
By W. Q. Judge

This magazine begins its third year with the present number. While we are not sectarian, we acknowledge having a definite object in view in all the articles so far admitted to our columns. That object is to spread a knowledge of the Wisdom-Religion as we understand it, and to lay before the readers what we consider the true view of Theosophy and the aims of the Theosophical Society. The Path, however, while devoted to that Cause, is not an official organ; for, if it were, some responsibility for its utterances might be placed upon the Society on the one hand, and the Magazine itself limited in its operations on the other. We aspire to fulfill the wishes of the Masters who impelled the organization of the Society, that men may be led to study, believe in, and practice the immemorial doctrines of the Wisdom-Religion once widespread and now preserved in Tibet, to be given to the world as it becomes ready to receive.

May the Blessed Masters guide us to the everlasting Truth! May we tread the small old path on which the sages walk who know Brahman! May we all pass beyond the sea of darkness! Hari! Om!

From The Path, April, 1888, p. 1.
