We have inserted in this issue a picture of H. P. Blavatsky, who is -- whether from the standpoint of her enemies or that of her friends -- the most remarkable person of this century.
Fifty-eight years ago she was born in Russia, and in the year 1875 caused the starting of the Theosophical Society. Ever since that date she has been the target for abuse and vilification of the vilest sort, and, sad to say for human nature, those who have received benefits from her have not given to her efforts that support which was due. But knowing her intimately, we know that she cares nothing for the abuse or the luke-warmness of theosophists, for, as declared by herself, she is not working for this century but for another yet to come, secure in the truth of Reincarnation and content if she can but sow the seeds that in another age will grow, blossom, and bear good fruit.
When she will leave the mortal frame now occupied by her we know not; but we are convinced that, when the personality denominated H. P. Blavatsky shall have passed away, her pupils and her friends will acknowledge her greatness, -- perhaps not before.
From The Path, February, 1890, p. 338