Creator and Creators, Co-creation with Nature: A Synthesis of Spiritual Philosophy and Science by Roza and Margarita Riaikkenen, edited by Andrew Rooke.

[The book will be published by Axis Mundi (John Hunt Publishing, UK) in July 2018, but already can be pre-viewed and pre-ordered on Amazon: ]

In this book the authors set out to synthesize knowledge from a variety of sources, including their own experiences, to discover the “mysteries of the universe.” (p. 4) The brilliance of Creator and Creators is that they actually do potentially solve one mystery in spiritual philosophy. When studying the works of Qabbalah or Theosophy, one is immediately confronted with the doctrine of the Seven Rays. In both spiritual philosophies, these rays have to split up in order to manifest life. But has anyone ever actually questioned why these rays have to split in order to create the universe and its inhabitants? Roza and Margarita ask the question and they answer it. By comparing the universe to a giant hologram, a ray of light has to split in order to encode information in its inhabitants and establish their appearance in a constructed reality. The information in light is burned into the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies of mankind; mankind subsequently co-creates with his Creator to establish the type of society that reflects the information in the rays of light. The thesis is genuinely intriguing and has to be taken seriously. After all, theoretical physicist Brian Greene has argued that the universe and all its objects may very well be holograms that are mere representations of a deeper unknown realm where the real events in the cosmos take place.

Roza and Margarita recognize that the fundamental property of the universe is its “pulse” or its “rhythm.” (p. 11) This pulse transfers archetypal information into the material worlds; patterns such as spirals, solids, and mathematical/musical sequences are simply the reflections of such archetypal information encoded in light rays. These patterns contain the mystery of the universe because “every part and particle of holographically manifested matter possesses the qualities of the whole hologram.” (p. 61) For human beings, the ancestral Adam in spiritual philosophies is simply a symbol of an archetype in a sphere of the “highest vibrations” that is beyond “Time.” (p. 77) Through the coils of the mythical serpent (which are simply the paths of the light rays as they split to manifest as different appearances), the human body, with all its complexity of cells and DNA and genomes and amino acids, becomes a “holographic memory.” (p. 80) Mind programs the brain precisely because the human body is a holographic memory. For Roza and Margarita, “Raising our Thoughts to the level of archetypes actually means reaching into the depths of our essence.” (p. 129) Over centuries and centuries, spiritual philosophies have taught us to try to become like Adam. Working from the theory of holographic memory, we now have a scientific reason behind our efforts. Adam, as an archetype of encoded knowledge within the light rays, is the source of holographic memory and thus a more perfected state of enlightenment.

In their final chapter, Roza and Margarita develop this theory of holographic memory to its logical conclusion, “We can see an example of the connection between the potential and its realization in the genetic code and its manifestation in an actual human life.” (p. 131) Through an understanding of this connection it will someday be possible to consciously shape our future as human beings because our genotypes provide the potential. We will become conscious co-Creators with our Creator.

– Review by Dr. Don Shepherd (Ph.D. in Intellectual History, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2001)

Book Reviews