDEX Upadhi(s) (Skt) base, vehicle

akasa, of divine thought I 326, 515n
atma may work in each I 158
basic human mold I 282
can be separated by adepts I 158
conductor of nervous ether I 538n
consciousness must have I 15 &n
cosmic ideation focused in I 329n, 330
devas have affinity w human II 90
first, of solar system I 289
four, three, of Brahmans II 592-3n
globes, principles & I 153-4
hydrogen, of air & water II 105
inorganic, of mineral atom II 255
manas the, of buddhi I 101
man related to plane of his II 157
matter, of universal mind I 280
mind needs an II 670
mulaprakriti the, of all phenomena I 35
one absolute II 34
seven rays, of ether I 515n
six sephiroth as I 375
three fires & II 247
three periodical I 181
of Universal Soul I 101



WG Upadrashta, the absolute consciousness within us.

TG Upadvipas (Sk.). The root (underlying) of islands; dry land.

SD INDEX Upadvipa(s) (Skt) dry lands in general II 404n

VS Upadya (III 1) [p. 45] Upadya is a spiritual preceptor, a Guru. The Northern Buddhists choose these generally among the "Narjol," saintly men, learned in gotrabhu-gnyana and gnyana-dassana-suddhi teachers of the Secret Wisdom.

WG Upamana, comparison, analogy; in Nyaya philosophy, the third of the four means of correct knowledge.

FY Upamiti, analogy.

FY Upanayana, investure with the Brahmanical thread.

WG Upanayana, the ceremony of investiture with the sacred thread of the two higher Hindu castes; initiation. (Literally, "leading to [a teacher.]")


Invocation -- Katherine Tingley

Oh my Divinity! Thou dost blend with the earth and fashion for thyself Temples of mighty power.

Oh my Divinity! Thou livest in the heart-life of all things and dost radiate a Golden Light that shineth forever and doth illumine even the darkest corners of the earth.

Oh my Divinity! Blend thou with me that from the corruptible I may become Incorruptible; that from imperfection I may become Perfection; that from darkness I may go forth in Light.


TG Upanishad (Sk.). Translated as "esoteric doctrine", or interpretation of the Vedas by the Vedanta methods. The third division of the Vedas appended to the Brahmanas and regarded as a portion of Sruti or "revealed" word. They are, however, as records, far older than the Brahmanas -- with the exception of the two, still extant, attached to the Rig-Veda of the Aitareyins. The term Upanishad is explained by the Hindu pundits as "that which destroys ignorance, and thus produces liberation" of the spirit, through the knowledge of the supreme though hidden truth; the same, therefore, as that which was hinted at by Jesus, when he is made to say, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John viii. 32). It is from these treatises of the Upanishads -- themselves the echo of the primeval Wisdom-Religion -- that the Vedanta system of philosophy has been developed. (See "Vedanta".) Yet old as the Upanishads may be, the Orientalists will not assign to the oldest of them more than an antiquity of 600 years B.C. The accepted number of these treatises is 150, though now no more than about twenty are left unadulterated. They treat of very abstruse, metaphysical questions, such as the origin of the Universe; the nature and the essence of the Unmanifested Deity and the manifested gods: the connection, primal and ultimate, of spirit and matter; the universality of mind and the nature of the human Soul and Ego. The Upanishads must be far more ancient than the days of Buddhism, as they show no preference for, nor do they uphold, the superiority of the Brahmans as a caste. On the contrary, it is the (now) second caste, the Kshatriya, or warrior class, who are exalted in the oldest of them. As stated by Professor Cowell in Elphinstone's History of India -- "they breathe a freedom of spirit unknown to any earlier work except the Rig-Veda." The great teachers of the higher knowledge and Brahmans are continually represented as going to Kshatriya Kings to become their pupils." The "Kshatriya Kings" were in the olden times, like the King-Hierophants of Egypt, the receptacles of the highest divine knowledge and wisdom, the Elect and the incarnations of the primordial divine Instructors -- the Dhyani Buddhas or Kumaras. There was a time, aeons before the Brahmans became a caste, or even the Upanishads were written, when there was on earth but one "lip", one religion and one science, namely, the speech of the gods, the Wisdom-Religion and Truth. This was before the fair fields of the latter, overrun by nations of many languages, became overgrown with the weeds of intentional deception, and national creeds invented by ambition, cruelty and selfishness, broke the one sacred Truth into thousands of fragments.

KT Upanishad (Sans.) Lit., "Esoteric Doctrine." The third Division of the Vedas, and classed with revelations (Sruti or "revealed word"). Some 150 of the Upanishads still remain extant, though no more than about twenty can be fully relied upon as free from falsification. These are all earlier than the sixth century B.C. Like the Kabala, which interprets the esoteric sense of the Bible, so the Upanishads explain the mystic sense of the Vedas. Professor Cowell has two statements regarding the Upanishads as interesting as they are correct. Thus he says: (1) These works have "one remarkable peculiarity, the total absence of any Brahmanical exclusiveness in their doctrine. . . . They breathe an entirely different spirit, a freedom of thought unknown in any earlier work except the Rig Veda hymns themselves; and (2) the great teachers of the higher knowledge (Gupta Vidya), and Brahmans, are continually represented as going to Kshatriya Kings to become their pupils" (chelas). This shows conclusively that (a) the Upanishads were written before the enforcement of caste and Brahmanical power, and are thus only second in antiquity to the Vedas; and (b) that the occult sciences or the "higher knowledge," as Cowell puts it, is far older than the Brahmans in India, or even of them as a caste. The Upanishads are, however, far later than Gupta Vidya, or the "Secret Science" which is as old as human philosophical thought itself.

FY Upanishads, Brahmanical Scriptures appended to the Vedas, containing the esoteric doctrine of the Brahmans.

WG Upanishads, ancient Sanskrit mystical writings, by many authors. The actual number of Upanishads is not known. Muller placed them at 149 in 1865; Weber at 235; there are, however, many more. Those translated and edited by Muller are: Chandogya, Talavakara, Aitareya, Kaushitaka, Vajaseneya, Sanhita, Katha, Mundaka, Taitiriyaka, Brihadaranyaka, Svetasvatara, Prasna, and Maitreyana-Brahmana. (Literally, "secret knowledge.")

OG Upanishad -- (Sanskrit) A compound, composed of upa "according to," "together with," ni "down," and the verbal root sad, "to sit," which becomes shad by Sanskrit grammar when preceded by the particle ni: the entire compound thus signifying "following upon or according to the teachings which were received when we were sitting down." The figure here is that of pupils sitting in the Oriental style at the feet of the teacher, who taught them the secret wisdom or rahasya, in private and in forms and manners of expression that later were written and promulgated according to those teachings and after that style. The Upanishads are examples of literary works in which the rahasya -- a Sanskrit word meaning "esoteric doctrine" or "mystery" -- is imbodied. The Upanishads belong to the Vedic cycle and are regarded by orthodox Brahmans as a portion of the sruti or "revelation." It was from these wonderful quasi-esoteric and very mystical works that was later developed the highly philosophical and profound system called the Vedanta. The Upanishads are usually reckoned today as one hundred and fifty in number, though probably only a score are now complete without evident marks of literary change or adulteration in the way of excision or interpolation. The topics treated of in the Upanishads are highly transcendental, recondite, and abstruse, and in order properly to understand the Upanishadic teaching one should have constantly in mind the master-keys that theosophy puts into the hand of the student. The origin of the universe, the nature of the divinities, the relations between soul and ego, the connections of spiritual and material beings, the liberation of the evolving entity from the chains of maya, and kosmological questions, are all dealt with, mostly in a succinct and cryptic form. The Upanishads, finally, may be called the exoteric theosophical works of Hindustan, but contain a vast amount of genuine esoteric information.

IN Upanishad (Skt) Esoteric doctrine; philosophical texts belonging to the Vedic cycle.

SP Upanisad [upanishad] -- a philosophical text belonging to the fourth layer of the Veda.

SD INDEX Upanishads (Skt)

's original one of oldest I 94n
based on Secret Doctrine I 47
correlation of senses & elements I 534-6
described I 269-72
esoteric glossaries of Vedas I 270; II 484
explain the noumenon I 522
full of secret wisdom II 590
Gautama popularized I 271
once three times size of Vedas I 271
over 150 of, known I 270
pantheists echo the I 7
passed into Gnostic literature II 566
seven senses in I 268n
show scientific knowledge I 522, 534
treatise on serpents in II 26n
Vach & I 138


TG Upanita (Sk.). One who is invested with the Brahmanical thread, Lit., "brought to a spiritual teacher or Guru".

FY Upanita, one who is invested with the Brahmanical thread; (lit. "brought to a spiritual teacher").

TG Uparati (Sk.). Absence of outgoing desires; a Yoga state.

FY Uparati, absence of out-going desires.

WG Uparati, ceasing, stopping; the renunciation of all formal religion -- the third qualification of a disciple.

TG Upasaka (Sk.). Male chelas or rather devotees. Those who without entering the priesthood vow to preserve the principal commandments.

SKs Upasaka, Upasika An Upasaka is a disciple or chela, a devoted servant and follower of the Higher Laws of Life, or of a spiritual teacher. Upasika is the feminine form of Upasaka. Upasaka is derived from the verb-root as -- to sit, and upa -- near; hence implying 'to serve,' 'to honor.' In Buddhism an Upasaka is a lay-disciple, or one who follows the Pancha Sila or 'Five Precepts.'

SP Upasaka -- a Buddhist layman; upasika a Buddhist laywoman.

WG Upasama, cessation, stopping; quiet; tranquillity; patience.

WG Upasana, devotion, adoration; religious meditation. (Literally, "sitting by the side of [Isvara.]")

FY The Laws of Upasanas, chapter in the Book iv. of Kui-te on the rules for aspirants for chelaship.

TG Upasika (Sk.). Female chelas or devotees.

TG Upasruti (Sk.). According to Orientalists a "supernatural voice which is heard at night revealing the secrets of the future". According to the explanation of Occultism, the voice of any person at a distance -- generally one versed in the mysteries of esoteric teachings or an adept -- endowed with the gift of projecting both his voice and astral image to any person whatsoever, regardless of distance. The upasruti may "reveal the secrets of the future", or may only inform the person it addresses of some prosaic fact of the present; yet it will still be an upasruti -- the "double" or the echo of the voice of a living man or woman.

SD INDEX Upas Tree of Superstition II 797

WG Upaya, that by which one reaches an aim, expedient, means.

TG Upeksha (Sk.). Lit., Renunciation. In Yoga a state of absolute indifference attained by self-control, the complete mastery over one's mental and physical feelings and sensations.

SD INDEX Upheaval(s). See also Submersions

of Alps II 751n, 778, 787n
of Americas II 407
of Andes II 745
caused by inverted poles II 360
depend upon moon & planets II 699

SD INDEX Upsala, Ancient (Sweden), capital of Atlantis (Rudbeck) II 402

SD INDEX Upward cycle. See Arc, Ascending

TG Ur (Chald.). The chief seat of lunar worship; the Babylonian city where the moon was the chief deity, and whence Abram brought the Jewish god, who is so inextricably connected with the moon as a creative and generative deity.

SD INDEX Ur (Mesopotamian city)

Abraham came fr I 376; II 139n
Moon-god worshiped at II 139n
teakwood at II 226

TG Uraeus (Gr.). In Egyptian Urhek, a serpent and a sacred symbol. Some see in it a cobra, while others say it is an asp. Cooper explains that "the asp is not a uraeus but a cerastes, or kind of viper, i.e., a two-horned viper. It is the royal serpent, wearing the pschent . . . the naya haje." The uraeus is "round the disk of Horus and forms the ornament of the cap of Osiris, besides overhanging the brows of other divinities" (Bonwick). Occultism explains that the uraeus is the symbol of initiation and also of hidden wisdom, as the serpent always is. The gods were all patrons of the hierophants and their instructors.

SD INDEX Uraeus (Gk) asp or snake symbol

astral body destroyed by I 227
defunct is devoured by I 674n
emblem of cosmic fire I 437
manas & atma-buddhi or I 227
serpent, naja, or I 437, 674n

TG Uragas (Sk.). The Nagas (serpents) dwelling in Patala, the nether world or hell, in popular thought; the Adepts, High Priests and Initiates of Central and South America, known to the ancient Aryans; where Arjuna wedded the daughter of the king of the Nagas -- Ulupi. Nagalism or Naga-worship prevails to this day in Cuba and Hayti, and Voodooism, the chief branch of the former, has found its way into New Orleans. In Mexico the chief "sorcerers", the "medicine men", are called Nagals to this day; just as thousands of years ago the Chaldean and Assyrian High Priests were called Nargals, they being chiefs of the Magi (Rab-Mag), the office held at one time by the prophet Daniel. The word Naga, "wise serpent", has become universal, because it is one of the few words that have survived the wreck of the first universal language. In South as well as in Central and North America, the aborigines use the word, from Behring Straits down to Uruguay, where it means a "Chief", a "teacher", and a "serpent". The very word Uraga may have reached India and been adopted through its connection, in prehistoric times, with South America and Uruguay itself, for the name belongs to the American Indian vernacular. The origin of the Uragas, for all that the Orientalists know, may have been in Uruguai, as there are legends about them which locate their ancestors the Nagas in Patala, the antipodes, or America.

WG Uragas, an order of celestial beings, higher elementals, who possess great knowledge. They are usually represented as semi-divine serpents, having human heads of great beauty. (uras, breast; ga, going: going upon the breast.)

GH Uragas A class of semi-divine serpents, usually associated with the Nagas (q.v.) and represented as a serpent with a human face. W. Q. Judge comments "it must refer to the great Masters of Wisdom, who were often called Serpents." (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 80) (Meaning of the word itself: breast-going, i.e., a serpent.)

SD INDEX Ural (mountains & river), Arismaspi inhabited, (Newman) II 416-18

SD INDEX Urania's Key to the Revelations. See Mackey

TG Uranides (Gr.). One of the names of the divine Titans, those who rebelled against Kronos, the prototypes of the Christian "fallen'' angels.

SD INDEX Uranides (Gk) [heaven dwellers], theology reversed role of I 418

SD INDEX Uranographie . . . See Francoeur, L.-B.

SD INDEX Uranographie Chinoise. See Schlegel, G.

SD INDEX Uranos. See Ouranos

SD INDEX Uranus (planet)

ancients knew of I 99 &n
discovered in eighteenth cent I 99n, 103
more dense than Saturn I 593
not one of sacred planets I 575
plane of satellites tilted I 101-2
Ragon on, & Sun I 100n
receives 390 times less light I 575
satellites apparently retrograde I 101, 149-50n, 575

SD INDEX Urd, Fountain of (Norse), waters Yggdrasil II 520

WG Urdhva-loka, the world above, heaven. (urdhva, upper; loka, world.)

SD INDEX Urdhvasrotas (Skt)

divinities created after man I 446 &n
happy celestial beings II 162
prototypes of first race I 456
third, sixth creations I 446, 453, 456


analogous to venoms I 262n
in blood during strangulation I 249n

SD INDEX Uriel (Heb)

denounces fallen angels II 382n
Enoch & I 609; II 483n, 533
mule, bull, & I 127n; II 115n
Ophite bull, ox or I 127n

TG Urim (Heb.). See "Thummim". The "Urim and Thummim" originated in Egypt, and symbolized the Two Truths, the two figures of Ra and Thmei being engraved on the breastplate of the Hierophant and worn by him during the initiation ceremonies. Diodorus adds that this necklace of gold and precious stones was worn by the High Priest when delivering Judgment. Thme (plural Thmin) means "Truth" in Hebrew. "The Septuagint translates thummim, as Truth" (Bonwick). The late Mr. Proctor, the astronomer, shows the Jewish idea "derived directly from the Egyptians". But Philo Judaeus affirms that Urim and Thummim were "the two small images of Revelation and Truth, put between the double folds of the breastplate", and passes over the latter, with its twelve stones typifying the twelve signs of the Zodiac, without explanation.

SD INDEX Urim & Thummim (Heb)

Kab &, or Kabirim (Mackey) II 362n
twelve stones of I 651

SD INDEX Urja (Skt) strength, progeny of II 146n

TG Urlak (Scand.). The same as "Orlog" (q.v.). Fate; an impersonal power bestowing gifts "blindly" on mortals; a kind of Nemesis.

SD INDEX Ursa Major. See also Constellations, Great Bear

Seven Rishis once linked w II 768
Ursa Minor &, two cherubs symb II 361n

SD INDEX Ursa Minor. See also Constellations, Sisumara

four potent stars in tail of II 612n
70,000 years ago pole pointed to II 768
Ursa Major &, two cherubs II 361n

SD INDEX Urschleim (Oken), origin of II 158-60

FY Urvanem, spiritual ego; sixth principle.

TG Urvasi (Sk.). A divine nymph, mentioned in the Rig-Veda, whose beauty set the whole heaven ablaze. Cursed by the gods she descended to earth and settled there. The loves of Pururavas (the Vikrama), and the nymph Urvasi are the subject of Kalidasa's world-famous drama, the Vikramorvasi.

TG Usanas (Sk.). The planet Venus or Sukra; or rather the ruler and governor of that planet.

WG Usanas, the planet Venus.

GH Usanas An ancient sage and prophet-seer, descendant of the Kavyas or Kavyas. (Also the name of the planet Venus and its regent.) (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 76)

SD INDEX Usanas (Skt) Venus

ally of Soma II 498
degraded into an asura II 45
gives laws to Earth II 32
host of planet Venus II 501
Satan, Lucifer of Catholics II 501

SD INDEX Usanas-Sukra (Skt) Venus

associated w Lucifer, Satan II 45n
Earth & II 31-3
War in Heaven story of II 45

SD INDEX Ush [Osch, Asch in tx] (Skt) to burn II 114

TG Ushas (Sk.). The dawn, the daughter of heaven; the same as the Aurora of the Latins and the aos of the Greeks. She is first mentioned in the Vedas, wherein her name is also Ahana and Dyotana (the illuminator), and is a most poetical and fascinating image. She is the ever-faithful friend of men, of rich and poor, though she is believed to prefer the latter. She smiles upon and visits the dwelling of every living mortal. She is the immortal, ever-youthful virgin, the light of the poor, and the destroyer of darkness.

WG Ushmapa, a spirit of an inferior order, a deceased ancestor. (Literally, "feeder on warmth.")

GH Ushmapas A class of semi-divine beings, associated with the Pitris (q.v.). (from ushma, heat, vapor, steam. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 81)

SKf Ushnisha A diadem or crown symbolizing 'the Buddhic or Christos fire,' or the spiritual illumination that surrounds the bead of a spiritually enlightened man or Bodhisattva. Ushnisha is derived from ush -- to be flaming, to be fiery.

FY Ushtanas, vital force; second principle.

SD INDEX Uttama [or Auttami] (Skt) [most excellent], second round manu II 309

GH Uttamaujas A warrior on the side of the Pandavas. (Meaning of the word itself: of excellent valor. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 2)

TG Uttara Mimansa (Sk.). The second of the two Mimansas -- the first being Purva (first) Mimansa, which form respectively the fifth and sixth of the Darshanas or schools of philosophy. The Mimansa are included in the generic name of Vedanta, though it is the Uttara (by Vyasa) which is really the Vedanta.

SD INDEX Uttara-Mimamsa (Skt), & Buddhism I 46-7

PV Uuc-cheknal The god-Seven of Maya mythology, identical with the Seven Ahpu or god-Seven of Quiche myth.

SD INDEX Uxmal (Central American) ruins at, & Palenque II 430

TG Uzza (Heb.). The name of an angel who, together with Azrael, opposed, as the Zohar teaches, the creation of man by the Elohim, for which the latter annihilated both.

SD INDEX Uzza [`Uzza] (Heb) Azael &, twitted God II 491