Theosophical Perspectives on Science
Articles on General Topics, Biological and Social Sciences
and Physical Sciences
The celestial laws are here underfoot and our treading upon them does not obliterate or vulgarize them. . . . The stars send their influences, the earth renews itself, the brooding heaven gathers us under its wings, and all is well with us if we have the heroic hearts to see it.
– John Burroughs
- "The Wisdom of Gaia" by John Van Mater, Jr.
- "New Environmental Ethics and Ancient Philosophy" by Rudi Jansma
- "Cosmic Mind in the Microcosm" by Rudi Jansma
- "Rupert Sheldrake: A Theosophical Appraisal" by David Pratt
- "Our Place in the Spiritual Ecology" by John Van Mater, Jr.
- "Peaceful Ecology for a New Age" by Rudi Jansma
- "What Is Life?" by Andrew Rooke
- Review of Seasick: Ocean Change and the Extinction of Life on Earth by Alanna Mitchell
- "A 'New' View of Evolution" by W. T. S. Thackara (review of Man in Evolution by G. de Purucker)
- "Theories about Human Descent -- An Unnatural Selection" by Ina Belderis
- "Creation, Evolution, and the Secret Doctrine" by W. T. S. Thackara
- "The Quest for Human Origins" by Ina Belderis
- "Prometheus and Darwin" by John P. Van Mater
- "Of Monkeys, Men, and Cataclysms" by Blair A. Moffett
- "Man, An Unexpressed God" by Michael Cosser
- "Man in Evolution" by G. de Purucker (book on the site)
- "Letter on Heredity and Karma" by Rudi Jansma
- "Choosing Our Future" by Louis A. Kirby
- "The Rhythms of Life" by David Pratt
- Review of When God Is Gone Everything is Holy:
The Making of a Religious Naturalist by Chet Raymo
- "Earth -- A Biosphere" by I. M. Oderberg (review of The Biosphere by V. I. Vernadsky)
- "Opening Our Hearts to Nature" by Rudi Jansma (concerning The Secret Teachings of Plants by Stephen Harrod Buhner)
- "A Plant's View of Life" by W. T. S. Thackara (review of The Secret Life of Plants)
- "Our Intelligent Companions, the Plants" by John Van Mater, Jr.
- "Review: Capra's 'Web of Life'" by I. M. Oderberg
- "Book Review" by Sarah Belle Dougherty (When Life Nearly Died: The Greatest Mass Extinction of All Time by Michael J. Benton)
- "On 'The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy' " (review) by David Pratt
- "Microbic Midwives" by Wynn Wolfe
- "Review of Mirroring People: The New Science of How We Connect with
Others by Marco Iacoboni
- "Review of My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey by Jill Bolte
- Review of Pink Brain, Blue Brain: How Small Differences Grow into Troublesome Gaps by Lise
- "The Unfolding Script of Speech and Language" by Harry Young
- "New Mindset on Consciousness" by Roger Sperry
- "Biopsychology: Buyer Beware" by Louis A. Kirby
- Book Review by S. Dougherty: The Mind Has Mountains by Paul R. McHugh, MD
- "The Mind and the Brain" by Elsa-Brita Titchenell
- "John Eccles on Mind and Brain" by David Pratt
- "Working with the Grain of Nature" from Compass
- "How Do We Fit In?" by Sarah Belle Dougherty
Intelligent Design
- "Beyond Materialism" by David Pratt
- "The Dawn of a New Age?" by I. M. Oderberg
- "Is There Life on Other Worlds?" by Andrew Rooke
- "Choosing Our Future" by Louis A. Kirby
- "Book Review" by Wynn Wolfe: The Hole in the Universe by K. C. Cole
- "Book Review" by Eloise Hart: The View from the Center of the Universe by Joel R. Primack and Nancy Ellen Abrams
- "A New Theory of Cosmic Origins" by I. M. Oderberg
- "Forces, Energies, and Consciousness" by G. de Purucker
- "Book Review" by I. M. Oderberg (of The Non-Local Universe by Robert Nadeau and Menas Kafatos)
- " 'Chaos' -- A New Science?" by I. M. Oderberg
- "The Infinite Divisibility of Matter" by David Pratt
- "Science of Change" by W. Dougherty
- "Considering Cosmic Genetics" by Wynn Wolfe
- "Cosmology and the Big Bang" by David Pratt
- "Worlds Aborning" by Elsa-Brita Titchenell
- "Exploding the Big Bang" by David Pratt (review of "Seeing Red" by Halton Arp)
- "The Golden Egg of the Universe" by I. M. Oderberg
- "On the Sun, Planets, and Meteoric Veils" by KH and G. de Purucker
- "Is There Life on Other Worlds?" by H. P. Blavatsky
- "Kaboom! Gifts from the Stars" by Andrew Rooke
- " 'Starfolk' on Planet Earth" by W. Dougherty
- "The First Three Hours of a Precious Day on Spaceship Earth" by Fred A. Pruyn
- "Mapping the Galaxies in Light of the Ancient Wisdom" by Andrew Rooke
- "The Solar System: Perspectives from Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science" by Andrew Rooke
- "The Sun: Powerhouse and Father/Mother/Elder Brother" by Andrew Rooke
- "Brother Sun, Father Sun" by John P. Van Mater
- "Venus: Radiant Morning and Evening Star" by Andrew Rooke
- "Thoughts on Jupiter" by Fred A. Pruyn
- "Neptune: Celestial Visitor" by Andrew Rooke
- "The Music of the Spheres" by I. M. Oderberg (book review)
- "Physicists Uncover Beauty in Nature" by I. M. Oderberg (review)
- "Science: Looking Ahead . . ." by I. M. Oderberg (review)
- "Giordano Bruno and the Infinite Universe" by Warren Hollister
- "The Other Newton" by I. M. Oderberg
- "The World as Einstein Saw It" by I. M. Oderberg
- "Book Review" by I. M. Oderberg (of "E=mc²" by David Bodanis)
- "Book Review" by I. M. Oderberg (of "Hidden Unity in Nature's Laws" by John C. Taylor)
- "Space, Motion, Time, and Substance" by I. M. Oderberg
- "Electricity, Magnetism, and Gravity: Cosmic Vital Energies" by Marilyn O'Day
- "David Bohm and the Implicate Order" by David Pratt
- "Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm" by Fred Pruyn (book review)
- "David Bohm, Compassion, and Understanding" by Jim Belderis
- "Cycles of Earth History and the Ice Ages" by Allan J. Stover
- "Earth Facts: A Theosophic Perspective on Geology, Part I" by Marilyn O'Day (Part II)
- "Enigma of the Shifting Earth" by Fred A. Pruyn
- "The Rising Tide of a New Age" by Allan J. Stover
- Review of Seasick: Ocean Change and the Extinction of Life on Earth by Alanna Mitchell
- "The Kingdom of the Clouds" by Allan J. Stover
- "Consciousness IS" by Hugh H. Harrison
- "Waves and Vibrations: Thoughts on Electromagnetic Energies" by Ad J. van Dijk
- "Mankind and a Living Earth" by Sarah Belle Dougherty
- "The Fog Sea" by Allan J. Stover
- "Theophysics: The Divine, Creative Forces of Atoms and Men" by Wynn Wolfe
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