P - Paq


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List of Title Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)

TG P. -- The 16th letter in both the Greek and the English alphabets, and the 17th in the Hebrew, where it is called pe or pay, and is symbolized by the mouth, corresponding also, as in the Greek alphabet, to number 80. The Pythagoreans also made it equivalent to 100, and with a dash -- thus it stood for 400,000. The Kabbalists associated with it the sacred name of Phodeh (Redeemer), though no valid reason is given for it.

SD INDEX P, signifies paternity II 574

TG P and Cross, called generally the Labarum of Constantine. It was, however, one of the oldest emblems in Etruria before the Roman Empire. It was also the sign of Osiris. Both the long Latin and the Greek pectoral crosses are Egyptian, the former being very often seen in the hand of Horus. "The cross and Calvary so common in Europe, occurs on the breasts of mummies" (Bonwick).


SD INDEX Pa, men-serpents of China II 209

SD INDEX Paccham, fifteen solar day cycle II 620

TG Pachacarnac (Peruv.). The name given by the Peruvians to the Creator of the Universe, represented as a host of creators. On his altar only the first-fruits and flowers were laid by the pious.

SD INDEX Pachacamac, Temple of (Peru), cyclopean in style II 317, 337

SD INDEX Pacific Ocean

Atlantis in portions of North & South II 405
evidence of, continent II 788-9
huge Lemurian islands in II 327
Lemuria disappeared beneath II 7
Lemuria extended far into II 324, 333
Wallace on, continent II 789

SD INDEX Pacificus, Blake's term for Pacific Lemuria II 783n

TG Pacis Bull. The divine Bull of Hermonthes, sacred to Amoun-Horus, the Bull Netos of Heliopolis being sacred to Amoun-Ra.

WG Pada, foot; step; pace; stride; footprint; mark; vestige; portion; path.

TG Padarthas (Sk.). Predicates of existing things; so-called in the Vaiseshika or "atomic" system of philosophy founded by Kanada. This school is one of the six Darshanas.

FY Padarthas, predicates of existing things, so called in the "Vaiseshikha," or atomic system of philosophy, founded by Kanad (Sanskrit).

TG Padma, (Sk.). The Lotus; a name of Lakshmi, the Hindu Venus, who is the wife, or the female aspect, of Vishnu.

WG Padma, the lotus -- not the plant itself, but the flower only.

SD INDEX Padma (Skt) lotus. See also Lotus, Matripadma

golden, & wisdom II 578
Lakshmi, Sri or I 380
prakriti &, creations I 427
Primary Creation II 53 &n
symbol of I 57-8


TG Padma Asana (Sk.). A posture prescribed to and practised by some Yogis for developing concentration.

FY Padma sana, a posture practised by some Indian mystics. It consists in sitting with the legs crossed one over the other and the body straight.

TG Padma Kalpa (Sk.). The name of the last Kalpa or the preceding Manvantara, which was a year of Brahma.

SD INDEX Padma Kalpa (Skt) lotus age

Brahma awakes fr I 454, 457
last kalpa was I 368; II 179
Matsya avatara in I 369

SD INDEX Padmapani (Skt). See also Bodhisattva

Avalokitesvara or II 178, 637
fourth race & II 173, 178

SD INDEX Padma Purana

description of White Island II 319
Panchasikha worships Vishnu (Bhagavata Purana in tx) I 236
Pisacha mother of pisachas I 415
770 million descendants of Diti II 571
sons of Marichi II 89
spirit (male) entered prakriti I 451-2n

TG Padma Yoni (Sk.). A title of Brahma (also called Abjayoni), or the "lotus-born".

SD INDEX Padmayoni (Skt) Abjayoni or lotus-born I 372

WG Padmi, the lotus -- the whole plant, padma being the flower only.

TG Paean (Gr.). A hymn of rejoicing and praise in honour of the sun-god Apollo or Helios.

TG Pagan (Lat.). Meaning at first no worse than a dweller in the country or the woods; one far removed from the city-temples, and therefore unacquainted with the state religion and ceremonies. The word "heathen" has a similar significance, meaning one who lives on the heaths and in the country. Now, however, both come to mean idolaters.

WW Paganism A pagan is generally considered today to be a man of loose religious ideas, etc. That is quite a Christian definition; but it is, unfortunately, really the only one which we will find, and when people speak of Paganism they have a general idea of that, and also of the theories and beliefs of the Greeks and Romans. The word pagan comes from the Latin paganus, and it itself comes from the word pagus, which means a district, as for instance, the districts surrounding a city. The pagani originally were the country people, peasants, those who inhabited the countryside as contrasted with those who lived in the city, who were called cives or rather urbani. Later, the pagani also became cives, but originally the civis was the inhabitant of a city, and the paganus, or in the plural pagani, were the inhabitants of the villages of the countryside. Now that word paganus first acquired its present unenviable signification about the middle of the 4th century, and in an edict of the Emperor Valentinian bearing the date 368 A.D., we find the word pagani signifying those who did not accept the Christian faith, but followed the rites, practices, and at least to a certain extent, the religious ideas, of the ancients. That is the first instance in which the word paganus appears bearing its present signification. So much for the meaning of the term. We may add that to apply it either to the ancients, or to those who hold non-Christian views today, is not only insulting, but absurdly improper.

I wish to say a few words in explanation of certain matters … first, the fact that the Christians have so consistently attempted to vilify paganism. I speak subject to all reasonable correction, as it would not be permissible for any Theosophist to attempt to degrade by words or act the sincere religious beliefs of another. This in no sense prevents an open, fair, and courteous, if perfectly frank, study and expression. I wish to say that in my opinion the reason for this vilification lay in fear. The Christians never had a philosophy; their religion was based on faith, blind faith. Theologians today, many at least, and nearly all up to fifty years ago, taught that the blinder the faith the greater the merit. The ancients, on the other hand, had schools of learning, institutes of philosophy, where the subtlest questions that can agitate the human heart and try the human intellect were debated with learning and acumen. To this the early Christians opposed marvels, and miracles, and wonder-working, not only of Jesus called the Christ, but also the wonder-working and miracles after their saints had died. You will remember that to become canonized, or for one dead to become a saint in the Roman Catholic Church, it is necessary to prove that the aspirant to canonization worked at least two miracles before he was beatified, and that his relics after his beatification worked at least two more; and furthermore, that his life was pure and spotless. This last is a condition indeed noble and worthy. Parenthetically, it may interest you to listen to a little anecdote of a Christian saint, one of the most esteemed in his church, and one whose writings are of vast influence, which is based on his own records, and is not, possibly, inapposite. It was Saint Augustine. He was Bishop of Hippo in Africa, and he relates in one of his sermons that very extraordinary things existed in Africa in his day; because, he says, assuredly through the grace of God, and his own natural merit: "I preached the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to whole nations of people who had no heads, but had two eyes in their breasts; and furthermore, in the interior, I preached to a people who had a head indeed, but only one eye, and that was in the middle of the forehead." This man, although no records have been found of his acephalous or headless humanity nor of his one-eyed race, and although untruth would be a bar to canonization, is yet considered one of the most worthy and erudite saints in Christian hagiology, (a word which makes one think of ugly old ladies, but it simply means the doctrines or history or philosophy of the lives and legends of saints. or [[greek char]]). It may be, to continue our parenthesis for a moment, quite possible that when Shakespeare, in his Othello, writes "of antres vast and deserts idle. Rough quarries, rocks and hills whose heads touch Heaven.... And of the Cannibals that each other eat, The Anthrophagi, and men whose heads do grow beneath their shoulders." (Act I, Sc. III), he was thinking of this very worthy Saint's stories, of his preaching to the acephalous humanity of Africa; and I have no doubt that St. Augustine himself -- who at one time was a most excellent pagan, later a heretic belonging to a body called the Manichaeans, and later an orthodox follower of the church -- got his ideas of his one-eyed men and of the eye in the middle of the forehead, from the old Homeric legends of the Cyclopes. As to his headless humanity -- possibly we had better leave these to others to identify.

Paganism was a very noble faith. It was profound, worthy of study, and full of mystery, in the proper sense of the word. Its mystery, or rather its esoteric part, was embodied in one of the institutions of humanity which were ever considered in ancient times as most worthy of reverence -- the Mysteries. The ancient philosophers spoke of these Mysteries as those institutions founded by the Gods, which lead humanity from a degraded and brutish life to be near the Gods, and to be one with them; and that those who had been initiated had a greater hope after death and a wider sympathy with their fellows in life. Cicero refers to it in closely similar terms in one of his ethical writings.

That, however, is a subject which I do not at present wish further to dilate, because we will come to it in time; but when you hear or when you read in the dictionary and the books that have been written by those opposed to the ancient paganism that it was stupid idolatry, or that it was sensual, or that it was foolish, or any similar vice, as Theosophists and as men who are seeking the truth, remembering that it is from the ancients that everything good that we have today has come down to us, it is well to go to the original source. Read the ancient literatures, study the ancient histories, try and get at the truth which the ancient writers embodied in those of their dissertations and in their discourses which have come down to us. They are many. The philosophers no more believed in what the Christians attempted to represent as their beliefs, than today any intelligent Christian believes that their Lord God rode on the wings of the wind, or on a cherub, or thundered or lightened his displeasure from the clouds. These are allegorical sayings, as we shall see later on. The people may have believed the things that were said about the ancient gods and goddesses; the educated men, never. Their histories show it. Look, for one thing, at the way they themselves satirized the accepted faith before and after Christianity was born and came into the world, unfortunately. Look at the bitter, biting diatribes of Lucian. Perhaps no more caustic wit was ever born. Look at the way Plato, for instance, treats some of the tales about the gods and goddesses. He said he would not admit Homer, who was considered almost god-like in his genius by the ancient world, into his ideal Republic. Why? On account of the tales he had circulated about the gods and goddesses, their sorrows, their hatreds, their disgraceful acts. All thinking men in the ancient world had a conception of the divinities which was sublime as it was scientific, but in all ages of the world you will find a vulgar mass of common people, the crowd (and this does not refer to birth, it refers to the vulgar in mind, in intellect) in all ages you will find such men, and they always follow the same course -- light, foolish, and flippant speeches against those things which have been considered most holy and most worthy of reverence since the time of historical records; and we know that it must have been so before.

I simply wish to add that in explaining the word 'paganism', I should also have adduced the word heathenism, from another word of precisely similar analogy. When the Christian missionaries entered Northern Europe they found the priesthood of the religions of the different countries dwelling in forests, as the Druids, for instance; and the priests and priestesses of the Germans made their temples of the leafy bowers. Under some spreading oak tree they would render their supplications and perform their devotions to the deities. Later, as the town became more settled and populous and Christianity, under the very vigorous proselytizing and swords of the invaders, increased, the people who dwelt on the heaths of the country, out of the city, were naturally those who last received Christianity, just as those in the countries around the Mediterranean who were the last to become converted were the villagers, the pagani; and as the countryman became synonymous with pagan in the Christian use, so heathen -- those who lived on heaths -- became synonymous with those who were not Christians. The derivation of the two words is rather interesting.

SD INDEX Pagan(s), Paganism

Christians &, re superstitions I 466-70
Christians borrow fr I 198, 312-13, 399-403, 410
Christians claimed, demoniacal II 60
converted, not morally advanced I 468
Devil forced, to imitate Jews II 472n
Egyptain symbols &, dogmas in Synoptics I 384
giant skeletons mentioned by II 336
good & evil twin brothers among I 412
idol worship, Catholic & II 341
Pentateuch &, birth stories II 544-5
philosophers sought causes II 589
plagiarized II 481-2
taught dual evolution I 464
wisdom repudiated by West I 642


TG Pagan Gods. The term is erroneously understood to mean idols. The philosophical idea attached to them was never that of something objective or anthropomorphic, but in each case an abstract potency, a virtue, or quality in nature. There are gods who are divine planetary spirits (Dhyan Chohans) or Devas, among which are also our Egos. With this exception, and especially whenever represented by an idol or in anthropomorphic form, the gods represent symbolically in the Hindu, Egyptian, or Chaldean Pantheons -- formless spiritual Potencies of the "Unseen Kosmos".

IU Pagan Gods. -- This term gods is erroneously understood by most of the reading public, to mean idols. The idea attached to them is not that of something objective or anthropomorphical. With the exception of occasions when "gods" mean either divine planetary entities (angels), or disembodied spirits of pure men, the term simply conveys to the mind of the mystic -- whether Hindu Hotar, Mazdean Mage, Egyptian hierophant, or disciple of the Greek philosophers -- the idea of a visible or cognized manifestation of an invisible potency of nature. And such occult potencies are invoked under the appellation of various gods, who, for the time being, are personating these powers. Thus every one of the numberless deities of the Hindu, Greek, and Egyptian Pantheons, are simply Powers of the "Unseen Universe." When the officiating Brahman invokes Aditya -- who, in her cosmic character, is the goddess-sun -- he simply commands that potency (personified in some god), which, as he asserts, "resides in the Mantra, as the sacred Vach." These god-powers are allegorically regarded as the divine Hotars of the Supreme One; while the priest (Brahman) is the human Hotar who officiates on earth, and representing that particular Power becomes, ambassador-like, invested with the very potency which he personates.

SD INDEX Paganini du Neant, le [The Paganini of Nothingness], Lemaitre called Renan II 455

SD INDEX Pagoda of Mathura, built in form of cross (Massey) II 588

TG Pahans (Prakrit). Village priests.

FY Pahans, village priests.

SD INDEX Pain, value of suffering & II 475

TG Paksham (Sk.). An astronomical calculation; one half of the lunar month or 14 days; two paksham (or paccham) making a month of mortals, but only a day of the Pitar devata or the "father-gods".

SD INDEX Palace(s)

of Sankhasura II 405
of seven creative angels II 4
seven, of Sun II 31
seventh, in Zohar I 356
of Solomon II 396n
sun window in solar I 541

SD INDEX Palaemonius, the Tyrian Hercules II 345n

TG Palaeolithic. A newly-coined term meaning in geology "ancient stone" age, as a contrast to the term neolithic, the "newer" or later stone age.

TG Palasa Tree (Sk.) Called also Kanaka (butea frondosa) a tree with red flowers of very occult properties.

SD INDEX Palenque II 430, 751

cross I 321, 390
decad in ruins of I 321
initiation scene bas-reliefs II 557
Nachan or II 35

SD INDEX Paleolithic Man. See also Cro-Magnon

Africo-Atlantean stock II 740
age of II 206
Atlantean karma & II 741
Atlantean offshoot, remnant II 721
canon of proportion & I 208-9n
civilized man lived beside II 522, 717
Cro-Magnon was II 791
disappeared II 741
European, Atlantean II 790
moved to Europe II 740-1 &n
Neolithic & II 722-3
non-cannibal II 715, 716n, 723
not fr "missing link" II 717
not small-brained II 686n
in Palestine before nephilim II 775
period betw, & Neolithic man II 715n
remains of, at Kent's cavern II 724
remarkable artist II 715-21
savage & civilized II 317
skeleton of, superior II 257-8

SD INDEX Paleontologist(s), think third eye once functioned II 297

SD INDEX Paleontology II 205, 736

& pre-physical types II 684
on stature of animals II 733
on third eye in Cenozoic animals II 299n

SD INDEX Paleotheridae, roots of explained II 736

SD INDEX Paleozoic Age

animals bisexual near II 594n
fishes of II 170
high tides of, [G. H. Darwin] II 64
rocks of II 251
today's foraminifera & II 257

SD INDEX Palestine I 656; II 472n

dolmens found in II 752
Nebo adored throughout II 456
Paleolithic man in II 775
Seth primitive god of II 82n
symbol of nirvana I 568

SD INDEX Palgrave, William Gifford, Narrative of a Year's Journey . . ., Sabeans and pyramids II 361-2

TG Pali. The ancient language of Magadha, one that preceded the more refined Sanskrit. The Buddhist Scriptures are all written in this language.

TG Palingenesis (Gr.). Transformation; or new birth.

OG Palingenesis -- (Greek) A compound which means "coming again into being," or "becoming again." The meaning attached to this word is quite specific, although having a wide and general application. The idea included in it may be illustrated, as is found in the philosophical literature of the ancients who lived around the Mediterranean Sea, by the example of the oak which produces its seed, the acorn, the acorn in its turn producing a new oak containing the same life that was passed on to it from the mother oak -- or the father oak. This transmission of an identic life in cyclical recurring phases is the specific meaning of the word palingenesis. Thus the thought is different from the respective ideas contained in the other words connected with the doctrine of reimbodiment. Perhaps another way of stating the specific meaning would be by stating that palingenesis signifies the continuous transmission of an identic life producing at each transformation a new manifestation or result, these several results being in each case a palingenesis or "new becoming" of the same life-stream. Its specific meaning is quite different from that imbodied in the word transmigration.

SD INDEX Palingenesis II 659


SD INDEX Pali Shepherds, (India) origin of Jews & I 313n

SD INDEX Pallas (Gk) or Athena

Moon-goddess of Athenians I 400
sparks on helm of I 338n

SD INDEX Palmyra, giant race of, (Blake) II 755

SD INDEX Palus Maeotis, Cimmerians at II 773

SD INDEX Pamir (mountains, Central Asia), Garden of Wisdom on plateau of II 204

SD INDEX Pamphos (Gk) first called Artemis Kalliste I 395

TG Pan (Gr.). The nature-god, whence Pantheism; the god of shepherds, huntsmen, peasants, and dwellers on the land. Homer makes him the son of Hermes and Dryope. His name means ALL. He was the inventor of the Pandaean pipes; and no nymph who heard their sound could resist the fascination of the great Pan, his grotesque figure notwithstanding. Pan is related to the Mendesian goat, only so far as the latter represents, as a talisman of great occult potency, nature's creative force. The whole of the Hermetic philosophy is based on nature's hidden secrets, and as Baphomet was undeniably a Kabbalistic talisman, so was the name of Pan of great magic efficiency in what Eliphas Levi would call the "Conjuration of the Elementals". There is a well-known pious legend which has been current in the Christian world ever since the day of Tiberias, to the effect that the "great Pan is dead". But people are greatly mistaken in this; neither nature nor any of her Forces can ever die. A few of these may be left unused, and being forgotten lie dormant for long centuries. But no sooner are the proper conditions furnished than they awake, to act again with tenfold power.

SD INDEX Pan (Gk) nature god

flame on altar of, & Archaeus I 338n
had goat's feet II 579
Jupiter-Aerios or I 463
later became merely a rural god II 581
linked w water birds, geese I 358
nature is the god II 389n
presides at physical generation II 510
symbology of pipes of II 581

SD INDEX (To Pan, Gk) the All I 353-4

SD INDEX Panadores. See Panodorus

TG Panaenus (Gr.). A Platonic philosopher in the Alexandrian school of Philaletheans.

KT Panaenus. A Platonic philosopher in the Alexandrian school of the Philalethians.

SD INDEX Pan basileia (Gk) Semele, Queen of the World I 400

SD INDEX Panca [Pancha] Krishtayah (Skt) five races in Rig-Veda II 606

SD INDEX Panca Pradica [Pancha pradisah] (Skt). See also Continents

five regions in Rig-Veda II 606
three submerged, one & five existing II 606n

SD INDEX Panchadasa (Skt) fifteen

became Gnostics' "Five Words" II 580
five words became the, (Vedas) II 579
Greeks had their II 580

GH Panchajanya The name of Krishna's conch-shell, which he obtained in the following manner: Panchajana was an elemental of the sea, using the form of a conch-shell (sankha). He had seized the son of Sandipani (who had instructed Krishna in the use of arms), whereupon Krishna attacked and slew Panchajana, taking the shell for use as his conch.

It is significant and interesting that the word Panchajana itself means 'five classes,' having reference to the five lower classes of beings which in a general way were considered by the ancient Hindus to inhabit the universe. The name therefore could properly be applied to a head of any one such composite group of beings; and to speak of Panchajana as a 'demon,' as Orientalists often do, is to forget the fact that one of the Panchajanas or five classes of animate beings are men, who can hardly be called 'demons,' even in the Hindu mythological sense. (Meaning of the word itself: literally descended from Panchajana. Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 3)

TG Panchakama (Sk.). Five methods of sensuousness and sensuality.

WG Pancha-karmendriya, the five organs of action. (pancha, five; karma, action; indriya, organ.)

TG Pancha Kosha (Sk.). The five "sheaths". According to Vedantin philosophy, Vijnanamaya Kosha, the fourth sheath, is composed of Buddhi, or is Buddhi. The five sheaths are said to belong to the two higher principles -- Jivatma and Sakshi, which represent the Upahita and An-upahita, divine spirit respectively. The division in the esoteric teaching differs from this, as it divides man's physical-metaphysical aspect into seven principles.

FY Panchakosha, the five sheaths in which is enclosed the divine monad.

WG Pancha-kosa, the five-fold screen, case or sheath of the soul -- anna-maya, prana-maya, manomaya, vignana-maya and ananda-maya. (pancha, five; kosa, sheath.)

SKs Pancha-kosa, Anandamaya-kosa, Vijnanamaya-kosa, Manomaya-kosa, Pranamaya-kosa, Annamaya-kosa The Vedantic philosophy divides man into the Divine Monad or Atman and five enclosing sheaths collectively called the Pancha-kosa (pancha -- five; kosa -- sheath). Atman's sphere or home is the Galactic Universe. Atman's first veil or sheath is the Anandamaya-kosa, the Spiritual Soul or Buddhi, sometimes called the 'Sheath of the Sun'; a compound of ananda -- pure bliss, maya built of, and kosa -- sheath. In this sheath the Spiritual Monad can range over the Solar System. The Vijnanamaya-kosa is the Higher Mind or the 'Manasaputric Soul'; from vijnana -- discernment, intelligence. In this sheath the Manasaputra within may pass anywhere within the Planetary Chain of this Earth. The Manomaya-kosa is the lower mind and the desire-principle, or the 'Human Soul'; from manas -- mind. This sheath is the human Ego's psychological apparatus on this Globe D of our Planetary Chain. Pranamaya-kosa is the life-principle together with the astral body, called the 'vital-astral soul'; from prana -- life. This sheath clothes the 'Animal Monad' in man's constitution. The Annamaya-kosa is the physical body built up of the anna or food of the earth.

SD INDEX Panchakaram (Skt) [five-sided], Makara or pentagon II 576

TG Pancha Krishtaya (Sk.). The five races.

TG Panchakritam (Sk.). An element combined with small portions of the other four elements.

TG Panchama (Sk.). One of the five qualities of musical sound, the fifth, Nishada and Daivata completing the seven; G of the diatonic scale.

SD INDEX Panchama (Skt) the fifth (note) I 534

WG Pancha-maha-bhuta, the five gross elements -- earth, water, fire, air, ether. (pancha, five; maha, great; bhuta, element.)

WG Pancha-maha-prana, the five great airs -- the ascending and descending airs, the airs of circulation, assimilation and respiration. (pancha, five; maha, great; prana, breath.)

TG Panchanana (Sk.). "Five-faced", a title of Siva; an allusion to the five races (since the beginning of the first) which he represents, as the ever reincarnating Kumara throughout the Manvantara. In the sixth root-race he will be called the "six-faced".

SD INDEX Panchanana (Skt) [five-faced], Siva called II 502n, 578n

SD INDEX Pancha Pandava (Skt) [five Pandus], stone circles & II 347

WG Pancha-ratnani, the five jewels, or five most admired episodes in the Mahabharata.

TG Panchasikha (Sk.). One of the seven Kumaras who went to pay worship to Vishnu on the island of Swetadwipa in the allegory.

SD INDEX Panchasikha (Skt) five-crested

one of seven kumaras I 236, 457n
visited Sveta-dvipa II 319

SKs Pancha Sila, Pansil The Pancha Sila are the 'Five Precepts' of compassion, honesty, purity, sincerity, and temperance, which every lay-disciple of Buddhism promises to endeavor to follow. Pansil is the Pali word for Pancha Sila.

SD INDEX Panchasyam (Skt) [five-headed], five Brahmas or dhyani-buddhas I 213

WG Pancha-tan-matras, the five subtle elements. (See Tanmatras.)

SD INDEX Panchen Lama. See Tashi Lama

TG Panchen Rimboche (Tib.). Lit., "the great Ocean, or Teacher of Wisdom". The title of the Teshu Lama at Tchigadze; an incarnation of Amitabha the celestial "father" of Chenresi, which means to say that he is an Avatar of Tson-kha-pa (See "Sonkhapa"). De jure the Teshu Lama is second after the Dalai Lama; de facto, he is higher, since it is Dharma Richen, the successor of Tson-kha-pa at the golden monastery founded by the latter Reformer and established by the Gelukpa sect (yellow caps), who created the Dalai Lamas at Llhassa, and was the first of the dynasty of the "Panchen Rimboche". While the former (Dalai Lamas) are addressed as "Jewel of Majesty", the latter enjoy a far higher title, namely "Jewel of Wisdom", as they are high Initiates.

FY Panchikrita, developed into the five gross elements.

TG Pandavarani (Sk.). Lit., the "Pandava Queen"; Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas. (All these are highly important personified symbols in esoteric philosophy.)

TG Pandavas (Sk.). The descendants of Pandu.

WG Pandavas, the five sons of Pandu -- Yudhi-sthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Saha-deva, -- and their adherents: personalities in the Mahabharata who represent the higher principles in man.

SD INDEX Pandavas (Skt)

gift of Mayasur(a) to II 426
Kunti mother of II 527
stone circles & II 347


WG Pandita, a learned Brahmin.

SKs Pandita A learned man; derived from panda -- wisdom, knowledge, or learning.

TG Pandora (Gr.). A beautiful woman created by the gods under the orders of Zeus to be sent to Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus; she had charge of a casket in which all the evils, passions and plagues which torment humanity were locked up. This casket Pandora, led by curiosity, opened, and thus set free all the ills which prey on mankind.

KT Pandora. In Greek Mythology, the first woman on earth, created by Vulcan out of clay to punish Prometheus and counteract his gift to mortals. Each God having made her a present of some virtue, she was made to carry them in a box to Prometheus, who, however, being endowed with foresight, sent her away, changing the gifts into evils. Thus, when his brother Epimetheus saw and married her, when he opened the box, all the evils now afflicting humanity issued from it, and have remained since then in the world.

SD INDEX Pandora (Gk)

Egyptian story of II 270n
& "fatal gift" to Epimetheus II 270
Hephaestus molded II 519
saviors blamed for gift of II 411-12

TG Pandu (Sk.). "The Pale", literally; the father of the Pandavas Princes, the foes of the Kurava in the Mahabharata.

WGa Pandu, the father of the Pandava Princes, who were the foes of the Kurus as related in the Bhagavat-Gita.

GH Pandu The son of Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa and Ambalika, half-brother of Dhritarashtra, and parent of the five hero princes Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva -- who were known as the Pandavas (i.e., sons of Pandu). When Pandu became of age, he was given the throne of Hastinapura by his regent-uncle Bhishma, because Dhritarashtra was considered unfit to rule the kingdom on account of his blindness. Pandu, however, relinquished the kingdom because of a curse pronounced upon him while hunting, and retired to the Himalayas, where he died. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 2)

GH Pandus (or Pandavas) The sons of Pandu, referring to the five brothers -- Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva -- who sought to regain their kingdom of Indraprastha, which had been taken from them by the Kauravas under the leadership of Duryodhana. This led to the great battle at Kurukshetra, in which the Pandavas were victorious. (Bhagavad-Gita, W. Q. Judge, p. 2)

SD INDEX Pandu (Skt). See Pandavas

WG Pani, the hand.

TG Panini (Sk.). A celebrated grammarian, author of the famous work called Paniniyama; a Rishi, supposed to have received his work from the god Siva. Ignorant of the epoch at which he lived, the Orientalists place his date between 600 B.C. and 300 A.D.

SD INDEX Panini (Sanskrit grammarian)

grammar of II 253, 439-40
writing in time of II 225, 439

SD INDEX Panjkora, Afghan tribe in II 200n

SD INDEX Panodorus, on divine dynasties II 366, 368-9

SD INDEX Panorama des Mondes . . . See Le Couturier

SD INDEX Panoramic Visions, of the soul I 266

SD INDEX Pansophia (Gk) [universal wisdom], initiates perfect knowledge of II 133

SD INDEX Panspermic, occult teachings are II 133

TG Pantacle (Gr.). The same as Pentalpha; the triple triangle of Pythagoras or the five-pointed star. It was given the name because it reproduces the letter A (alpha) on the five sides of it or in five different positions -- its number, moreover, being composed of the first odd (3) and the first even (2) numbers. It is very occult. In Occultism and the Kabala it stands for man or the Microcosm, the "Heavenly Man", and as such it was a powerful talisman for keeping at bay evil spirits or the Elementals. In Christian theology it refers to the five wounds of Christ; its interpreters failing, however, to add that these "five wounds were themselves symbolical of the Microcosm, or the Little Universe", or again, Humanity, this symbol pointing out the fall of pure Spirit (Christos) into matter (Iassous, "life", or man) In esoteric philosophy the Pentalpha, or five-pointed star, is the symbol of the EGO or the Higher Manas. Masons use it, referring to it as the five-pointed star, and connecting it with their own fanciful interpretation. (See the word "Pentacle" for its difference in meaning from "Pantacle".)

TG Pantheist. One who identifies God with Nature and vice versa. Pantheism is often objected to by people and regarded as reprehensible. But how can a philosopher regard Deity as infinite, omnipresent and eternal unless Nature is an aspect of IT, and IT informs every atom in Nature?

KT Pantheist. One who identifies God with nature and vice versa. If we have to regard Deity as an infinite and omnipresent Principle, this can hardly be otherwise; nature being thus simply the physical aspect of Deity, or its body.

SD INDEX Pantheism, Pantheist(s) I 533-4

ancient I 382-3
animating spirit-soul is I 51-2
Atlantean, described II 273-6
atomists were spiritual I 569
cross in circle is pure I 5
of German school I 51, 79n, 124
Hindu, q Vishnu Purana I 545
Hindu, reveals profound knowledge II 107n
hylozoism highest aspect of II 158
of India I xxviii
Jewish, became monotheism I 112
karma of abandoning I 412
Leibniz on objective I 629
may be physically rediscovered I 533
polymorphic, of Gnostics II 509n
righteous Atlanteans were II 273
Secret Doctrine corrects ideas of I 6, 349, 412
Spinoza a subjective I 629
true I 6-8, 533
of Vedanta & Judaism II 472-3
venerated sarcophagus II 459
Western I 16, 641; II 24


SD INDEX Pantheon(s)

four Adams (races) & II 503
heathen, distorted II 475-6
of human fancy will vanish II 420
origin of II 769
universal, nationalized I 655

SD INDEX Pantheon Aegyptiorum. See Jablonski, P. E.

SD INDEX Pantheon egyptien. See Champollion, J. F.

TG Panther (Heb.). According to the Sepher Toldosh Jeshu, one of the so-called Apocryphal Jewish Gospels, Jesus was the son of Joseph Panther and Mary, hence Ben Panther. Tradition makes of Panther a Roman soldier. [W.W.W.]

SD INDEX Pantomorphos (Gk) [having all forms], prince of fixed stars I 672

WG Papa, evil, destructive; bad karma; one of the hells.

SD INDEX Papantla, Pyramid of, described by von Humboldt I 322

TG Papa-purusha (Sk.). Lit., "Man of Sin": the personification in a human form of every wickedness and sin. Esoterically, one who is reborn, or reincarnated from the state of Avitchi -- hence, "Soulless".

SD INDEX Papua(n)

brain larger than French II 168n, 522
descends fr ape-man (Haeckel) II 193n
dying out II 780
mixed Atlanto-Lemurian stock II 779
Pacific continent &, (Haeckel) II 328

SD INDEX Papyrus Magique Harris [F. J. Chabas], ram-headed Ammon in II 213n