Ao - Ar



A-Ad | Ae-Aj | Ak-Al | Am-An | Ao-Ar | As | At-Az | B-Bh | Bi-Bq | Br-Bt | Bu-Bz | C-Cg | Ch-Chi | Chj-Chz | Ci-Co | Cp-Cz | D-Dd | De-Dg | Dh-Dm | Dn-Dz | E-El | Em-Ez | F | G-Gl | Gm-Gz | H-Hh | Hi-Hl | Hm-Hz | I-Im | In-Iz | J | K-Kaq | Kar-Kq | Kr-Kz | L-Ln | Lo-Lz | M-Mah | Mai-Man | Mao-Md | Me-Mn | Mo-Mz | N-Nh | Ni-Nz | O-Ol | Om-Oz | P-Paq | Par-Pd | Pe-Pi | Pj-Pq | Pr | Ps-Pz | Q | R-Rh | Ri-Rz | S-Sam | San-Sb | Sc-Sep | Ser-Sj | Sk-So | Sp-St | Su-Sz | T-Td | Te-Th | Ti-Tq | Tr-Tz | U-Un | Uo-Uz | V-Vd | Ve-Vz | W | X | Y-Yl | Ym-Yz | Z | Homepage

List of Title Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)

SD INDEXa aoidon hoide dustenoi logoi II 764 (Gk) "Those miserable stories of the poets." -- Euripides, Hercules Mad 1.1346

TG Aour (Chald.). The synthesis of the two aspects of astro-etheric light; and the od -- the life-giving, and the ob -- the death-giving light.

SD INDEX Aour [Or] (Heb) I 76 &n. See also Aur

WG Ap, water; air; the intermediate region.

WG Apah, (plural of AP), divinities and potencies.

TG Apam Napat (Zend.). A mysterious being, corresponding to the Fohat of the Occultists. It is both a Vedic and an Avestian name. Literally, the name means the "Son of the Waters" (of space, i.e., Ether), for in the Avesta Apam Napat stands between the fire-yazatas and the water-yazatas (See Secret Doctrine, Vol. II., p. 400, note).

WG Apam-napat, Vedic name for Agni, or fire as sprung from water; intelligent force pervading nature, the "light of the Logos," Fohat. (apam, water; napat, offspring.)

SD INDEX Apam-Napat (Skt), Vedic, Avestan name of Fohat & II 400n

TG Apana (Sk.). "Inspirational breath"; a practice in Yoga. Prana and apana are the "expirational" and the "inspirational" breaths. It is called "vital wind" in Anugita.

WG Apana, breathing out, expiration, one of the five vital airs, (opposed to prana); a cultivated physical faculty utilized in certain Hatha Yoga exercises.

SKs Apana, Samana, Vyana, Prana, Udana Each one of the seven principles of man's constitution has its own particular 'vital flow' or 'life-current' which helps to build and sustain it. The full explanations and correspondences of these 'Vital Airs' are kept secret because of the danger of their misuse. The two higher 'Vital Breaths' are not spoken of in most exoteric literature. Hatha-Yoga, one of the lower aspects of Yoga training, treats of ways and means of controlling these different 'breaths'; but without a greater knowledge of the mysteries of our inner nature, practice of this kind is not advisable, and in fact is discouraged.
Apana is that 'vital breath' which casts out of the human system all that is not wanted there, that is, all waste material; a compound of apa -- away, and the verb-root an -- to breathe. Samana is that 'vital breath' which controls digestion and assimilation, and hence is that which carries on the chemical processes in the body; a compound of sam -- together, and an -- to breathe. Vyana is that 'vital breath' which governs the circulations in the body, and hence, is that which separates and disintegrates, and resists the destructive elements that are ever at work, and keeps the body in shape; a compound of vi -- apart, a -- towards, and an -- to breathe. Prana is that 'vital breath' with which we are most familiar, that which controls our breathing, and which enables us to draw in vital essences from without and cast out through the breath certain gases which are destructive to the body; a compound of pra -- forth, and the verb-root an -- to breathe. Udana is that 'vital breath' which directs the vital currents of the body upwards to their sources, to the higher centers of the heart and brain. It therefore controls death; a compound of ud -- up, and an -- to breathe. Because these Pranas are the circulations of vital force in the body corresponding to the Circulations of the Cosmos, they are keys to an understanding of the Pathways of Life and Death.

SD INDEX Apana (Skt) II 566-9

speech, prana & I 94-5


TG Apap (Eg.), in Greek Apophis. The symbolical Serpent of Evil. The Solar Boat and the Sun are the great Slayers of Apap in the Book of the Dead. It is Typhon, who having killed Osiris, incarnates in Apap, seeking to kill Horus. Like Taoer (or Ta-ap-oer) the female aspect of Typhon, Apap is called "the devourer of the Souls", and truly, since Apap symbolizes the animal body, as matter left soulless and to itself. Osiris, being, like all the other Solar gods, a type of the Higher Ego (Christos), Horus (his son) is the lower Manas or the personal Ego. On many a monument one can see Horus, helped by a number of dog-headed gods armed with crosses and spears, killing Apap. Says an Orientalist: "The God Horus standing as conqueror upon the Serpent of Evil, may be considered as the earliest form of our well-known group of St. George (who is Michael) and the Dragon, or holiness trampling down sin." Draconianism did not die with the ancient religions, but has passed bodily into the latest Christian form of the worship.

SD INDEX Apap (Egy). See Apep

TG Aparinamin (Sk.). The Immutable and the Unchangeable, the reverse of Parinamin, that which is subject to modification, differentiation or decay.

SD INDEX Aparinamin (Skt), Purusha-pradhana & I 582

TG Aparoksha (Sk.). Direct perception.

FY Aparoksha, direct perception.

TG Apava (Sk.). Lit. "He who sports in the Water". Another aspect of Narayana or Vishnu and of Brahma combined, for Apava, like the latter, divides himself into two parts, male and female, and creates Vishnu, who creates Viraj, who creates Manu. The name is explained and interpreted in various ways in Brahmanical literature.

TG Apavarga (Sk.). Emancipation from repeated births.

FY Apavarya, emancipation from repeated births.

WG Apavarga, the emancipation of the soul from the misery of repeated re-births; final beatitude. (apa, from, away; varga, purified, exempt.)

SD INDEX Ape(s). See also Anthropoids, Gibbon, Gorilla, Homo primigenius, Missing Link, Root-Race -- Third, Root-Race -- Fourth

anatomy of, & man II 87n, 287, 315n, 665n, 666-8, 677-8, 680-5
ancestry, linguistics against II 662
Atlanto-Lemurian sires of II 201n, 688 &n
begotten by mindless man I 190; II 189, 193, 678, 689
brain of II 661, 682
catarrhine & platyrrhine II 171
chasm betw man & II 189, 665n, 729
degenerated man II 717
descended fr third race man II 185, 262-3
differences among II 287
dog-headed, symbol of sun & moon I 388
egos of, compelled by karma II 262
extinct before seventh race II 263
Haeckelian man fr II 87n, 164-5n, 171
image of third & fourth round man II 728-9
imitate man, not reverse II 676 &n
man &, common ancestor II 185, 189, 258, 287-8, 634, 646, 674, 677-8
man indirect ancestor of II 289, 717
man not descended fr I 186, 190-1; II 87n
in Miocene strata II 690n
Neanderthal much superior to II 729
new forms will develop II 263
no development among II 682n
no missing link betw man & II 190, 720
origin of I 183-5, 190; II 185-90, 193, 201 &n, 261-2, 689
de Quatrefages re II 646 &n, 666-7, 682
sacred in India I 185n, 190
scientists q re II 668-9
semi-astral in beginning II 689
tend toward male forefather II 201n
unnatural crossbreed I 183-5; II 201n, 261-2

SD INDEX Apeiros (Gk) Boundless I 353, 426

SD INDEX Ape-like. See also Chhayas

forms evolved in third round II 186-7, 688n, 729
lunar pitris emanate, forms I 180-1
man, in third round I 188-9; II 57n, 185, 187, 261-2, 730
more, men than men-like apes I 190

SD INDEX Ape-man

Haeckel on II 193n
of third & fourth rounds II 730

SD INDEX Apep,Apap (Egy). See also Apophis

serpent or matter I 674
slain by Aker II 213
slain by Osiris-Horus II 588n


Aristotle omitted, symbol I 615
Monad, Father-Mother-Son or I 614

SD INDEX Apherides [Apharetides] (Gk) family of Aphareus, Castor & Pollux II 122

SD INDEX Aphides (plant lice) II 133

SD INDEX Aphophis. See Apophis

TG Aphorreta (Gr.). Secret instructions upon esoteric subjects given during the Egyptian and Grecian Mysteries.

FY Apporrheta, secret discourses in Egyptian and Grecian mysteries.

SD INDEX Aphorisms of Sandilya I 7 &n

SD INDEX Aphorisms of the Bodhisattvas, absolute knowledge & paranirvana I 48

SD INDEX Aphorisms of Tsong Kha-pa. See Tsong Kha-pa

SD INDEX Aphrodite. See also Lakshmi, Sri, Venus

goddess of generative powers II 461
sprang fr ocean I 380
Venus-, & Argha II 461
Venus-, & Mary I 458n

TG Apis (Eg.), or Hapi-ankh. The "living deceased one" or Osiris incarnate in the sacred white Bull. Apis was the bull-god that, on reaching the age of twenty-eight, the age when Osiris was killed by Typhon -- was put to death with great ceremony. It was not the Bull that was worshipped but the Osiridian symbol; just as Christians kneel now before the Lamb, the symbol of Jesus Christ, in their churches.

SD INDEX Apis (Egy) I 135, 657; II 418n

SD INDEX Apis pacis (Lat), bull deity of Hermoutis I 657

SD INDEX Apocal. Comm. See Cornelius a Lapide

SD INDEX Apocalypse. See Revelation; also Kenealy, Book of God

SD INDEX Apocatastasis (Gk) recurrences I 409, 650

TG Apocrypha (Gr.). Very erroneously explained and adopted as doubtful, or spurious. The word means simply secret, esoteric, hidden.

SD INDEX Apocrypha (l, on)

Book of Enoch
declared II 454, 529, 531
Book of Jude rejected as II 531
Chaldean scriptures (Renan) II 456
various, listed (de Rougemont) II 454

SD INDEX Apogee, of Moon I 666

SD INDEX Apollo (Gk) II 769-72

Aesculapius I 353; II 106
Agni, Michael, Mikael & II 381-5
Arimaspi destroyed by II 769n
Athene &, as birds II 771
bisexual I 72n, 396
born fr Leda's egg I 366; II 122
closed up man's skin II 134, 177
Diana &, Moon & Sun II 771 &n
divine king of early nations II 774
emotional, pomp-loving god II 383n
father of Phoebe & Hilaeira II 122
father, son, husband I 396
god of hidden things (Ragon) II 796
god of oracular wisdom II 106
god of seers, punishes desecration II 770
Helios as II 44, 106, 383
heptachord (lyre) of I 167, 396
Hyperborean II 7, 11, 769-71
-Karneios, Sun-born II 44 &n
Karttikeya, Indra, Michael & II 382-3
patron of number seven II 602, 772n
-Python II 208, 379, 771n
resurrected every 19 years II 770
sends astral double of Aeneas II 771
skeleton of giant killed by II 278
southern II 769
Sun or II 7, 44, 106, 211, 381, 771-2n
swan associated w I 358
torch of, aspect of Archeus I 338n
various names for I 353; II 379, 770

SD INDEX Apollodorus, Bibliotheca

Berosus on monsters II 53
Deucalion, Pyrrha escape Deluge II 270
Dioscuri (Castor & Pollux) II 122
Hephaestus, Prometheus II 519
legend of golden apples II 770n
sons & daughters of Niobe II 771

TG Apollo Belvidere. Of all the ancient statues of Apollo, the son of Jupiter and Latona, called Phoebes, Helios, the radiant and the Sun, the best and most perfect is the one known by this name, which is in the Belvidere gallery of the Vatican at Rome. It is called the Pythian Apollo, as the god is represented in the moment of his victory over the serpent Python. The statue was found in the ruins of Antium, in 1503.

KT Apollo Belvidere. Of all the ancient statues of Apollo, the son of Jupiter and Latona, called Phoebus, Helios, the radiant, and the Sun -- the best and most perfect is the one of this name, which is in the Belvidere Gallery in the Vatican, at Rome. It is called the Pythian Apollo, as the god is represented in the moment of his victory over the serpent Python. The statue was found in the ruins of Antium in 1503.

SD INDEX Apollonius Rhodius II 362

----- [Argonautica], on rocking stones II 342 &n

TG Apollonius of Tyana (Gr.). A wonderful philosopher born in Cappadocia about the beginning of the first century; an ardent Pythagorean, who studied the Phoenician sciences under Euthydemus; and Pythagorean philosophy and other studies under Euxenus of Heraclea. According to the tenets of this school he remained a vegetarian the whole of his long life, fed only on fruit and herbs, drank no wine, wore vestments made only of plant-fibres, walked barefooted, and let his hair grow to its full length, as all the Initiates before and after him. He was initiated by the priests of the temple of AEsculapius (Asclepios) at AEgea, and learnt many of the "miracles" for healing the sick wrought by the god of medicine. Having prepared himself for a higher initiation by a silence of five years, and by travel, visiting Antioch, Ephesus, Pamphylia and other parts, he journeyed via Babylon to India, all his intimate disciples having abandoned him, as they feared to go to the "land of enchantments". A casual disciple, Damis, however, whom he met on his way, accompanied him in his travels. At Babylon he was initiated by the Chaldees and Magi, according to Damis, whose narrative was copied by one named Philostratus a hundred years later. After his return from India, he showed himself a true Initiate, in that the pestilences and earthquakes, deaths of kings and other events, which he prophesied duly happened. At Lesbos, the priests of Orpheus, being jealous of him, refused to initiate him into their peculiar mysteries, though they did so several years later. He preached to the people of Athens and other cities the purest and noblest ethics, and the phenomena he produced were as wonderful as they were numerous and well attested. "How is it", enquires Justin Martyr in dismay -- "how is it that the talismans (telesmata) of Apollonius have power, for they prevent, as we see, the fury of the waves and the violence of the winds, and the attacks of the wild beasts; and whilst our Lord's miracles are preserved by tradition alone, those of Apollonius are most numerous and actually manifested in present facts?" . . (Quaest, XXIV.). But an answer is easily found to this in the fact that after crossing the Hindu Kush, Apollonius had been directed by a king to the abode of the Sages, whose abode it may be to this day, by whom he was taught unsurpassed knowledge. His dialogues with the Corinthian Menippus indeed give us the esoteric catechism and disclose (when understood) many an important mystery of nature. Apollonius was the friend, correspondent and guest of kings and queens, and no marvellous or "magic" powers are better attested than his. At the end of his long and wonderful life he opened an esoteric school at Ephesus, and died aged almost one hundred years.

KT Apollonius of Tyana. A wonderful philosopher born in Cappadocia about the beginning of the first century; an ardent Pythagorean, who studied the Phoenician sciences under Euthydemus, and Pythagorean philosophy and other subjects under Euxenus of Heraclea. According to the tenets of the Pythagorean school he remained a vegetarian the whole of his long life, ate only fruit and herbs, drank no wine, wore vestments made only of plant fibres, walked barefooted and let his hair grow to the full length, as all the Initiates have done before and after him. He was initiated by the priests of the temple of AEsculapius (Asclepios) at AEgae, and learnt many of the "miracles" for healing the sick wrought by the God of medicine. Having prepared himself for a higher initiation by a silence of five years, and by travel -- visiting Antioch, Ephesus, and Pamphylia and other parts -- he repaired via Babylon to India, alone, all his disciples having abandoned him as they feared to go to the "land of enchantments." A casual disciple, Damis, whom he met on his way, accompanied him, however, on his travels. At Babylon he got initiated by the Chaldees and Magi, according to Damis, whose narrative was copied by one named Philostratus one hundred years later. After his return from India, he showed himself a true Initiate in that the pestilence, earthquakes, deaths of kings and other events, which he prophesied, duly happened.
At Lesbos, the priests of Orpheus got jealous of him, and refused to initiate him into their peculiar mysteries, though they did so several years later. He preached to the people of Athens and other States the purest and noblest ethics, and the phenomena he produced were as wonderful as they were numerous, and well authenticated. "How is it," inquires Justin Martyr, in dismay, "how is it that the talismans (telesmata) of Apollonius have power, for they prevent, as we see, the fury of the waves, and the violence of the winds, and the attacks of wild beasts; and whilst our Lord's miracles are preserved by tradition alone, those of Apollonius are most numerous, and actually manifested in present facts?" (Quaest. XXIV.) But an answer is easily found to this, in the fact that, after crossing the Hindu Koosh, Apollonius had been directed by a king to the abode of the Sages, whose abode it may be to this day, and who taught him their unsurpassed knowledge. His dialogues, with the Corinthian Menippus, give to us truly the esoteric catechism, and disclose (when understood) many an important mystery of nature. Apollonius was the friend, correspondent, and guest of kings and queens, and no wonderful or "magic" powers are better attested than his. Towards the close of his long and wonderful life he opened an esoteric school at Ephesus, and died at the ripe old age of one hundred years.

SD INDEX Apollonius of Tyana

had key to characters at Gadir II 345n
met Buddhist nagas in Kashmir II 211
Nuctameron of I 450


SD INDEX Apollyon (Gk) II 229n

SD INDEX Apophis (Egy). See also Apep

Michael slays I 459
slain by Horus II 380, 385, 588n
symbol of human passions II 588n
Typhon or II 380, 385

SD INDEX Apostle(s) I 87, 400, 649; II 115n

SD INDEX Append[ix] de Cabiris. See Cumberland, Bishop

SD INDEX Apperception

of atman by buddhi I 177
Leibniz & I 179, 627, 629-31
in plants & minerals I 454-5
in third order of elementals I 454
fr, to perception I 175, 179

SD INDEX Apple(s)

Apollodorus on golden II 770n
trees I 129n; II 97
tree, serpent & I 129n; II 354-5

SD INDEX Approaching End of the Age. See Guinness, H.

WG Aprithaksiddha, inseparable and eternal union, such as that existing between Chit, Achit and Isvara.

SD INDEXa aprepes an eie theoi II 159 (Gk) "Still less becoming for a god." -- Aristotle, De Mundo (On the Cosmos) 6.398b.7

TG Apsaras (Sk.). An Undine or Water-Nymph, from the Paradise or Heaven of Indra. The Apsarases are in popular belief the "wives of the gods" and called Suranganas, and by a less honourable term, Sumad-atmajas or the "daughters of pleasure", for it is fabled of them that when they appeared at the churning of the Ocean neither Gods (Suras) nor Demons (Asuras) would take them for legitimate wives. Urvasi and several others of them are mentioned in the Vedas. In Occultism they are certain "sleep-producing" aquatic plants, and inferior forces of nature.

SD INDEX Apsarasas(es) (Skt). See also Nymph

gods & men II 211
Pramlocha & II 174-6
qualities & quantities II 585

SD INDEX Apsis(ides), precession of equinoxes & II 330 &n

SD INDEX Apteryx, rudimentary wing of II 681

SD INDEX Apuleius, Latin text of Pymander II 491n

SD INDEX Aqua, Hydrargyrum, Natura & II 113

SD INDEX Aquarius

on Assyrian tablet II 353
Ganymedes is II 785
Hindu zodiac &, [Libra in tx, see Bailly] I 661, 663
man or, & Reuben I 651

SD INDEX Aqueducts, cement of ancient II 430

SD INDEX Aquinas, Thomas. See Thomas Aquinas

SD INDEX Aquitaine, bone caves of II 744

SD INDEX A.R. See Asiatic Researches

SD INDEX Arab(s) II 366

figures borrowed fr Hindus I 361
four-letter God of II 602
later Aryans II 200
Puranas speak of wars w II 406
revived astronomy in ninth cent I 658-9
twelve tribes of, & twelve signs II 200n
year had six seasons II 621
zodiac known among I 648

SD INDEX Arabia(ns)

Ak-ad or "Son of Ad" in II 42 &n
ancient wars in II 406
Aryans reach Egypt thru II 746
ate serpent heart & liver I 404
Mt. Sinai in II 76
seven holy fanes of II 603
winged serpents of I 362


ancient records in II 431
Chaldean works transl into I 288
cifron or cipher in I 360-1
figures not oldest II 554
Nabathean Agriculture & II 452-3

TG Ar-Abu Nasr-al-Farabi, called in Latin Alpharabius, a Persian, and the greatest Aristotelian philosopher of the age. He was born in 950 A.D., and is reported to have been murdered in 1047. He was an Hermetic philosopher and possessed the power of hypnotizing through music, making those who heard him play the lute laugh, weep, dance and do what he liked. Some of his works on Hermetic philosophy may be found in the Library of Leyden.

SD INDEX Arachnida, scorpions highest group of II 257

SD INDEX Araea. See Aarea

SD INDEX Arago, D. Franccois J.

named Sun's photosphere I 530
proved aerolites exist II 784n

TG Arahat (Sk.). Also pronounced and written Arhat, Arhan, Rahat, &c., "the worthy one", lit., "deserving divine honours". This was the name first given to the Jain and subsequently to the Buddhist holy men initiated into the esoteric mysteries. The Arhat is one who has entered the best and highest path, and is thus emancipated from re-birth.

FY Arahats (Lit. "the worthy ones"), the initiated holy men of the Buddhist and Jain faiths.

SP Arhat -- literally "worthy one," Buddhist term for one who has reached personal enlightenment.

SD INDEX Aral, Lake, Sea of II 204, 416n

SD INDEX Aramaean, "the only one" II 42 &n, 43

TG Arani (Sk.). The "female Arani" is a name of the Vedic Aditi (esoterically, the womb of the world). Avani is a Swastika, a disc-like wooden vehicle, in which the Brahmins generated fire by friction with pramantha, a stick, the symbol of the male generator. A mystic ceremony with a world of secret meaning in it and very sacred, perverted into phallic significance by the materialism of the age.

WG Aranis, the two pieces of wood used in producing, by attrition, the sacred fire.

SD INDEX Arani (Skt) II 524-8, 524n

Catholic "vase of election" II 528
Devaki or, engenders fire II 527
gradual desecration of II 526-7
swastika & II 101 &n

TG Aranyaka (Sk.). Holy hermits, sages who dwelt in ancient India in forests. Also a portion of the Vedas containing Upanishads, etc.

VS Aranyaka (II 14) [[p. 30]] A hermit who retires to the jungles and lives in a forest, when becoming a Yogi.

FY Aranyakas, holy sages dwelling in forests.

SKv Aranyaka, Aranyaka, Aranyaukas Aranyaka is a forest; Aranyaka a holy hermit or sage who dwelt in ancient India in forests. Aran-yaukas is also a forest-dweller or 'one who makes the aranya or forest his okas or dwelling.'


biblical mountain II 145
corresponds to body, Earth II 596-7
Hor-Jared or II 596
meaning of, & Deluge I 444

TG Araritha (Heb.). A very famous seven-lettered Kabbalistic wonder-word; its numeration is 813; its letters are collected by Notaricon from the sentence "one principle of his unity, one beginning of his individuality, his change is unity". [W. W. W].

TG Arasa Maram (Sk.). The Hindu sacred tree of knowledge. In occult philosophy a mystic word.

SD INDEX Arasa-maram, Banyan tree II 215

SD INDEX Arath (Aram), Ararat or II 597

SD INDEX Araucaria (pine genus) II 257

TG Arba-il (Chald.). The Four Great Gods. Arba is Aramaic for four, and il is the same as Al or El. Three male deities, and a female who is virginal yet reproductive, form a very common ideal of Godhead. [W. W. W]

SD INDEX Arba-il [Arba`-el] (Heb) I 337 &n, 447

SD INDEX Arc, Ascending, Descending. See also Round

centripetal & centrifugal forces II 261
compared I 176-7, 232, 268; II 625n
man, fiery lives & I 263n
evolution spiritualizes in I 232; II 250
fifth, sixth races in II 300, 446
after mid-fourth race II 308n
spirit over matter II 110, 180
three heavens are globes on I 250n
we are on I 641
first, second races on II 300
globes, rounds concrete in I 232
involution of spirit in I 416; II 180
some subraces still on II 301
stopped mid-fourth round II 180
three "earths" or globes on I 250n

SD INDEX Arca, Arka II 460. See also Argha, Ark

SD INDEX Arcadians II 352

SD INDEX Arcane, derived fr arca II 463n

SD INDEX Arcanum(a) I 253n; II 282n

magic & II 557
phallicized II 233-4
Sod means II 212 &n

SD INDEX Arch. See Archaeologia

SD INDEX Archaeologia (London)

Bel & dragon II 379
Tooke on Tartars II 343

SD INDEX Archaeological Notes. . . See Rivett-Carnac

SD INDEX Archaeologist(s)

dwarf antiquity I 676
future, & present man II 722-3
misdate North American mounds II 424n

SD INDEX Archaeology. SeeArchaeologia

SD INDEX "Archaeology of the Virgin Mother" I 393.See also Mirville, J. E. Marquis de

SD INDEX Archaeopteryx, betw reptile & bird II 183

TG Archaeus (Gr.). "The Ancient." Used of the oldest manifested deity; a term employed in the Kabalah; "archaic", old, ancient.

SD INDEX Archaeus (Lat), Archaios (Gk)

Anch [Ankh] or, (diag) II 633
attracts, repels other forces I 538
Bourges, Richardson on II 654
Father-Ether or I 51-2
great, or astral light I 253-4n
liquor vitae (Paracelsus) I 532 &n, 538
names of various aspects I 338n
nervous ether (Richardson) I 531-2
self-moving I 670

SD INDEX Archagetos. See Archegetes

SD INDEX Archaic Dictionary. See Cooper, W. R.

SD INDEX Archaic Manuscript I 1-5; II 36-7

SD INDEX Archaic Records

in Chaldean tablets II 3 &n
concerning Atlantis II 425-33
Egyptians preserved I 436
historical proofs of II 354
language of, symbolized I 23
Stanzas & II 1
will be found correct II 423

TG Archangel (Gr.). Highest supreme angel. From the Greek arch, "chief" or "primordial", and angelos, "messenger".

KT Archangel. Highest, supreme angel. From the two Greek words, arch, "first," and angelos, "messenger."

SD INDEX Archangel(s). See also Dhyani-chohans, Michael

abode of, in seven great stars II 455n
among highest deities I 116n
Amshaspends or, (Burnouf) I 437
anthropomorphous II 377
architects I 16 &n
archontes &, (Iamblichus) I 235
Christians call moon I 394
concept of, fr India II 584
conspire against fallen angels II 382n
dhyani(-chohans) II 22, 242
doubles of I 235 &n
elements stand for I 339
first, called Lux (Lucifer) I 70-1
first differentiated egos II 242
Gabriel & lilies, lotus I 379n, 384; II 472
man compared w I 236, 277
Mercury ruled by I 435
Michael highest I 88, 437; II 94n
Milton q I 622
preside over constellations I 638
primordial flame I 88
rebellion of, as Fall II 62-3, 94n, 246
refused to create I 88; II 246
rule second world of Syrians I 435
saptarishis or I 198
Satan the I 414; II 60
seven, or Virtues of God I 438
"Seven Spirits of the Face" II 115n
seven sublime lords I 42
sons of dark wisdom II 248
theological interpretation II 377
various equivalents of I 437
virgin-angels among II 246
wanted man to become a god II 246
work of II 242


SD INDEX Arche (Gk)

Egyptian ansated cross & II 547
female generative power II 460
rasit or II 313, 460

SD INDEX Archebiosis

fifth stage of evolution I 455
Haeckel on II 164n
primeval protoplasm I 542 &n

SD INDEX Archegetes (Gk), Sun-gods called II 463n

SD INDEX Archetypal Man (Proto-logos)

Adam Kadmon I 443
creative origin of all things I 443
totality of prajapatis I 356

TG Archetypal Universe (Kab.). The ideal universe upon which the objective world was built. [W.W.W.]

SD INDEX Archetypal World, Universe I 177

in diagram of planes I 200 &n
svabhavat I 98
three higher globes belong to I 152
upper triad in I 213; II 2n

SD INDEX Archetype(s)

Goethe's II 737
Prometheus the, of humanity II 519
symbols of the world of II 36

SD INDEX Archeus. See Archaeus

SD INDEX Archi-Ahas I 132

SD INDEX Archimedes, Psammites taught heliocentric theory I 117 &n

SD INDEX Archis (Skt), certain pure souls I 132

SD INDEX Archisatrap of Sacred Militia II 479

SD INDEX Archistrategus, Michael as II 498

SD INDEX Architect(s). See also Builders, Deities, Masons

conscious spiritual egos I 632
creator, demiurgos I 279-80, 346, 380 &n
dhyani-chohans as I 16
Dracontia called II 380
fallen angels as II 516
fashioners of worlds II 516
higher dhyani-buddhas I 267
higher than creative deity II 43
Law is the great I 199
Logos I 279, 439-40
Masonic I 613
never touches a stone I 279
of planetary chain I 128
plural in number always I 440
point in circle cause of I 426
priest-, builders & I 209n
rotary motion of spheres & I 442
rounds, globes under I 233
sephiroth I 579n
Uranus & Neptune as I 101-2
Visvakarman II 101n, 269n
Watchers of the Seven Spheres I 53

SD INDEX Architecture(al)

divine rulers cultivated I 208-9n; II 317, 364
ephemeral, of China II 311
esoteric measurements in II 465
Hindu, fr Greece (Fergusson) II 225
Mars lord of, (Skinner) II 392
taught at initiations I 208-9n
taught man by gods II 366
Vitruvius & I 208-9n

TG Archobiosis (Gr.). Primeval beginning of life.

TG Archons (Gr.). In profane and biblical language "rulers" and princes; in Occultism, primordial planetary spirits.

TG Archontes (Gr.). The archangels after becoming Ferouers (q.v.) or their own shadows, having mission on earth; a mystic ubiquity; implying a double life; a kind of hypostatic action, one of purity in a higher region, the other of terrestrial activity exercised on our plane. (See Iamblichus, De Mysterus II., Chap. 3.)

SD INDEX Archons, Archontes (Gnos) I 604

astral light abode of I 196
Iamblichus on I 235

SD INDEX Arctic. See also Hyperborean, Polar Region, Pole

ancients knew the II 357
Circle, lands around II 399n
continents II 11-12, 398-9
Persian legendary land & II 398-9
Pole land of first race II 329
sinking of Lemuria began in II 332
yearly "day" & "night" of II 292

SD INDEX Arcturus, in Job I 647-8

SD INDEX Ardan, Eridanus, & Jordan I 392

TG Ardath (Heb.). This word occurs in the Second Book of Esdras, ix., 26. The name has been given to one of the recent "occult novels" where much interest is excited by the visit of the hero to a field in the Holy Land so named; magical properties are attributed to it. In the Book of Esdras the prophet is sent to this field called Ardath "where no house is builded" and bidden "eat there only the flowers of the field, taste no flesh, drink no wine, and pray unto the highest continually, and then will I come and talk with thee". [W.W.W.]

SKv Ardha-Matra The mystic syllable AUM is said to represent the Kala-hansa or 'Swan of Time.' The A represents the bird's right wing, the U the left wing, and the M its tail. The Ardha-Matra, the 'half-meter' or that shifting tone which is made as one passes in tone from the A to the U, and from the U to the M, corresponds to the bird's head, or the consciousness guiding the pronunciation, hence symbolizing the consciousness guiding the onward progress of the mystic flight of this Bird of Eternity.

TG Ardha-Nari (Sk.). Lit., "half-woman". Siva represented as Androgynous, as half male and half female, a type of male and female energies combined. (See occult diagram in Isis Unveiled, Vol. II.)

SD INDEX Ardhanari (Skt)

hermaphrodite goddess II 31
symbol of third race II 533

TG Ardhanariswara (Sk.). Lit., "the bi-sexual lord". Esoterically, the unpolarized states of cosmic energy symbolised by the Kabalistic Sephira, Adam Kadmon, &c.

FY Ardhanariswara, (Lit. "the bi-sexual Lord"); the unpolarized state of cosmic energy; the bi-sexual Sephira, Adam Kadmon.

SD INDEX Ardhanari-Isvara I 392

SD INDEX Ardis, top of Mt Armon II 376

TG Ares. The Greek name for Mars, god of war; also a term used by Paracelsus, the differentiated Force in Cosmos.

SD INDEX Ares, Areus (Gk), Mars II 392n

SD INDEX Ares of Paracelsus, dividing power I 284

SD INDEX Aretia. See Artes

SD INDEX Aretz [Erets] (Heb), Earth II 143-4n, 467

SD INDEX Arezahi (Pers), globe of Earth chain II 759

SD INDEX Arg, Arca. See also Argha, Ark

female generative power II 416n, 460
Parkhurst on II 313

SD INDEX Argeak, Argen [Argenk], Persian giant II 396, 398

TG Argha (Chald.). The ark, the womb of Nature; the crescent moon, and a life-saving ship; also a cup for offerings, a vessel used for religious ceremonies.

SD INDEX Argha. See also Ark, Holy of Holies

carries seed of life I 360
crescent-shaped Moon II 462
Hindu ark II 461
linga, yoni, JHVH & II 473
linked w Jehovah, Anu II 62
Moon or ark II 142n, 145, 468
navi-form, of Mysteries II 416n, 459
sacrificial chalice II 461
womb of terrestrial nature I 444

WG Arghya, a libation to gods or saints, of rice, flowers, etc., with water, or of water only, in a small boat-shaped vessel.

SD INDEX Arghya (Skt), libation cup II 416n

TG Arghyanath (Sk.). Lit., "lord of libations".

WG Arghyanath, lord of libations, a title of the Maha-Chohan.

SD INDEX Arghyanath (Skt), Maha-chohan II 416n

WG Arghya-varsha, the land of libations; the mystery name of the land whence the Kalki avatar is expected to come.

SD INDEX Arghya-Varsha (Skt)

became Arya-varta (India) II 419
Kalki-avatara expected fr II 416n

SD INDEX Argians (Gk)

Phoroneus father of, (Decharme) II 521
termed Io the Moon II 416n, 463

SD INDEX Argolis (Gk), perpetual flame at II 519

SD INDEX Argonautica. See Apollonius Rhodius

SD INDEX Argonauts (Gk)

Dulaure dates, at 6500 BC I 652
moving stone left by II 345
Samothrace flooded before age of II 4

SD INDEX Argos (Gk). See also Argus

Arghya-Varsha is II 419
Castor demi-hero at II 122n
kingly race in II 416n, 418
three-eyed statue at II 294n

SD INDEX Argua [Argha], or vehicle II 291

SD INDEX Argus, Argos (Gk). See also Argos

Hermes & death of II 367
Mercury as II 28

SD INDEX Argyll, Duke of. See Campbell, G.D.

IN Arhat (Skt) High initiate; in Buddhism, those who have attained nirvana; more generally, an ascetic.

VS A New Arhan (III 36) [[p. 72]] Meaning that a new and additional Saviour of mankind is born, who will lead men to final Nirvana i.e., after the end of the life-cycle.

KT Arhat (Sans.), also pronounced and written Arahat, Arhan, Rahat, etc., "the worthy one"; a perfected Arya, one exempt from reincarnation; "deserving Divine honours." This was the name first given to the Jain, and subsequently to the Buddhist holy men initiated into the esoteric mysteries. The Arhat is one who has entered the last and highest path, and is thus emancipated from rebirth.

WG Arhats, initiated holy men of the Buddhist and Jaina faiths; often used synonymously with Rishi, Mahatma, and Adept. (Literally, "worthy ones.")

SKv Arhan, Aryahata The word Arhan is another form for Arhat. Hence a Buddha is often called an Arhan because of his superior wisdom and perfection. Aryahata is the Path of Arhatship or of that state of spiritual holiness leading to Nirvanic bliss.

SP Arhat -- literally "worthy one," Buddhist term for one who has reached personal enlightenment.

SD INDEX Arhan(s), Arhat(s) (Skt), Arhatship

Buddhist I xx, xxviii; II 339
dhyanis became II 167
discountenance hatha yoga I 95
elements as viewed by I 249
essence of fire, flame & I 6
faces higher initiations I 206
of the Fire Mist I 207
of the four truths I 409
remodeled Bamian statues II 339
sat & asat of II 449
sees & feels third eye II 294
seven planets show themselves to I 100
siddhis of I 97n
Sons of Will & Yoga ancestors of II 173
trans-Himalayan, Esoteric School I 157


SD INDEX Aria (Iran), Jews sought refuge in II 200

SD INDEX Ariadne's Thread

analogy is II 153
anthropologists & II 66-7

TG Arian. A follower of Arius, a presbyter of the Church in Alexandria in the fourth century. One who holds that Christ is a created and human being, inferior to God the Father, though a grand and noble man, a true adept versed in all the divine mysteries.

KT Arians. The followers of Arius, a presbyter of the Church in Alexandria in the fourth century. One who holds that Christ is a created and human being, inferior to God the Father, though a grand and noble man, a true adept, versed in all the divine mysteries.


Libra &, & Greek zodiac II 436n
Mars & II 392 &n
Volney re, & Libra I 658

SD INDEX Arimaspi(an), Arimaspes (Gk)

Apollo destroyed II 769n
Io visits II 416-17
fr last Atlantean subraces II 774
one-eyed Scythian race II 769n, 770

SD INDEX Arion (Gk), symbolized a cycle II 399n

SD INDEX Aristarchus of Samos, taught heliocentrism I 117 &n

TG Aristobulus (Gr.). An Alexandrian writer, and an obscure philosopher. A Jew who tried to prove that Aristotle explained the esoteric thoughts of Moses.

KT Aristobulus. An Alexandrian writer, and an obscure philosopher. A Jew who tried to prove that Aristotle explained the esoteric thoughts of Moses.

SD INDEX Aristobulus, supposed forgery of I 648

SD INDEX Aristophanes (Gk dramatist)

describes Orphic Egg I 359-60
----- [Thesmophoriazusae] (Ar. Theism in tx),
definition of Moira & Fate II 604-5n

SD INDEX Aristophanes (in Plato's Banquet), ovoid, androgynous men II 96, 133-4, 177

SD INDEX Aristophyli [Aristophuloi] (Gk), Ptolemy called Afghans II 200n

SD INDEX Aristotle

chaos is space I 336n
dwarfed Pythagorean geometry I 615
embryology, Weismann & I 223n
Faraday used reflections of I 507
God & direct creation II 159
inductive method of I 153 &n, 481; II 573
Leibniz' atoms & I 631n
never initiated I 493
privation, form, matter of I 59; II 489
science &, against intuition I 279
----- De caelo
denies revolution of earth II 153
stars & planets are living I 493
taught Earth's sphericity I 117n
----- Metaphysica
numbers & ideas in I 361 &n
stoicheia of I 123, 461
water primal substance (Thales) I 345n
----- [De mundo], God & direct creation II 159
----- Physica, mind communicates motion I 595

TG Arithmomancy (Gr.). The science of correspondences between gods, men, and numbers, as taught by Pythagoras. [W.W.W.]

SD INDEX Arithmomancy, Pythagorean study of gods, numbers II 575

TG Arjuna (Sk.). Lit., the "white". The third of the five Brothers Pandu or the reputed Sons of Indra (esoterically the same as Orpheus). A disciple of Krishna, who visited him and married Su-bhadra, his sister, besides many other wives, according to the allegory. During the fratricidal war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, Krishna instructed him in the highest philosophy, while serving as his charioteer. (See Bhagavad Gita.)

WG Arjuna, a personality in the Bhagavat Gita, son and avatar of Indra, allegorically representing man; also spoken of as Nara. (arjuna, silver white; mara, man, the primal man, a hero.)

GH Arjuna The hero of the Bhagavad-Gita depicted as the disciple of Krishna is one of the most interesting and lovable characters in the Mahabharata. He is the third of the Pandava brothers, the son of Indra by Pritha (or Kunti) -- hence referred to throughout the poem as the son of Pritha, or again as the son of Kunti (in Sanskrit Partha and Kaunteya). His individual exploits are related at great length in the epic, each one being of interest. As the warrior-hero par excellence, his achievements are foremost in the martial line; thus Arjuna is represented as the favorite pupil of Drona (q.v.), as being instructed in arms by the gods themselves (from whom he obtained celestial weapons as well as his remarkable bow, Gandiva, q.v.). By means of his prowess in arms he was chosen by Draupadi (q.v.) as husband at her svayamvara ('self-choice'). During a self-imposed exile, Arjuna traveled to Patala (the Antipodes, the name by which America was known in ancient Hindusthan) and there was wooed by the princess Ulupi who wedded him (see Secret Doctrine, II, p. 214).
Arjuna is best known in his relationship with Krishna: the manner in which Krishna became Arjuna's charioteer is related as follows. When it became apparent that a war was to be waged between the Kurus and the Pandavas, both Duryodhana and Arjuna hastened to Krishna in order to obtain his aid. Duryodhana arrived first, but Krishna was in bed asleep: he was still reposing when Arjuna reached the palace, so he stationed himself at the foot of Krishna's bed, so that upon awaking his eyes rested on his brother-in-law (Arjuna was married to Krishna's sister, Subhadra). Immediately each hero implored Krishna to aid his cause: but the latter declared that he would not fight in the coming battle, that he would act solely as an advisor; and as each was entitled to his help, Krishna gave his petitioners the choice of his splendidly equipped army to the one side, and to the other himself as advisor. Duryodhana having arrived first was given first choice, and he chose the army, whereupon Arjuna was overjoyed to accept Krishna as his advisor, and the latter agreed to act as his charioteer in the battle. Because of this Arjuna was victorious.
Of especial interest is the fact that there is a second dialog between Krishna and Arjuna in the Mahabharata, known as the Anu-gita, which is even more philosophical and more occult than the first dialog, but as it is more difficult of comprehension and deals with more abstruse subjects it is not so well known. (See Secret Doctrine, I, pp. 94-6.)
"Arjuna, who was called Nara, was intended to represent the human monad." (Notes on the Bhagavad-Gita, p. 11)
"Krishna is the seventh principle in man, and his gift of his sister in marriage to Arjuna typifies the union between the sixth and the fifth." (Notes on the Bhagavad-Gita, p. 9) (Meaning of the word itself: white, clear; cf. rijra and (The following word is derived from the verbal root:) raj or (The following word is derived from the verbal root:) ranj, to redden, to glow, also illuminate. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 2)

SP Arjuna -- the third of the five sons of Pandu in the Mahabharata, and the hero with whom Krsna converses in the Bhagavad-gita.

SD INDEX Arjuna, married Ulupi & visited Patala (America) II 214 &n, 628


SD INDEX Arjuna Misra

commentary II 567-8, 637-9 &nn
material cause of words I 95
Moon & fire constitute universe II 639n
senses not independent I 96
speech, mind & prajapati I 94-5

SD INDEX Ark II 141-8, 459-63. See also Argha, Noah

Astaroth or Venus shut up in II 145
became phallic II 459, 467, 473, 518
Chaldean II 141, 290
contains germs of all things II 461
Cosmas Indicopleustes on II 399
Deucalion, Pyrrha escape in II 270
divine spirit brooding over chaos II 313
egg does not typify I 360
emblem of Moon II 142n, 145
female Noah one w II 463
female principle or II 715n
Ham stole seven books fr II 612-13
Holy of Holies or II 467-8
man means II 291 &n
Manu & seven rishis saved in II 139, 715n
Mazdean II 290-2
meaning of II 460-3
measurements of I 316; II 465
Moses & Sargon placed in I 319 &n
navis or womb II 139, 461
Noah as Manu, Patriarch II 534, 597
Noah's, & fourth race I 445; II 292, 467-8, 774
of Salvation II 313
sishtas preserved in II 307n
of Vaivasvata Manu II 35, 69n, 290-1, 774
womb of terrestrial nature I 444 &n
Yima's II 610

TG Arka (Sk.). The Sun.

FY Arka, sun.

TG Arkites. The ancient priests who were attached to the Ark, whether of Isis, or the Hindu Argua, and who were seven in number, like the priests of the Egyptian Tat or any other cruciform symbol of the three and the four, the combination of which gives a male-female number. The Argha (or ark) was the four-fold female principle, and the flame burning over it the triple lingham.

SD INDEX Arkite Symbols, ancient, source of Genesis II 143

SD INDEX Arkite Titans

Ham, Shem, Japhet (Faber) II 343n
seven listed by Orpheus II 142n, 143

TG Ark of Isis. At the great Egyptian annual ceremony, which took place in the month of Athyr, the boat of Isis was borne in procession by the priests, and Collyrian cakes or buns, marked with the sign of the cross (Tat), were eaten. This was in commemoration of the weeping of Isis for the loss of Osiris, the Athyr festival being very impressive. "Plato refers to the melodies on the occasion as being very ancient," writes Mr. Bonwick (Eg. Belief and Mod. Thought). "The Miserere in Rome has been said to be similar to its melancholy cadence, and to be derived from it. Weeping, veiled virgins followed the ark. The Nornes, or veiled virgins, wept also for the loss of our Saxon forefathers' god, the ill-fated but good Baldur."

TG Ark of the Covenant. Every ark-shrine, whether with the Egyptians, Hindus, Chaldeans or Mexicans, was a phallic shrine, the symbol of the yoni or womb of nature. The seket of the Egyptians, the ark, or sacred chest, stood on the ara -- its pedestal. The ark of Osiris, with the sacred relics of the god, was "of the same size as the Jewish ark", says S. Sharpe, the Egyptologist, carried by priests with staves passed through its rings in sacred procession, as the ark round which danced David, the King of Israel. Mexican gods also had their arks. Diana, Ceres, and other goddesses as well as gods had theirs. The ark was a boat -- a vehicle in every case. "Thebes had a sacred ark 300 cubits long," and "the word Thebes is said to mean ark in Hebrew," which is but a natural recognition of the place to which the chosen people are indebted for their ark. Moreover, as Bauer writes, "the Cherub was not first used by Moses." The winged Isis was the cherub or Arieh in Egypt, centuries before the arrival there of even Abram or Sarai. "The external likeness of some of the Egyptian arks, surmounted by their two winged human figures, to the ark of the covenant, has often been noticed." (Bible Educator.) And not only the "external" but the internal "likeness" and sameness are now known to all. The arks, whether of the covenant, or of honest, straightforward, Pagan symbolism, had originally and now have one and the same meaning. The chosen people appropriated the idea and forgot to acknowledge its source. It is the same as in the case of the "Urim" and "Thummin" (q.v.). In Egypt, as shown by many Egyptologists, the two objects were the emblems of the Two Truths. "Two figures of Re and Thmei were worn on the breast-plate of the Egyptian High Priest. Thme, plural thmin, meant truth in Hebrew. Wilkinson says the figure of Truth had closed eyes. Rosellini speaks of the Thmei being worn as a necklace. Diodorus gives such a necklace of gold and stones to the High Priest when delivering judgment. The Septuagint translates Thummin as Truth" (Bonwick's Egyp. Belief.)

SD INDEX Ark of the Covenant

David danced before I 335; II 459-61
generative symbol II 460
Holy of Holies II 459-60
Linga & Yoni of, (Jennings) II 473
measurements of II 465
Nave, Yoni, Mary, Eve or II 463
number of II 40

SD INDEX Arm(s), multiple, symbolize subraces II 775-6

SD INDEX Armaita Spenta (Zor), spirit of Earth, materiality II 517

SD INDEX Armenia(ns) II 202

Jews, Parsis &, Caucasian II 471n
square hat of, priests & tau II 557

SD INDEX Armenian Tales, Fortunate Isles in II 398

SD INDEX Armon, Mt. See Mount Armon

SD INDEX "Army of the Voice" I 93-4, 96

SD INDEX Arnaud, on venoms, alkaloids I 262n

SD INDEX Arnobius (the Elder)

----- Adversus gentes
Manes, Mania II 143
Mercury & Sol I 353
talking stones, ophites II 342

SD INDEX [Arnold, Sir Edwin], Light of Asia II 229n

TG Aroueris (Gr.). The god Harsiesi, who was the elder Horus. He had a temple at Ambos. If we bear in mind the definition of the chief Egyptian gods by Plutarch, these myths will become more comprehensible; as he well says: "Osiris represents the beginning and principle; Isis, that which receives; and Horus, the compound of both. Horus engendered between them, is not eternal nor incorruptible, but, being always in generation, he endeavours by vicissitudes of imitations, and by periodical passion (yearly re-awakening to life) to continue always young, as if he should never die." Thus, since Horus is the personified physical world, Aroueris, or the "elder Horus", is the ideal Universe; and this accounts for the saying that "he was begotten by Osiris and Isis when these were still in the bosom of their mother" -- Space. There is indeed, a good deal of mystery about this god, but the meaning of the symbol becomes clear once one has the key to it.

SD INDEX Ar(r)hetos (Gnos) I 446

SD INDEX Arrian, Indica, Alexander, Indus & Nile II 417-18

SD INDEX Arte Chymiae, De. See Bacon, R.

SD INDEX Artemis (Gk)

Diana, Isis, Juno or I 228-9
Diana on Earth, Luna in Heaven I 387
Dictynna, Anaitis or I 395

SD INDEX Artemis-Lochia (Gk), & conception I 395

SD INDEX Artemis-Soteira (Gk) [fem. of Soter, savior], occult potencies of Moon I 396

TG Artephius. -- A great Hermetic philosopher, whose true name was never known and whose works are without dates, though it is known that he wrote his Secret Book in the XIIth century. Legend has it that he was one thousand years old at that time. There is a book on dreams by him in the possession of an Alchemist, now in Bagdad, in which he gives out the secret of seeing the past, the present, and the future, in sleep, and of remembering the things seen. There are but two copies of this manuscript extant. The book on Dreams by the Jew Solomon Almulus, published in Hebrew at Amsterdam in 1642, has a few reminiscences from the former work of Artephius.

TG Artes (Eg.). The Earth; the Egyptian god Mars.

SD INDEX Artes, Egyptian Mars II 143n

SD INDEX Arts (Aretz) II 143-4n

SD INDEX Artha (Skt), comprehension I 48n

SD INDEX Ar. Theism. See Aristophanes

SD INDEX Arth. Index. See Ackerman

SD INDEX Arthur, King. See King Arthur


For a fuller description of this topic by articles, excerpts, and possibly further links; hyperlink to the The Arts section of this site.

SD INDEX Arts, the

Aryan, fr fourth race II 426
Atlantean, scientific I 464
divine kings taught man II 201, 222, 317, 392
initiated inventors of II 529
Kabiri taught man II 364
lost, of ancients II 430-1
magic I 469
Mars lord of, (Skinner) II 392
Prometheus taught man II 413
speech of ancients I 313
taught to infant humanity I 208 &n, 267, 362; II 364, 572
taught to third race II 194

TG Artufas. A generic name in South America and the islands for temples of nagalism or serpent worship.

SD INDEX Artufas [Estufas] (Spanish), Pueblo initiation caves II 181n

TG Arundhati (Sk.). The "Morning Star"; Lucifer-Venus.

TG Arupa (Sk.). "Bodiless", formless, as opposed to rupa, "body", or form.

WG Arupa, formless, colorless. (a, not; rupa, color, form.)

OG Arupa -- (Sanskrit) A compound word meaning "formless," but this word formless is not to be taken so strictly as to mean that there is no form of any kind whatsoever; it merely means that the forms in the spiritual worlds (the arupa-lokas) are of a spiritual type or character, and of course far more ethereal than are the forms of the rupa-lokas.
Thus in the arupa-lokas, or the spiritual worlds or spheres or planes, the vehicle or body of an entity is to be conceived of rather as an enclosing sheath of energic substance. We can conceive of an entity whose form or body is entirely of electrical substance -- as indeed our own bodies are in the last analysis of modern science. But such an entity with an electrical body, although distinctly belonging to the rupa worlds, and to one of the lowest rupa worlds, would merely, by comparison with our own gross physical bodies, seem to us to be bodiless or formless. (See also Rupa, Loka)

SKf Arupa, Rupa Rupa is body or form. Arupa, a compound of a -- not, and rupa -- body, is applied to something without form or body. The three highest of the Lokas and Talas and the five higher Globes of the Planetary Chain are called Arupa, not because they have no material form, but because to our physical senses they would appear as formless. The four lower Lokas and Talas and the seven lower Globes are called Rupa worlds and Globes because their bodies are of a substantial nature more like unto our own.

IN Arupa (Skt) "Formless," unmanifest.

SD INDEX Arupa (Skt) I 53. See also Form, Rupa

cosmic pralaya &, world II 69n
dhyan-chohans both rupa & I 197
dhyani-buddhas fr, world I 571
formless worlds or I 120, 200 &n, 436; II 69n
four classes of, gods II 318n
incorporeal or, men II 194
monad all-potent on, plane II 110
rudras independent of, devas II 585
rupa & I 89, 118, 122, 129, 197
subjective universe I 98
three classes of pitris are I 219n; II 91, 93-5
triad I 214


TG Arvaksrotas (Sk.). The seventh creation, that of man, in the Vishnu Purana.

SD INDEX Arvaksrotas (Skt). See also Tiryaksrotas

crooked digestive canals II 162
man seventh Creation I 446, 456; II 162-3

SD INDEX Arvasthan (Skt), or Arabia II 406

TG Arwaker (Scand.). Lit., "early waker". The horse of the chariot of the Sun driven by the maiden Sol, in the Eddas.

TG Arya (Sk.). Lit., "the holy"; originally the title of Rishis, those who had mastered the "Aryasatyani" (q.v.) and entered the Aryanimarga path to Nirvana or Moksha, the great "four-fold" path. But now the name has become the epithet of a race, and our Orientalists, depriving the Hindu Brahmans of their birth-right, have made Aryans of all Europeans. In esotericism, as the four paths, or stages, can be entered only owing to great spiritual development and "growth in holiness", they are called the "four fruits". The degrees of Arhatship, called respectively Srotapatti, Sakridagamin, Anagamin, and Arhat, or the four classes of Aryas, correspond to these four paths and truths.

WG Arya, a man of the Vedic Indian tribes, an Aryan. (Literally, "one of the faithful.")

GH Arya A respectable, honorable, or faithful man; also an inhabitant of Aryavarta (or India). In later times the word is used as a title for the first three castes of ancient India. (The following word is derived from the verbal root:) ri to rise, to tend upwards. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. iii)

SKo Arya, Aryavarta, Hindu, Hindusthan The word Arya, meaning 'worthy' or 'holy,' was a title given to the wise and spiritual men of old India. Aryavarta, the ancient name of northern and central India, was the avarta or abode of the Aryas. Our word Aryan, now applied to a Race, is derived from Arya. A Hindu is a native Aryan of India. The name Hindu is also applied to one who follows one of India's many popular religions, classified under the name of Hinduism.

The river Sindhu around which the early migrating Aryans settled was called by the Persians Hindhu. In time these Persians called their Aryan brethren Hindus, and they named the country into which they spread Hindusthan -- the sthana or 'abode' of the Hindus.


TG Arya-Bhata (Sk.). The earliest Hindu algebraist and astronomer, with the exception of Asura Maya (q.v.); the author of a work called Arya Siddhanta, a system of Astronomy.

SD INDEX Aryachatta [Aryabhata] (Skt)

taught revolution of Earth I 117
value of & II 499n

TG Arya-Dasa (Sk.). Lit., "Holy Teacher". A great sage and Arhat of the Mahasamghika school.

TG Aryahata (Sk.). The "Path of Arhatship", or of holiness.

VS Aryahata Path [[p. 69]] From the Sanscrit Arhat or Arhan.

SD INDEX A-rya Magazine, Aryan era in II 68n

GH Aryaman The chief of the Pitris (q.v.). Also the name of one of the Adityas (q.v.). (Meaning of the word itself: a bosom friend. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 75)


Aryan (pronunced: ar-yun) in the theosophical sense has nothing at all to do with 'aryan' (pronounced: air-e-an) as popularized during World War II, as evidenced by the descriptions below:

KT Aryan (Sans.) Lit., "the holy"; those who had mastered the Aryasatyani and entered the Aryamarga path to Nirvana or Moksha, the great "fourfold" path. They were originally known as Rishis. But now the name has become the epithet of a race, and our Orientalists, depriving the Hindu Brahmans of their birthright, have made Aryans of all Europeans. Since, in esotericism the four paths or stages can only be entered through great spiritual development and "growth in holiness," they are called the Aryamarga. The degrees of Arhatship, called respectively Srotapatti, Sakridagamin, Anagamin, and Arhat, or the four classes of Aryas, correspond to the four paths and truths.

IN Aryan Race (Skt, fr arya, "noble") Indo-European people who migrated into Northern India, Aryavarta; in theosophy applied to the 5th root-race (present humanity).

SD INDEX Aryan(s) Race. See also Root-Race -- Fifth

adept astronomers of II 699
adepts I vii; II 495
adepts vs Atlantean sorcerers II 384, 495
allegories re II 82, 381, 383, 495, 576
ancestors of Egyptians II 328
Arabs are later II 200
Arabs in Afghanistan II 200 &n
Asiatics saw last of giant Atlanteans II 433
Atlanteans preceded II 144, 352
Atlanteans taught II 426
born in the north II 768
branches of II 106
bull symbolizes II 533
called first speaking race Ad-i II 452
Carlyle q on II 470
cataclysm will destroy II 445
colonies fr Atlantis II 266n
common religion before separation I xxix
cosmogony II 23, 241, 500, 536, 603
decimal system I 360-2
descend fr yellow Adams II 426
dvijas II 469
early, Atlantean II 371 &n, 433n, 743
early history of II 328, 395, 425-9, 609, 743, 768-9
era, figures given II 68n
Europeans & Christians latest I 425
fifth race incorrectly called II 433-4
Fohat key to, religions I 673
height of, after third subrace II 753
Hindu, navigators before Phoen II 406
Hindu, nearly one million years old II 470-1
influence on Babylonian myth II 130
initiated, view of Moon I 396
Kabbala came fr I 376
kali-yuga of I 644-5; II 147n
knew mysteries of sound, color I 534
knew of Earth's rotation II 154-5
languages II 199-200 &nn
magi emigrate to Sagdiani II 356
many colors of II 249-50
migrated to India II 609
mixed w seventh subrace Atlanteans II 743
Mysteries based on number ten II 603
Negroes, Mongols, & II 607n
neo-, of postdiluvian age II 356
Neolithic man &, invasion II 716n, 741
Peris or Izeds were II 394
philosophy older than Egyptian I 387
Rama first divine king of II 495
rel concepts not just physiological II 526
root-race & fifth continent II 8, 10
second subrace of, built menhirs II 750
Semitic &, religion I 115n, 382-3, 444, 655; II 128, 142n, 200 &n
separated two - three million years ago II 425
sevenfold classification w II 34, 142n, 614
spiritual ancestors of II 165-6n, 31
spiritually higher than Greeks II 158
swastica mystical conception of II 99-100
symbols free of impure thought I 382-3
taught emanation, not creation II 54
tribes conquered Egypt II 746
Trojan ancestors were II 101
Veda theogony of II 450
war w Atlanteans II 384, 395, 495, 776
Western, in kali-yuga I 644-5
wisdom II 449-51
woman's status in early I 382
zodiac fr Sons of Yoga II 436n

GH Aryana (see Aryaman)

SD INDEX Aryan Theosophical Society of New York I 630

SD INDEX Aryas (Skt). See also Aryans, Root-Race -- Fifth

forty-nine agnis (fires) of II 85
prophecy re kali-yuga I 377

SD INDEX Arya-Samaj (School) II 68 &n

TG Aryasangha (Sk.). The founder of the first Yogacharya School. This Arhat, a direct disciple of Gautama, the Buddha, is most unaccountably mixed up and confounded with a personage of the same name, who is said to have lived in Ayodhya (Oude) about the fifth or sixth century of our era, and taught Tantrika worship in addition to the Yogacharya system. Those who sought to make it popular, claimed that he was the same Aryasangha, that had been a follower of Sakyamuni, and that he was 1,000 years old. Internal evidence alone is sufficient to show that the works written by him and translated about the year 600 of our era, works full of Tantra worship, ritualism, and tenets followed now considerably by the "red-cap" sects in Sikhim, Bhutan, and Little Tibet, cannot be the same as the lofty system of the early Yogacharya school of pure Buddhism, which is neither northern nor southern, but absolutely esoteric. Though none of the genuine Yogacharya books (the Narjol chodpa) have ever been made public or marketable, yet one finds in the Yogacharya Bhumi Shastra of the pseudo-Aryasangha a great deal from the older system, into the tenets of which he may have been initiated. It is, however, so mixed up with Sivaism and Tantrika magic and superstitions, that the work defeats its own end, notwithstanding its remarkable dialectical subtilty. How unreliable are the conclusions at which our Orientalists arrive, and how contradictory the dates assigned by them, may be seen in the case in hand. While Csoma de Koros (who, by-the-bye, never became acquainted with the Gelukpa (yellow-caps), but got all his information from "red-cap" Lamas of the Borderland), places the pseudo-Aryasangha in the seventh century of our era; Wassiljew, who passed most of his life in China, proves him to have lived much earlier; and Wilson (see Roy. As. Soc., Vol. VI., p. 240), speaking of the period when Aryasangha's works, which are still extant in Sanskrit, were written, believes it now "established, that they have been written at the latest, from a century and a half before, to as much after, the era of Christianity". At all events since it is beyond dispute that the Mahayana religious works were all written far before Aryasangha's time -- whether he lived in the "second century B.C.", or the "seventh A.D." -- and that these contain all and far more of the fundamental tenets of the Yogacharya system, so disfigured by the Ayodhyan imitator -- the inference is that there must exist somewhere a genuine rendering free from popular Sivaism and left-hand magic.

WG Aryasangha, the whole body of the Aryans; name of the founder of the Yogachara (Yogakara) school of Buddhism.

SD INDEX Aryasanga

re Alaya I 48, 49
pre-Christian adept I 49n
rival of Nagarjuna I 49
school of I 69n, 158; II 637
term Adi-budha used by I xix

TG Aryasatyani (Sk.). The four truths or the four dogmas, which are (1) Dukha, or that misery and pain are the unavoidable concomitants of sentient (esoterically, physical) existence; (2) Samudaya, the truism that suffering is intensified by human passions; (3) Nirodha, that the crushing out and extinction of all such feelings are possible for a man "on the path"; (4) Marga, the narrow way, or that path which leads to such a blessed result.

TG Aryavarta (Sk.). The "land of the Aryas", or India. The ancient name for Northern India, where the Brahmanical invaders ("from the Oxus" say the Orientalists) first settled. It is erroneous to give this name to the whole of India, since Manu gives the name of "the land of the Aryas" only to "the tract between the Himalaya and the Vindhya ranges, from the eastern to the western sea".

FY Aryavarta, the ancient name of Northern India where the Brahmanical invaders first settled.

WG Aryavarta, the sacred land of the Aryans; India.

SD INDEX Aryavarta (Skt) ancient India

archangels trace back to II 584
Arghya-Varsha & II 419
Asuramaya astronomer of II 49
primeval occultism of II 565
Prometheus myth fr II 524


SD INDEX Aryo-Atlanteans II 433

SD INDEX Arzahi. See Arezahi